Package 'Surrogate'

Title: Evaluation of Surrogate Endpoints in Clinical Trials
Description: In a clinical trial, it frequently occurs that the most credible outcome to evaluate the effectiveness of a new therapy (the true endpoint) is difficult to measure. In such a situation, it can be an effective strategy to replace the true endpoint by a (bio)marker that is easier to measure and that allows for a prediction of the treatment effect on the true endpoint (a surrogate endpoint). The package 'Surrogate' allows for an evaluation of the appropriateness of a candidate surrogate endpoint based on the meta-analytic, information-theoretic, and causal-inference frameworks. Part of this software has been developed using funding provided from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration (Grant Agreement no 602552), the Special Research Fund (BOF) of Hasselt University (BOF-number: BOF2OCPO3), GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, Baekeland Mandaat (HBC.2022.0145), and Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine.
Authors: Wim Van Der Elst [cre, aut], Florian Stijven [aut], Fenny Ong [aut], Dries De Witte [aut], Paul Meyvisch [aut], Alvaro Poveda [aut], Ariel Alonso [aut], Hannah Ensor [aut], Christoper Weir [aut], Geert Molenberghs [aut]
Maintainer: Wim Van Der Elst <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Built: 2025-02-27 01:27:42 UTC

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Compute the multiple-surrogate adjusted association


The function AA.MultS computes the multiple-surrogate adjusted correlation. This is a generalisation of the adjusted association proposed by Buyse & Molenberghs (1998) (see Single.Trial.RE.AA) to the setting where there are multiple endpoints. See Details below.


AA.MultS(Sigma_gamma, N, Alpha=0.05)



The variance covariance matrix of the residuals of regression models in which the true endpoint (TT) is regressed on the treatment (ZZ), the first surrogate (S1S1) is regressed on ZZ, ..., and the kk-th surrogate (SkSk) is regressed on ZZ. See Details below.


The sample size (needed to compute a CI around the multiple adjusted association; γM\gamma_M)


The α\alpha-level that is used to determine the confidence interval around γM\gamma_M. Default 0.050.05.


The multiple-surrogate adjusted association (γM\gamma_M) is obtained by regressing TT, S1S1, S2S2, ..., SkSk on the treatment (ZZ):

Tj=μT+βZj+εTj,T_{j}=\mu_{T}+\beta Z_{j}+\varepsilon_{Tj},




where the error terms have a joint zero-mean normal distribution with variance-covariance matrix:

Σ=(σTTΣSTΣSTΣSS).{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}=\left(\begin{array}{cc} \sigma_{TT} & \Sigma_{\boldsymbol{S}T}\\ \Sigma^{'}_{\boldsymbol{S}T} & \Sigma_{\boldsymbol{SS}} \\ \end{array}\right).}

The multiple adjusted association is then computed as

γM=((ΣSTΣSS1ΣST)σTT)\gamma_M = \sqrt(\frac{\left(\Sigma^{'}_{ST} \Sigma^{-1}_{SS} \Sigma_{ST}\right)}{\sigma_{TT}})


An object of class AA.MultS with components,


An object of class data.frame that contains the multiple-surrogate adjusted association (i.e., γM\gamma_M), its standard error, and its confidence interval (based on the Fisher-Z transformation procedure).


An object of class data.frame that contains the bias-corrected multiple-surrogate adjusted association (i.e., corrected γM\gamma_M), its standard error, and its confidence interval (based on the Fisher-Z transformation procedure).


The variance covariance matrix of the residuals of regression models in which TT is regressed on ZZ, S1S1 is regressed on ZZ, ..., and SkSk is regressed on ZZ.


The sample size (used to compute a CI around the multiple adjusted association; γM\gamma_M)


The α\alpha-level that is used to determine the confidence interval around γM\gamma_M.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Buyse, M., & Molenberghs, G. (1998). The validation of surrogate endpoints in randomized experiments. Biometrics, 54, 1014-1029.

Van der Elst, W., Alonso, A. A., & Molenberghs, G. (2017). A causal inference-based approach to evaluate surrogacy using multiple surrogates.

See Also




# Regress T on Z, S1 on Z, ..., Sk on Z 
# (to compute the covariance matrix of the residuals)
Res_T <- residuals(lm(Diff52~Treat, data=ARMD.MultS))
Res_S1 <- residuals(lm(Diff4~Treat, data=ARMD.MultS))
Res_S2 <- residuals(lm(Diff12~Treat, data=ARMD.MultS))
Res_S3 <- residuals(lm(Diff24~Treat, data=ARMD.MultS))
Residuals <- cbind(Res_T, Res_S1, Res_S2, Res_S3)

# Make covariance matrix of residuals, Sigma_gamma
Sigma_gamma <- cov(Residuals)

# Conduct analysis
Result <- AA.MultS(Sigma_gamma = Sigma_gamma, N = 188, Alpha = .05)

# Explore results

Data of the Age-Related Macular Degeneration Study


These are the data of a clinical trial involving patients suffering from age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), a condition that involves a progressive loss of vision. A total of 181181 patients from 3636 centers participated in the trial. Patients' visual acuity was assessed using standardized vision charts. There were two treatment conditions (placebo and interferon-α\alpha). The potential surrogate endpoint is the change in the visual acuity at 2424 weeks (66 months) after starting treatment. The true endpoint is the change in the visual acuity at 5252 weeks.




A data.frame with 181181 observations on 55 variables.


The Patient ID.


The center in which the patient was treated.


The treatment indicator, coded as 1-1 = placebo and 11 = interferon-α\alpha.


The change in the visual acuity at 2424 weeks after starting treatment. This endpoint is a potential surrogate for Diff52.


The change in the visual acuity at 5252 weeks after starting treatment. This outcome serves as the true endpoint.

Data of the Age-Related Macular Degeneration Study with multiple candidate surrogates


These are the data of a clinical trial involving patients suffering from age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), a condition that involves a progressive loss of vision. A total of 181181 patients participated in the trial. Patients' visual acuity was assessed using standardized vision charts. There were two treatment conditions (placebo and interferon-α\alpha). The potential surrogate endpoints are the changes in the visual acuity at 44, 1212, and 2424 weeks after starting treatment. The true endpoint is the change in the visual acuity at 5252 weeks.




A data.frame with 181181 observations on 66 variables.


The Patient ID.


The change in the visual acuity at 44 weeks after starting treatment. This endpoint is a potential surrogate for Diff52.


The change in the visual acuity at 1212 weeks after starting treatment. This endpoint is a potential surrogate for Diff52.


The change in the visual acuity at 2424 weeks after starting treatment. This endpoint is a potential surrogate for Diff52.


The change in the visual acuity at 5252 weeks after starting treatment. This outcome serves as the true endpoint.


The treatment indicator, coded as 1-1 = placebo and 11 = interferon-α\alpha.

Produce Associational GoF plot


Produce Associational GoF plot


  return_data = FALSE,
  grid = NULL,



List returned by fit_copula_submodel_OrdCont(), fit_copula_submodel_ContCont(), or fit_copula_submodel_OrdOrd().


Value for the treatment indicator.


Character vector with 2 elements indicating the type of endpoints. Each element is either "ordinal" or "continuous".


(boolean) Return the data used in the goodness-of-fit plot (without the plot itself). This is useful when the user wants to customize the plots, e.g., using ggplot2. See Details.


(numeric) vector of values for the (surrogate) endpoint at which the regression function is evaluated.


Extra argument passed onto plot().

Semi-Parametric Regression estimates

See the documentation of plot.vine_copula_fit() for the default semi-parametric estimators.

Return Plotting Data

If return_data is TRUE, this function will return a data frame that can be used to create customized plots. The following variables are present in the returned data frame:

  • observed: The semi-parametric estimate of the regression function

    E(TS)E(T | S)


  • upper_ci, lower_ci: Upper and lower limit of the pointwise 95% confidence interval for the semi-parametric estimate of the regression function.

  • value: Value for the surrogate endpoint at which the estimates for the regression function are evaluated.

  • model_based: Model-based estimate of the regression function.

See Also


Fits a bivariate fixed-effects model to assess surrogacy in the meta-analytic multiple-trial setting (Continuous-continuous case)


The function BifixedContCont uses the bivariate fixed-effects approach to estimate trial- and individual-level surrogacy when the data of multiple clinical trials are available. The user can specify whether a (weighted or unweighted) full, semi-reduced, or reduced model should be fitted. See the Details section below. Further, the Individual Causal Association (ICA) is computed.


BifixedContCont(Dataset, Surr, True, Treat, Trial.ID, Pat.ID, Model=c("Full"), 
Weighted=TRUE, Min.Trial.Size=2, Alpha=.05, T0T1=seq(-1, 1, by=.2), 
T0S1=seq(-1, 1, by=.2), T1S0=seq(-1, 1, by=.2), S0S1=seq(-1, 1, by=.2))



A data.frame that should consist of one line per patient. Each line contains (at least) a surrogate value, a true endpoint value, a treatment indicator, a patient ID, and a trial ID.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the surrogate endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the true endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the treatment indicators. The treatment indicator should either be coded as 11 for the experimental group and 1-1 for the control group, or as 11 for the experimental group and 00 for the control group.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the trial ID to which the patient belongs.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the patient's ID.


The type of model that should be fitted, i.e., Model=c("Full"), Model=c("Reduced"), or Model=c("SemiReduced"). See the Details section below. Default Model=c("Full").


Logical. If TRUE, then a weighted regression analysis is conducted at stage 2 of the two-stage approach. If FALSE, then an unweighted regression analysis is conducted at stage 2 of the two-stage approach. See the Details section below. Default TRUE.


The minimum number of patients that a trial should contain in order to be included in the analysis. If the number of patients in a trial is smaller than the value specified by Min.Trial.Size, the data of the trial are excluded from the analysis. Default 22.


The α\alpha-level that is used to determine the confidence intervals around Rtrial2R^2_{trial}, RtrialR_{trial}, Rindiv2R^2_{indiv} and RindivR_{indiv}. Default 0.050.05.


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T0 and T1 that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta} (ICA). For details, see function ICA.ContCont. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.2).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T0 and S1 that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.2).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T1 and S0 that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.2).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals S0 and S1 that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.2).


When the full bivariate mixed-effects model is fitted to assess surrogacy in the meta-analytic framework (for details, Buyse & Molenberghs, 2000), computational issues often occur. In that situation, the use of simplified model-fitting strategies may be warranted (for details, see Burzykowski et al., 2005; Tibaldi et al., 2003).

The function BifixedContCont implements one such strategy, i.e., it uses a two-stage bivariate fixed-effects modelling approach to assess surrogacy. In the first stage of the analysis, a bivariate linear regression model is fitted. When a full or semi-reduced model is requested (by using the argument Model=c("Full") or Model=c("SemiReduced") in the function call), the following bivariate model is fitted:



where SijS_{ij} and TijT_{ij} are the surrogate and true endpoint values of subject jj in trial ii, ZijZ_{ij} is the treatment indicator for subject jj in trial ii, μSi\mu_{Si} and μTi\mu_{Ti} are the fixed trial-specific intercepts for S and T, and αi\alpha_{i} and βi\beta_{i} are the trial-specific treatment effects on S and T, respectively. When a reduced model is requested (by using the argument Model=c("Reduced") in the function call), the following bivariate model is fitted:



where μS\mu_{S} and μT\mu_{T} are the common intercepts for S and T (i.e., it is assumed that the intercepts for the surrogate and the true endpoints are identical in all trials). The other parameters are the same as defined above.

In the above models, the error terms εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij} are assumed to be mean-zero normally distributed with variance-covariance matrix Σ\bold{\Sigma}:

Σ=(σSSσSTσTT).\bold{\Sigma}=\left(\begin{array}{cc}\sigma_{SS}\\\sigma_{ST} & \sigma_{TT}\end{array}\right).

Based on Σ\bold{\Sigma}, individual-level surrogacy is quantified as:


Next, the second stage of the analysis is conducted. When a full model is requested by the user (by using the argument Model=c("Full") in the function call), the following model is fitted:


where the parameter estimates for βi\beta_i, μSi\mu_{Si}, and αi\alpha_i are based on the full model that was fitted in stage 1.

When a reduced or semi-reduced model is requested by the user (by using the arguments Model=c("Reduced") or Model=c("SemiReduced") in the function call), the following model is fitted:


where the parameter estimates for βi\beta_i and αi\alpha_i are based on the semi-reduced or reduced model that was fitted in stage 1.

When the argument Weighted=FALSE is used in the function call, the model that is fitted in stage 2 is an unweighted linear regression model. When a weighted model is requested (using the argument Weighted=TRUE in the function call), the information that is obtained in stage 1 is weighted according to the number of patients in a trial.

The classical coefficient of determination of the fitted stage 2 model provides an estimate of Rtrial2R^2_{trial}.


An object of class BifixedContCont with components,


Prior to conducting the surrogacy analysis, data of patients who have a missing value for the surrogate and/or the true endpoint are excluded. In addition, the data of trials (i) in which only one type of the treatment was administered, and (ii) in which either the surrogate or the true endpoint was a constant (i.e., all patients within a trial had the same surrogate and/or true endpoint value) are excluded. In addition, the user can specify the minimum number of patients that a trial should contain in order to include the trial in the analysis. If the number of patients in a trial is smaller than the value specified by Min.Trial.Size, the data of the trial are excluded. Data.Analyze is the dataset on which the surrogacy analysis was conducted.


A data.frame that contains the total number of patients per trial and the number of patients who were administered the control treatment and the experimental treatment in each of the trials (in Data.Analyze).


The results of stage 1 of the two-stage model fitting approach: a data.frame that contains the trial-specific intercepts and treatment effects for the surrogate and the true endpoints (when a full or semi-reduced model is requested), or the trial-specific treatment effects for the surrogate and the true endpoints (when a reduced model is requested).


A data.frame that contains the residuals for the surrogate and true endpoints that are obtained in stage 1 of the analysis (εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij}).


An object of class lm (linear model) that contains the parameter estimates of the regression model that is fitted in stage 2 of the analysis.


A data.frame that contains the trial-level coefficient of determination (Rtrial2R^2_{trial}), its standard error and confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the individual-level coefficient of determination (Rindiv2R^2_{indiv}), its standard error and confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the trial-level correlation coefficient (RtrialR_{trial}), its standard error and confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the individual-level correlation coefficient (RindivR_{indiv}), its standard error and confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the correlations between the surrogate and the true endpoint in the control treatment group (i.e., ρT0S0\rho_{T0S0}) and in the experimental treatment group (i.e., ρT1S1\rho_{T1S1}), their standard errors and their confidence intervals.


The variance-covariance matrix of the trial-specific intercept and treatment effects for the surrogate and true endpoints (when a full or semi-reduced model is fitted, i.e., when Model=c("Full") or Model=c("SemiReduced") is used in the function call), or the variance-covariance matrix of the trial-specific treatment effects for the surrogate and true endpoints (when a reduced model is fitted, i.e., when Model=c("Reduced") is used in the function call). The variance-covariance matrix D.Equiv is equivalent to the D\bold{D} matrix that would be obtained when a (full or reduced) bivariate mixed-effect approach is used; see function BimixedContCont).


The 22 by 22 variance-covariance matrix of the residuals (εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij}).


A fitted object of class ICA.ContCont.


The variance of the true endpoint in the control treatment condition.


The variance of the true endpoint in the experimental treatment condition.


The variance of the surrogate endpoint in the control treatment condition.


The variance of the surrogate endpoint in the experimental treatment condition.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Burzykowski, T., Molenberghs, G., & Buyse, M. (2005). The evaluation of surrogate endpoints. New York: Springer-Verlag.

Buyse, M., Molenberghs, G., Burzykowski, T., Renard, D., & Geys, H. (2000). The validation of surrogate endpoints in meta-analysis of randomized experiments. Biostatistics, 1, 49-67.

Tibaldi, F., Abrahantes, J. C., Molenberghs, G., Renard, D., Burzykowski, T., Buyse, M., Parmar, M., et al., (2003). Simplified hierarchical linear models for the evaluation of surrogate endpoints. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 73, 643-658.

See Also

UnifixedContCont, UnimixedContCont, BimixedContCont, plot Meta-Analytic


## Not run:  # time consuming code part
# Example 1, based on the ARMD data

# Fit a full bivariate fixed-effects model with weighting according to the  
# number of patients in stage 2 of the two stage approach to assess surrogacy:
Sur <- BifixedContCont(Dataset=ARMD, Surr=Diff24, True=Diff52, Treat=Treat, Trial.ID=Center, 
Pat.ID=Id, Model="Full", Weighted=TRUE)

# Obtain a summary of the results

# Obtain a graphical representation of the trial- and individual-level surrogacy

# Example 2
# Conduct a surrogacy analysis based on a simulated dataset with 2000 patients, 
# 100 trials, and Rindiv=Rtrial=.8
# Simulate the data:
Sim.Data.MTS(N.Total=2000, N.Trial=100, R.Trial.Target=.8, R.Indiv.Target=.8,
Seed=123, Model="Reduced")

# Fit a reduced bivariate fixed-effects model with no weighting according to the 
# number of patients in stage 2 of the two stage approach to assess surrogacy:
\dontrun{ #time-consuming code parts
Sur2 <- BifixedContCont(Dataset=Data.Observed.MTS, Surr=Surr, True=True, Treat=Treat, 
Trial.ID=Trial.ID, Pat.ID=Pat.ID, , Model="Reduced", Weighted=FALSE)

# Show summary and plots of results:
plot(Sur2, Weighted=FALSE)}

## End(Not run)

Fits a bivariate mixed-effects model using the cluster-by-cluster (CbC) estimator to assess surrogacy in the meta-analytic multiple-trial setting (Continuous-continuous case)


The function BimixedCbCContCont uses the cluster-by-cluster (CbC) estimator of the bivariate mixed-effects to estimate trial- and individual-level surrogacy when the data of multiple clinical trials are available. See the Details section below.


BimixedCbCContCont(Dataset, Surr, True, Treat, Trial.ID,Min.Treat.Size=2,Alpha=0.05)



A data.frame that should consist of one line per patient. Each line contains (at least) a surrogate value, a true endpoint value, a treatment indicator, and a trial ID.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the surrogate endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the true endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the treatment indicators. The treatment indicator should either be coded as 11 for the experimental group and 1-1 for the control group, or as 11 for the experimental group and 00 for the control group.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the trial ID to which the patient belongs.


The minimum number of patients in each group (control or experimental) that a trial should contain to be included in the analysis. If the number of patients in a group of a trial is smaller than the value specified by Min.Treat.Size, the data of the trial are excluded from the analysis. Default 22.


The α\alpha-level that is used to determine the confidence intervals around Rtrial2R^2_{trial} and Rindiv2R^2_{indiv}. Default 0.050.05.


The function BimixedContCont fits a bivariate mixed-effects model using the CbC estimator (for details, see Florez et al., 2019) to assess surrogacy (for details, see Buyse et al., 2000). In particular, the following mixed-effects model is fitted:



where ii and jj are the trial and subject indicators, SijS_{ij} and TijT_{ij} are the surrogate and true endpoint values of subject jj in trial ii, ZijZ_{ij} is the treatment indicator for subject jj in trial ii, μS\mu_{S} and μT\mu_{T} are the fixed intercepts for S and T, mSim_{Si} and mTim_{Ti} are the corresponding random intercepts, α\alpha and β\beta are the fixed treatment effects for S and T, and aia_{i} and bib_{i} are the corresponding random treatment effects, respectively.

The vector of the random effects (i.e., mSim_{Si}, mTim_{Ti}, aia_{i} and bib_{i}) is assumed to be mean-zero normally distributed with variance-covariance matrix D\bold{D}:

D=(dSSdSTdTTdSadTadaadSbdTbdabdbb).\bold{D}=\left(\begin{array}{cccc} d_{SS}\\ d_{ST} & d_{TT}\\ d_{Sa} & d_{Ta} & d_{aa}\\ d_{Sb} & d_{Tb} & d_{ab} & d_{bb} \end{array}\right).

The trial-level coefficient of determination (i.e., Rtrial2R^2_{trial}) is quantified as:

Rtrial2=(dSbdab)(dSSdSadSadaa)1(dSbdab)dbb.R_{trial}^{2}=\frac{\left(\begin{array}{c} d_{Sb}\\ d_{ab} \end{array}\right)^{'}\left(\begin{array}{cc} d_{SS} & d_{Sa}\\ d_{Sa} & d_{aa} \end{array}\right)^{-1}\left(\begin{array}{c} d_{Sb}\\ d_{ab} \end{array}\right)}{d_{bb}}.

The error terms εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij} are assumed to be mean-zero normally distributed with variance-covariance matrix Σ\bold{\Sigma}:

Σ=(σSSσSTσTT).\bold{\Sigma}=\left(\begin{array}{cc}\sigma_{SS}\\\sigma_{ST} & \sigma_{TT}\end{array}\right).

Based on Σ\bold{\Sigma}, individual-level surrogacy is quantified as:


Note The CbC estimator for the full bivariate mixed-effects model is closed-form (for details, see Florez et al., 2019). Therefore, it is fast. Furthermore, it is recommended when computational issues occur with the full maximum likelihood estimator (implemented in function BimixedContCont).

The CbC estimator is performed in two stages: (1) a linear model is fitted in each trial. Evidently, it is require that the design matrix (XiX_i) is full column rank within each trial, allowing estimation of the fixed effects. When XiX_i is not full rank, trial i is excluded from the analysis. (2) a global estimator of the fixed effects (β\beta) is obtained by weighted averaging the sets of estimates of each trial, and D\bold{D} is estimated using a method-of-moments estimator. Optimal weights (for details, see Molenberghs et al., 2018) are used as a weighting scheme.

The estimator of D\bold{D} might lead to a non-positive-definite solution. Therefore, the eigenvalue method (for details, see Rousseeuw and Molenberghs, 1993) is used for non-positive-definiteness adjustment.


An object of class BimixedContCont with components,


A data.frame that contains the total number of patients per trial and the number of patients who were administered the control treatment and the experimental treatment in each of the trials (after excluding clusters). Clusters are excluded for two reasons: (i) the number of patients is smaller than the value especified by Min.Trial.Size, and (ii) the design matrix (XiX_i) is not full rank.


Number of trials excluded from the analysis


A data.frame that contains the fixed intercept and treatment effects for the true and the surrogate endpoints (i.e., μS\mu_{S}, μT\mu_{T}, α\alpha, and β\beta) and their corresponding standard error.


A data.frame that contains the trial-level coefficient of determination (Rtrial2R^2_{trial}), its standard error and confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the individual-level coefficient of determination (Rindiv2R^2_{indiv}), its standard error and confidence interval.


The variance-covariance matrix of the random effects (the D\bold{D} matrix), i.e., a 44 by 44 variance-covariance matrix of the random intercept and treatment effects.


DH.pd=TRUE if an adjustment for non-positive definiteness was not needed to estimate D\bold{D}. DH.pd=FALSE if this adjustment was required.


The 22 by 22 variance-covariance matrix of the residuals (εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij}).


Alvaro J. Florez, Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Buyse, M., Molenberghs, G., Burzykowski, T., Renard, D., & Geys, H. (2000). The validation of surrogate endpoints in meta-analysis of randomized experiments. Biostatistics, 1, 49-67.

Florez, A. J., Molenberghs G, Verbeke G, Alonso, A. (2019). A closed-form estimator for meta-analysis and surrogate markers evaluation. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 29(2) 318-332.

Molenberghs, G., Hermans, L., Nassiri, V., Kenward, M., Van der Elst, W., Aerts, M. and Verbeke, G. (2018). Clusters with random size: maximum likelihood versus weighted estimation. Statistica Sinica, 28, 1107-1132.

Rousseeuw, P. J. and Molenberghs, G. (1993) Transformation of non positive semidefinite correlation matrices. Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods, 22, 965-984.

See Also

BimixedContCont, UnifixedContCont, BifixedContCont, UnimixedContCont


# Open the Schizo dataset (clinial trial in schizophrenic patients)

# Fit a full bivariate random-effects model by the cluster-by-cluster (CbC) estimator
# a minimum of 2 subjects per group are allowed in each trial
  fit <- BimixedCbCContCont(Dataset=Schizo, Surr=BPRS, True=PANSS, Treat=Treat,Trial.ID=InvestId,
                              Alpha=0.05, Min.Treat.Size = 10)
# Note that an adjustment for non-positive definiteness was requiered and 113 trials were removed.

# Obtain a summary of the results

Fits a bivariate mixed-effects model to assess surrogacy in the meta-analytic multiple-trial setting (Continuous-continuous case)


The function BimixedContCont uses the bivariate mixed-effects approach to estimate trial- and individual-level surrogacy when the data of multiple clinical trials are available. The user can specify whether a full or reduced model should be fitted. See the Details section below. Further, the Individual Causal Association (ICA) is computed.


BimixedContCont(Dataset, Surr, True, Treat, Trial.ID, Pat.ID, Model=c("Full"), 
Min.Trial.Size=2, Alpha=.05, T0T1=seq(-1, 1, by=.2), T0S1=seq(-1, 1, by=.2), 
T1S0=seq(-1, 1, by=.2), S0S1=seq(-1, 1, by=.2), ...)



A data.frame that should consist of one line per patient. Each line contains (at least) a surrogate value, a true endpoint value, a treatment indicator, a patient ID, and a trial ID.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the surrogate endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the true endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the treatment indicators. The treatment indicator should either be coded as 11 for the experimental group and 1-1 for the control group, or as 11 for the experimental group and 00 for the control group.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the trial ID to which the patient belongs.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the patient's ID.


The type of model that should be fitted, i.e., Model=c("Full") or Model=c("Reduced"). See the Details section below. Default Model=c("Full").


The minimum number of patients that a trial should contain to be included in the analysis. If the number of patients in a trial is smaller than the value specified by Min.Trial.Size, the data of the trial are excluded from the analysis. Default 22.


The α\alpha-level that is used to determine the confidence intervals around Rtrial2R^2_{trial}, RtrialR_{trial}, Rindiv2R^2_{indiv} and RindivR_{indiv}. Default 0.050.05.


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T0 and T1 that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta} (ICA). For details, see function ICA.ContCont. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.2).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T0 and S1 that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.2).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T1 and S0 that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.2).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals S0 and S1 that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.2).


Other arguments to be passed to the function lmer (of the R package lme4) that is used to fit the geralized linear mixed-effect models in the function BimixedContCont.


The function BimixedContCont fits a bivariate mixed-effects model to assess surrogacy (for details, see Buyse et al., 2000). In particular, the following mixed-effects model is fitted:



where ii and jj are the trial and subject indicators, SijS_{ij} and TijT_{ij} are the surrogate and true endpoint values of subject jj in trial ii, ZijZ_{ij} is the treatment indicator for subject jj in trial ii, μS\mu_{S} and μT\mu_{T} are the fixed intercepts for S and T, mSim_{Si} and mTim_{Ti} are the corresponding random intercepts, α\alpha and β\beta are the fixed treatment effects for S and T, and aia_{i} and bib_{i} are the corresponding random treatment effects, respectively.

The vector of the random effects (i.e., mSim_{Si}, mTim_{Ti}, aia_{i} and bib_{i}) is assumed to be mean-zero normally distributed with variance-covariance matrix D\bold{D}:

D=(dSSdSTdTTdSadTadaadSbdTbdabdbb).\bold{D}=\left(\begin{array}{cccc} d_{SS}\\ d_{ST} & d_{TT}\\ d_{Sa} & d_{Ta} & d_{aa}\\ d_{Sb} & d_{Tb} & d_{ab} & d_{bb} \end{array}\right).

The trial-level coefficient of determination (i.e., Rtrial2R^2_{trial}) is quantified as:

Rtrial2=(dSbdab)(dSSdSadSadaa)1(dSbdab)dbb.R_{trial}^{2}=\frac{\left(\begin{array}{c} d_{Sb}\\ d_{ab} \end{array}\right)^{'}\left(\begin{array}{cc} d_{SS} & d_{Sa}\\ d_{Sa} & d_{aa} \end{array}\right)^{-1}\left(\begin{array}{c} d_{Sb}\\ d_{ab} \end{array}\right)}{d_{bb}}.

The error terms εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij} are assumed to be mean-zero normally distributed with variance-covariance matrix Σ\bold{\Sigma}:

Σ=(σSSσSTσTT).\bold{\Sigma}=\left(\begin{array}{cc}\sigma_{SS}\\\sigma_{ST} & \sigma_{TT}\end{array}\right).

Based on Σ\bold{\Sigma}, individual-level surrogacy is quantified as:



When the full bivariate mixed-effects approach is used to assess surrogacy in the meta-analytic framework (for details, see Buyse & Molenberghs, 2000), computational issues often occur. Such problems mainly occur when the number of trials is low, the number of patients in the different trials is low, and/or when the trial-level heterogeneity is small (Burzykowski et al., 2000).

In that situation, the use of a simplified model-fitting strategy may be warranted (for details, see Burzykowski et al., 2000; Tibaldi et al., 2003).

For example, a reduced bivariate-mixed effect model can be fitted instead of a full model (by using the Model=c("Reduced") argument in the function call). In the reduced model, the random-effects structure is simplified (i) by assuming that there is no heterogeneity in the random intercepts, or (ii) by assuming that the covariance between the random intercepts and random treatment effects is zero. Note that under this assumption, the computation of the trial-level coefficient of determination (i.e., Rtrial2R^2_{trial}) simplifies to:


Alternatively, the bivariate mixed-effects model may be abandonned and the user may fit a univariate fixed-effects model, a bivariate fixed-effects model, or a univariate mixed-effects model (for details, see Tibaldi et al., 2003). These models are implemented in the functions UnifixedContCont, BifixedContCont, and UnimixedContCont).


An object of class BimixedContCont with components,


Prior to conducting the surrogacy analysis, data of patients who have a missing value for the surrogate and/or the true endpoint are excluded. In addition, the data of trials (i) in which only one type of the treatment was administered, and (ii) in which either the surrogate or the true endpoint was a constant (i.e., all patients within a trial had the same surrogate and/or true endpoint value) are excluded. In addition, the user can specify the minimum number of patients that a trial should contain in order to include the trial in the analysis. If the number of patients in a trial is smaller than the value specified by Min.Trial.Size, the data of the trial are excluded. Data.Analyze is the dataset on which the surrogacy analysis was conducted.


A data.frame that contains the total number of patients per trial and the number of patients who were administered the control treatment and the experimental treatment in each of the trials (in Data.Analyze).


A data.frame that contains the trial-specific intercepts and treatment effects on the surrogate and the true endpoints when a full model is requested (i.e., μS+mSi\mu_{S}+m_{Si}, μT+mTi\mu_{T}+m_{Ti}, α+ai\alpha+a_{i}, and β+bi\beta+b_{i}), or the trial-specific treatment effects on the surrogate and the true endpoints when a reduced model is requested (i.e., α+ai\alpha+a_{i}, and β+bi\beta+b_{i}). Note that the results that are contained in Trial.Spec.Results are equivalent to the results in Results.Stage.1 that are obtained when the functions UnifixedContCont, UnimixedContCont, or BifixedContCont are used.


A data.frame that contains the residuals for the surrogate and true endpoints (εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij}).


A data.frame that contains the fixed intercept and treatment effects for the surrogate and the true endpoints (i.e., μS\mu_{S}, μT\mu_{T}, α\alpha, and β\beta).


A data.frame that contains the random intercept and treatment effects for the surrogate and the true endpoints (i.e., mSim_{Si}, mTim_{Ti}, aia_{i}, and bib_{i}) when a full model is fitted (i.e., when Model=c("Full") is used in the function call), or that contains the random treatment effects for the surrogate and the true endpoints (i.e., aia_{i} and bib_{i}) when a reduced model is fitted (i.e., when Model=c("Reduced") is used in the function call).


A data.frame that contains the trial-level coefficient of determination (Rtrial2R^2_{trial}), its standard error and confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the individual-level coefficient of determination (Rindiv2R^2_{indiv}), its standard error and confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the trial-level correlation coefficient (RtrialR_{trial}), its standard error and confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the individual-level correlation coefficient (RindivR_{indiv}), its standard error and confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the correlations between the surrogate and the true endpoint in the control treatment group (i.e., ρT0S0\rho_{T0S0}) and in the experimental treatment group (i.e., ρT1S1\rho_{T1S1}), their standard errors and their confidence intervals.


The variance-covariance matrix of the random effects (the D\bold{D} matrix), i.e., a 44 by 44 variance-covariance matrix of the random intercept and treatment effects when a full model is fitted (i.e., when Model=c("Full") is used in the function call), or a 22 by 22 variance-covariance matrix of the random treatment effects when a reduced model is fitted (i.e., when Model=c("Reduced") is used in the function call).


The 22 by 22 variance-covariance matrix of the residuals (εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij}).


A fitted object of class ICA.ContCont.


The variance of the true endpoint in the control treatment condition.


The variance of the true endpoint in the experimental treatment condition.


The variance of the surrogate endpoint in the control treatment condition.


The variance of the surrogate endpoint in the experimental treatment condition.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Burzykowski, T., Molenberghs, G., & Buyse, M. (2005). The evaluation of surrogate endpoints. New York: Springer-Verlag.

Buyse, M., Molenberghs, G., Burzykowski, T., Renard, D., & Geys, H. (2000). The validation of surrogate endpoints in meta-analysis of randomized experiments. Biostatistics, 1, 49-67.

Tibaldi, F., Abrahantes, J. C., Molenberghs, G., Renard, D., Burzykowski, T., Buyse, M., Parmar, M., et al., (2003). Simplified hierarchical linear models for the evaluation of surrogate endpoints. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 73, 643-658.

See Also

UnifixedContCont, BifixedContCont, UnimixedContCont, plot Meta-Analytic


# Open the Schizo dataset (clinial trial in schizophrenic patients)

## Not run:  #Time consuming (>5 sec) code part
# When a reduced bivariate mixed-effect model is used to assess surrogacy, 
# the conditioning number for the D matrix is very high: 
Sur <- BimixedContCont(Dataset=Schizo, Surr=BPRS, True=PANSS, Treat=Treat, Model="Reduced", 
Trial.ID=InvestId, Pat.ID=Id)

# Such problems often occur when the total number of patients, the total number 
# of trials and/or the trial-level heterogeneity
# of the treatment effects is relatively small

# As an alternative approach to assess surrogacy, consider using the functions
# BifixedContCont, UnifixedContCont or UnimixedContCont in the meta-analytic framework,
# or use the information-theoretic approach

## End(Not run)

Loglikelihood function for binary-continuous copula model


Loglikelihood function for binary-continuous copula model


binary_continuous_loglik(para, X, Y, copula_family, marginal_surrogate)



Parameter vector. The parameters are ordered as follows:

  • para[1]: mean parameter for latent true endpoint distribution

  • para[2:p]: Parameters for surrogate distribution, more details in ?Surrogate::cdf_fun for the specific implementations.

  • para[p + 1]: copula parameter


First variable (continuous)


Second variable (binary, $0$ or $1$)


Copula family, one of the following:

  • "clayton"

  • "frank"

  • "gumbel"

  • "gaussian"


Marginal distribution for the surrogate. For all available options, see ?Surrogate::cdf_fun.


(numeric) loglikelihood value evaluated in para.

Bootstrap 95% CI around the maximum-entropy ICA and SPF (surrogate predictive function)


Computes a 95% bootstrap-based CI around the maximum-entropy ICA and SPF (surrogate predictive function) in the binary-binary setting


Bootstrap.MEP.BinBin(Data, Surr, True, Treat, M=100, Seed=123)



The dataset to be used.


The name of the surrogate variable.


The name of the true endpoint.


The name of the treatment indicator.


The number of bootstrap samples taken. Default M=1000.


The seed to be used. Default Seed=123.



The vector the bootstrapped MEP ICA values.


The vector of the bootstrapped bootstrapped MEP r(1,1)r(1, 1) values.


The vector of the bootstrapped bootstrapped MEP r(1,1)r(-1, 1).


The vector of the bootstrapped bootstrapped MEP r(0,1)r(0, 1).


The vector of the bootstrapped bootstrapped MEP r(1,0)r(1, 0).


The vector of the bootstrapped bootstrapped MEP r(1,0)r(-1, 0).


The vector of the bootstrapped bootstrapped MEP r(0,0)r(0, 0).


The vector of the bootstrapped bootstrapped MEP r(1,1)r(1, -1).


The vector of the bootstrapped bootstrapped MEP r(1,1)r(-1, -1).


The vector of the bootstrapped bootstrapped MEP r(0,1)r(0, -1).


The matrix that contains all bootstrapped maximum entropy distributions of the vector of the potential outcomes.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., & Van der Elst, W. (2015). A maximum-entropy approach for the evluation of surrogate endpoints based on causal inference.

See Also

ICA.BinBin, ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample, ICA.BinBin.Grid.Full, plot MaxEntSPF BinBin


## Not run:  # time consuming code part
MEP_CI <- Bootstrap.MEP.BinBin(Data = Schizo_Bin, Surr = "BPRS_Bin", True = "PANSS_Bin",
                     Treat = "Treat", M = 500, Seed=123)

## End(Not run)

Draws a causal diagram depicting the median informational coefficients of correlation (or odds ratios) between the counterfactuals for a specified range of values of the ICA in the binary-binary setting.


This function provides a diagram that depicts the medians of the informational coefficients of correlation (or odds ratios) between the counterfactuals for a specified range of values of the individual causal association in the binary-binary setting (RH2R_{H}^{2}).


CausalDiagramBinBin(x, Values="Corrs", Theta_T0S0, Theta_T1S1, 
Min=0, Max=1, Cex.Letters=3, Cex.Corrs=2, Lines.Rel.Width=TRUE, 
Col.Pos.Neg=TRUE, Monotonicity, Histograms.Correlations=FALSE, 



An object of class ICA.BinBin. See ICA.BinBin.


Specifies whether the median informational coefficients of correlation or median odds ratios between the counterfactuals should be depicted, i.e., Values="Corrs" or Values="ORs".


The odds ratio between TT and SS in the control group. This quantity is estimable based on the observed data. Only has to be provided when Values="ORs".


The odds ratio between TT and SS in the experimental treatment group. This quantity is estimable based on the observed data. Only has to be provided when Values="ORs".


The minimum value of RH2R_{H}^{2} that should be considered. Default=1-1.


The maximum value of RH2R_{H}^{2} that should be considered. Default=11.


The size of the symbols for the counterfactuals (S0S_0, S1S_1), T0T_0, T1T_1). Default=33.


The size of the text depicting the median odds ratios between the counterfactuals. Default=22.


Logical. When Lines.Rel.Width=TRUE, the widths of the lines that represent the odds ratios between the counterfactuals are relative to the size of the odds ratios (i.e., a smaller/thicker line is used for smaller/higher odds ratios. When Lines.Rel.Width=FALSE, the width of all lines representing the odds ratios between the counterfactuals is identical. Default=TRUE. Only considered when Values="ORs".


Logical. When Col.Pos.Neg=TRUE, the color of the lines that represent the odds ratios between the counterfactuals is red for odds ratios below 11 and black for the ones above 11. When Col.Pos.Neg=FALSE, all lines are in black. Default=TRUE. Only considered when Values="ORs".


Specifies the monotonicity scenario that should be considered (i.e., Monotonicity=c("No"), Monotonicity=c("True.Endp"), Monotonicity=c("Surr.Endp"), or Monotonicity=c("Surr.True.Endp")).


Should histograms of the informational coefficients of association RH2R_{H}^{2} be provided? Default Histograms.Correlations=FALSE.


Should densities of the informational coefficients of association RH2R_{H}^{2} be provided? Default Densities.Correlations=FALSE.


The following components are stored in the fitted object if histograms of the informational correlations are requested in the function call (i.e., if Histograms.Correlations=TRUE and Values="Corrs" in the function call):


The informational coefficients of association RH2R_{H}^{2} between T0T_0 and T1T_1.


The informational coefficients of association RH2R_{H}^{2} between S1S_1 and T0T_0.


The informational coefficients of association RH2R_{H}^{2} between S0S_0 and T1T_1.


The informational coefficients of association RH2R_{H}^{2} between S0S_0 and S1S_1.


The informational coefficients of association RH2R_{H}^{2} between S0S_0 and T0T_0.


The informational coefficients of association RH2R_{H}^{2} between S1S_1 and T1T_1.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., Molenberghs, G., Buyse, M., & Burzykowski, T. (submitted). On the relationship between the causal inference and meta-analytic paradigms for the validation of surrogate markers.

Van der Elst, W., Alonso, A., & Molenberghs, G. (submitted). An exploration of the relationship between causal inference and meta-analytic measures of surrogacy.

See Also



# Compute R2_H given the marginals specified as the pi's
ICA <- ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample(pi1_1_=0.2619048, pi1_0_=0.2857143, 
pi_1_1=0.6372549, pi_1_0=0.07843137, pi0_1_=0.1349206, pi_0_1=0.127451,
Seed=1, Monotonicity=c("General"), M=1000)

# Obtain a causal diagram that provides the medians of the 
# correlations between the counterfactuals for the range
# of R2_H values between 0.1 and 1
   # Assume no monotonicty 
CausalDiagramBinBin(x=ICA, Min=0.1, Max=1, Monotonicity="No") 

   # Assume monotonicty for S 
CausalDiagramBinBin(x=ICA, Min=0.1, Max=1, Monotonicity="Surr.Endp") 

# Now only consider the results that were obtained when 
# monotonicity was assumed for the true endpoint
CausalDiagramBinBin(x=ICA, Values="ORs", Theta_T0S0=2.156, Theta_T1S1=10, 
Min=0, Max=1,  Monotonicity="True.Endp")

Draws a causal diagram depicting the median correlations between the counterfactuals for a specified range of values of ICA or MICA in the continuous-continuous setting


This function provides a diagram that depicts the medians of the correlations between the counterfactuals for a specified range of values of the individual causal association (ICA; ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}) or the meta-analytic individual causal association (MICA; ρM\rho_{M}).


CausalDiagramContCont(x, Min=-1, Max=1, Cex.Letters=3, Cex.Corrs=2, 
Lines.Rel.Width=TRUE, Col.Pos.Neg=TRUE, Histograms.Counterfactuals=FALSE)



An object of class ICA.ContCont or MICA.ContCont. See ICA.ContCont or MICA.ContCont.


The minimum values of (M)ICA that should be considered. Default=1-1.


The maximum values of (M)ICA that should be considered. Default=11.


The size of the symbols for the counterfactuals (S0S_0, S1S_1), T0T_0, T1T_1). Default=33.


The size of the text depicting the median correlations between the counterfactuals. Default=22.


Logical. When Lines.Rel.Width=TRUE, the widths of the lines that represent the correlations between the counterfactuals are relative to the size of the correlations (i.e., a smaller line is used for correlations closer to zero whereas a thicker line is used for (absolute) correlations closer to 11). When Lines.Rel.Width=FALSE, the width of all lines representing the correlations between the counterfactuals is identical. Default=TRUE.


Logical. When Col.Pos.Neg=TRUE, the color of the lines that represent the correlations between the counterfactuals is red for negative correlations and black for positive ones. When Col.Pos.Neg=FALSE, all lines are in black. Default=TRUE.


Should plots that shows the densities for the inidentifiable correlations be shown? Default =FALSE.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., Molenberghs, G., Buyse, M., & Burzykowski, T. (submitted). On the relationship between the causal inference and meta-analytic paradigms for the validation of surrogate markers.

Van der Elst, W., Alonso, A., & Molenberghs, G. (submitted). An exploration of the relationship between causal inference and meta-analytic measures of surrogacy.

See Also

ICA.ContCont, MICA.ContCont


## Not run:  #Time consuming (>5 sec) code parts
# Generate the vector of ICA values when rho_T0S0=.91, rho_T1S1=.91, and when the
# grid of values {0, .1, ..., 1} is considered for the correlations
# between the counterfactuals:
SurICA <- ICA.ContCont(T0S0=.95, T1S1=.91, T0T1=seq(0, 1, by=.1), T0S1=seq(0, 1, by=.1), 
T1S0=seq(0, 1, by=.1), S0S1=seq(0, 1, by=.1))

#obtain a plot of ICA

# Obtain a causal diagram that provides the medians of the 
# correlations between the counterfactuals for the range
# of ICA values between .9 and 1 (i.e., which assumed 
# correlations between the counterfactuals lead to a 
# high ICA?)
CausalDiagramContCont(SurICA, Min=.9, Max=1)

# Same, for low values of ICA
CausalDiagramContCont(SurICA, Min=0, Max=.5)
## End(Not run)

Function factory for distribution functions


Function factory for distribution functions


cdf_fun(para, family)



Parameter vector.


Distributional family, one of the following:

  • "normal": normal distribution where para[1] is the mean and para[2] is the standard deviation.

  • "logistic": logistic distribution as parameterized in stats::plogis() where para[1] and para[2] correspond to location and scale, respectively.

  • "t": t distribution as parameterized in stats::pt() where para[1] and para[2] correspond to ncp and df, respectively.


A distribution function that has a single argument. This is the vector of values in which the distribution function is evaluated.

Loglikelihood on the Copula Scale for the Clayton Copula


clayton_loglik_copula_scale() computes the loglikelihood on the copula scale for the Clayton copula which is parameterized by theta as follows:

C(u,v)=(uθ+vθ1)1θC(u, v) = (u^{-\theta} + v^{-\theta} - 1)^{-\frac{1}{\theta}}


clayton_loglik_copula_scale(theta, u, v, d1, d2, return_sum = TRUE)



Copula parameter


A numeric vector. Corresponds to first variable on the copula scale.


A numeric vector. Corresponds to second variable on the copula scale.


An integer vector. Indicates whether first variable is observed or right-censored,

  • d1[i] = 1 if u[i] corresponds to non-censored value

  • d1[i] = 0 if u[i] corresponds to right-censored value

  • d1[i] = -1 if u[i] corresponds to left-censored value


An integer vector. Indicates whether first variable is observed or right-censored,

  • d2[i] = 1 if v[i] corresponds to non-censored value

  • d2[i] = 0 if v[i] corresponds to right-censored value

  • d2[i] = -1 if v[i] corresponds to left-censored value


Return the sum of the individual loglikelihoods? If FALSE, a vector with the individual loglikelihood contributions is returned.


Value of the copula loglikelihood evaluated in theta.

The Colorectal dataset with a binary surrogate.


This dataset combines the data that were collected in 26 double-blind randomized clinical trials in advanced colorectal cancer.




A data frame with 3943 observations on the following 7 variables.


The ID number of a trial.


Binary tumor response (the candidate surrogate), coded as 2=complete response (CR) or partial response (PR) and 1=stabled disease (SD) or progressive disease (PD).


Censoring indicator for survival time.


The treatment indicator, coded as 0=active control and 1=experimental treatment.


The center in which a patient was treated. In this dataset, there was only one center per trial, hence TRIAL=CENTER.


The ID number of a patient.


Survival time (the true endpoint).


Alonso, A., Bigirumurame, T., Burzykowski, T., Buyse, M., Molenberghs, G., Muchene, L., ... & Van der Elst, W. (2016). Applied surrogate endpoint evaluation methods with SAS and R. CRC Press.



The Colorectal dataset with an ordinal surrogate.


This dataset combines the data that were collected in 19 double-blind randomized clinical trials in advanced colorectal cancer.




A data frame with 3192 observations on the following 7 variables.


The ID number of a trial.


The treatment indicator, coded as 0=active control and 1=experimental treatment.


Censoring indicator for survival time.


Categorical ordered tumor response (the candidate surrogate), coded as 1=complete response (CR), 2=partial response (PR), 3=stabled disease (SD) and 4=progressive disease (PD).


The ID number of a patient.


The center in which a patient was treated. In this dataset, there was only one center per trial, hence TRIAL=CENTER.


Survival time (the true endpoint).


Alonso, A., Bigirumurame, T., Burzykowski, T., Buyse, M., Molenberghs, G., Muchene, L., ... & Van der Elst, W. (2016). Applied surrogate endpoint evaluation methods with SAS and R. CRC Press.



Assesses the surrogate predictive value of each of the 27 prediction functions in the setting where both SS and TT are binary endpoints


The function comb27.BinBin assesses a surrogate predictive value of each of the 27 possible prediction functions in the single-trial causal-inference framework when both the surrogate and the true endpoints are binary outcomes. The distribution of frequencies at which each of the 27 possible predicton functions are selected provides additional insights regarding the association between SS (ΔS\Delta_S) and TT (ΔT\Delta_T). See Details below.


comb27.BinBin(pi1_1_, pi1_0_, pi_1_1, pi_1_0, 
pi0_1_, pi_0_1, Monotonicity=c("No"),M=1000, Seed=1)



A scalar that contains values for P(T=1,S=1Z=0)P(T=1,S=1|Z=0), i.e., the probability that S=T=1S=T=1 when under treatment Z=0Z=0.


A scalar that contains values for P(T=1,S=0Z=0)P(T=1,S=0|Z=0).


A scalar that contains values for P(T=1,S=1Z=1)P(T=1,S=1|Z=1).


A scalar that contains values for P(T=1,S=0Z=1)P(T=1,S=0|Z=1).


A scalar that contains values for P(T=0,S=1Z=0)P(T=0,S=1|Z=0).


A scalar that contains values for P(T=0,S=1Z=1)P(T=0,S=1|Z=1).


Specifies which assumptions regarding monotonicity should be made, only one assumption can be made at the time: Monotonicity=c("No"), Monotonicity=c("True.Endp"), Monotonicity=c("Surr.Endp"), or Monotonicity=c("Surr.True.Endp"). Default Monotonicity=c("No").


The number of random samples that have to be drawn for the freely varying parameters. Default M=100000.


The seed to be used to generate πr\pi_r. Default Seed=1.


In the continuous normal setting, surroagacy can be assessed by studying the association between the individual causal effects on SS and TT (see ICA.ContCont). In that setting, the Pearson correlation is the obvious measure of association.

When SS and TT are binary endpoints, multiple alternatives exist. Alonso et al. (2016) proposed the individual causal association (ICA; RH2R_{H}^{2}), which captures the association between the individual causal effects of the treatment on SS (ΔS\Delta_S) and TT (ΔT\Delta_T) using information-theoretic principles.

The function comb27.BinBin computes RH2R_{H}^{2} using a grid-based approach where all possible combinations of the specified grids for the parameters that are allowed to vary freely are considered. It computes the probability of a prediction error for each of the 27 possible prediction functions.The frequency at which each prediction function is selected provides additional insight about the minimal probability of a prediction error PPE which can be obtained with PPE.BinBin.


An object of class comb27.BinBin with components,


count variable


The vector of Monotonicity assumptions


The vector of the prediction error values.


The vector containing the codes for the each of the 27 prediction functions.


The vector of the RH2R_H^2 values.


The vector of the entropies of ΔT\Delta_T.


The vector of the entropies of ΔS\Delta_S.


The vector of the mutual information of ΔS\Delta_S and ΔT\Delta_T.


Paul Meyvisch, Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, Geert Molenberghs


Alonso A, Van der Elst W, Molenberghs G, Buyse M and Burzykowski T. (2016). An information-theoretic approach for the evaluation of surrogate endpoints based on causal inference.

Alonso A, Van der Elst W and Meyvisch P (2016). Assessing a surrogate predictive value: A causal inference approach.

See Also



# Conduct the analysis assuming no montonicity
## Not run:  # time consuming code part
comb27.BinBin(pi1_1_ = 0.3412, pi1_0_ = 0.2539, pi0_1_ = 0.119, 
              pi_1_1 = 0.6863, pi_1_0 = 0.0882, pi_0_1 = 0.0784,  
              Seed=1,Monotonicity=c("No"), M=500000) 

## End(Not run)

Compute Individual Causal Association for a given D-vine copula model in the setting of choice.


The compute_ICA() function computes the individual causal association for a fully identified D-vine copula model. See details for the default definition of the ICA in each setting.


compute_ICA(endpoint_types, ...)



(character) vector with two elements indicating the endpoint types: "continuous" or "ordinal".


Arguments to pass onto compute_ICA_ContCont(), compute_ICA_OrdCont(), or compute_ICA_OrdOrd()


(numeric) A Named vector with the following elements:

  • ICA

  • Spearman's rho, ρs(ΔS,ΔT)\rho_s (\Delta S, \Delta T) (if asked)

  • Marginal association parameters in terms of Spearman's rho (if asked):

    ρs(T0,S0),ρs(T0,S1),ρs(T0,T1),ρs(S0,S1),ρs(S0,T1),ρs(S1,T1)\rho_{s}(T_0, S_0), \rho_{s}(T_0, S_1), \rho_{s}(T_0, T_1), \rho_{s}(S_0, S_1), \rho_{s}(S_0, T_1), \rho_{s}(S_1, T_1)

Compute Individual Causal Association for a given D-vine copula model in the Binary-Continuous Setting


The compute_ICA_BinCont() function computes the individual causal association for a fully identified D-vine copula model in the setting with a continuous surrogate endpoint and a binary true endpoint.


  copula_family2 = copula_family1,
  marginal_sp_rho = TRUE,
  seed = 1



Parameter vector for the sequence of bivariate copulas that define the D-vine copula. The elements of copula_par correspond to (c12,c23,c34,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{12}, c_{23}, c_{34}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Vector of rotation parameters for the sequence of bivariate copulas that define the D-vine copula. The elements of rotation_par correspond to (c12,c23,c34,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{12}, c_{23}, c_{34}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Copula family of c12c_{12} and c34c_{34}. For the possible options, see loglik_copula_scale(). The elements of copula_family correspond to (c12,c34)(c_{12}, c_{34}).


Copula family of the other bivariate copulas. For the possible options, see loglik_copula_scale(). The elements of copula_family2 correspond to (c23,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{23}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Number of Monte Carlo samples for the computation of the mutual information.


Quantile function for the distribution of S0S_0.


Quantile function for the distribution of S1S_1.


(boolean) Compute the sample Spearman correlation matrix? Defaults to TRUE.


Seed for Monte Carlo sampling. This seed does not affect the global environment.


(numeric) A Named vector with the following elements:

  • ICA

  • Spearman's rho, ρs(ΔS,ΔT)\rho_s (\Delta S, \Delta T) (if asked)

  • Kendall's tau, τ(ΔS,ΔT)\tau (\Delta S, \Delta T) (if asked)

  • Marginal association parameters in terms of Spearman's rho:

    (ρs(S0,S1),ρs(S0,T0),ρs(S0,T1),ρs(S1,T0),ρs(S0,S1),ρs(T0,T1)(\rho_s(S_0, S_1), \rho_s(S_0, T_0), \rho_s(S_0, T_1), \rho_s(S_1, T_0), \rho_s(S_0, S_1), \rho_s(T_0, T_1)

Compute Individual Causal Association for a given D-vine copula model in the Continuous-Continuous Setting


The compute_ICA_ContCont() function computes the individual causal association (and associated quantities) for a fully identified D-vine copula model in the continuous-continuous setting.


  marginal_sp_rho = TRUE,
  seed = 1,
  ICA_estimator = NULL,
  plot_deltas = FALSE



Parameter vector for the sequence of bivariate copulas that define the D-vine copula. The elements of copula_par correspond to (c12,c23,c34,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{12}, c_{23}, c_{34}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Vector of rotation parameters for the sequence of bivariate copulas that define the D-vine copula. The elements of rotation_par correspond to (c12,c23,c34,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{12}, c_{23}, c_{34}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Copula family of c12c_{12} and c34c_{34}. For the possible options, see loglik_copula_scale(). The elements of copula_family correspond to (c12,c34)(c_{12}, c_{34}).


Copula family of the other bivariate copulas. For the possible options, see loglik_copula_scale(). The elements of copula_family2 correspond to (c23,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{23}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Number of Monte Carlo samples for the computation of the mutual information.


Quantile function for the distribution of S0S_0.


Quantile function for the distribution of T0T_0.


Quantile function for the distribution of S1S_1.


Quantile function for the distribution of T1T_1.


(boolean) Compute the sample Spearman correlation matrix? Defaults to TRUE.


Seed for Monte Carlo sampling. This seed does not affect the global environment.


Function that estimates the ICA between the first two arguments which are numeric vectors. Defaults to NULL which corresponds to estimating the mutual information with FNN::mutinfo() and transforming the estimate to the squared informational coefficient of correlation.


(logical) Plot the sampled individual treatment effects?


(numeric) A Named vector with the following elements:

  • ICA

  • Spearman's rho, ρs(ΔS,ΔT)\rho_s (\Delta S, \Delta T) (if asked)

  • Marginal association parameters in terms of Spearman's rho (if asked):

    ρs(T0,S0),ρs(T0,S1),ρs(T0,T1),ρs(S0,S1),ρs(S0,T1),ρs(S1,T1)\rho_{s}(T_0, S_0), \rho_{s}(T_0, S_1), \rho_{s}(T_0, T_1), \rho_{s}(S_0, S_1), \rho_{s}(S_0, T_1), \rho_{s}(S_1, T_1)

Compute Individual Causal Association for a given D-vine copula model in the Ordinal-Continuous Setting


The compute_ICA_OrdCont() function computes the individual causal association for a fully identified D-vine copula model in the setting with a continuous surrogate endpoint and an ordinal true endpoint.


  copula_family2 = copula_family1,
  marginal_sp_rho = TRUE,
  seed = 1,
  ICA_estimator = NULL



Parameter vector for the sequence of bivariate copulas that define the D-vine copula. The elements of copula_par correspond to (c12,c23,c34,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{12}, c_{23}, c_{34}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Vector of rotation parameters for the sequence of bivariate copulas that define the D-vine copula. The elements of rotation_par correspond to (c12,c23,c34,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{12}, c_{23}, c_{34}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Copula family of c12c_{12} and c34c_{34}. For the possible options, see loglik_copula_scale(). The elements of copula_family correspond to (c12,c34)(c_{12}, c_{34}).


Copula family of the other bivariate copulas. For the possible options, see loglik_copula_scale(). The elements of copula_family2 correspond to (c23,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{23}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Number of Monte Carlo samples for the computation of the mutual information.


Quantile function for the distribution of S0S_0.


Quantile function for the distribution of T0T_0.


Quantile function for the distribution of S1S_1.


Quantile function for the distribution of T1T_1.


(boolean) Compute the sample Spearman correlation matrix? Defaults to TRUE.


Seed for Monte Carlo sampling. This seed does not affect the global environment.


Function that estimates the ICA between the first two arguments which are numeric vectors. Defaults to NULL which corresponds to using estimate_ICA_OrdCont().


(numeric) A Named vector with the following elements:

  • ICA

  • Spearman's rho, ρs(ΔS,ΔT)\rho_s (\Delta S, \Delta T) (if asked)

  • Marginal association parameters in terms of Spearman's rho (if asked):

    ρs(T0,S0),ρs(T0,S1),ρs(T0,T1),ρs(S0,S1),ρs(S0,T1),ρs(S1,T1)\rho_{s}(T_0, S_0), \rho_{s}(T_0, S_1), \rho_{s}(T_0, T_1), \rho_{s}(S_0, S_1), \rho_{s}(S_0, T_1), \rho_{s}(S_1, T_1)

Compute Individual Causal Association for a given D-vine copula model in the Ordinal-Ordinal Setting


The compute_ICA_OrdOrd() function computes the individual causal association for a fully identified D-vine copula model in the setting with an ordinal surrogate and true endpoint.


  copula_family2 = copula_family1,
  marginal_sp_rho = TRUE,
  seed = 1,
  ICA_estimator = NULL



Parameter vector for the sequence of bivariate copulas that define the D-vine copula. The elements of copula_par correspond to (c12,c23,c34,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{12}, c_{23}, c_{34}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Vector of rotation parameters for the sequence of bivariate copulas that define the D-vine copula. The elements of rotation_par correspond to (c12,c23,c34,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{12}, c_{23}, c_{34}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Copula family of c12c_{12} and c34c_{34}. For the possible options, see loglik_copula_scale(). The elements of copula_family correspond to (c12,c34)(c_{12}, c_{34}).


Copula family of the other bivariate copulas. For the possible options, see loglik_copula_scale(). The elements of copula_family2 correspond to (c23,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{23}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Number of Monte Carlo samples for the computation of the mutual information.


Quantile function for the distribution of S0S_0.


Quantile function for the distribution of T0T_0.


Quantile function for the distribution of S1S_1.


Quantile function for the distribution of T1T_1.


(boolean) Compute the sample Spearman correlation matrix? Defaults to TRUE.


Seed for Monte Carlo sampling. This seed does not affect the global environment.


Function that estimates the ICA between the first two arguments which are numeric vectors. Defaults to NULL which corresponds to using estimate_ICA_OrdOrd().


(numeric) A Named vector with the following elements:

  • ICA

  • Spearman's rho, ρs(ΔS,ΔT)\rho_s (\Delta S, \Delta T) (if asked)

  • Marginal association parameters in terms of Spearman's rho (if asked):

    ρs(T0,S0),ρs(T0,S1),ρs(T0,T1),ρs(S0,S1),ρs(S0,T1),ρs(S1,T1)\rho_{s}(T_0, S_0), \rho_{s}(T_0, S_1), \rho_{s}(T_0, T_1), \rho_{s}(S_0, S_1), \rho_{s}(S_0, T_1), \rho_{s}(S_1, T_1)

Compute Individual Causal Association for a given D-vine copula model in the Survival-Survival Setting


The compute_ICA_SurvSurv() function computes the individual causal association (and associated quantities) for a fully identified D-vine copula model in the survival-survival setting.


  marginal_sp_rho = TRUE,
  seed = 1,
  mutinfo_estimator = NULL,
  plot_deltas = FALSE,
  restr_time = +Inf



Parameter vector for the sequence of bivariate copulas that define the D-vine copula. The elements of copula_par correspond to (c12,c23,c34,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{12}, c_{23}, c_{34}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Vector of rotation parameters for the sequence of bivariate copulas that define the D-vine copula. The elements of rotation_par correspond to (c12,c23,c34,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{12}, c_{23}, c_{34}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Copula family of c12c_{12} and c34c_{34}. For the possible options, see loglik_copula_scale(). The elements of copula_family correspond to (c12,c34)(c_{12}, c_{34}).


Copula family of the other bivariate copulas. For the possible options, see loglik_copula_scale(). The elements of copula_family2 correspond to (c23,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{23}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Number of Monte Carlo samples for the computation of the mutual information.


Quantile function for the distribution of S0S_0.


Quantile function for the distribution of T0T_0.


Quantile function for the distribution of S1S_1.


Quantile function for the distribution of T1T_1.


(boolean) If composite is TRUE, then the surrogate endpoint is a composite of both a "pure" surrogate endpoint and the true endpoint, e.g., progression-free survival is the minimum of time-to-progression and time-to-death.


(boolean) Compute the sample Spearman correlation matrix? Defaults to TRUE.


Seed for Monte Carlo sampling. This seed does not affect the global environment.


Function that estimates the mutual information between the first two arguments which are numeric vectors. Defaults to FNN::mutinfo() with default arguments.


(logical) Plot the sampled individual treatment effects?


Restriction time for the potential outcomes. Defaults to +Inf which means no restriction. Otherwise, the sampled potential outcomes are replace by pmin(S0, restr_time) (and similarly for the other potential outcomes).


(numeric) A Named vector with the following elements:

  • ICA

  • Spearman's rho, ρs(ΔS,ΔT)\rho_s (\Delta S, \Delta T) (if asked)

  • Marginal association parameters in terms of Spearman's rho (if asked):

    ρs(T0,S0),ρs(T0,S1),ρs(T0,T1),ρs(S0,S1),ρs(S0,T1),ρs(S1,T1)\rho_{s}(T_0, S_0), \rho_{s}(T_0, S_1), \rho_{s}(T_0, T_1), \rho_{s}(S_0, S_1), \rho_{s}(S_0, T_1), \rho_{s}(S_1, T_1)

  • Survival classification proportions (if asked):

    πharmed,πprotected,πalways,πnever\pi_{harmed}, \pi_{protected}, \pi_{always}, \pi_{never}

Function constructor to estimate the ICA given a set of sampled patient-level treatment effects


The constructor_ICA_estimator() function returns a function the estimates the ICA as a user-specified function of I(ΔS;ΔT)I(\Delta S; \Delta T), ΔS\Delta S, and ΔT\Delta T.


constructor_ICA_estimator(endpoint_types, ICA_def)



(character) vector with two elements indicating the endpoint types: "continuous" or "ordinal".


function that takes the following arguments: I(ΔS;ΔT)I(\Delta S; \Delta T), ΔS\Delta S, and ΔT\Delta T. It returns the ICA as a function of these information-theoretic quantities.


A function that estimates the user-defined definition of the ICA. This function can be used as ICA_estimator in sensitivity_analysis_copula().

Loglikelihood function for continuous-continuous copula model


continuous_continuous_loglik() computes the observed-data loglikelihood for a bivariate copula model with two continuous endpoints.


  return_sum = TRUE



Parameter vector. The parameters are ordered as follows:

  • para[1:p1]: Parameters for the distribution of X as specified in marginal_X.

  • para[(p1 + 1):(p1 + p2)]: Parameters for the distribution of Y as specified in marginal_Y.

  • para[p1 + p2 + 1]: copula parameter


First variable (Continuous)


Second variable (Continuous)


Copula family, one of the following:

  • "clayton"

  • "frank"

  • "gumbel"

  • "gaussian"

marginal_X, marginal_Y

List with the following three elements (in order):

  • Density function with first argument x and second argument para the parameter vector for this distribution.

  • Distribution function with first argument x and second argument para the parameter vector for this distribution.

  • Inverse distribution function with first argument p and second argument para the parameter vector for this distribution.

  • The number of elements in para.

  • A vector of starting values for para.


Return the sum of the individual loglikelihoods? If FALSE, a vector with the individual loglikelihood contributions is returned.


(numeric) loglikelihood value evaluated in para.

Variance of log-mutual information based on the delta method


delta_method_log_mutinfo() computes the variance of the estimated log mutual information, given the unidentifiable parameters.


  mutinfo_estimator = NULL,
  eps = 0.001



Returned value from fit_model_SurvSurv(). This object contains the estimated identifiable part of the joint distribution for the potential outcomes.


Parameter vector for the sequence of unidentifiable bivariate copulas that define the D-vine copula. The elements of copula_par correspond to (c23,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{23}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Copula family of the other bivariate copulas. For the possible options, see loglik_copula_scale(). The elements of copula_family2 correspond to (c23,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{23}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Vector of rotation parameters for the sequence of unidentifiable bivariate copulas that define the D-vine copula. The elements of rotation_par correspond to (c23,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{23}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Number of Monte Carlo samples for the computation of the mutual information.


Function that estimates the mutual information between the first two arguments which are numeric vectors. Defaults to FNN::mutinfo() with default arguments.


(boolean) If composite is TRUE, then the surrogate endpoint is a composite of both a "pure" surrogate endpoint and the true endpoint, e.g., progression-free survival is the minimum of time-to-progression and time-to-death.


Seed for Monte Carlo sampling. This seed does not affect the global environment.


(numeric) Step size for finite difference in numeric differentiation


This function should not be used. The ICA is computed through numerical methods with a considerable error. This error is negligible in individual estimates of the ICA; however, this error easily breaks the numeric differentiation because finite differences are inflated by this error.


(numeric) Variance for the estimated ICA based on the delta method, holding the unidentifiable parameters fixed at the user supplied values.

Confidence interval for the ICA given the unidentifiable parameters


Dvine_ICA_confint() computes the confidence interval for the ICA in the D-vine copula model. The unidentifiable parameters are fixed at the user supplied values.


  mutinfo_estimator = NULL,



Returned value from fit_model_SurvSurv(). This object contains the estimated identifiable part of the joint distribution for the potential outcomes.


(numeric) 1 - alpha is the level of the confidence interval


Parameter vector for the sequence of unidentifiable bivariate copulas that define the D-vine copula. The elements of copula_par correspond to (c23,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{23}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Copula family of the other bivariate copulas. For the possible options, see loglik_copula_scale(). The elements of copula_family2 correspond to (c23,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{23}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Vector of rotation parameters for the sequence of unidentifiable bivariate copulas that define the D-vine copula. The elements of rotation_par correspond to (c23,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{23}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Number of Monte Carlo samples for the computation of the mutual information.


Function that estimates the mutual information between the first two arguments which are numeric vectors. Defaults to FNN::mutinfo() with default arguments.


(boolean) If composite is TRUE, then the surrogate endpoint is a composite of both a "pure" surrogate endpoint and the true endpoint, e.g., progression-free survival is the minimum of time-to-progression and time-to-death.


Number of bootstrap replications


Seed for Monte Carlo sampling. This seed does not affect the global environment.


(numeric) Vector with the limits of the two-sided 1 - alpha confidence interval.

Apply the Entropy Concentration Theorem


The Entropy Concentration Theorem (ECT; Edwin, 1982) states that if NN is large enough, then 100(1F)100(1-F)% of all p\bold{p*} and ΔH\Delta H is determined by the upper tail are 1F1-F of a χ2\chi^2 distribution, with DF=qm1DF = q - m - 1 (which equals 88 in a surrogate evaluation context).


ECT(Perc=.95, H_Max, N)



The desired interval. E.g., Perc=.05 will generate the lower and upper bounds for H(p)H(\bold{p}) that contain 95%95\% of the cases (as determined by the ECT).


The maximum entropy value. In the binary-binary setting, this can be computed using the function MaxEntICABinBin.


The sample size.


An object of class ECT with components,


The lower bound of the requested interval.


The upper bound of the requested interval, which equals HMaxH_Max.


Wim Van der Elst, Paul Meyvisch, & Ariel Alonso


Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., & Molenberghs, G. (2016). Surrogate markers validation: the continuous-binary setting from a causal inference perspective.

See Also

MaxEntICABinBin, ICA.BinBin


ECT_fit <- ECT(Perc = .05, H_Max = 1.981811, N=454)

Estimate ICA in Binary-Continuous Setting


estimate_ICA_BinCont() estimates the individual causal association (ICA) for a sample of individual causal treatment effects with a continuous surrogate and a binary true endpoint. The ICA in this setting is defined as follows,

RH2=I(ΔS;ΔT)H(ΔT)R^2_H = \frac{I(\Delta S; \Delta T)}{H(\Delta T)}

where I(ΔS;ΔT)I(\Delta S; \Delta T) is the mutual information and H(ΔT)H(\Delta T) the entropy.


estimate_ICA_BinCont(delta_S, delta_T)



(numeric) Vector of individual causal treatment effects on the surrogate.


(integer) Vector of individual causal treatment effects on the true endpoint. Should take on one of the following values: -1L, 0L, or 1L.


(numeric) Estimated ICA

Estimate ICA in Ordinal-Ordinal Setting


estimate_ICA_ContCont() estimates the individual causal association (ICA) for a sample of individual causal treatment effects with a continuous surrogate and true endpoint. The ICA in this setting is defined as the squared informational coefficient of correlation, which is a transformation of the mutual information. The mutual information is estimated with fnn::mutinfo().


estimate_ICA_ContCont(delta_S, delta_T)



(numeric) Vector of individual causal treatment effects on the surrogate.


(numeric) Vector of individual causal treatment effects on the true endpoint.


(numeric) Estimated ICA

Estimate ICA in Ordinal-Continuous Setting


estimate_ICA_OrdCont() estimates the individual causal association (ICA) for a sample of individual causal treatment effects with a continuous surrogate and an ordinal true endpoint. The ICA in this setting is defined as follows,

RH2=I(ΔS;ΔT)H(ΔT)R^2_H = \frac{I(\Delta S; \Delta T)}{H(\Delta T)}

where I(ΔS;ΔT)I(\Delta S; \Delta T) is the mutual information and H(ΔT)H(\Delta T) the entropy.


estimate_ICA_OrdCont(delta_S, delta_T)



(numeric) Vector of individual causal treatment effects on the surrogate.


(integer) Vector of individual causal treatment effects on the true endpoint.


(numeric) Estimated ICA

Individual Causal Association

Many association measures can operationalize the ICA. For each setting, we consider one default definition for the ICA which follows from the mutual information.


The ICA is defined as the squared informational coefficient of correlation (SICC or RH2R^2_H), which is a transformation of the mutual information to the unit interval:

Rh2=1e2I(ΔS;ΔT)R^2_h = 1 - e^{-2 \cdot I(\Delta S; \Delta T)}

where 0 indicates independence, and 1 a functional relationship between ΔS\Delta S and ΔT\Delta T. If (ΔS,ΔT)(\Delta S, \Delta T)' is bivariate normal, the ICA equals the Pearson correlation between ΔS\Delta S and ΔT\Delta T.


The ICA is defined as the following transformation of the mutual information:

RH2=I(ΔS;ΔT)H(ΔT),R^2_H = \frac{I(\Delta S; \Delta T)}{H(\Delta T)},

where I(ΔS;ΔT)I(\Delta S; \Delta T) is the mutual information and H(ΔT)H(\Delta T) the entropy.


The ICA is defined as the following transformation of the mutual information:

RH2=I(ΔS;ΔT)min{H(ΔS),H(ΔT)},R^2_H = \frac{I(\Delta S; \Delta T)}{\min \{H(\Delta S), H(\Delta T) \}},

where I(ΔS;ΔT)I(\Delta S; \Delta T) is the mutual information, and H(ΔS)H(\Delta S) and H(ΔT)H(\Delta T) the entropy of ΔS\Delta S and ΔT\Delta T, respectively.

Estimate ICA in Ordinal-Ordinal Setting


estimate_ICA_OrdOrd() estimates the individual causal association (ICA) for a sample of individual causal treatment effects with an ordinal surrogate and true endpoint. The ICA in this setting is defined as follows:

RH2=I(ΔS;ΔT)min{H(ΔS),H(ΔT)}R^2_H = \frac{I(\Delta S; \Delta T)}{\min \{H(\Delta S), H(\Delta T) \}}

where I(ΔS;ΔT)I(\Delta S; \Delta T) is the mutual information, and H(ΔS)H(\Delta S) and H(ΔT)H(\Delta T) the entropy of ΔS\Delta S and ΔT\Delta T, respectively.


estimate_ICA_OrdOrd(delta_S, delta_T)



(integer) Vector of individual causal treatment effects on the surrogate.


(integer) Vector of individual causal treatment effects on the true endpoint.


(numeric) Estimated ICA

Estimate marginal distribution using ML


estimate_marginal() estimates the marginal distribution specified by marginal_Y using maximum likelihood. The optimizer is Newton-Raphson.


estimate_marginal(Y, marginal_Y, starting_values)



Observations (continuous)


List with the following five elements (in order):

  • Density function with first argument x and second argument para the parameter vector for this distribution.

  • Distribution function with first argument x and second argument para.

  • Inverse distribution function with first argument p and second argument para.

  • The number of elements in para.

  • Starting values for para.


Starting values for marginal_Y


Estimated parameters

Estimate the Mutual Information in the Survival-Survival Setting


estimate_mutual_information_SurvSurv() estimates the mutual information for a sample of individual causal treatment effects with a time-to-event surrogate and a time-to-event true endpoint. The mutual information is estimated by first estimating the bivariate density and then computing the mutual information for the estimated density.


estimate_mutual_information_SurvSurv(delta_S, delta_T, minfo_prec)



(numeric) Vector of individual causal treatment effects on the surrogate.


(numeric) Vector of individual causal treatment effects on the true endpoint.


Number of quasi Monte-Carlo samples for the numerical integration to obtain the mutual information. If this value is 0 (default), the mutual information is not computed and NA is returned for the mutual information and derived quantities.


(numeric) estimated mutual information.

Evaluate the possibility of finding a good surrogate in the setting where both SS and TT are binary endpoints


The function Fano.BinBin evaluates the existence of a good surrogate in the single-trial causal-inference framework when both the surrogate and the true endpoints are binary outcomes. See Details below.


Fano.BinBin(pi1_,  pi_1, rangepi10=c(0,min(pi1_,1-pi_1)), 
fano_delta=c(0.1), M=100, Seed=1)



A scalar or a vector of plausibel values that represents the proportion of responders under treatment.


A scalar or a vector of plausibel values that represents the proportion of responders under control.


Represents the range from which π10\pi_{10} is sampled. By default, Monte Carlo simulation will be constrained to the interval [0,min(π1,π0)][0,\min(\pi_{1\cdot},\pi_{\cdot0})] but this allows the user to specify a more narrow range. rangepi10=c(0,0) is equivalent to the assumption of monotonicity for the true endpoint.


A scalar or a vector that specifies the values for the upper bound of the prediction error δ\delta. Default fano_delta=c(0.2).


The number of random samples that have to be drawn for the freely varying parameter π10\pi_{10}. Default M=1000. The number of random samples should be sufficiently large in relation to the length of the interval rangepi10. Typically M=1000 yields a sufficiently fine grid. In case rangepi10 is a single value: M=1


The seed to be used to sample the freely varying parameter π10\pi_{10}. Default Seed=1.


Values for π10\pi_{10} have to be uniformly sampled from the interval [0,min(π1,π0)][0,\min(\pi_{1\cdot},\pi_{\cdot0})]. Any sampled value for π10\pi_{10} will fully determine the bivariate distribution of potential outcomes for the true endpoint. The treatment effect should be positive.

The vector πkm\bold{\pi_{km}} fully determines RHL2R^2_{HL}.


An object of class Fano.BinBin with components,


The sampled values for RHL2R^2_{HL}.


The sampled values for HΔTH{\Delta T}.


The sampled values for PPETPPE_{T}.


The minimum value for π10\pi_{10}.


The maximum value for π10\pi_{10}.


The sampled value for π10\pi_{10}.


The specified vector of upper bounds for the prediction errors.


Indexes the sampling of pi1_pi1\_.


The sampled values for π00\pi_{00}.


The sampled values for π11\pi_{11}.


The sampled values for π01\pi_{01}.


The sampled values for π10\pi_{10}.


Paul Meyvisch, Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso


Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., & Molenberghs, G. (2014). Validation of surrogate endpoints: the binary-binary setting from a causal inference perspective.

See Also



# Conduct the analysis assuming no montonicity
# for the true endpoint, using a range of
# upper bounds for prediction errors 
Fano.BinBin(pi1_ = 0.5951 ,  pi_1 = 0.7745, 
fano_delta=c(0.05, 0.1, 0.2), M=1000)

# Conduct the same analysis now sampling from
# a range of values to allow for uncertainty

Fano.BinBin(pi1_ = runif(n=20,min=0.504,max=0.681), 
pi_1 = runif(n=20,min=0.679,max=0.849), 
fano_delta=c(0.05, 0.1, 0.2), M=10, Seed=2)

Fits the first stage model in the two-stage federated data analysis approach.


The function 'FederatedApproachStage1()' fits the first stage model of the two-stage federated data analysis approach to assess surrogacy.


  Min.Treat.Size = 2,
  Alpha = 0.05



A data frame with the correct columns (See Data Format).


Surrogate endpoint.


True endpoint.


Treatment indicator.


Trial indicator.


The minimum number of patients in each group (control or experimental) that a trial should contain to be included in the analysis. If the number of patients in a group of a trial is smaller than the value specified by Min.Treat.Size, the data of the trial are excluded from the analysis. Default 2.


The α\alpha-level that is used to determine the confidence intervals around Rtrial2R^2_{trial} and Rindiv2R^2_{indiv}. Default 0.05.


Returns an object of class "FederatedApproachStage1()" that can be used to evaluate surrogacy in the second stage model and contains the following elements:

  • Results.Stage.1: a data frame that contains the estimated fixed effects and the elements of Σi\Sigma_i.

  • R.i: the variance-covariance matrix of the estimated fixed effects.


The two-stage federated data analysis approach that can be used to assess surrogacy in the meta-analytic multiple-trial setting (Continuous-continuous case), but without the need of sharing data. Instead, each organization conducts separate analyses on their data set using a so-called "first stage" model. The results of these analyses are then aggregated at a central analysis hub, where the aggregated results are analyzed using a "second stage" model and the necessary metrics (Rtrial2R^2_{trial} and Rindiv2R^2_{indiv}) for the validation of the surrogate endpoint are obtained. This function fits the first stage model, where a linear model is fitted, allowing estimation of the fixed effects.

Data Format

The data frame must contain the following columns:

  • a column with the true endpoint

  • a column with the surrogate endpoint

  • a column with the treatment indicator: 0 or 1

  • a column with the trial indicator

  • a column with the patient indicator


Dries De Witte


Florez, A. J., Molenberghs G, Verbeke G, Alonso, A. (2019). A closed-form estimator for metaanalysis and surrogate markers evaluation. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 29(2) 318-332.


## Not run: 
#As an example, the federated data analysis approach can be applied to the Schizo data set
Schizo <-  Schizo[order(Schizo$InvestId, Schizo$Id),]
#Create separate datasets for each investigator
Schizo_datasets <- list()

for (invest_id in 1:198) {
Schizo_datasets[[invest_id]] <- Schizo[Schizo$InvestId == invest_id, ]
assign(paste0("Schizo", invest_id), Schizo_datasets[[invest_id]])
#Fit the first stage model for each dataset separately
results_stage1 <- list()
invest_ids <- list()
i <- 1
for (invest_id in 1:198) {
  dataset <- Schizo_datasets[[invest_id]]

  skip_to_next <- FALSE
  tryCatch(FederatedApproachStage1(dataset, Surr=CGI, True=PANSS, Treat=Treat, Trial.ID = InvestId,
                                   Min.Treat.Size = 5, Alpha = 0.05),
                                   error = function(e) { skip_to_next <<- TRUE})
  #if the trial does not have the minimum required number, skip to the next
  if(skip_to_next) { next }

  results_stage1[[invest_id]] <- FederatedApproachStage1(dataset, Surr=CGI, True=PANSS, Treat=Treat,
                                                         Trial.ID = InvestId, Min.Treat.Size = 5,
                                                         Alpha = 0.05)
  assign(paste0("stage1_invest", invest_id), results_stage1[[invest_id]])
  invest_ids[[i]] <- invest_id #keep a list of ids with datasets with required number of patients
  i <- i+1

invest_ids <- unlist(invest_ids)

#Combine the results of the first stage models
for (invest_id in invest_ids) {
  dataset <- results_stage1[[invest_id]]$Results.Stage.1
  if (invest_id == invest_ids[1]) {
    all_results_stage1<- dataset
 } else {
    all_results_stage1 <- rbind(all_results_stage1,dataset)

all_results_stage1 #that combines the results of the first stage models

R.list <- list()
i <- 1
for (invest_id in invest_ids) {
  R <- results_stage1[[invest_id]]$R.i
  R.list[[i]] <- as.matrix(R[1:4,1:4])
  i <- i+1

R.list #list that combines all the variance-covariance matrices of the fixed effects

fit <- FederatedApproachStage2(Dataset = all_results_stage1, Intercept.S = Intercept.S,
                               alpha = alpha, Intercept.T = Intercept.T, beta = beta,
                               sigma.SS = sigma.SS, sigma.ST = sigma.ST,
                               sigma.TT = sigma.TT, Obs.per.trial = n,
                               Trial.ID = Trial.ID, R.list = R.list)

## End(Not run)

Fits the second stage model in the two-stage federated data analysis approach.


The function 'FederatedApproachStage2()' fits the second stage model of the two-stage federated data analysis approach to assess surrogacy.


  Alpha = 0.05



A data frame with the correct columns (See Data Format).


Estimated intercepts for the surrogate endpoint.


Estimated treatment effects for the surrogate endpoint.


Estimated intercepts for the true endpoint.


Estimated treatment effects for the true endpoint.


Estimated variance of the error terms for the surrogate endpoint.


Estimated covariance between the error terms of the surrogate and true endpoint.


Estimated variance of the error terms for the true endpoint.


Number of subjects in the trial.


Trial indicator.


List of the variance-covariance matrices of the fixed effects.


The α\alpha-level that is used to determine the confidence intervals around Rtrial2R^2_{trial} and Rindiv2R^2_{indiv}. Default 0.05.


Returns an object of class "FederatedApproachStage2()" that can be used to evaluate surrogacy.

  • Indiv.R2: a data frame that contains the Rindiv2R^2_{indiv} and 95% confidence interval to evaluate surrogacy at the trial level.

  • Trial.R2: a data frame that contains the Rtrial2R^2_{trial} and 95% confidence interval to evaluate surrogacy at the trial level.

  • Fixed.Effects: a data frame that contains the average of the estimated fixed effects.

  • D: estimated DD matrix.

  • Obs.Per.Trial: number of observations in each trial.


The two-stage federated data analysis approach that can be used to assess surrogacy in the meta-analytic multiple-trial setting (Continuous-continuous case), but without the need of sharing data. Instead, each organization conducts separate analyses on their data set using the so-called "first stage" model. The results of these analyses are then aggregated at a central analysis hub, where the aggregated results are analyzed using a "second stage" model and the necessary metrics (Rtrial2R^2_{trial} and Rindiv2R^2_{indiv}) for the validation of the surrogate endpoint are obtained. This function fits the second stage model, where a method-of-moments estimator is used to obtain the variance-covariance matrix DD from which the Rtrial2R^2_{trial} can be derived. The Rindiv2R^2_{indiv} is obtained with a weighted average of the elements in Σi\Sigma_i.

Data Format

A data frame that combines the results of the first stage models and contains:

  • a column with the trial indicator

  • a column with the number of subjects in the trial

  • a column with the estimated intercepts for the surrogate

  • a column with the estimated treatment effects for the surrogate

  • a column with the estimated intercepts for the true endpoint

  • a column with the estimated treatment effects for the true endpoint

  • a column with the variances of the error term for the surrogate endpoint

  • a column with the covariances between the error terms of the surrogate and true endpoint

  • a column with the variances of the error term for the true endpoint

A list that combines all the variance-covariance matrices of the fixed effects obtained using the first stage model


Dries De Witte


Florez, A. J., Molenberghs G, Verbeke G, Alonso, A. (2019). A closed-form estimator for metaanalysis and surrogate markers evaluation. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 29(2) 318-332.


## Not run: 
#As an example, the federated data analysis approach can be applied to the Schizo data set
Schizo <-  Schizo[order(Schizo$InvestId, Schizo$Id),]
#Create separate datasets for each investigator
Schizo_datasets <- list()

for (invest_id in 1:198) {
Schizo_datasets[[invest_id]] <- Schizo[Schizo$InvestId == invest_id, ]
assign(paste0("Schizo", invest_id), Schizo_datasets[[invest_id]])
#Fit the first stage model for each dataset separately
results_stage1 <- list()
invest_ids <- list()
i <- 1
for (invest_id in 1:198) {
  dataset <- Schizo_datasets[[invest_id]]

  skip_to_next <- FALSE
  tryCatch(FederatedApproachStage1(dataset, Surr=CGI, True=PANSS, Treat=Treat, Trial.ID = InvestId,
                                   Min.Treat.Size = 5, Alpha = 0.05),
                                   error = function(e) { skip_to_next <<- TRUE})
  #if the trial does not have the minimum required number, skip to the next
  if(skip_to_next) { next }

  results_stage1[[invest_id]] <- FederatedApproachStage1(dataset, Surr=CGI, True=PANSS, Treat=Treat,
                                                         Trial.ID = InvestId, Min.Treat.Size = 5,
                                                         Alpha = 0.05)
  assign(paste0("stage1_invest", invest_id), results_stage1[[invest_id]])
  invest_ids[[i]] <- invest_id #keep a list of ids with datasets with required number of patients
  i <- i+1

invest_ids <- unlist(invest_ids)

#Combine the results of the first stage models
for (invest_id in invest_ids) {
  dataset <- results_stage1[[invest_id]]$Results.Stage.1
  if (invest_id == invest_ids[1]) {
    all_results_stage1<- dataset
 } else {
    all_results_stage1 <- rbind(all_results_stage1,dataset)

all_results_stage1 #that combines the results of the first stage models

R.list <- list()
i <- 1
for (invest_id in invest_ids) {
  R <- results_stage1[[invest_id]]$R.i
  R.list[[i]] <- as.matrix(R[1:4,1:4])
  i <- i+1

R.list #list that combines all the variance-covariance matrices of the fixed effects

fit <- FederatedApproachStage2(Dataset = all_results_stage1, Intercept.S = Intercept.S,
                               alpha = alpha, Intercept.T = Intercept.T, beta = beta,
                               sigma.SS = sigma.SS, sigma.ST = sigma.ST,
                               sigma.TT = sigma.TT, Obs.per.trial = n,
                               Trial.ID = Trial.ID, R.list = R.list)

## End(Not run)

Fit continuous-continuous vine copula model


fit_copula_ContCont() fits the continuous-continuous vine copula model. See Details for more information about this model.


  method = "BFGS",



data frame with three columns in the following order: surrogate endpoint, true endpoint, and treatment indicator (0/1 coding). Ordinal endpoints should be integers starting from 1.


One of the following parametric copula families: "clayton", "frank", "gaussian", or "gumbel". The first element in copula_family corresponds to the control group, the second to the experimental group.

marginal_S0, marginal_S1, marginal_T0, marginal_T1

List with the following three elements (in order):

  • Density function with first argument x and second argument para the parameter vector for this distribution.

  • Distribution function with first argument x and second argument para the parameter vector for this distribution.

  • Inverse distribution function with first argument p and second argument para the parameter vector for this distribution.

  • The number of elements in para.

  • A vector of starting values for para.


Starting value for the copula parameter.


Optimization algorithm for maximizing the objective function. For all options, see ?maxLik::maxLik. Defaults to "BFGS".


Extra argument to pass onto maxLik::maxLik


Returns an S3 object that can be used to perform the sensitivity analysis with sensitivity_analysis_copula().


Florian Stijven

See Also

sensitivity_analysis_copula(), print.vine_copula_fit(), plot.vine_copula_fit()

Fit copula model for binary true endpoint and continuous surrogate endpoint



Development on fit_copula_model_BinCont() is complete. For new code, we recommend switching to fit_copula_OrdCont(), which is a more general function (it allows for ordinal endpoints, not just binary) and is still under active development.


  marginal_surrogate_estimator = NULL,
  twostep = FALSE,
  fitted_model = NULL,
  maxit = 500,
  method = "BFGS"



A data frame in the correct format (See details).


One of the following parametric copula families: "clayton", "frank", "gaussian", or "gumbel". The first element in copula_family corresponds to the control group, the second to the experimental group.


Marginal distribution for the surrogate. For all available options, see ?Surrogate::cdf_fun.


Not yet implemented


(boolean) if TRUE, the two step estimator implemented in twostep_BinCont() is used for estimation.


Fitted model from which initial values are extracted. If NULL (default), standard initial values are used. This option intended for when a model is repeatedly fitted, e.g., in a bootstrap.


Maximum number of iterations for the numeric optimization, defaults to 500.


Optimization algorithm for maximizing the objective function. For all options, see ?maxLik::maxLik. Defaults to "BFGS".


The function fit_copula_model_BinCont() fits the copula model for a continuous surrogate endpoint and binary true endpoint. Because the bivariate distributions of the surrogate-true endpoint pairs are functionally independent across treatment groups, a bivariate distribution is fitted in each treatment group separately.


# Load Schizophrenia data set.
# Perform listwise deletion.
na =$CGI_Bin) |$PANSS)
X = Schizo_BinCont$PANSS[!na]
Y = Schizo_BinCont$CGI_Bin[!na]
Treat = Schizo_BinCont$Treat[!na]
# Ensure that the treatment variable is binary.
Treat = ifelse(Treat == 1, 1, 0)
data = data.frame(X,
# Fit copula model.
fitted_model = fit_copula_model_BinCont(data, "clayton", "normal", twostep = FALSE)
# Perform sensitivity analysis with a very low number of replications.
sens_results = sensitivity_analysis_BinCont_copula(
  lower = c(-1,-1,-1,-1),
  upper = c(1, 1, 1, 1),
  n_prec = 1e3

Fit ordinal-continuous vine copula model


fit_copula_OrdCont() fits the ordinal-continuous vine copula model. See Details for more information about this model.


  method = "BFGS",



data frame with three columns in the following order: surrogate endpoint, true endpoint, and treatment indicator (0/1 coding). Ordinal endpoints should be integers starting from 1.


One of the following parametric copula families: "clayton", "frank", "gaussian", or "gumbel". The first element in copula_family corresponds to the control group, the second to the experimental group.

marginal_S0, marginal_S1

List with the following three elements (in order):

  • Density function with first argument x and second argument para the parameter vector for this distribution.

  • Distribution function with first argument x and second argument para the parameter vector for this distribution.

  • Inverse distribution function with first argument p and second argument para the parameter vector for this distribution.

  • The number of elements in para.

  • A vector of starting values for para.


Number of categories in the true endpoint.


Starting value for the copula parameter.


Optimization algorithm for maximizing the objective function. For all options, see ?maxLik::maxLik. Defaults to "BFGS".


Arguments passed on to fit_copula_submodel_OrdCont


Names for X and Y, respectively.


(boolean) If TRUE, the starting values are fixed for the marginal distributions and only the copula parameter is estimated.


Starting values for the marginal distribution paramters for Y.


First variable (Ordinal with KK categories)


Second variable (Continuous)


Number of categories in X.


List with the following five elements (in order):

  • Density function with first argument x and second argument para the parameter vector for this distribution.

  • Distribution function with first argument x and second argument para.

  • Inverse distribution function with first argument p and second argument para.

  • The number of elements in para.

  • Starting values for para.


Vine Copula Model for Ordinal Endpoints

Following the Neyman-Rubin potential outcomes framework, we assume that each patient has four potential outcomes, two for each arm, represented by Y=(T0,S0,S1,T1)\boldsymbol{Y} = (T_0, S_0, S_1, T_1)'. Here, Yz=(Sz,Tz)\boldsymbol{Y_z} = (S_z, T_z)' are the potential surrogate and true endpoints under treatment Z=zZ = z. We will further assume that TT is ordinal and SS is continuous; consequently, the function argument X corresponds to TT and Y to SS. (The roles of SS and TT can be interchanged without loss of generality.)

We introduce latent variables to model Y\boldsymbol{Y}. Latent variables will be denoted by a tilde. For instance, if TzT_z is ordinal with KTK_T categories, then TzT_z is a function of the latent T~zN(0,1)\tilde{T}_z \sim N(0, 1) as follows:

Tz=gTz(T~z;cTz)={1 if =c0Tz<Tz~c1Tzk if ck1Tz<Tz~ckTzK if cKT1Tz<Tz~cKTTz=,T_z = g_{T_z}(\tilde{T}_z; \boldsymbol{c}^{T_z}) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{ if } -\infty = c_0^{T_z} < \tilde{T_z} \le c_1^{T_z} \\ \vdots \\ k & \text{ if } c_{k - 1}^{T_z} < \tilde{T_z} \le c_k^{T_z} \\ \vdots \\ K & \text{ if } c_{K_{T} - 1}^{T_z} < \tilde{T_z} \le c_{K_{T}}^{T_z} = \infty, \\ \end{cases}

where cTz=(c1Tz,,cKT1Tz)\boldsymbol{c}^{T_z} = (c_1^{T_z}, \cdots, c_{K_T - 1}^{T_z}). The latent counterpart of Y\boldsymbol{Y} is again denoted by a tilde; for example, Y~=(T~0,S0,S1,T~1)\tilde{\boldsymbol{Y}} = (\tilde{T}_0, S_0, S_1, \tilde{T}_1)' if TzT_z is ordinal and SzS_z is continuous.

The vector of latent potential outcome Y~\tilde{\boldsymbol{Y}} is modeled with a D-vine copula as follows:

fY~=fT~0fS0fS1fT~1cT~0,S0cS0,S1cS1,T~1cT~0,S1;S0cS0,T~1;S1cT~0,T~1;S0,S1,f_{\tilde{\boldsymbol{Y}}} = f_{\tilde{T}_0} \, f_{S_0} \, f_{S_1} \, f_{\tilde{T}_1} \cdot c_{\tilde{T}_0, S_0 } \, c_{S_0, S_1} \, c_{S_1, \tilde{T}_1} \cdot c_{\tilde{T}_0, S_1; S_0} \, c_{S_0, \tilde{T}_1; S_1} \cdot c_{\tilde{T}_0, \tilde{T}_1; S_0, S_1},

where (i) fT0f_{T_0}, fS0f_{S_0}, fS1f_{S_1}, and fT1f_{T_1} are univariate density functions, (ii) cT0,S0c_{T_0, S_0}, cS0,S1c_{S_0, S_1}, and cS1,T1c_{S_1, T_1} are unconditional bivariate copula densities, and (iii) cT0,S1;S0c_{T_0, S_1; S_0}, cS0,T1;S1c_{S_0, T_1; S_1}, and cT0,T1;S0,S1c_{T_0, T_1; S_0, S_1} are conditional bivariate copula densities (e.g., cT0,S1;S0c_{T_0, S_1; S_0} is the copula density of (T0,S1)S0(T_0, S_1)' \mid S_0. We also make the simplifying assumption for all copulas.

Observed-Data Likelihood

In practice, we only observe (S0,T0)(S_0, T_0)' or (S1,T1)(S_1, T_1)'. Hence, to estimate the (identifiable) parameters of the D-vine copula model, we need to derive the observed-data likelihood. The observed-data loglikelihood for (Sz,Tz)(S_z, T_z)' is as follows:

fYz(s,t;β)=ct1Tz+fY~z(s,x;β)dxctTz+fY~z(s,x;β)dx.f_{\boldsymbol{Y_z}}(s, t; \boldsymbol{\beta}) = \int_{c^{T_z}_{t - 1}}^{+ \infty} f_{\boldsymbol{\tilde{Y}_z}}(s, x; \boldsymbol{\beta}) \, dx - \int_{c^{T_z}_{t}}^{+ \infty} f_{\boldsymbol{\tilde{Y}_z}}(s, x; \boldsymbol{\beta}) \, dx.

The above expression is used in ordinal_continuous_loglik() to compute the loglikelihood for the observed values for Z=0Z = 0 or Z=1Z = 1. In this function, X and Y correspond to TzT_z and SzS_z if TzT_z is ordinal and SzS_z continuous. Otherwise, X and Y correspond to SzS_z and TzT_z.


Returns an S3 object that can be used to perform the sensitivity analysis with sensitivity_analysis_copula().


Florian Stijven

See Also

sensitivity_analysis_copula(), print.vine_copula_fit(), plot.vine_copula_fit()

Fit ordinal-ordinal vine copula model


fit_copula_OrdOrd() fits the ordinal-ordinal vine copula model. See Details for more information about this model.


  method = "BFGS",



data frame with three columns in the following order: surrogate endpoint, true endpoint, and treatment indicator (0/1 coding). Ordinal endpoints should be integers starting from 1.


One of the following parametric copula families: "clayton", "frank", "gaussian", or "gumbel". The first element in copula_family corresponds to the control group, the second to the experimental group.

K_S, K_T

Number of categories in the surrogate and true endpoints.


Starting value for the copula parameter.


Optimization algorithm for maximizing the objective function. For all options, see ?maxLik::maxLik. Defaults to "BFGS".


Extra argument to pass onto maxLik::maxLik


Vine Copula Model for Ordinal Endpoints

Following the Neyman-Rubin potential outcomes framework, we assume that each patient has four potential outcomes, two for each arm, represented by Y=(T0,S0,S1,T1)\boldsymbol{Y} = (T_0, S_0, S_1, T_1)'. Here, Yz=(Sz,Tz)\boldsymbol{Y_z} = (S_z, T_z)' are the potential surrogate and true endpoints under treatment Z=zZ = z.

The latent variable notation and D-vine copula model for Y\boldsymbol{Y} is a straightforward extension of the notation in ordinal_continuous_loglik().

Observed-Data Likelihood

In practice, we only observe (S0,T0)(S_0, T_0)' or (S1,T1)(S_1, T_1)'. Hence, to estimate the (identifiable) parameters of the D-vine copula model, we need to derive the observed-data likelihood. The observed-data loglikelihood for (Sz,Tz)(S_z, T_z)' is as follows:

fYz(s,t;β)=P(cs1Sz<S~z,ct1Tz<T~z)P(csSz<S~z,ct1Tz<T~z)P(cs1Sz<S~z,ctTz<T~z)+P(csSz<S~z,ctTz<T~z).f_{\boldsymbol{Y_z}}(s, t; \boldsymbol{\beta}) = P \left( c^{S_z}_{s - 1} < \tilde{S}_z, c^{T_z}_{t - 1} < \tilde{T}_z \right) - P \left( c^{S_z}_{s} < \tilde{S}_z, c^{T_z}_{t - 1} < \tilde{T}_z \right) - P \left( c^{S_z}_{s - 1} < \tilde{S}_z, c^{T_z}_{t} < \tilde{T}_z \right) + P \left( c^{S_z}_{s} < \tilde{S}_z, c^{T_z}_{t} < \tilde{T}_z \right).

The above expression is used in ordinal_ordinal_loglik() to compute the loglikelihood for the observed values for Z=0Z = 0 or Z=1Z = 1.


Returns an S3 object that can be used to perform the sensitivity analysis with sensitivity_analysis_copula().


Florian Stijven

See Also

sensitivity_analysis_copula(), print.vine_copula_fit(), plot.vine_copula_fit()

Fit binary-continuous copula submodel


The fit_copula_submodel_BinCont() function fits the copula (sub)model fir a continuous surrogate and binary true endpoint with maximum likelihood.


  method = "BFGS"



(numeric) Continuous surrogate variable


(integer) Binary true endpoint variable (Tk{0,1}T_k \, \in \, \{0, 1\})


Copula family, one of the following:

  • "clayton"

  • "frank"

  • "gumbel"

  • "gaussian"


Marginal distribution for the surrogate. For all available options, see ?Surrogate::cdf_fun.


Optimization algorithm for maximizing the objective function. For all options, see ?maxLik::maxLik. Defaults to "BFGRS".


A list with three elements:

  • ml_fit: object of class maxLik::maxLik that contains the estimated copula model.

  • marginal_S_dist: object of class fitdistrplus::fitdist that represents the marginal surrogate distribution.

  • copula_family: string that indicates the copula family

Fit ordinal-continuous copula submodel


The fit_copula_submodel_ContCont() function fits the copula (sub)model for a continuous surrogate and true endpoint with maximum likelihood.


  method = "BFGS",
  names_XY = c("Surr", "True"),
  twostep = FALSE,
  copula_transform = function(x) x,



First variable (Continuous)


Second variable (Continuous)


Copula family, one of the following:

  • "clayton"

  • "frank"

  • "gumbel"

  • "gaussian"

marginal_X, marginal_Y

List with the following three elements (in order):

  • Density function with first argument x and second argument para the parameter vector for this distribution.

  • Distribution function with first argument x and second argument para the parameter vector for this distribution.

  • Inverse distribution function with first argument p and second argument para the parameter vector for this distribution.

  • The number of elements in para.

  • A vector of starting values for para.

start_X, start_Y

Starting values corresponding to marginal_X and marginal_Y.


Starting value for the copula parameter.


Optimization algorithm for maximizing the objective function. For all options, see ?maxLik::maxLik. Defaults to "BFGS".


Names for X and Y, respectively.


(boolean) If TRUE, the starting values are fixed for the marginal distributions and only the copula parameter is estimated.


Used for reparameterizing the copula parameter. copula_transform() backtransforms the transformed copula parameter to the original scale. Note that start_copula should be specified on the transformed scale.


Extra argument to pass onto maxLik::maxLik


A list with five elements:

  • ml_fit: object of class maxLik::maxLik that contains the estimated copula model.

  • marginal_X: list with the estimated cdf, pdf/pmf, and inverse cdf for X.

  • marginal_Y: list with the estimated cdf, pdf/pmf, and inverse cdf for X.

  • copula_family: string that indicates the copula family

  • data: data frame containing X and Y

  • names_XY: The names (i.e., "Surr" and "True") for X and Y

See Also


Fit ordinal-continuous copula submodel


The fit_copula_submodel_OrdCont() function fits the copula (sub)model for a continuous surrogate and an ordinal true endpoint with maximum likelihood.


  method = "BFGS",
  names_XY = c("Surr", "True"),
  twostep = FALSE,



First variable (Ordinal with KK categories)


Second variable (Continuous)


Copula family, one of the following:

  • "clayton"

  • "frank"

  • "gumbel"

  • "gaussian"


List with the following five elements (in order):

  • Density function with first argument x and second argument para the parameter vector for this distribution.

  • Distribution function with first argument x and second argument para.

  • Inverse distribution function with first argument p and second argument para.

  • The number of elements in para.

  • Starting values for para.


Starting values for the marginal distribution paramters for Y.


Starting value for the copula parameter.


Optimization algorithm for maximizing the objective function. For all options, see ?maxLik::maxLik. Defaults to "BFGS".


Number of categories in X.


Names for X and Y, respectively.


(boolean) If TRUE, the starting values are fixed for the marginal distributions and only the copula parameter is estimated.


Extra argument to pass onto maxLik::maxLik


A list with five elements:

  • ml_fit: object of class maxLik::maxLik that contains the estimated copula model.

  • marginal_X: list with the estimated cdf, pdf/pmf, and inverse cdf for X.

  • marginal_Y: list with the estimated cdf, pdf/pmf, and inverse cdf for X.

  • copula_family: string that indicates the copula family

  • data: data frame containing X and Y

  • names_XY: The names (i.e., "Surr" and "True") for X and Y

See Also


Fit ordinal-continuous copula submodel


The fit_copula_submodel_OrdOrd() function fits the copula (sub)model for an ordinal surrogate and true endpoint with maximum likelihood.


  method = "BFGS",
  names_XY = c("Surr", "True"),
  twostep = FALSE,



First variable (Ordinal with KXK_X categories)


Second variable (Ordinal with KYK_Y categories)


Copula family, one of the following:

  • "clayton"

  • "frank"

  • "gumbel"

  • "gaussian"


Starting value for the copula parameter.


Optimization algorithm for maximizing the objective function. For all options, see ?maxLik::maxLik. Defaults to "BFGS".


Number of categories in X.


Number of categories in Y.


Names for X and Y, respectively.


(boolean) If TRUE, the starting values are fixed for the marginal distributions and only the copula parameter is estimated.


Extra argument to pass onto maxLik::maxLik


A list with five elements:

  • ml_fit: object of class maxLik::maxLik that contains the estimated copula model.

  • marginal_X: list with the estimated cdf, pdf/pmf, and inverse cdf for X.

  • marginal_Y: list with the estimated cdf, pdf/pmf, and inverse cdf for X.

  • copula_family: string that indicates the copula family

  • data: data frame containing X and Y

  • names_XY: The names (i.e., "Surr" and "True") for X and Y

Fit Survival-Survival model


The function fit_model_SurvSurv() fits the copula model for time-to-event surrogate and true endpoints (Stijven et al., 2022). Because the bivariate distributions of the surrogate-true endpoint pairs are functionally independent across treatment groups, a bivariate distribution is fitted in each treatment group separately. The marginal distributions are based on the Royston-Parmar survival model (Royston and Parmar, 2002).


  n_knots = 2,
  fitted_model = NULL,
  method = "BFGS",
  maxit = 500



A data frame in the correct format (See details).


One of the following parametric copula families: "clayton", "frank", "gaussian", or "gumbel". The first element in copula_family corresponds to the control group, the second to the experimental group.


Number of internal knots for the Royston-Parmar survival models for S~0\tilde{S}_0, T0T_0, S~1\tilde{S}_1, and T1T_1. If length(n_knots) == 1, the same number of knots are assumed for the four marginal distributions.


Fitted model from which initial values are extracted. If NULL (default), standard initial values are used. This option intended for when a model is repeatedly fitted, e.g., in a bootstrap.


Optimization algorithm for maximizing the objective function. For all options, see ?maxLik::maxLik. Defaults to "BFGS".


Maximum number of iterations for the numeric optimization, defaults to 500.


Returns an S3 object that can be used to perform the sensitivity analysis with sensitivity_analysis_SurvSurv_copula().


In the causal-inference approach to evaluating surrogate endpoints, the first step is to estimate the joint distribution of the relevant potential outcomes. Let (T0,S0,S1,T1)(T_0, S_0, S_1, T_1)'. denote the vector of potential outcomes where (Sk,Tk)(S_k, T_k)' is the pair of potential outcomes under treatment Z=kZ = k. TT refers to the true endpoint, e.g., overall survival. SS refers to the composite surrogate endpoint, e.g., progression-free-survival. Because SS is usually a composite endpoint with death as possible event, modeling difficulties arise because Pr(Sk=Tk)>0Pr(S_k = T_k) > 0.

Due to difficulties in modeling the composite surrogate and the true endpoint jointly, the time-to-surrogate event (S~\tilde{S}) is modeled instead of the time-to-composite surrogate event (SS). Using this new variable, S~\tilde{S}, a D-vine copula model is proposed for (T0,S~0,S~1,T1)(T_0, \tilde{S}_0, \tilde{S}_1, T_1)' in Stijven et al. (2022). However, only the following bivariate distributions are identifiable (Tk,S~k)(T_k, \tilde{S}_k)' for k=0,1k=0,1. The margins in these bivariate distributions are based on the Royston-Parmar survival model (Roystona and Parmar, 2002). The association is modeled through two copulas of the same parametric form, but with unique copula parameters.

Two modelling choices are made before estimating the two bivariate distributions described in the previous paragraph:

  • The number of internal knots for the Royston-Parmar survival models. This is specified through the n_knots argument. The number of knots is assumed to be equal across the four margins.

  • The parametric family of the bivariate copulas. The parametric family is assumed to be equal across treatment groups. This choice is specified through the copula_family argument.

Data Format

The data frame should have the semi-competing risks format. The columns must be ordered as follows:

  • time to surrogate event, true event, or independent censoring; whichever comes first

  • time to true event, or independent censoring; whichever comes first

  • treatment indicator: 0 or 1

  • surrogate event indicator: 1 if surrogate event is observed, 0 otherwise

  • true event indicator: 1 if true event is observed, 0 otherwise

Note that according to the methodology in Stijven et al. (2022), the surrogate event must not be the composite event. For example, when the surrogacy of progression-free survival for overall survival is evaluated. The surrogate event is progression, but not the composite event of progression or death.


Florian Stijven


Stijven, F., Alonso, a., Molenberghs, G., Van Der Elst, W., Van Keilegom, I. (2024). An information-theoretic approach to the evaluation of time-to-event surrogates for time-to-event true endpoints based on causal inference.

Royston, P., & Parmar, M. K. (2002). Flexible parametric proportional-hazards and proportional-odds models for censored survival data, with application to prognostic modelling and estimation of treatment effects. Statistics in medicine, 21(15), 2175-2197.

See Also



if(require(Surrogate)) {
  #For simplicity, data is not recoded to semi-competing risks format, but is
  #left in the composite event format.
  data = data.frame(Ovarian$Pfs,
  Surrogate::fit_model_SurvSurv(data = data,
                                copula_family = "clayton",
                                n_knots = 1)

Fits (univariate) fixed-effect models to assess surrogacy in the binary-binary case based on the Information-Theoretic framework


The function FixedBinBinIT uses the information-theoretic approach (Alonso & Molenberghs, 2007) to estimate trial- and individual-level surrogacy based on fixed-effect models when both S and T are binary variables. The user can specify whether a (weighted or unweighted) full, semi-reduced, or reduced model should be fitted. See the Details section below.


FixedBinBinIT(Dataset, Surr, True, Treat, Trial.ID, Pat.ID, 
Model=c("Full"), Weighted=TRUE, Min.Trial.Size=2, Alpha=.05, 
Number.Bootstraps=50, Seed=sample(1:1000, size=1))



A data.frame that should consist of one line per patient. Each line contains (at least) a surrogate value, a true endpoint value, a treatment indicator, a patient ID, and a trial ID.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the surrogate endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the true endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the treatment indicators. The treatment indicator should either be coded as 11 for the experimental group and 1-1 for the control group, or as 11 for the experimental group and 00 for the control group.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the trial ID to which the patient belongs.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the patient's ID.


The type of model that should be fitted, i.e., Model=c("Full"), Model=c("Reduced"), or Model=c("SemiReduced"). See the Details section below. Default Model=c("Full").


Logical. In practice it is often the case that different trials (or other clustering units) have different sample sizes. Univariate models are used to assess surrogacy in the information-theoretic approach, so it can be useful to adjust for heterogeneity in information content between the trial-specific contributions (particularly when trial-level surrogacy measures are of primary interest and when the heterogeneity in sample sizes is large). If Weighted=TRUE, weighted regression models are fitted. If Weighted=FALSE, unweighted regression analyses are conducted. See the Details section below. Default TRUE.


The minimum number of patients that a trial should contain to be included in the analysis. If the number of patients in a trial is smaller than the value specified by Min.Trial.Size, the data of the trial are excluded from the analysis. Default 22.


The α\alpha-level that is used to determine the confidence intervals around Rh2R^2_{h} and Rht2R^2_{ht}. Default 0.050.05.


The standard errors and confidence intervals for Rh2R^2_{h}, Rb.ind2R^2_{b.ind} and Rh.ind2R^2_{h.ind} are determined based on a bootstrap procedure. Number.Bootstraps specifies the number of bootstrap samples that are used. Default 5050.


The seed to be used in the bootstrap procedure. Default sample(1:1000,size=1)sample(1:1000, size=1).


Individual-level surrogacy

The following univariate generalised linear models are fitted:



where ii and jj are the trial and subject indicators, gTg_{T} is an appropriate link function (i.e., a logit link when binary endpoints are considered), SijS_{ij} and TijT_{ij} are the surrogate and true endpoint values of subject jj in trial ii, and ZijZ_{ij} is the treatment indicator for subject jj in trial ii. μTi\mu_{Ti} and βi\beta_{i} are the trial-specific intercepts and treatment-effects on the true endpoint in trial ii. γ0i\gamma_{0i} and γ1i\gamma_{1i} are the trial-specific intercepts and treatment-effects on the true endpoint in trial ii after accounting for the effect of the surrogate endpoint.

The 2-2 log likelihood values of the previous models in each of the ii trials (i.e., L1iL_{1i} and L2iL_{2i}, respectively) are subsequently used to compute individual-level surrogacy based on the so-called Variance Reduction Factor (VFR; for details, see Alonso & Molenberghs, 2007):

Rh2=11Niexp(L2iL1ini),R^2_{h}= 1 - \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i} exp \left(-\frac{L_{2i}-L_{1i}}{n_{i}} \right),

where NN is the number of trials and nin_{i} is the number of patients within trial ii.

When it can be assumed (i) that the treatment-corrected association between the surrogate and the true endpoint is constant across trials, or (ii) when all data come from a single clinical trial (i.e., when N=1N=1), the previous expression simplifies to:

Rh.ind2=1exp(L2L1N).R^2_{h.ind}= 1 - exp \left(-\frac{L_{2}-L_{1}}{N} \right).

The upper bound does not reach to 1 when TT is binary, i.e., its maximum is 0.75. Kent (1983) claims that 0.75 is a reasonable upper bound and thus Rh.ind2R^2_{h.ind} can usually be interpreted without paying special consideration to the discreteness of TT. Alternatively, to address the upper bound problem, a scaled version of the mutual information can be used when both SS and TT are binary (Joe, 1989):

Rb.ind2=I(T,S)min[H(T),H(S)],R^2_{b.ind}= \frac{I(T,S)}{min[H(T), H(S)]},

where the entropy of TT and SS in the previous expression can be estimated using the log likelihood functions of the GLMs shown above.

Trial-level surrogacy

When a full or semi-reduced model is requested (by using the argument Model=c("Full") or Model=c("SemiReduced") in the function call), trial-level surrogacy is assessed by fitting the following univariate models:

Sij=μSi+αiZij+εSij,(1)S_{ij}=\mu_{Si}+\alpha_{i}Z_{ij}+\varepsilon_{Sij}, (1)

Tij=μTi+βiZij+εTij,(1)T_{ij}=\mu_{Ti}+\beta_{i}Z_{ij}+\varepsilon_{Tij}, (1)

where ii and jj are the trial and subject indicators, SijS_{ij} and TijT_{ij} are the surrogate and true endpoint values of subject jj in trial ii, ZijZ_{ij} is the treatment indicator for subject jj in trial ii, μSi\mu_{Si} and μTi\mu_{Ti} are the fixed trial-specific intercepts for S and T, and αi\alpha_{i} and βi\beta_{i} are the fixed trial-specific treatment effects on S and T, respectively. The error terms εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij} are assumed to be independent.

When a reduced model is requested by the user (by using the argument Model=c("Reduced") in the function call), the following univariate models are fitted:

Sij=μS+αiZij+εSij,(2)S_{ij}=\mu_{S}+\alpha_{i}Z_{ij}+\varepsilon_{Sij}, (2)

Tij=μT+βiZij+εTij,(2)T_{ij}=\mu_{T}+\beta_{i}Z_{ij}+\varepsilon_{Tij}, (2)

where μS\mu_{S} and μT\mu_{T} are the common intercepts for S and T. The other parameters are the same as defined above, and εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij} are again assumed to be independent.

When the user requested a full model approach (by using the argument Model=c("Full") in the function call, i.e., when models (1) were fitted), the following model is subsequently fitted:

β^i=λ0+λ1μSi^+λ2α^i+εi,(3)\widehat{\beta}_{i}=\lambda_{0}+\lambda_{1}\widehat{\mu_{Si}}+\lambda_{2}\widehat{\alpha}_{i}+\varepsilon_{i}, (3)

where the parameter estimates for βi\beta_i, μSi\mu_{Si}, and αi\alpha_i are based on models (1) (see above). When a weighted model is requested (using the argument Weighted=TRUE in the function call), model (3) is a weighted regression model (with weights based on the number of observations in trial ii). The 2-2 log likelihood value of the (weighted or unweighted) model (3) (L1L_1) is subsequently compared to the 2-2 log likelihood value of an intercept-only model (β^i=λ3\widehat{\beta}_{i}=\lambda_{3}; L0L_0), and Rht2R^2_{ht} is computed based based on the Variance Reduction Factor (for details, see Alonso & Molenberghs, 2007):

Rht2=1exp(L1L0N),R^2_{ht}= 1 - exp \left(-\frac{L_1-L_0}{N} \right),

where NN is the number of trials.

When a semi-reduced or reduced model is requested (by using the argument Model=c("SemiReduced") or Model=c("Reduced") in the function call), the following model is fitted:


where the parameter estimates for βi\beta_i and αi\alpha_i are based on models (1) when a semi-reduced model is fitted or on models (2) when a reduced model is fitted. The 2-2 log likelihood value of this (weighted or unweighted) model (L1L_1) is subsequently compared to the 2-2 log likelihood value of an intercept-only model (β^i=λ3\widehat{\beta}_{i}=\lambda_{3}; L0L_0), and Rht2R^2_{ht} is computed based on the reduction in the likelihood (as described above).


An object of class FixedBinBinIT with components,


Prior to conducting the surrogacy analysis, data of patients who have a missing value for the surrogate and/or the true endpoint are excluded. In addition, the data of trials (i) in which only one type of the treatment was administered, and (ii) in which either the surrogate or the true endpoint was a constant (i.e., all patients within a trial had the same surrogate and/or true endpoint value) are excluded. In addition, the user can specify the minimum number of patients that a trial should contain in order to include the trial in the analysis. If the number of patients in a trial is smaller than the value specified by Min.Trial.Size, the data of the trial are excluded. Data.Analyze is the dataset on which the surrogacy analysis was conducted.


A data.frame that contains the total number of patients per trial and the number of patients who were administered the control treatment and the experimental treatment in each of the trials (in Data.Analyze).


A data.frame that contains the trial-specific intercepts and treatment effects for the surrogate and the true endpoints (when a full or semi-reduced model is requested), or the trial-specific treatment effects for the surrogate and the true endpoints (when a reduced model is requested).


A data.frame that contains the trial-level surrogacy estimate and its confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the individual-level surrogacy estimate Rh.ind2R^2_{h.ind} (single-trial based estimate) and its confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the individual-level surrogacy estimate Rh2R^2_{h} (cluster-based estimate) and its confidence interval (based on a bootsrtrap).


A data.frame that contains the individual-level surrogacy estimate Rb.ind2R^2_{b.ind} (single-trial based estimate accounting for upper bound) and its confidence interval (based on a bootstrap).


A data.frame that contains individual-level surrogacy estimates RhInd2R^2_{hInd} (cluster-based estimates) and their confidence interval for each of the trials seperately.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A, & Molenberghs, G. (2007). Surrogate marker evaluation from an information theory perspective. Biometrics, 63, 180-186.

Joe, H. (1989). Relative entropy measures of multivariate dependence. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 84, 157-164.

Kent, T. J. (1983). Information gain as a general measure of correlation. Biometrica, 70, 163-173.

See Also

FixedBinContIT, FixedContBinIT, plot Information-Theoretic BinCombn


## Not run:  # Time consuming (>5sec) code part
# Generate data with continuous Surr and True
Sim.Data.MTS(N.Total=5000, N.Trial=50, R.Trial.Target=.9, R.Indiv.Target=.9,
             Fixed.Effects=c(0, 0, 0, 0), D.aa=10,, Seed=1,
# Dichtomize Surr and True
Surr_Bin <- Data.Observed.MTS$Surr
Surr_Bin[Data.Observed.MTS$Surr>.5] <- 1
Surr_Bin[Data.Observed.MTS$Surr<=.5] <- 0
True_Bin <- Data.Observed.MTS$True
True_Bin[Data.Observed.MTS$True>.15] <- 1
True_Bin[Data.Observed.MTS$True<=.15] <- 0
Data.Observed.MTS$Surr <- Surr_Bin
Data.Observed.MTS$True <- True_Bin

# Assess surrogacy using info-theoretic framework
Fit <- FixedBinBinIT(Dataset = Data.Observed.MTS, Surr = Surr, 
True = True, Treat = Treat, Trial.ID = Trial.ID, 
Pat.ID = Pat.ID, Number.Bootstraps=100)

# Examine results
plot(Fit, Trial.Level = FALSE, Indiv.Level.By.Trial=TRUE)
plot(Fit, Trial.Level = TRUE, Indiv.Level.By.Trial=FALSE)

## End(Not run)

Fits (univariate) fixed-effect models to assess surrogacy in the case where the true endpoint is binary and the surrogate endpoint is continuous (based on the Information-Theoretic framework)


The function FixedBinContIT uses the information-theoretic approach (Alonso & Molenberghs, 2007) to estimate trial- and individual-level surrogacy based on fixed-effect models when T is binary and S is continuous. The user can specify whether a (weighted or unweighted) full, semi-reduced, or reduced model should be fitted. See the Details section below.


FixedBinContIT(Dataset, Surr, True, Treat, Trial.ID, Pat.ID, 
Model=c("Full"), Weighted=TRUE, Min.Trial.Size=2, Alpha=.05, 
Number.Bootstraps=50,Seed=sample(1:1000, size=1))



A data.frame that should consist of one line per patient. Each line contains (at least) a surrogate value, a true endpoint value, a treatment indicator, a patient ID, and a trial ID.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the surrogate endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the true endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the treatment indicators. The treatment indicator should either be coded as 11 for the experimental group and 1-1 for the control group, or as 11 for the experimental group and 00 for the control group.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the trial ID to which the patient belongs.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the patient's ID.


The type of model that should be fitted, i.e., Model=c("Full"), Model=c("Reduced"), or Model=c("SemiReduced"). See the Details section below. Default Model=c("Full").


Logical. In practice it is often the case that different trials (or other clustering units) have different sample sizes. Univariate models are used to assess surrogacy in the information-theoretic approach, so it can be useful to adjust for heterogeneity in information content between the trial-specific contributions (particularly when trial-level surrogacy measures are of primary interest and when the heterogeneity in sample sizes is large). If Weighted=TRUE, weighted regression models are fitted. If Weighted=FALSE, unweighted regression analyses are conducted. See the Details section below. Default TRUE.


The minimum number of patients that a trial should contain to be included in the analysis. If the number of patients in a trial is smaller than the value specified by Min.Trial.Size, the data of the trial are excluded from the analysis. Default 22.


The α\alpha-level that is used to determine the confidence intervals around Rh2R^2_{h} and Rht2R^2_{ht}. Default 0.050.05.


The standard errors and confidence intervals for Rh2R^2_{h} and Rh.ind2R^2_{h.ind} are determined based on a bootstrap procedure. Number.Bootstraps specifies the number of bootstrap samples that are used. Default 5050.


The seed to be used in the bootstrap procedure. Default sample(1:1000,size=1)sample(1:1000, size=1).


Individual-level surrogacy

The following univariate generalised linear models are fitted:



where ii and jj are the trial and subject indicators, gTg_{T} is an appropriate link function (i.e., a logit link for binary endpoints and an identity link for normally distributed continuous endpoints), SijS_{ij} and TijT_{ij} are the surrogate and true endpoint values of subject jj in trial ii, and ZijZ_{ij} is the treatment indicator for subject jj in trial ii. μTi\mu_{Ti} and βi\beta_{i} are the trial-specific intercepts and treatment-effects on the true endpoint in trial ii. γ0i\gamma_{0i} and γ1i\gamma_{1i} are the trial-specific intercepts and treatment-effects on the true endpoint in trial ii after accounting for the effect of the surrogate endpoint.

The 2-2 log likelihood values of the previous models in each of the ii trials (i.e., L1iL_{1i} and L2iL_{2i}, respectively) are subsequently used to compute individual-level surrogacy based on the so-called Variance Reduction Factor (VFR; for details, see Alonso & Molenberghs, 2007):

Rh2=11Niexp(L2iL1ini),R^2_{h}= 1 - \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i} exp \left(-\frac{L_{2i}-L_{1i}}{n_{i}} \right),

where NN is the number of trials and nin_{i} is the number of patients within trial ii.

When it can be assumed (i) that the treatment-corrected association between the surrogate and the true endpoint is constant across trials, or (ii) when all data come from a single clinical trial (i.e., when N=1N=1), the previous expression simplifies to:

Rh.ind2=1exp(L2L1N).R^2_{h.ind}= 1 - exp \left(-\frac{L_{2}-L_{1}}{N} \right).

The upper bound does not reach to 1 when TT is binary, i.e., its maximum is 0.75. Kent (1983) claims that 0.75 is a reasonable upper bound and thus Rh.ind2R^2_{h.ind} can usually be interpreted without paying special consideration to the discreteness of TT. Alternatively, to address the upper bound problem, a scaled version of the mutual information can be used when both SS and TT are binary (Joe, 1989):

Rb.ind2=I(T,S)min[H(T),H(S)],R^2_{b.ind}= \frac{I(T,S)}{min[H(T), H(S)]},

where the entropy of TT and SS in the previous expression can be estimated using the log likelihood functions of the GLMs shown above.

Trial-level surrogacy

When a full or semi-reduced model is requested (by using the argument Model=c("Full") or Model=c("SemiReduced") in the function call), trial-level surrogacy is assessed by fitting the following univariate models:

Sij=μSi+αiZij+εSij,(1)S_{ij}=\mu_{Si}+\alpha_{i}Z_{ij}+\varepsilon_{Sij}, (1)

Tij=μTi+βiZij+εTij,(1)T_{ij}=\mu_{Ti}+\beta_{i}Z_{ij}+\varepsilon_{Tij}, (1)

where ii and jj are the trial and subject indicators, SijS_{ij} and TijT_{ij} are the surrogate and true endpoint values of subject jj in trial ii, ZijZ_{ij} is the treatment indicator for subject jj in trial ii, μSi\mu_{Si} and μTi\mu_{Ti} are the fixed trial-specific intercepts for S and T, and αi\alpha_{i} and βi\beta_{i} are the fixed trial-specific treatment effects on S and T, respectively. The error terms εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij} are assumed to be independent.

When a reduced model is requested by the user (by using the argument Model=c("Reduced") in the function call), the following univariate models are fitted:

Sij=μS+αiZij+εSij,(2)S_{ij}=\mu_{S}+\alpha_{i}Z_{ij}+\varepsilon_{Sij}, (2)

Tij=μT+βiZij+εTij,(2)T_{ij}=\mu_{T}+\beta_{i}Z_{ij}+\varepsilon_{Tij}, (2)

where μS\mu_{S} and μT\mu_{T} are the common intercepts for S and T. The other parameters are the same as defined above, and εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij} are again assumed to be independent.

When the user requested a full model approach (by using the argument Model=c("Full") in the function call, i.e., when models (1) were fitted), the following model is subsequently fitted:

β^i=λ0+λ1μSi^+λ2α^i+εi,(3)\widehat{\beta}_{i}=\lambda_{0}+\lambda_{1}\widehat{\mu_{Si}}+\lambda_{2}\widehat{\alpha}_{i}+\varepsilon_{i}, (3)

where the parameter estimates for βi\beta_i, μSi\mu_{Si}, and αi\alpha_i are based on models (1) (see above). When a weighted model is requested (using the argument Weighted=TRUE in the function call), model (3) is a weighted regression model (with weights based on the number of observations in trial ii). The 2-2 log likelihood value of the (weighted or unweighted) model (3) (L1L_1) is subsequently compared to the 2-2 log likelihood value of an intercept-only model (β^i=λ3\widehat{\beta}_{i}=\lambda_{3}; L0L_0), and Rht2R^2_{ht} is computed based based on the Variance Reduction Factor (for details, see Alonso & Molenberghs, 2007):

Rht2=1exp(L1L0N),R^2_{ht}= 1 - exp \left(-\frac{L_1-L_0}{N} \right),

where NN is the number of trials.

When a semi-reduced or reduced model is requested (by using the argument Model=c("SemiReduced") or Model=c("Reduced") in the function call), the following model is fitted:


where the parameter estimates for βi\beta_i and αi\alpha_i are based on models (1) when a semi-reduced model is fitted or on models (2) when a reduced model is fitted. The 2-2 log likelihood value of this (weighted or unweighted) model (L1L_1) is subsequently compared to the 2-2 log likelihood value of an intercept-only model (β^i=λ3\widehat{\beta}_{i}=\lambda_{3}; L0L_0), and Rht2R^2_{ht} is computed based on the reduction in the likelihood (as described above).


An object of class FixedBinContIT with components,


Prior to conducting the surrogacy analysis, data of patients who have a missing value for the surrogate and/or the true endpoint are excluded. In addition, the data of trials (i) in which only one type of the treatment was administered, and (ii) in which either the surrogate or the true endpoint was a constant (i.e., all patients within a trial had the same surrogate and/or true endpoint value) are excluded. In addition, the user can specify the minimum number of patients that a trial should contain in order to include the trial in the analysis. If the number of patients in a trial is smaller than the value specified by Min.Trial.Size, the data of the trial are excluded. Data.Analyze is the dataset on which the surrogacy analysis was conducted.


A data.frame that contains the total number of patients per trial and the number of patients who were administered the control treatment and the experimental treatment in each of the trials (in Data.Analyze).


A data.frame that contains the trial-specific intercepts and treatment effects for the surrogate and the true endpoints (when a full or semi-reduced model is requested), or the trial-specific treatment effects for the surrogate and the true endpoints (when a reduced model is requested).


A data.frame that contains the trial-level surrogacy estimate and its confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the individual-level surrogacy estimate Rh.ind2R^2_{h.ind} (single-trial based estimate) and its confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the individual-level surrogacy estimate Rh2R^2_{h} (cluster-based estimate) and its confidence interval (bootstrap-based).


A data.frame that contains the individual-level surrogacy estimate Rb.ind2R^2_{b.ind} (single-trial based estimate accounting for upper bound) and its confidence interval (based on a bootstrap).


A data.frame that contains individual-level surrogacy estimates Rh2R^2_{h} (cluster-based estimate) and their confidence interval for each of the trials seperately.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A, & Molenberghs, G. (2007). Surrogate marker evaluation from an information theory perspective. Biometrics, 63, 180-186.

Joe, H. (1989). Relative entropy measures of multivariate dependence. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 84, 157-164.

Kent, T. J. (1983). Information gain as a general measure of correlation. Biometrica, 70, 163-173.

See Also

FixedBinBinIT, FixedContBinIT, plot Information-Theoretic BinCombn


## Not run:  # Time consuming (>5sec) code part
# Generate data with continuous Surr and True
Sim.Data.MTS(N.Total=2000, N.Trial=100, R.Trial.Target=.8, 
R.Indiv.Target=.8, Seed=123, Model="Full")

# Make T binary
Data.Observed.MTS$True_Bin <- Data.Observed.MTS$True
Data.Observed.MTS$True_Bin[Data.Observed.MTS$True>=0] <- 1
Data.Observed.MTS$True_Bin[Data.Observed.MTS$True<0] <- 0

# Analyze data
Fit <- FixedBinContIT(Dataset = Data.Observed.MTS, Surr = Surr, 
True = True_Bin, Treat = Treat, Trial.ID = Trial.ID, Pat.ID = Pat.ID, 
Model = "Full", Number.Bootstraps=50)

# Examine results
plot(Fit, Trial.Level = FALSE, Indiv.Level.By.Trial=TRUE)
plot(Fit, Trial.Level = TRUE, Indiv.Level.By.Trial=FALSE)

## End(Not run)

Fits (univariate) fixed-effect models to assess surrogacy in the case where the true endpoint is continuous and the surrogate endpoint is binary (based on the Information-Theoretic framework)


The function FixedContBinIT uses the information-theoretic approach (Alonso & Molenberghs, 2007) to estimate trial- and individual-level surrogacy based on fixed-effect models when T is continuous normally distributed and S is binary. The user can specify whether a (weighted or unweighted) full, semi-reduced, or reduced model should be fitted. See the Details section below.


FixedContBinIT(Dataset, Surr, True, Treat, Trial.ID, Pat.ID, 
Model=c("Full"), Weighted=TRUE, Min.Trial.Size=2, Alpha=.05, 
Number.Bootstraps=50,Seed=sample(1:1000, size=1))



A data.frame that should consist of one line per patient. Each line contains (at least) a surrogate value, a true endpoint value, a treatment indicator, a patient ID, and a trial ID.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the surrogate endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the true endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the treatment indicators. The treatment indicator should either be coded as 11 for the experimental group and 1-1 for the control group, or as 11 for the experimental group and 00 for the control group.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the trial ID to which the patient belongs.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the patient's ID.


The type of model that should be fitted, i.e., Model=c("Full"), Model=c("Reduced"), or Model=c("SemiReduced"). See the Details section below. Default Model=c("Full").


Logical. In practice it is often the case that different trials (or other clustering units) have different sample sizes. Univariate models are used to assess surrogacy in the information-theoretic approach, so it can be useful to adjust for heterogeneity in information content between the trial-specific contributions (particularly when trial-level surrogacy measures are of primary interest and when the heterogeneity in sample sizes is large). If Weighted=TRUE, weighted regression models are fitted. If Weighted=FALSE, unweighted regression analyses are conducted. See the Details section below. Default TRUE.


The minimum number of patients that a trial should contain to be included in the analysis. If the number of patients in a trial is smaller than the value specified by Min.Trial.Size, the data of the trial are excluded from the analysis. Default 22.


The α\alpha-level that is used to determine the confidence intervals around Rh2R^2_{h} and Rht2R^2_{ht}. Default 0.050.05.


The standard error and confidence interval for Rh.ind2R^2_{h.ind} is determined based on a bootstrap procedure. Number.Bootstraps specifies the number of bootstrap samples that are used. Default 5050.


The seed to be used in the bootstrap procedure. Default sample(1:1000,size=1)sample(1:1000, size=1).


Individual-level surrogacy

The following univariate generalised linear models are fitted:



where ii and jj are the trial and subject indicators, gTg_{T} is an appropriate link function (i.e., a logit link for binary endpoints and an identity link for normally distributed continuous endpoints), SijS_{ij} and TijT_{ij} are the surrogate and true endpoint values of subject jj in trial ii, and ZijZ_{ij} is the treatment indicator for subject jj in trial ii. μTi\mu_{Ti} and βi\beta_{i} are the trial-specific intercepts and treatment-effects on the true endpoint in trial ii. γ0i\gamma_{0i} and γ1i\gamma_{1i} are the trial-specific intercepts and treatment-effects on the true endpoint in trial ii after accounting for the effect of the surrogate endpoint.

The 2-2 log likelihood values of the previous models in each of the ii trials (i.e., L1iL_{1i} and L2iL_{2i}, respectively) are subsequently used to compute individual-level surrogacy based on the so-called Variance Reduction Factor (VFR; for details, see Alonso & Molenberghs, 2007):

Rh2=11Niexp(L2iL1ini),R^2_{h}= 1 - \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i} exp \left(-\frac{L_{2i}-L_{1i}}{n_{i}} \right),

where NN is the number of trials and nin_{i} is the number of patients within trial ii.

When it can be assumed (i) that the treatment-corrected association between the surrogate and the true endpoint is constant across trials, or (ii) when all data come from a single clinical trial (i.e., when N=1N=1), the previous expression simplifies to:

Rh.ind2=1exp(L2L1N).R^2_{h.ind}= 1 - exp \left(-\frac{L_{2}-L_{1}}{N} \right).

Trial-level surrogacy

When a full or semi-reduced model is requested (by using the argument Model=c("Full") or Model=c("SemiReduced") in the function call), trial-level surrogacy is assessed by fitting the following univariate models:

Sij=μSi+αiZij+εSij,(1)S_{ij}=\mu_{Si}+\alpha_{i}Z_{ij}+\varepsilon_{Sij}, (1)

Tij=μTi+βiZij+εTij,(1)T_{ij}=\mu_{Ti}+\beta_{i}Z_{ij}+\varepsilon_{Tij}, (1)

where ii and jj are the trial and subject indicators, SijS_{ij} and TijT_{ij} are the surrogate and true endpoint values of subject jj in trial ii, ZijZ_{ij} is the treatment indicator for subject jj in trial ii, μSi\mu_{Si} and μTi\mu_{Ti} are the fixed trial-specific intercepts for S and T, and αi\alpha_{i} and βi\beta_{i} are the fixed trial-specific treatment effects on S and T, respectively. The error terms εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij} are assumed to be independent.

When a reduced model is requested by the user (by using the argument Model=c("Reduced") in the function call), the following univariate models are fitted:

Sij=μS+αiZij+εSij,(2)S_{ij}=\mu_{S}+\alpha_{i}Z_{ij}+\varepsilon_{Sij}, (2)

Tij=μT+βiZij+εTij,(2)T_{ij}=\mu_{T}+\beta_{i}Z_{ij}+\varepsilon_{Tij}, (2)

where μS\mu_{S} and μT\mu_{T} are the common intercepts for S and T. The other parameters are the same as defined above, and εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij} are again assumed to be independent.

When the user requested a full model approach (by using the argument Model=c("Full") in the function call, i.e., when models (1) were fitted), the following model is subsequently fitted:

β^i=λ0+λ1μSi^+λ2α^i+εi,(3)\widehat{\beta}_{i}=\lambda_{0}+\lambda_{1}\widehat{\mu_{Si}}+\lambda_{2}\widehat{\alpha}_{i}+\varepsilon_{i}, (3)

where the parameter estimates for βi\beta_i, μSi\mu_{Si}, and αi\alpha_i are based on models (1) (see above). When a weighted model is requested (using the argument Weighted=TRUE in the function call), model (3) is a weighted regression model (with weights based on the number of observations in trial ii). The 2-2 log likelihood value of the (weighted or unweighted) model (3) (L1L_1) is subsequently compared to the 2-2 log likelihood value of an intercept-only model (β^i=λ3\widehat{\beta}_{i}=\lambda_{3}; L0L_0), and Rht2R^2_{ht} is computed based based on the Variance Reduction Factor (for details, see Alonso & Molenberghs, 2007):

Rht2=1exp(L1L0N),R^2_{ht}= 1 - exp \left(-\frac{L_1-L_0}{N} \right),

where NN is the number of trials.

When a semi-reduced or reduced model is requested (by using the argument Model=c("SemiReduced") or Model=c("Reduced") in the function call), the following model is fitted:


where the parameter estimates for βi\beta_i and αi\alpha_i are based on models (1) when a semi-reduced model is fitted or on models (2) when a reduced model is fitted. The 2-2 log likelihood value of this (weighted or unweighted) model (L1L_1) is subsequently compared to the 2-2 log likelihood value of an intercept-only model (β^i=λ3\widehat{\beta}_{i}=\lambda_{3}; L0L_0), and Rht2R^2_{ht} is computed based on the reduction in the likelihood (as described above).


An object of class FixedContBinIT with components,


Prior to conducting the surrogacy analysis, data of patients who have a missing value for the surrogate and/or the true endpoint are excluded. In addition, the data of trials (i) in which only one type of the treatment was administered, and (ii) in which either the surrogate or the true endpoint was a constant (i.e., all patients within a trial had the same surrogate and/or true endpoint value) are excluded. In addition, the user can specify the minimum number of patients that a trial should contain in order to include the trial in the analysis. If the number of patients in a trial is smaller than the value specified by Min.Trial.Size, the data of the trial are excluded. Data.Analyze is the dataset on which the surrogacy analysis was conducted.


A data.frame that contains the total number of patients per trial and the number of patients who were administered the control treatment and the experimental treatment in each of the trials (in Data.Analyze).


A data.frame that contains the trial-specific intercepts and treatment effects for the surrogate and the true endpoints (when a full or semi-reduced model is requested), or the trial-specific treatment effects for the surrogate and the true endpoints (when a reduced model is requested).


A data.frame that contains the trial-level surrogacy estimate and its confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the individual-level surrogacy estimate Rh2R^2_{h} (cluster-based estimate) and its confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the individual-level surrogacy estimate Rh.ind2R^2_{h.ind} (single-trial based estimate) and its confidence interval based on a bootstrap. The Rh.ind2R^2_{h.ind} shown is the mean of the bootstrapped values.


A data.frame that contains individual-level surrogacy estimates Rh2R^2_{h} (cluster-based estimate) and their confidence interval for each of the trials seperately.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A, & Molenberghs, G. (2007). Surrogate marker evaluation from an information theory perspective. Biometrics, 63, 180-186.

See Also

FixedBinBinIT, FixedBinContIT, plot Information-Theoretic BinCombn


## Not run:  # Time consuming (>5sec) code part
# Generate data with continuous Surr and True
Sim.Data.MTS(N.Total=2000, N.Trial=100, R.Trial.Target=.8, 
R.Indiv.Target=.8, Seed=123, Model="Full")

# Make S binary
Data.Observed.MTS$Surr_Bin <- Data.Observed.MTS$Surr
Data.Observed.MTS$Surr_Bin[Data.Observed.MTS$Surr>=0] <- 1
Data.Observed.MTS$Surr_Bin[Data.Observed.MTS$Surr<0] <- 0

# Analyze data
Fit <- FixedContBinIT(Dataset = Data.Observed.MTS, Surr = Surr_Bin, 
True = True, Treat = Treat, Trial.ID = Trial.ID, Pat.ID = Pat.ID, 
Model = "Full", Number.Bootstraps=50)

# Examine results
plot(Fit, Trial.Level = FALSE, Indiv.Level.By.Trial=TRUE)
plot(Fit, Trial.Level = TRUE, Indiv.Level.By.Trial=FALSE)

## End(Not run)

Fits (univariate) fixed-effect models to assess surrogacy in the continuous-continuous case based on the Information-Theoretic framework


The function FixedContContIT uses the information-theoretic approach (Alonso & Molenberghs, 2007) to estimate trial- and individual-level surrogacy based on fixed-effect models when both S and T are continuous variables. The user can specify whether a (weighted or unweighted) full, semi-reduced, or reduced model should be fitted. See the Details section below.


FixedContContIT(Dataset, Surr, True, Treat, Trial.ID, Pat.ID, 
Model=c("Full"), Weighted=TRUE, Min.Trial.Size=2, 
Alpha=.05, Number.Bootstraps=500, Seed=sample(1:1000, size=1))



A data.frame that should consist of one line per patient. Each line contains (at least) a surrogate value, a true endpoint value, a treatment indicator, a patient ID, and a trial ID.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the surrogate endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the true endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the treatment indicators. The treatment indicator should either be coded as 11 for the experimental group and 1-1 for the control group, or as 11 for the experimental group and 00 for the control group.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the trial ID to which the patient belongs.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the patient's ID.


The type of model that should be fitted, i.e., Model=c("Full"), Model=c("Reduced"), or Model=c("SemiReduced"). See the Details section below. Default Model=c("Full").


Logical. In practice it is often the case that different trials (or other clustering units) have different sample sizes. Univariate models are used to assess surrogacy in the information-theoretic approach, so it can be useful to adjust for heterogeneity in information content between the trial-specific contributions (particularly when trial-level surrogacy measures are of primary interest and when the heterogeneity in sample sizes is large). If Weighted=TRUE, weighted regression models are fitted. If Weighted=FALSE, unweighted regression analyses are conducted. See the Details section below. Default TRUE.


The minimum number of patients that a trial should contain to be included in the analysis. If the number of patients in a trial is smaller than the value specified by Min.Trial.Size, the data of the trial are excluded from the analysis. Default 22.


The α\alpha-level that is used to determine the confidence intervals around Rh2R^2_{h} and Rht2R^2_{ht}. Default 0.050.05.


The standard error and confidence interval for Rh2R^2_{h} is determined based on a bootstrap procedure. Number.Bootstraps specifies the number of bootstrap samples that are used. Default 500500.


The seed to be used in the bootstrap procedure. Default sample(1:1000,size=1)sample(1:1000, size=1).


Individual-level surrogacy

The following univariate generalised linear models are fitted:



where ii and jj are the trial and subject indicators, gTg_{T} is an appropriate link function (i.e., an identity link when a continuous true endpoint is considered), SijS_{ij} and TijT_{ij} are the surrogate and true endpoint values of subject jj in trial ii, and ZijZ_{ij} is the treatment indicator for subject jj in trial ii. μTi\mu_{Ti} and βi\beta_{i} are the trial-specific intercepts and treatment-effects on the true endpoint in trial ii. γ0i\gamma_{0i} and γ1i\gamma_{1i} are the trial-specific intercepts and treatment-effects on the true endpoint in trial ii after accounting for the effect of the surrogate endpoint.

The 2-2 log likelihood values of the previous models in each of the ii trials (i.e., L1iL_{1i} and L2iL_{2i}, respectively) are subsequently used to compute individual-level surrogacy based on the so-called Variance Reduction Factor (VFR; for details, see Alonso & Molenberghs, 2007):

Rh.ind2=11Niexp(L2iL1ini),R^2_{h.ind}= 1 - \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i} exp \left(-\frac{L_{2i}-L_{1i}}{n_{i}} \right),

where NN is the number of trials and nin_{i} is the number of patients within trial ii.

When it can be assumed (i) that the treatment-corrected association between the surrogate and the true endpoint is constant across trials, or (ii) when all data come from a single clinical trial (i.e., when N=1N=1), the previous expression simplifies to:

Rh.ind.clust2=1exp(L2L1N).R^2_{h.ind.clust}= 1 - exp \left(-\frac{L_{2}-L_{1}}{N} \right).

Trial-level surrogacy

When a full or semi-reduced model is requested (by using the argument Model=c("Full") or Model=c("SemiReduced") in the function call), trial-level surrogacy is assessed by fitting the following univariate models:

Sij=μSi+αiZij+εSij,(1)S_{ij}=\mu_{Si}+\alpha_{i}Z_{ij}+\varepsilon_{Sij}, (1)

Tij=μTi+βiZij+εTij,(1)T_{ij}=\mu_{Ti}+\beta_{i}Z_{ij}+\varepsilon_{Tij}, (1)

where ii and jj are the trial and subject indicators, SijS_{ij} and TijT_{ij} are the surrogate and true endpoint values of subject jj in trial ii, ZijZ_{ij} is the treatment indicator for subject jj in trial ii, μSi\mu_{Si} and μTi\mu_{Ti} are the fixed trial-specific intercepts for S and T, and αi\alpha_{i} and βi\beta_{i} are the fixed trial-specific treatment effects on S and T, respectively. The error terms εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij} are assumed to be independent.

When a reduced model is requested by the user (by using the argument Model=c("Reduced") in the function call), the following univariate models are fitted:

Sij=μS+αiZij+εSij,(2)S_{ij}=\mu_{S}+\alpha_{i}Z_{ij}+\varepsilon_{Sij}, (2)

Tij=μT+βiZij+εTij,(2)T_{ij}=\mu_{T}+\beta_{i}Z_{ij}+\varepsilon_{Tij}, (2)

where μS\mu_{S} and μT\mu_{T} are the common intercepts for S and T. The other parameters are the same as defined above, and εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij} are again assumed to be independent.

When the user requested a full model approach (by using the argument Model=c("Full") in the function call, i.e., when models (1) were fitted), the following model is subsequently fitted:

β^i=λ0+λ1μSi^+λ2α^i+εi,(3)\widehat{\beta}_{i}=\lambda_{0}+\lambda_{1}\widehat{\mu_{Si}}+\lambda_{2}\widehat{\alpha}_{i}+\varepsilon_{i}, (3)

where the parameter estimates for βi\beta_i, μSi\mu_{Si}, and αi\alpha_i are based on models (1) (see above). When a weighted model is requested (using the argument Weighted=TRUE in the function call), model (3) is a weighted regression model (with weights based on the number of observations in trial ii). The 2-2 log likelihood value of the (weighted or unweighted) model (3) (L1L_1) is subsequently compared to the 2-2 log likelihood value of an intercept-only model (β^i=λ3\widehat{\beta}_{i}=\lambda_{3}; L0L_0), and Rht2R^2_{ht} is computed based based on the Variance Reduction Factor (for details, see Alonso & Molenberghs, 2007):

Rht2=1exp(L1L0N),R^2_{ht}= 1 - exp \left(-\frac{L_1-L_0}{N} \right),

where NN is the number of trials.

When a semi-reduced or reduced model is requested (by using the argument Model=c("SemiReduced") or Model=c("Reduced") in the function call), the following model is fitted:


where the parameter estimates for βi\beta_i and αi\alpha_i are based on models (1) when a semi-reduced model is fitted or on models (2) when a reduced model is fitted. The 2-2 log likelihood value of this (weighted or unweighted) model (L1L_1) is subsequently compared to the 2-2 log likelihood value of an intercept-only model (β^i=λ3\widehat{\beta}_{i}=\lambda_{3}; L0L_0), and Rht2R^2_{ht} is computed based on the reduction in the likelihood (as described above).


An object of class FixedContContIT with components,


Prior to conducting the surrogacy analysis, data of patients who have a missing value for the surrogate and/or the true endpoint are excluded. In addition, the data of trials (i) in which only one type of the treatment was administered, and (ii) in which either the surrogate or the true endpoint was a constant (i.e., all patients within a trial had the same surrogate and/or true endpoint value) are excluded. In addition, the user can specify the minimum number of patients that a trial should contain in order to include the trial in the analysis. If the number of patients in a trial is smaller than the value specified by Min.Trial.Size, the data of the trial are excluded. Data.Analyze is the dataset on which the surrogacy analysis was conducted.


A data.frame that contains the total number of patients per trial and the number of patients who were administered the control treatment and the experimental treatment in each of the trials (in Data.Analyze).


A data.frame that contains the trial-specific intercepts and treatment effects for the surrogate and the true endpoints (when a full or semi-reduced model is requested), or the trial-specific treatment effects for the surrogate and the true endpoints (when a reduced model is requested).


A data.frame that contains the trial-level surrogacy estimate and its confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the individual-level surrogacy estimate and its confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the individual-level surrogacy estimate and its confidence interval under the assumption that the treatment-corrected association between the surrogate and the true endpoints is constant across trials or when all data come from a single clinical trial.


A data.frame that contains the bootstrapped R2h.Single values.


A data.frame that contains the correlations between the surrogate and the true endpoint in the control treatment group (i.e., ρT0S0\rho_{T0S0}) and in the experimental treatment group (i.e., ρT1S1\rho_{T1S1}), their standard errors and their confidence intervals.


A data.frame that contains the residuals for the surrogate and true endpoints (εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij}) that are obtained when models (1) or models (2) are fitted (see the Details section above).


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A, & Molenberghs, G. (2007). Surrogate marker evaluation from an information theory perspective. Biometrics, 63, 180-186.

See Also

MixedContContIT, FixedContBinIT, FixedBinContIT, FixedBinBinIT, plot Information-Theoretic


# Example 1
# Based on the ARMD data

# Assess surrogacy based on a full fixed-effect model
# in the information-theoretic framework:
Sur <- FixedContContIT(Dataset=ARMD, Surr=Diff24, True=Diff52, Treat=Treat, Trial.ID=Center,
Pat.ID=Id, Model="Full", Number.Bootstraps=50)
# Obtain a summary of the results:

## Not run:  #time consuming code
# Example 2
# Conduct an analysis based on a simulated dataset with 2000 patients, 100 trials,
# and Rindiv=Rtrial=.8

# Simulate the data:
Sim.Data.MTS(N.Total=2000, N.Trial=100, R.Trial.Target=.8, R.Indiv.Target=.8,
             Seed=123, Model="Full")
# Assess surrogacy based on a full fixed-effect model
# in the information-theoretic framework:
Sur2 <- FixedContContIT(Dataset=Data.Observed.MTS, Surr=Surr, True=True, Treat=Treat,
Trial.ID=Trial.ID, Pat.ID=Pat.ID, Model="Full", Number.Bootstraps=50)

# Show a summary of the results:
## End(Not run)

Investigates surrogacy for binary or ordinal outcomes using the Information Theoretic framework


The function FixedDiscrDiscrIT uses the information theoretic approach (Alonso and Molenberghs 2007) to estimate trial and individual level surrogacy based on fixed-effects models when the surrogate is binary and the true outcome is ordinal, the converse case or when both outcomes are ordinal (the user must specify which form the data is in). The user can specify whether a weighted or unweighted analysis is required at the trial level. The penalized likelihood approach of Firth (1993) is applied to resolve issues of separation in discrete outcomes for particular trials. Requires packages OrdinalLogisticBiplot and logistf.


FixedDiscrDiscrIT(Dataset, Surr, True, Treat, Trial.ID,
Weighted = TRUE, Setting = c("binord"))



A data.frame that should consist of one line per patient. Each line contains (at least) a surrogate value, a true outcome value, a treatment indicator and a trial ID.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the surrogate outcome values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the true outcome values.


The name of the in Dataset that contains the treatment group values, 0/1 or -1/+1 are recommended.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the trial ID to which the patient belongs.


Logical. In practice it is often the case that different trials (or other clustering units) have different sample sizes. Univariate models are used to assess surrogacy in the information-theoretic approach, so it can be useful to adjust for heterogeneity in information content between the trial-specific contributions (particularly when trial-level surrogacy measures are of primary interest and when the heterogeneity in sample sizes is large). If Weighted=TRUE, weighted regression models are fitted. If Weighted=FALSE, unweighted regression analyses are conducted. See the Details section below. Default TRUE.


Specifies whether an ordinal or binary surrogate or true outcome are present in Dataset. Setting=c("binord") for a binary surrogate and ordinal true outcome, Setting=c("ordbin") for an ordinal surrogate and binary true outcome and Setting=c("ordord") where both outcomes are ordinal.


Individual level surrogacy

The following univariate logistic regression models are fitted when Setting=c("ordbin"):

logit(P(Tij=1))=μTi+βiZij,(1)logit(P(T_{ij}=1))=\mu_{Ti}+\beta_{i}Z_{ij}, (1)

logit(P(Tij=1Sij=s))=γ0i+γ1iZij+γ2iSij,(1)logit(P(T_{ij}=1|S_{ij}=s))=\gamma_{0i}+\gamma_{1i}Z_{ij}+\gamma_{2i}S_{ij}, (1)

where: ii and jj are the trial and subject indicators; SijS_{ij} and TijT_{ij} are the surrogate and true outcome values of subject jj in trial ii; and ZijZ_{ij} is the treatment indicator for subject jj in trial ii; μTi\mu_{Ti} and βi\beta_{i} are the trial-specific intercepts and treatment-effects on the true endpoint in trial ii; and γ0i\gamma_{0i} and γ1i\gamma_{1i} are the trial-specific intercepts and treatment-effects on the true endpoint in trial ii after accounting for the effect of the surrogate endpoint. The 2-2 log likelihood values of the previous models in each of the ii trials (i.e., L1iL_{1i} and L2iL_{2i}, respectively) are subsequently used to compute individual-level surrogacy based on the so-called Likelihood Reduction Factor (LRF; for details, see Alonso & Molenberghs, 2006):

Rh2=11Niexp(L2iL1ini),R^2_{h}= 1 - \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i} exp \left(-\frac{L_{2i}-L_{1i}}{n_{i}} \right),

where NN is the number of trials and nin_{i} is the number of patients within trial ii.

At the individual level in the discrete case Rh2R^2_{h} is bounded above by a number strictly less than one and is re-scaled (see Alonso & Molenberghs (2007)):

Rh2^=Rh21e2L0,\widehat{R^2_{h}}= \frac{R^2_{h}}{1-e^{-2L_{0}}},

where L0L_{0} is the log-likelihood of the intercept only model of the true outcome (logit(P(Tij=1)=γ3logit(P(T_{ij}=1)=\gamma_{3}).

In the case of Setting=c("binord") or Setting=c("ordord") proportional odds models in (1) are used to accommodate the ordinal true response outcome, in all other respects the calculation of Rh2R^2_{h} would proceed in the same manner.

Trial-level surrogacy

When Setting=c("ordbin") trial-level surrogacy is assessed by fitting the following univariate logistic regression and proportional odds models for the ordinal surrogate and binary true response variables regressed on treatment for each trial ii:

logit(P(SijW))=μSwi+αiZij,(2)logit(P(S_{ij} \leq W))=\mu_{S_{wi}}+\alpha_{i}Z_{ij}, (2)

logit(P(Tij=1))=μTi+βiZij,(2)logit(P(T_{ij}=1))=\mu_{Ti}+\beta_{i}Z_{ij}, (2)

where: ii and jj are the trial and subject indicators; SijS_{ij} and TijT_{ij} are the surrogate and true outcome values of subject jj in trial ii; ZijZ_{ij} is the treatment indicator for subject jj in trial ii; μSwi\mu_{S_{wi}} are the trial-specific intercept values for each cut point ww, where w=1,..,W1w=1,..,W-1, of the ordinal surrogate outcome; μTi\mu_{Ti} are the fixed trial-specific intercepts for T; and αi\alpha_{i} and βi\beta_{i} are the fixed trial-specific treatment effects on S and T, respectively. The mean trial-specific intercepts for the surrogate are calculated, μSwi\overline{\mu}_{S_{wi}}.The following model is subsequently fitted:

β^i=λ0+λ1μ^Swi+λ2α^i+εi,(3)\widehat{\beta}_{i}=\lambda_{0}+\lambda_{1}\widehat{\overline{\mu}}_{S_{wi}}+\lambda_{2}\widehat{\alpha}_{i}+\varepsilon_{i}, (3)

where the parameter estimates for βi\beta_i, μSwi\overline{\mu}_{S_{wi}}, and αi\alpha_i are based on models (2) (see above). When a weighted model is requested (using the argument Weighted=TRUE in the function call), model (2) is a weighted regression model (with weights based on the number of observations in trial ii). The 2-2 log likelihood value of the (weighted or unweighted) model (2) (L1L_1) is subsequently compared to the 2-2 log likelihood value of an intercept-only model (β^i=λ3\widehat{\beta}_{i}=\lambda_{3}; L0L_0), and Rht2R^2_{ht} is computed based on the Likelihood Reduction Factor (for details, see Alonso & Molenberghs, 2006):

Rht2=1exp(L1L0N),R^2_{ht}= 1 - exp \left(-\frac{L_1-L_0}{N} \right),

where NN is the number of trials.

When separation (the presence of zero cells) occurs in the cross tabs of treatment and the true or surrogate outcome for a particular trial in models (2) extreme bias can occur in Rht2R^2_{ht}. Under separation there are no unique maximum likelihood for parameters βi\beta_i, μSwi\overline{\mu}_{S_{wi}} and αi\alpha_i, in (2), for the affected trial ii. This typically leads to extreme bias in the estimation of these parameters and hence outlying influential points in model (3), bias in Rht2R^2_{ht} inevitably follows.

To resolve the issue of separation the penalized likelihood approach of Firth (1993) is applied. This approach adds an asymptotically negligible component to the score function to allow unbiased estimation of βi\beta_i, μSwi\overline{\mu}_{S_{wi}}, and αi\alpha_i and in turn Rht2R^2_{ht}. The penalized likelihood R function logitf from the package of the same name is applied in the case of binary separation (Heinze and Schemper, 2002). The function pordlogistf from the package OrdinalLogisticBioplot is applied in the case of ordinal separation (Hern'andez, 2013). All instances of separation are reported.

In the case of Setting=c("binord") or Setting=c("ordord") the appropriate models (either logistic regression or a proportional odds models) are fitted in (2) to accommodate the form (either binary or ordinal) of the true or surrogate response variable. The rest of the analysis would proceed in a similar manner as that described above.


An object of class FixedDiscrDiscrIT with components,


A data.frame that contains the trial-specific intercepts and treatment effects for the surrogate and the true endpoints. Also, the number of observations per trial; whether the trial was able to be included in the analysis for both Rh2R^2_{h} and Rht2R^2_{ht}; whether separation occurred and hence the penalized likelihood approach used for the surrogate or true outcome.


A data.frame that contains the trial-level surrogacy estimate and its confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the individual-level surrogacy estimate and its confidence interval.


Hannah M. Ensor & Christopher J. Weir


Alonso, A, & Molenberghs, G. (2007). Surrogate marker evaluation from an information theory perspective. Biometrics, 63, 180-186.

Alonso, A, & Molenberghs, G., Geys, H., Buyse, M. & Vangeneugden, T. (2006). A unifying approach for surrogate marker validation based on Prentice's criteria. Statistics in medicine, 25, 205-221.

Firth, D. (1993). Bias reduction of maximum likelihood estimates. Biometrika, 80, 27-38.

Heinze, G. & Schemper, M. 2002. A solution to the problem of separation in logistic regression. Statistics in medicine, 21, 2409-2419.

Hern'andez, J. C. V.-V. O., J. L. 2013. OrdinalLogisticBiplot: Biplot representations of ordinal variables. R.

See Also

FixedContContIT, plot Information-Theoretic


## Not run:  # Time consuming (>5sec) code part
# Example 1
# Conduct an analysis based on a simulated dataset with 2000 patients, 100 trials,
# and Rindiv=Rtrial=.8

# Simulate the data:
Sim.Data.MTS(N.Total=2000, N.Trial=100, R.Trial.Target=.8, R.Indiv.Target=.8,
Seed=123, Model="Full")

# create a binary true and ordinal surrogate outcome

# Assess surrogacy based on a full fixed-effect model
# in the information-theoretic framework for a binary surrogate and ordinal true outcome:
SurEval <- FixedDiscrDiscrIT(Dataset=Data.Observed.MTS, Surr=Surr, True=True, Treat=Treat,
Trial.ID=Trial.ID, Setting="ordbin")

# Show a summary of the results:

## End(Not run)

Loglikelihood on the Copula Scale for the Frank Copula


frank_loglik_copula_scale() computes the loglikelihood on the copula scale for the Frank copula which is parameterized by theta as follows:

C(u,v)=1θlog[1(1eθu)(1eθv)1eθ]C(u, v) = - \frac{1}{\theta} \log \left[ 1 - \frac{(1 - e^{-\theta u})(1 - e^{-\theta v})}{1 - e^{-\theta}} \right]


frank_loglik_copula_scale(theta, u, v, d1, d2, return_sum = TRUE)



Copula parameter


A numeric vector. Corresponds to first variable on the copula scale.


A numeric vector. Corresponds to second variable on the copula scale.


An integer vector. Indicates whether first variable is observed or right-censored,

  • d1[i] = 1 if u[i] corresponds to non-censored value

  • d1[i] = 0 if u[i] corresponds to right-censored value

  • d1[i] = -1 if u[i] corresponds to left-censored value


An integer vector. Indicates whether first variable is observed or right-censored,

  • d2[i] = 1 if v[i] corresponds to non-censored value

  • d2[i] = 0 if v[i] corresponds to right-censored value

  • d2[i] = -1 if v[i] corresponds to left-censored value


Return the sum of the individual loglikelihoods? If FALSE, a vector with the individual loglikelihood contributions is returned.


Value of the copula loglikelihood evaluated in theta.

Loglikelihood on the Copula Scale for the Gaussian Copula


gaussian_loglik_copula_scale() computes the loglikelihood on the copula scale for the Gaussian copula which is parameterized by theta as follows:

C(u,v)=Ψ[Φ1(u),Φ1(v)ρ]C(u, v) = \Psi \left[ \Phi^{-1} (u), \Phi^{-1} (v) | \rho \right]


gaussian_loglik_copula_scale(theta, u, v, d1, d2, return_sum = TRUE)



Copula parameter


A numeric vector. Corresponds to first variable on the copula scale.


A numeric vector. Corresponds to second variable on the copula scale.


An integer vector. Indicates whether first variable is observed or right-censored,

  • d1[i] = 1 if u[i] corresponds to non-censored value

  • d1[i] = 0 if u[i] corresponds to right-censored value

  • d1[i] = -1 if u[i] corresponds to left-censored value


An integer vector. Indicates whether first variable is observed or right-censored,

  • d2[i] = 1 if v[i] corresponds to non-censored value

  • d2[i] = 0 if v[i] corresponds to right-censored value

  • d2[i] = -1 if v[i] corresponds to left-censored value


Return the sum of the individual loglikelihoods? If FALSE, a vector with the individual loglikelihood contributions is returned.


Value of the copula loglikelihood evaluated in theta.

Loglikelihood on the Copula Scale for the Gumbel Copula


gumbel_loglik_copula_scale() computes the loglikelihood on the copula scale for the Gumbel copula which is parameterized by theta as follows:

C(u,v)=exp[{(logu)θ+(logv)θ}1θ]C(u, v) = \exp \left[ - \left\{ (-\log u)^{\theta} + (-\log v)^{\theta} \right\}^{\frac{1}{\theta}} \right]


gumbel_loglik_copula_scale(theta, u, v, d1, d2, return_sum = TRUE)



Copula parameter


A numeric vector. Corresponds to first variable on the copula scale.


A numeric vector. Corresponds to second variable on the copula scale.


An integer vector. Indicates whether first variable is observed or right-censored,

  • d1[i] = 1 if u[i] corresponds to non-censored value

  • d1[i] = 0 if u[i] corresponds to right-censored value

  • d1[i] = -1 if u[i] corresponds to left-censored value


An integer vector. Indicates whether first variable is observed or right-censored,

  • d2[i] = 1 if v[i] corresponds to non-censored value

  • d2[i] = 0 if v[i] corresponds to right-censored value

  • d2[i] = -1 if v[i] corresponds to left-censored value


Return the sum of the individual loglikelihoods? If FALSE, a vector with the individual loglikelihood contributions is returned.


Value of the copula loglikelihood evaluated in theta.

Constructor for the function that returns that ICA as a function of the identifiable parameters


ICA_given_model_constructor() returns a function fixes the unidentifiable parameters at user-specified values and takes the identifiable parameters as argument.


  measure = "ICA",
  mutinfo_estimator = NULL,
  ICA_estimator = NULL,
  composite = NULL,
  restr_time = +Inf



Returned value from fit_copula_OrdOrd(), fit_copula_OrdCont(), or fit_copula_ContCont(). This object contains the estimated identifiable part of the joint distribution for the potential outcomes.


Parameter vector for the sequence of unidentifiable bivariate copulas that define the D-vine copula. The elements of copula_par correspond to (c23,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{23}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Copula family of the other bivariate copulas. For the possible options, see loglik_copula_scale(). The elements of copula_family2 correspond to (c23,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{23}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Vector of rotation parameters for the sequence of unidentifiable bivariate copulas that define the D-vine copula. The elements of rotation_par correspond to (c23,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{23}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Number of Monte Carlo samples for the computation of the mutual information.


Compute intervals for which measure of surrogacy? Defaults to "ICA". See first column names of sens_results for other possibilities.


Function that estimates the mutual information between the first two arguments which are numeric vectors. Defaults to FNN::mutinfo() with default arguments in the survival-survival setting. This argument is not used for non-survival-survival settings.


Function that estimates the ICA between the first two arguments which are numeric vectors. Defaults to NULL which corresponds to using estimate_ICA_ContCont(), estimate_ICA_OrdCont(), or estimate_ICA_OrdOrd() (depending on the endpoint types). This argument is not used in the survival-survival setting.


Seed for Monte Carlo sampling. This seed does not affect the global environment.


(boolean) If composite is TRUE, then the surrogate endpoint is a composite of both a "pure" surrogate endpoint and the true endpoint, e.g., progression-free survival is the minimum of time-to-progression and time-to-death.


Restriction time for the potential outcomes. Defaults to +Inf which means no restriction. Otherwise, the sampled potential outcomes are replace by pmin(S0, restr_time) (and similarly for the other potential outcomes).


A function that computes the ICA as a function of the identifiable parameters. In this computation, the unidentifiable parameters are fixed at the values supplied as arguments to ICA_given_model_constructor_SurvSurv() or ICA_given_model_constructor().

Constructor for the function that returns that ICA as a function of the identifiable parameters for survival-survival


ICA_given_model_constructor_SurvSurv() returns a function fixes the unidentifiable parameters at user-specified values and takes the identifiable parameters as argument.


  measure = "ICA",
  restr_time = +Inf



Returned value from fit_model_SurvSurv(). This object contains the estimated identifiable part of the joint distribution for the potential outcomes.


Parameter vector for the sequence of unidentifiable bivariate copulas that define the D-vine copula. The elements of copula_par correspond to (c23,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{23}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Copula family of the other bivariate copulas. For the possible options, see loglik_copula_scale(). The elements of copula_family2 correspond to (c23,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{23}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Vector of rotation parameters for the sequence of unidentifiable bivariate copulas that define the D-vine copula. The elements of rotation_par correspond to (c23,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{23}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Number of Monte Carlo samples for the computation of the mutual information.


Compute intervals for which measure of surrogacy? Defaults to "ICA". See first column names of sens_results for other possibilities.


Function that estimates the mutual information between the first two arguments which are numeric vectors. Defaults to FNN::mutinfo() with default arguments.


(boolean) If composite is TRUE, then the surrogate endpoint is a composite of both a "pure" surrogate endpoint and the true endpoint, e.g., progression-free survival is the minimum of time-to-progression and time-to-death.


Seed for Monte Carlo sampling. This seed does not affect the global environment.


Restriction time for the potential outcomes. Defaults to +Inf which means no restriction. Otherwise, the sampled potential outcomes are replace by pmin(S0, restr_time) (and similarly for the other potential outcomes).


A function that computes the ICA as a function of the identifiable parameters. In this computation, the unidentifiable parameters are fixed at the values supplied as arguments to ICA_given_model_constructor_SurvSurv() or ICA_given_model_constructor().

Assess surrogacy in the causal-inference single-trial setting in the binary-binary case


The function ICA.BinBin quantifies surrogacy in the single-trial causal-inference framework (individual causal association and causal concordance) when both the surrogate and the true endpoints are binary outcomes. See Details below.


ICA.BinBin(pi1_1_, pi1_0_, pi_1_1, pi_1_0, pi0_1_, pi_0_1,
Monotonicity=c("General"), Sum_Pi_f = seq(from=0.01, to=0.99, by=.01),
M=10000, Volume.Perc=0, Seed=sample(1:100000, size=1))



A scalar or vector that contains values for P(T=1,S=1Z=0)P(T=1,S=1|Z=0), i.e., the probability that S=T=1S=T=1 when under treatment Z=0Z=0. A vector is specified to account for uncertainty, i.e., rather than keeping P(T=1,S=1Z=0)P(T=1,S=1|Z=0) fixed at one estimated value, a distribution can be specified (see examples below) from which a value is drawn in each run.


A scalar or vector that contains values for P(T=1,S=0Z=0)P(T=1,S=0|Z=0).


A scalar or vector that contains values for P(T=1,S=1Z=1)P(T=1,S=1|Z=1).


A scalar or vector that contains values for P(T=1,S=0Z=1)P(T=1,S=0|Z=1).


A scalar or vector that contains values for P(T=0,S=1Z=0)P(T=0,S=1|Z=0).


A scalar or vector that contains values for P(T=0,S=1Z=1)P(T=0,S=1|Z=1).


Specifies which assumptions regarding monotonicity should be made: Monotonicity=c("General"), Monotonicity=c("No"), Monotonicity=c("True.Endp"), Monotonicity=c("Surr.Endp"), or Monotonicity=c("Surr.True.Endp"). See Details below. Default Monotonicity=c("General").


A scalar or vector that specifies the grid of values G=g1,g2,...,gkG={g_{1},\: g_{2},\:...,\: g_{k}} to be considered when the sensitivity analysis is conducted. See Details below. Default Sum_Pi_f = seq(from=0.01, to=0.99, by=.01).


The number of runs that are conducted for a given value of Sum_Pi_f. This argument is not used when Volume.Perc=0. Default M=10000.


Note that the marginals that are observable in the data set a number of restrictions on the unidentified correlations. For example, under montonicity for SS and TT, it holds that π0111<=min(π01,π11)\pi_{0111}<=min(\pi_{0\cdot1\cdot}, \pi_{\cdot1\cdot1}) and π1100<=min(π10,π10)\pi_{1100}<=min(\pi_{1\cdot0\cdot}, \pi_{\cdot1\cdot0}). For example, when min(π01,π11)=0.10min(\pi_{0\cdot1\cdot}, \pi_{\cdot1\cdot1})=0.10 and min(π10,π10)=0.08min(\pi_{1\cdot0\cdot}, \pi_{\cdot1\cdot0})=0.08, then all valid π0111<=0.10\pi_{0111}<=0.10 and all valid π1100<=0.08\pi_{1100}<=0.08. The argument Volume.Perc specifies the fraction of the 'volume' of the paramater space that is explored. This volume is computed based on the grids G={0, 0.01, ..., maximum possible value for the counterfactual probability at hand}. E.g., in the previous example, the 'volume' of the parameter space would be 119=9911*9=99, and when e.g., the argument Volume.Perc=1 is used a total of 9999 runs will be conducted for each given value of Sum_Pi_f. Notice that when monotonicity is not assumed, relatively high values of Volume.Perc will lead to a large number of runs and consequently a long analysis time.


The seed to be used to generate πr\pi_r. Default Seed=sample(1:100000, size=1).


In the continuous normal setting, surroagacy can be assessed by studying the association between the individual causal effects on SS and TT (see ICA.ContCont). In that setting, the Pearson correlation is the obvious measure of association.

When SS and TT are binary endpoints, multiple alternatives exist. Alonso et al. (2014) proposed the individual causal association (ICA; RH2R_{H}^{2}), which captures the association between the individual causal effects of the treatment on SS (ΔS\Delta_S) and TT (ΔT\Delta_T) using information-theoretic principles.

The function ICA.BinBin computes RH2R_{H}^{2} based on plausible values of the potential outcomes. Denote by Y=(T0,T1,S0,S1)\bold{Y}'=(T_0,T_1,S_0,S_1) the vector of potential outcomes. The vector Y\bold{Y} can take 16 values and the set of parameters πijpq=P(T0=i,T1=j,S0=p,S1=q)\pi_{ijpq}=P(T_0=i,T_1=j,S_0=p,S_1=q) (with i,j,p,q=0/1i,j,p,q=0/1) fully characterizes its distribution.

However, the parameters in πijpq\pi_{ijpq} are not all functionally independent, e.g., 1=π1=\pi_{\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot}. When no assumptions regarding monotonicity are made, the data impose a total of 77 restrictions, and thus only 99 proabilities in πijpq\pi_{ijpq} are allowed to vary freely (for details, see Alonso et al., 2014). Based on the data and assuming SUTVA, the marginal probabilites π11\pi_{1 \cdot 1 \cdot}, π10\pi_{1 \cdot 0 \cdot}, π11\pi_{\cdot 1 \cdot 1}, π10\pi_{\cdot 1 \cdot 0}, π01\pi_{0 \cdot 1 \cdot}, and π01\pi_{\cdot 0 \cdot 1} can be computed (by hand or using the function MarginalProbs). Define the vector

b=(1,π11,π10,π11,π10,π01,π01)\bold{b}'=(1, \pi_{1 \cdot 1 \cdot}, \pi_{1 \cdot 0 \cdot}, \pi_{\cdot 1 \cdot 1}, \pi_{\cdot 1 \cdot 0}, \pi_{0 \cdot 1 \cdot}, \pi_{\cdot 0 \cdot 1})

and A\bold{A} is a contrast matrix such that the identified restrictions can be written as a system of linear equation

Aπ=b.\bold{A \pi} = \bold{b}.

The matrix A\bold{A} has rank 77 and can be partitioned as A=(ArAf)\bold{A=(A_r | A_f)}, and similarly the vector π\bold{\pi} can be partitioned as π=(πrπf)\bold{\pi^{'}=(\pi_r^{'} | \pi_f^{'})} (where ff refers to the submatrix/vector given by the 99 last columns/components of A/π\bold{A/\pi}). Using these partitions the previous system of linear equations can be rewritten as

Arπr+Afπf=b.\bold{A_r \pi_r + A_f \pi_f = b}.

The following algorithm is used to generate plausible distributions for Y\bold{Y}. First, select a value of the specified grid of values (specified using Sum_Pi_f in the function call). For k=1k=1 to MM (specified using M in the function call), generate a vector πf\pi_f that contains 99 components that are uniformly sampled from hyperplane subject to the restriction that the sum of the generated components equals Sum_Pi_f (the function RandVec, which uses the randfixedsum algorithm written by Roger Stafford, is used to obtain these components). Next, πr=Ar1(bAfπf)\bold{\pi_r=A_r^{-1}(b - A_f \pi_f)} is computed and the πr\pi_r vectors where all components are in the [0;1][0;\:1] range are retained. This procedure is repeated for each of the Sum_Pi_f values. Based on these results, RH2R_H^2 is estimated. The obtained values can be used to conduct a sensitivity analysis during the validation exercise.

The previous developments hold when no monotonicity is assumed. When monotonicity for SS, TT, or for SS and TT is assumed, some of the probabilities of π\pi are zero. For example, when montonicity is assumed for TT, then P(T0<=T1)=1P(T_0 <= T_1)=1, or equivantly, π1000=π1010=π1001=π1011=0\pi_{1000}=\pi_{1010}=\pi_{1001}=\pi_{1011}=0. When monotonicity is assumed, the procedure described above is modified accordingly (for details, see Alonso et al., 2014). When a general analysis is requested (using Monotonicity=c("General") in the function call), all settings are considered (no monotonicity, monotonicity for SS alone, for TT alone, and for both for SS and TT.)

To account for the uncertainty in the estimation of the marginal probabilities, a vector of values can be specified from which a random draw is made in each run (see Examples below).


An object of class ICA.BinBin with components,


An object of class data.frame that contains the valid π\pi vectors.


The vector of the RH2R_H^2 values.


The vector of odds ratios for TT.


The vector of odds ratios for SS.


The vector of the entropies of ΔT\Delta_T.


The assumption regarding monotonicity that was made.


The 'volume' of the parameter space when monotonicity is not assumed. Is only provided when the argument Volume.PercVolume.Perc is used (i.e., when it is not equal to 00.


The 'volume' of the parameter space when monotonicity for TT is assumed. Is only provided when the argument Volume.PercVolume.Perc is used.


The 'volume' of the parameter space when monotonicity for SS is assumed. Is only provided when the argument Volume.PercVolume.Perc is used.


The 'volume' of the parameter space when monotonicity for SS and TT is assumed. Is only provided when the argument Volume.PercVolume.Perc is used.


Wim Van der Elst, Paul Meyvisch, Ariel Alonso & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., & Molenberghs, G. (2015). Validation of surrogate endpoints: the binary-binary setting from a causal inference perspective.

See Also

ICA.ContCont, MICA.ContCont


## Not run: # Time consuming code part
# Compute R2_H given the marginals specified as the pi's, making no
# assumptions regarding monotonicity (general case)
ICA <- ICA.BinBin(pi1_1_=0.2619048, pi1_0_=0.2857143, pi_1_1=0.6372549,
pi_1_0=0.07843137, pi0_1_=0.1349206, pi_0_1=0.127451, Seed=1,
Monotonicity=c("General"), Sum_Pi_f = seq(from=0.01, to=.99, by=.01), M=10000)

# obtain plot of the results
plot(ICA, R2_H=TRUE)

# Example 2 where the uncertainty in the estimation
# of the marginals is taken into account
ICA_BINBIN2 <- ICA.BinBin(pi1_1_=runif(10000, 0.2573, 0.4252),
pi1_0_=runif(10000, 0.1769, 0.3310),
pi_1_1=runif(10000, 0.5947, 0.7779),
pi_1_0=runif(10000, 0.0322, 0.1442),
pi0_1_=runif(10000, 0.0617, 0.1764),
pi_0_1=runif(10000, 0.0254, 0.1315),
Sum_Pi_f = seq(from=0.01, to=0.99, by=.01),
M=50000, Seed=1)

# Plot results

## End(Not run)

ICA (binary-binary setting) that is obtaied when the counterfactual correlations are assumed to fall within some prespecified ranges.


Shows the results of ICA (binary-binary setting) in the subgroup of results where the counterfactual correlations are assumed to fall within some prespecified ranges.


ICA.BinBin.CounterAssum(x, r2_h_S0S1_min, r2_h_S0S1_max, r2_h_S0T1_min, 
r2_h_S0T1_max, r2_h_T0T1_min, r2_h_T0T1_max, r2_h_T0S1_min, r2_h_T0S1_max, 
Monotonicity="General", Type="Freq", MainPlot=" ", Cex.Legend=1, 
Cex.Position="topright", ...)



An object of class ICA.BinBin. See ICA.BinBin.


The minimum value to be considered for the counterfactual correlation rh2(S0,S1)r^2_h(S_0,S_1).


The maximum value to be considered for the counterfactual correlation rh2(S0,S1)r^2_h(S_0,S_1).


The minimum value to be considered for the counterfactual correlation rh2(S0,T1)r^2_h(S_0,T_1).


The maximum value to be considered for the counterfactual correlation rh2(S0,T1)r^2_h(S_0,T_1).


The minimum value to be considered for the counterfactual correlation rh2(T0,T1)r^2_h(T_0,T_1).


The maximum value to be considered for the counterfactual correlation rh2(T0,T1)r^2_h(T_0,T_1).


The minimum value to be considered for the counterfactual correlation rh2(T0,S1)r^2_h(T_0,S_1).


The maximum value to be considered for the counterfactual correlation rh2(T0,S1)r^2_h(T_0,S_1).


Specifies whether the all results in the fitted object ICA.BinBin should be shown (i.e., Monotonicity=c("General")), or a subset of the results arising under specific assumptions (i.e., Monotonicity=c("No"), Monotonicity=c("True.Endp"), Monotonicity=c("Surr.Endp"), or Monotonicity=c("Surr.True.Endp")). Default Monotonicity=c("General").


The type of plot that is produced. When Type="Freq" or Type="Density", the Y-axis shows frequencies or densities of RH2R^2_{H}. When Type="All.Densities" and the fitted object of class ICA.BinBin was obtained using a general analysis (i.e., conducting the analyses assuming no monotonicity, monotonicity for SS alone, monotonicity for TT alone, and for both SS and TT, so using Monotonicity=c("General") in the function call of ICA.BinBin), the density plots are shown for the four scenarios where different assumptions regarding monotonicity are made. Default "Freq".


The title of the plot. Default " ".


The size of the legend when Type="All.Densities" is used. Default Cex.Legend=1.


The position of the legend, Cex.Position="topright" or Cex.Position="topleft". Default Cex.Position="topright".


Other arguments to be passed to the plot() function.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., Molenberghs, G., Buyse, M., & Burzykowski, T. (submitted). On the relationship between the causal inference and meta-analytic paradigms for the validation of surrogate markers.

Van der Elst, W., Alonso, A., & Molenberghs, G. (submitted). An exploration of the relationship between causal inference and meta-analytic measures of surrogacy.

See Also



## Not run:  #Time consuming (>5 sec) code part
# Compute R2_H given the marginals specified as the pi's, making no 
# assumptions regarding monotonicity (general case)
ICA <- ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample(pi1_1_=0.261, pi1_0_=0.285, 
pi_1_1=0.637, pi_1_0=0.078, pi0_1_=0.134, pi_0_1=0.127,  
Monotonicity=c("General"), M=5000, Seed=1)

# Obtain a density plot of R2_H, assuming that 
# r2_h_S0S1>=.2, r2_h_S0T1>=0, r2_h_T0T1>=.2, and r2_h_T0S1>=0
ICA.BinBin.CounterAssum(ICA, r2_h_S0S1_min=.2, r2_h_S0S1_max=1, 
r2_h_S0T1_min=0, r2_h_S0T1_max=1, r2_h_T0T1_min=0.2, r2_h_T0T1_max=1, 
r2_h_T0S1_min=0, r2_h_T0S1_max=1, Monotonicity="General",

# Now show the densities of R2_H under the different 
# monotonicity assumptions 
ICA.BinBin.CounterAssum(ICA, r2_h_S0S1_min=.2, r2_h_S0S1_max=1, 
r2_h_S0T1_min=0, r2_h_S0T1_max=1, r2_h_T0T1_min=0.2, r2_h_T0T1_max=1, 
r2_h_T0S1_min=0, r2_h_T0S1_max=1, Monotonicity="General",
Type="All.Densities", MainPlot=" ", Cex.Legend=1, 
Cex.Position="topright", ylim=c(0, 20)) 

## End(Not run)

Assess surrogacy in the causal-inference single-trial setting in the binary-binary case when monotonicity for SS and TT is assumed using the full grid-based approach


The function ICA.BinBin.Grid.Full quantifies surrogacy in the single-trial causal-inference framework (individual causal association and causal concordance) when both the surrogate and the true endpoints are binary outcomes. This method provides an alternative for ICA.BinBin and ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample. It uses an alternative strategy to identify plausible values for π\pi. See Details below.


ICA.BinBin.Grid.Full(pi1_1_, pi1_0_, pi_1_1, pi_1_0, pi0_1_, pi_0_1, 
Monotonicity=c("General"), pi_1001=seq(0, 1, by=.02), 
pi_1110=seq(0, 1, by=.02), pi_1101=seq(0, 1, by=.02),
pi_1011=seq(0, 1, by=.02), pi_1111=seq(0, 1, by=.02), 
pi_0110=seq(0, 1, by=.02), pi_0011=seq(0, 1, by=.02), 
pi_0111=seq(0, 1, by=.02), pi_1100=seq(0, 1, by=.02), 
Seed=sample(1:100000, size=1))



A scalar that contains P(T=1,S=1Z=0)P(T=1,S=1|Z=0), i.e., the proability that S=T=1S=T=1 when under treatment Z=0Z=0.


A scalar that contains P(T=1,S=0Z=0)P(T=1,S=0|Z=0).


A scalar that contains P(T=1,S=1Z=1)P(T=1,S=1|Z=1).


A scalar that contains P(T=1,S=0Z=1)P(T=1,S=0|Z=1).


A scalar that contains P(T=0,S=1Z=0)P(T=0,S=1|Z=0).


A scalar that contains P(T=0,S=1Z=1)P(T=0,S=1|Z=1).


Specifies which assumptions regarding monotonicity should be made: Monotonicity=c("General"), Monotonicity=c("No"), Monotonicity=c("True.Endp"), Monotonicity=c("Surr.Endp"), or Monotonicity=c("Surr.True.Endp"). When a general analysis is requested (using Monotonicity=c("General") in the function call), all settings are considered (no monotonicity, monotonicity for SS alone, for TT alone, and for both for SS and TT. Default Monotonicity=c("General").


A vector that specifies the grid of values that should be considered for πpi1001\pi_{pi_1001}. Default pi_1001=seq(0, 1, by=.02).


A vector that specifies the grid of values that should be considered for πpi1110\pi_{pi_1110}. Default pi_1110=seq(0, 1, by=.02).


A vector that specifies the grid of values that should be considered for πpi1101\pi_{pi_1101}. Default pi_1101=seq(0, 1, by=.02).


A vector that specifies the grid of values that should be considered for πpi1011\pi_{pi_1011}. Default pi_1011=seq(0, 1, by=.02).


A vector that specifies the grid of values that should be considered for πpi1111\pi_{pi_1111}. Default pi_1111=seq(0, 1, by=.02).


A vector that specifies the grid of values that should be considered for πpi0110\pi_{pi_0110}. Default pi_0110=seq(0, 1, by=.02).


A vector that specifies the grid of values that should be considered for πpi0011\pi_{pi_0011}. Default pi_0011=seq(0, 1, by=.02).


A vector that specifies the grid of values that should be considered for πpi0111\pi_{pi_0111}. Default pi_0111=seq(0, 1, by=.02).


A vector that specifies the grid of values that should be considered for πpi1100\pi_{pi_1100}. Default pi_1100=seq(0, 1, by=.02).


The seed to be used to generate πr\pi_r. Default Seed=sample(1:100000, size=1).


In the continuous normal setting, surroagacy can be assessed by studying the association between the individual causal effects on SS and TT (see ICA.ContCont). In that setting, the Pearson correlation is the obvious measure of association.

When SS and TT are binary endpoints, multiple alternatives exist. Alonso et al. (2014) proposed the individual causal association (ICA; RH2R_{H}^{2}), which captures the association between the individual causal effects of the treatment on SS (ΔS\Delta_S) and TT (ΔT\Delta_T) using information-theoretic principles.

The function ICA.BinBin.Grid.Full computes RH2R_{H}^{2} using a grid-based approach where all possible combinations of the specified grids for the parameters that are allowed that are allowed to vary freely are considered. When it is not assumed that monotonicity holds for both SS and TT, the computationally less demanding algorithm ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample may be preferred.


An object of class ICA.BinBin with components,


An object of class data.frame that contains the valid π\pi vectors.


The vector of the RH2R_H^2 values.


The vector of odds ratios for TT.


The vector of odds ratios for SS.


The vector of the entropies of ΔT\Delta_T.


Wim Van der Elst, Paul Meyvisch, Ariel Alonso & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., & Molenberghs, G. (2014). Validation of surrogate endpoints: the binary-binary setting from a causal inference perspective.

Buyse, M., Burzykowski, T., Aloso, A., & Molenberghs, G. (2014). Direct estimation of joint counterfactual probabilities, with application to surrogate marker validation.

See Also

ICA.ContCont, MICA.ContCont, ICA.BinBin, ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample


## Not run:  # time consuming code part
# Compute R2_H given the marginals, 
# assuming monotonicity for S and T and grids
# pi_0111=seq(0, 1, by=.001) and 
# pi_1100=seq(0, 1, by=.001)
ICA <- ICA.BinBin.Grid.Full(pi1_1_=0.2619048, pi1_0_=0.2857143, pi_1_1=0.6372549, 
pi_1_0=0.07843137, pi0_1_=0.1349206, pi_0_1=0.127451,  
pi_0111=seq(0, 1, by=.01), pi_1100=seq(0, 1, by=.01), Seed=1)

# obtain plot of R2_H
plot(ICA, R2_H=TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Assess surrogacy in the causal-inference single-trial setting in the binary-binary case when monotonicity for SS and TT is assumed using the grid-based sample approach


The function ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample quantifies surrogacy in the single-trial causal-inference framework (individual causal association and causal concordance) when both the surrogate and the true endpoints are binary outcomes. This method provides an alternative for ICA.BinBin and ICA.BinBin.Grid.Full. It uses an alternative strategy to identify plausible values for π\pi. See Details below.


ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample(pi1_1_, pi1_0_, pi_1_1, pi_1_0, pi0_1_,
pi_0_1, Monotonicity=c("General"), M=100000,
Volume.Perc=0, Seed=sample(1:100000, size=1))



A scalar that contains values for P(T=1,S=1Z=0)P(T=1,S=1|Z=0), i.e., the probability that S=T=1S=T=1 when under treatment Z=0Z=0.


A scalar that contains values for P(T=1,S=0Z=0)P(T=1,S=0|Z=0).


A scalar that contains values for P(T=1,S=1Z=1)P(T=1,S=1|Z=1).


A scalar that contains values for P(T=1,S=0Z=1)P(T=1,S=0|Z=1).


A scalar that contains values for P(T=0,S=1Z=0)P(T=0,S=1|Z=0).


A scalar that contains values for P(T=0,S=1Z=1)P(T=0,S=1|Z=1).


Specifies which assumptions regarding monotonicity should be made: Monotonicity=c("General"), Monotonicity=c("No"), Monotonicity=c("True.Endp"), Monotonicity=c("Surr.Endp"), or Monotonicity=c("Surr.True.Endp"). When a general analysis is requested (using Monotonicity=c("General") in the function call), all settings are considered (no monotonicity, monotonicity for SS alone, for TT alone, and for both for SS and TT. Default Monotonicity=c("General").


The number of random samples that have to be drawn for the freely varying parameters. Default M=100000. This argument is not used when Volume.Perc=0. Default M=10000.


Note that the marginals that are observable in the data set a number of restrictions on the unidentified correlations. For example, under montonicity for SS and TT, it holds that π0111<=min(π01,π11)\pi_{0111}<=min(\pi_{0\cdot1\cdot}, \pi_{\cdot1\cdot1}) and π1100<=min(π10,π10)\pi_{1100}<=min(\pi_{1\cdot0\cdot}, \pi_{\cdot1\cdot0}). For example, when min(π01,π11)=0.10min(\pi_{0\cdot1\cdot}, \pi_{\cdot1\cdot1})=0.10 and min(π10,π10)=0.08min(\pi_{1\cdot0\cdot}, \pi_{\cdot1\cdot0})=0.08, then all valid π0111<=0.10\pi_{0111}<=0.10 and all valid π1100<=0.08\pi_{1100}<=0.08. The argument Volume.Perc specifies the fraction of the 'volume' of the paramater space that is explored. This volume is computed based on the grids G={0, 0.01, ..., maximum possible value for the counterfactual probability at hand}. E.g., in the previous example, the 'volume' of the parameter space would be 119=9911*9=99, and when e.g., the argument Volume.Perc=1 is used a total of 9999 runs will be conducted. Notice that when monotonicity is not assumed, relatively high values of Volume.Perc will lead to a large number of runs and consequently a long analysis time.


The seed to be used to generate πr\pi_r. Default M=100000.


In the continuous normal setting, surroagacy can be assessed by studying the association between the individual causal effects on SS and TT (see ICA.ContCont). In that setting, the Pearson correlation is the obvious measure of association.

When SS and TT are binary endpoints, multiple alternatives exist. Alonso et al. (2014) proposed the individual causal association (ICA; RH2R_{H}^{2}), which captures the association between the individual causal effects of the treatment on SS (ΔS\Delta_S) and TT (ΔT\Delta_T) using information-theoretic principles.

The function ICA.BinBin.Grid.Full computes RH2R_{H}^{2} using a grid-based approach where all possible combinations of the specified grids for the parameters that are allowed that are allowed to vary freely are considered. When it is not assumed that monotonicity holds for both SS and TT, the number of possible combinations become very high. The function ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample considers a random sample of all possible combinations.


An object of class ICA.BinBin with components,


An object of class data.frame that contains the valid π\pi vectors.


The vector of the RH2R_H^2 values.


The vector of odds ratios for TT.


The vector of odds ratios for SS.


The vector of the entropies of ΔT\Delta_T.


The 'volume' of the parameter space when monotonicity is not assumed.


The 'volume' of the parameter space when monotonicity for TT is assumed.


The 'volume' of the parameter space when monotonicity for SS is assumed.


The 'volume' of the parameter space when monotonicity for SS and TT is assumed.


Wim Van der Elst, Paul Meyvisch, Ariel Alonso & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., & Molenberghs, G. (2014). Validation of surrogate endpoints: the binary-binary setting from a causal inference perspective.

Buyse, M., Burzykowski, T., Aloso, A., & Molenberghs, G. (2014). Direct estimation of joint counterfactual probabilities, with application to surrogate marker validation.

See Also

ICA.ContCont, MICA.ContCont, ICA.BinBin, ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample


## Not run:  #time-consuming code parts
# Compute R2_H given the marginals,
# assuming monotonicity for S and T and grids
# pi_0111=seq(0, 1, by=.001) and
# pi_1100=seq(0, 1, by=.001)
ICA <- ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample(pi1_1_=0.261, pi1_0_=0.285,
pi_1_1=0.637, pi_1_0=0.078, pi0_1_=0.134, pi_0_1=0.127,
Monotonicity=c("Surr.True.Endp"), M=2500, Seed=1)

# obtain plot of R2_H
plot(ICA, R2_H=TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Assess surrogacy in the causal-inference single-trial setting in the binary-binary case when monotonicity for SS and TT is assumed using the grid-based sample approach, accounting for sampling variability in the marginal π\pi.


The function ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample.Uncert quantifies surrogacy in the single-trial causal-inference framework (individual causal association and causal concordance) when both the surrogate and the true endpoints are binary outcomes. This method provides an alternative for ICA.BinBin and ICA.BinBin.Grid.Full. It uses an alternative strategy to identify plausible values for π\pi. The function allows to account for sampling variability in the marginal π\pi. See Details below.


ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample.Uncert(pi1_1_, pi1_0_, pi_1_1, pi_1_0, pi0_1_,
pi_0_1, Monotonicity=c("General"), M=100000,
Volume.Perc=0, Seed=sample(1:100000, size=1))



A vector that contains values for P(T=1,S=1Z=0)P(T=1,S=1|Z=0), i.e., the probability that S=T=1S=T=1 when under treatment Z=0Z=0. A vector is specified to account for uncertainty, i.e., rather than keeping P(T=1,S=1Z=0)P(T=1,S=1|Z=0) fixed at one estimated value, a distribution can be specified (see examples below) from which a value is drawn in each run.


A vector that contains values for P(T=1,S=0Z=0)P(T=1,S=0|Z=0).


A vector that contains values for P(T=1,S=1Z=1)P(T=1,S=1|Z=1).


A vector that contains values for P(T=1,S=0Z=1)P(T=1,S=0|Z=1).


A vector that contains values for P(T=0,S=1Z=0)P(T=0,S=1|Z=0).


A vector that contains values for P(T=0,S=1Z=1)P(T=0,S=1|Z=1).


Specifies which assumptions regarding monotonicity should be made: Monotonicity=c("General"), Monotonicity=c("No"), Monotonicity=c("True.Endp"), Monotonicity=c("Surr.Endp"), or Monotonicity=c("Surr.True.Endp"). When a general analysis is requested (using Monotonicity=c("General") in the function call), all settings are considered (no monotonicity, monotonicity for SS alone, for TT alone, and for both for SS and TT. Default Monotonicity=c("General").


The number of random samples that have to be drawn for the freely varying parameters. Default M=100000. This argument is not used when Volume.Perc=0. Default M=10000.


Note that the marginals that are observable in the data set a number of restrictions on the unidentified correlations. For example, under montonicity for SS and TT, it holds that π0111<=min(π01,π11)\pi_{0111}<=min(\pi_{0\cdot1\cdot}, \pi_{\cdot1\cdot1}) and π1100<=min(π10,π10)\pi_{1100}<=min(\pi_{1\cdot0\cdot}, \pi_{\cdot1\cdot0}). For example, when min(π01,π11)=0.10min(\pi_{0\cdot1\cdot}, \pi_{\cdot1\cdot1})=0.10 and min(π10,π10)=0.08min(\pi_{1\cdot0\cdot}, \pi_{\cdot1\cdot0})=0.08, then all valid π0111<=0.10\pi_{0111}<=0.10 and all valid π1100<=0.08\pi_{1100}<=0.08. The argument Volume.Perc specifies the fraction of the 'volume' of the paramater space that is explored. This volume is computed based on the grids G={0, 0.01, ..., maximum possible value for the counterfactual probability at hand}. E.g., in the previous example, the 'volume' of the parameter space would be 119=9911*9=99, and when e.g., the argument Volume.Perc=1 is used a total of 9999 runs will be conducted. Notice that when monotonicity is not assumed, relatively high values of Volume.Perc will lead to a large number of runs and consequently a long analysis time.


The seed to be used to generate πr\pi_r. Default M=100000.


In the continuous normal setting, surroagacy can be assessed by studying the association between the individual causal effects on SS and TT (see ICA.ContCont). In that setting, the Pearson correlation is the obvious measure of association.

When SS and TT are binary endpoints, multiple alternatives exist. Alonso et al. (2014) proposed the individual causal association (ICA; RH2R_{H}^{2}), which captures the association between the individual causal effects of the treatment on SS (ΔS\Delta_S) and TT (ΔT\Delta_T) using information-theoretic principles.

The function ICA.BinBin.Grid.Full computes RH2R_{H}^{2} using a grid-based approach where all possible combinations of the specified grids for the parameters that are allowed that are allowed to vary freely are considered. When it is not assumed that monotonicity holds for both SS and TT, the number of possible combinations become very high. The function ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample.Uncert considers a random sample of all possible combinations.


An object of class ICA.BinBin with components,


An object of class data.frame that contains the valid π\pi vectors.


The vector of the RH2R_H^2 values.


The vector of odds ratios for TT.


The vector of odds ratios for SS.


The vector of the entropies of ΔT\Delta_T.


The 'volume' of the parameter space when monotonicity is not assumed.


The 'volume' of the parameter space when monotonicity for TT is assumed.


The 'volume' of the parameter space when monotonicity for SS is assumed.


The 'volume' of the parameter space when monotonicity for SS and TT is assumed.


Wim Van der Elst, Paul Meyvisch, Ariel Alonso & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., & Molenberghs, G. (2014). Validation of surrogate endpoints: the binary-binary setting from a causal inference perspective.

Buyse, M., Burzykowski, T., Aloso, A., & Molenberghs, G. (2014). Direct estimation of joint counterfactual probabilities, with application to surrogate marker validation.

See Also

ICA.ContCont, MICA.ContCont, ICA.BinBin, ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample.Uncert


# Compute R2_H given the marginals (sample from uniform),
# assuming no monotonicity
ICA_No2 <- ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample.Uncert(pi1_1_=runif(10000, 0.3562, 0.4868),
pi0_1_=runif(10000, 0.0240, 0.0837), pi1_0_=runif(10000, 0.0240, 0.0837),
pi_1_1=runif(10000, 0.4434, 0.5742), pi_1_0=runif(10000, 0.0081, 0.0533),
pi_0_1=runif(10000, 0.0202, 0.0763), Seed=1, Monotonicity=c("No"), M=1000)


# obtain plot of R2_H

Assess surrogacy in the causal-inference single-trial setting in the binary-continuous case


The function ICA.BinCont quantifies surrogacy in the single-trial setting within the causal-inference framework (individual causal association) when the surrogate endpoint is continuous (normally distributed) and the true endpoint is a binary outcome. For details, see Alonso Abad et al. (2023).


ICA.BinCont(Dataset, Surr, True, Treat, 
  M=1000, Seed=123, 
  Plots=TRUE, Save.Plots="No", Show.Details=FALSE)



A data.frame that should consist of one line per patient. Each line contains (at least) a surrogate value, a true endpoint value, and a treatment indicator.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the surrogate endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the true endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the treatment indicators. The treatment indicator should be coded as 11 for the experimental group and 1-1 for the control group.


Logical. If BS=TRUE, the sampling variability is accounted for in the analysis by using a bootstrap procedure. Default BS=FALSE.


The lower and upper limits of the uniform distribution from which the probability parameter π10\pi_{10} is sampled. Default c(0,1). When Monotonicity=TRUE the values of these limits are set as c(0,0).


The lower and upper limits of the uniform distribution from which the association parameter ρ0100\rho_{01}^{00} is sampled. Default c(-1,1).


The lower and upper limits of the uniform distribution from which the association parameter ρ0101\rho_{01}^{01} is sampled. Default c(-1,1).


The lower and upper limits of the uniform distribution from which the association parameter ρ0110\rho_{01}^{10} is sampled. Default c(-1,1).


The lower and upper limits of the uniform distribution from which the association parameter ρ0111\rho_{01}^{11} is sampled. Default c(-1,1).


The starting values of the means and standard deviations for the mixture distribution of the surrogate endpoint in the control group. The argument should contain eight values, where the first four values represent the starting values for the means and the last four values represent the starting values for the standard deviations. These starting values should be approximated based on the data on hand. Example: Theta.S_0=c(-10,-5,5,10,10,10,10,10).


The starting values of the means and standard deviations for the mixture distribution of the surrogate endpoint in the treatment group. The argument should contain eight values, where the first four values represent the starting values for the means and the last four values represent the starting values for the standard deviations. These starting values should be approximated based on the data on hand. Example: Theta.S_1=c(-10,-5,5,10,10,10,10,10).


The number of Monte Carlo iterations. Default M=1000.


The random seed to be used in the analysis (for reproducibility). Default Seed=123.


Logical. If Monotonicity=TRUE, the analysis is performed assuming monotonicity, i.e. P(T1<T0)=0P(T_1 < T_0) = 0. Default Monotonicity=FALSE.


Logical. If Independence=TRUE, the analysis is performed assuming independence between the treatment effect in both groups, i.e. πij=πi.×π.j\pi_{ij} = \pi_{i.} \times \pi_{.j}. Default Independence=FALSE.


Logical. If HAA=TRUE, the analysis is performed assuming homogeneous association, i.e. ρ01ij=ρ01\rho_{01}^{ij} = \rho_{01}. Default HAA=FALSE.


Logical. If Cond_ind=TRUE, the analysis is performed assuming conditional independence, i.e. ρ01=0\rho_{01} = 0. Default Cond_ind=FALSE.


Logical. Should histograms of S0S_0 (surrogate endpoint in control group) and S1S_1 (surrogate endpoint in experimental treatment group) be provided together with density of fitted mixtures? Default Plots=TRUE.


Should the plots (see previous item) be saved? If Save.Plots="No", no plots are saved. If plots have to be saved, replace "No" by the desired location, e.g., Save.Plots="C:/". Default Save.Plots="No".


Should some details regarding the availability of some output from the function be displayed in the console when the analysis is running? Setting Show.Details=TRUE could be useful for debugging procedure (if any). Default Show.Details=FALSE.


An object of class ICA.BinCont with components,


The vector of the RH2R_H^2 values.


The vector of π00T\pi_{00}^T values.


The vector of π01T\pi_{01}^T values.


The vector of π10T\pi_{10}^T values.


The vector of π11T\pi_{11}^T values.


The vector of the ρ0100\rho_{01}^{00} values.


The vector of the ρ0101\rho_{01}^{01} values.


The vector of the ρ0110\rho_{01}^{10} values.


The vector of the ρ0111\rho_{01}^{11} values.


The vector of the π1ΔT\pi_{-1}^{\Delta T} values.


The vector of the π0ΔT\pi_{0}^{\Delta T} values.


The vector of the π1ΔT\pi_{1}^{\Delta T} values.


The vector of π00\pi_{00} values of f(S0)f(S_0).


The vector of π01\pi_{01} values of f(S0)f(S_0).


The vector of π10\pi_{10} values of f(S0)f(S_0).


The vector of π11\pi_{11} values of f(S0)f(S_0).


The vector of mean μ000\mu_{0}^{00} values of f(S0)f(S_0).


The vector of mean μ001\mu_{0}^{01} values of f(S0)f(S_0).


The vector of mean μ010\mu_{0}^{10} values of f(S0)f(S_0).


The vector of mean μ011\mu_{0}^{11} values of f(S0)f(S_0).


The vector of variance σ0000\sigma_{00}^{00} values of f(S0)f(S_0).


The vector of variance σ0001\sigma_{00}^{01} values of f(S0)f(S_0).


The vector of variance σ0010\sigma_{00}^{10} values of f(S0)f(S_0).


The vector of variance σ0011\sigma_{00}^{11} values of f(S0)f(S_0).


The vector of π00\pi_{00} values of f(S1)f(S_1).


The vector of π01\pi_{01} values of f(S1)f(S_1).


The vector of π10\pi_{10} values of f(S1)f(S_1).


The vector of π11\pi_{11} values of f(S1)f(S_1).


The vector of mean μ100\mu_{1}^{00} values of f(S1)f(S_1).


The vector of mean μ101\mu_{1}^{01} values of f(S1)f(S_1).


The vector of mean μ110\mu_{1}^{10} values of f(S1)f(S_1).


The vector of mean μ111\mu_{1}^{11} values of f(S1)f(S_1).


The vector of variance σ1100\sigma_{11}^{00} values of f(S1)f(S_1).


The vector of variance σ1101\sigma_{11}^{01} values of f(S1)f(S_1).


The vector of variance σ1110\sigma_{11}^{10} values of f(S1)f(S_1).


The vector of variance σ1111\sigma_{11}^{11} values of f(S1)f(S_1).


The vector of mean μ0\mu_{0} values of f(S0)f(S_0).


The vector of mean μ1\mu_{1} values of f(S1)f(S_1).


The vector of variance σ00\sigma_{00} values of f(S0)f(S_0).


The vector of variance σ11\sigma_{11} values of f(S1)f(S_1).


The vector of deviance values of the normal mixture for f(S0)f(S_0).


The vector of deviance values of the normal mixture for f(S1)f(S_1).


An integer indicating why the optimization process to estimate the mixture normal parameters of f(S0)f(S_0) terminated: 1) relative gradient is close to zero, current iterate is probably solution; 2) successive iterates within tolerance, current iterate is probably solution; 3) last global step failed to locate a point lower than the estimate, the estimate might be an approximate local minimum of the function.


An integer indicating why the optimization process to estimate the mixture normal parameters of f(S1)f(S_1) terminated: 1) relative gradient is close to zero, current iterate is probably solution; 2) successive iterates within tolerance, current iterate is probably solution; 3) last global step failed to locate a point lower than the estimate, the estimate might be an approximate local minimum of the function.


The mean of S0S_0.


The variance of S0S_0.


The mean of S1S_1.


The variance of S1S_1.


Wim Van der Elst, Fenny Ong, Ariel Alonso, and Geert Molenberghs


Alonso Abad, A., Ong, F., Stijven, F., Van der Elst, W., Molenberghs, G., Van Keilegom, I., Verbeke, G., & Callegaro, A. (2023). An information-theoretic approach for the assessment of a continuous outcome as a surrogate for a binary true endpoint based on causal inference: Application to vaccine evaluation.

See Also

ICA.ContCont, MICA.ContCont, ICA.BinBin


## Not run: # Time consuming code part
Fit <- ICA.BinCont(Dataset = Schizo, Surr = BPRS, True = PANSS_Bin, 
Theta.S_0=c(-10,-5,5,10,10,10,10,10), Theta.S_1=c(-10,-5,5,10,10,10,10,10), 
Treat=Treat, M=50, Seed=1)


## End(Not run)

Assess surrogacy in the causal-inference single-trial setting in the binary-continuous case with an additional bootstrap procedure before the assessment


The function ICA.BinCont.BS quantifies surrogacy in the single-trial setting within the causal-inference framework (individual causal association) when the surrogate endpoint is continuous (normally distributed) and the true endpoint is a binary outcome. This function also allows for an additional bootstrap procedure before the assessment to take the imprecision due to finite sample size into account. For details, see Alonso Abad et al. (2023).


ICA.BinCont.BS(Dataset, Surr, True, Treat, 
  M=1000, Seed=123, 
  Plots=TRUE, Save.Plots="No", Show.Details=FALSE)



A data.frame that should consist of one line per patient. Each line contains (at least) a surrogate value, a true endpoint value, and a treatment indicator.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the surrogate endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the true endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the treatment indicators. The treatment indicator should be coded as 11 for the experimental group and 1-1 for the control group.


Logical. If BS=TRUE, the additional bootstrap procedure is performed before the sensitivity analysis to account for the the imprecision due to finite sample size. Default BS=TRUE.


The number of bootstrap. Default nb=300.


The lower and upper limits of the uniform distribution from which the probability parameter π10\pi_{10} is sampled. Default c(0,1). Even though the default is c(0,1), due to the restriction that all πij\pi_{ij} should be between (0,1), the value of π10\pi_{10} will always be between (0,min(π1.,π.0))(0,min(\pi_{1.}, \pi_{.0})). When Monotonicity=TRUE the values of these limits are set as c(0,0).


The lower and upper limits of the uniform distribution from which the association parameter ρ0100\rho_{01}^{00} is sampled. Default c(-1,1).


The lower and upper limits of the uniform distribution from which the association parameter ρ0101\rho_{01}^{01} is sampled. Default c(-1,1).


The lower and upper limits of the uniform distribution from which the association parameter ρ0110\rho_{01}^{10} is sampled. Default c(-1,1).


The lower and upper limits of the uniform distribution from which the association parameter ρ0111\rho_{01}^{11} is sampled. Default c(-1,1).


The starting values of the means and standard deviations for the mixture distribution of the surrogate endpoint in the control group. The argument should contain eight values, where the first four values represent the starting values for the means and the last four values represent the starting values for the standard deviations. These starting values should be approximated based on the data on hand. Example: Theta.S_0=c(-10,-5,5,10,10,10,10,10).


The starting values of the means and standard deviations for the mixture distribution of the surrogate endpoint in the treatment group. The argument should contain eight values, where the first four values represent the starting values for the means and the last four values represent the starting values for the standard deviations. These starting values should be approximated based on the data on hand. Example: Theta.S_1=c(-10,-5,5,10,10,10,10,10).


The number of Monte Carlo iterations. Default M=1000.


The random seed to be used in the analysis (for reproducibility). Default Seed=123.


Logical. If Monotonicity=TRUE, the analysis is performed assuming monotonicity, i.e. P(T1<T0)=0P(T_1 < T_0) = 0. Default Monotonicity=FALSE.


Logical. If Independence=TRUE, the analysis is performed assuming independence between the treatment effect in both groups, i.e. πij=πi.×π.j\pi_{ij} = \pi_{i.} \times \pi_{.j}. Default Independence=FALSE.


Logical. If HAA=TRUE, the analysis is performed assuming homogeneous association, i.e. ρ01ij=ρ01\rho_{01}^{ij} = \rho_{01}. Default HAA=FALSE.


Logical. If Cond_ind=TRUE, the analysis is performed assuming conditional independence, i.e. ρ01=0\rho_{01} = 0. Default Cond_ind=FALSE.


Logical. Should histograms of S0S_0 (surrogate endpoint in control group) and S1S_1 (surrogate endpoint in experimental treatment group) be provided together with density of fitted mixtures? Default Plots=TRUE.


Should the plots (see previous item) be saved? If Save.Plots="No", no plots are saved. If plots have to be saved, replace "No" by the desired location, e.g., Save.Plots="C:/". Default Save.Plots="No".


Should some details regarding the availability of some output from the function be displayed in the console when the analysis is running? Setting Show.Details=TRUE could be useful for debugging procedure (if any). Default Show.Details=FALSE.


An object of class ICA.BinCont with components,


The identification number of bootstrap samples being analyzed in the sensitivity analysis.


The vector of the RH2R_H^2 values.


The vector of π00T\pi_{00}^T values.


The vector of π01T\pi_{01}^T values.


The vector of π10T\pi_{10}^T values.


The vector of π11T\pi_{11}^T values.


The vector of the ρ0100\rho_{01}^{00} values.


The vector of the ρ0101\rho_{01}^{01} values.


The vector of the ρ0110\rho_{01}^{10} values.


The vector of the ρ0111\rho_{01}^{11} values.


The vector of mean μ000\mu_{0}^{00} values of f(S0)f(S_0).


The vector of mean μ001\mu_{0}^{01} values of f(S0)f(S_0).


The vector of mean μ010\mu_{0}^{10} values of f(S0)f(S_0).


The vector of mean μ011\mu_{0}^{11} values of f(S0)f(S_0).


The vector of mean μ100\mu_{1}^{00} values of f(S1)f(S_1).


The vector of mean μ101\mu_{1}^{01} values of f(S1)f(S_1).


The vector of mean μ110\mu_{1}^{10} values of f(S1)f(S_1).


The vector of mean μ111\mu_{1}^{11} values of f(S1)f(S_1).


The vector of variance σ00\sigma_{00} values of f(S0)f(S_0).


The vector of variance σ11\sigma_{11} values of f(S1)f(S_1).


Wim Van der Elst, Fenny Ong, Ariel Alonso, and Geert Molenberghs


Alonso Abad, A., Ong, F., Stijven, F., Van der Elst, W., Molenberghs, G., Van Keilegom, I., Verbeke, G., & Callegaro, A. (2023). An information-theoretic approach for the assessment of a continuous outcome as a surrogate for a binary true endpoint based on causal inference: Application to vaccine evaluation.

See Also



## Not run: # Time consuming code part
Fit <- ICA.BinCont.BS(Dataset = Schizo, Surr = BPRS, True = PANSS_Bin, nb = 10, 
Theta.S_0=c(-10,-5,5,10,10,10,10,10), Theta.S_1=c(-10,-5,5,10,10,10,10,10), 
Treat=Treat, M=50, Seed=1)


## End(Not run)

Assess surrogacy in the causal-inference single-trial setting (Individual Causal Association, ICA) in the Continuous-continuous case


The function ICA.ContCont quantifies surrogacy in the single-trial causal-inference framework. See Details below.


ICA.ContCont(T0S0, T1S1, T0T0=1, T1T1=1, S0S0=1, S1S1=1, T0T1=seq(-1, 1, by=.1), 
T0S1=seq(-1, 1, by=.1), T1S0=seq(-1, 1, by=.1), S0S1=seq(-1, 1, by=.1))



A scalar or vector that specifies the correlation(s) between the surrogate and the true endpoint in the control treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}.


A scalar or vector that specifies the correlation(s) between the surrogate and the true endpoint in the experimental treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the true endpoint in the control treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default 1.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the true endpoint in the experimental treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default 1.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the surrogate endpoint in the control treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default 1.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the surrogate endpoint in the experimental treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default 1.


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T0 and T1 that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.1), i.e., the values 1-1, 0.9-0.9, 0.8-0.8, ..., 11.


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T0 and S1 that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.1).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T1 and S0 that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.1).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals S0 and S1 that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.1).


Based on the causal-inference framework, it is assumed that each subject j has four counterfactuals (or potential outcomes), i.e., T0jT_{0j}, T1jT_{1j}, S0jS_{0j}, and S1jS_{1j}. Let T0jT_{0j} and T1jT_{1j} denote the counterfactuals for the true endpoint (TT) under the control (Z=0Z=0) and the experimental (Z=1Z=1) treatments of subject j, respectively. Similarly, S0jS_{0j} and S1jS_{1j} denote the corresponding counterfactuals for the surrogate endpoint (SS) under the control and experimental treatments, respectively. The individual causal effects of ZZ on TT and SS for a given subject j are then defined as ΔTj=T1jT0j\Delta_{T_{j}}=T_{1j}-T_{0j} and ΔSj=S1jS0j\Delta_{S_{j}}=S_{1j}-S_{0j}, respectively.

In the single-trial causal-inference framework, surrogacy can be quantified as the correlation between the individual causal effects of ZZ on SS and TT (for details, see Alonso et al., submitted):


where the correlations ρS0T1\rho_{S_{0}T_{1}}, ρS1T0\rho_{S_{1}T_{0}}, ρT0T1\rho_{T_{0}T_{1}}, and ρS0S1\rho_{S_{0}S_{1}} are not estimable. It is thus warranted to conduct a sensitivity analysis (by considering vectors of possible values for the correlations between the counterfactuals – rather than point estimates).

When the user specifies a vector of values that should be considered for one or more of the counterfactual correlations in the above expression, the function ICA.ContCont constructs all possible matrices that can be formed as based on these values, identifies the matrices that are positive definite (i.e., valid correlation matrices), and computes ρΔ\rho_{\Delta} for each of these matrices. The obtained vector of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta} values can subsequently be used to examine (i) the impact of different assumptions regarding the correlations between the counterfactuals on the results (see also plot Causal-Inference ContCont), and (ii) the extent to which proponents of the causal-inference and meta-analytic frameworks will reach the same conclusion with respect to the appropriateness of the candidate surrogate at hand.

The function ICA.ContCont also generates output that is useful to examine the plausibility of finding a good surrogate endpoint (see GoodSurr in the Value section below). For details, see Alonso et al. (submitted).


A single ρΔ\rho_{\Delta} value is obtained when all correlations in the function call are scalars.


An object of class ICA.ContCont with components,


An object of class numeric that contains the total number of matrices that can be formed as based on the user-specified correlations in the function call.


A data.frame that contains the positive definite matrices that can be formed based on the user-specified correlations. These matrices are used to compute the vector of the ρΔ\rho_{\Delta} values.


A scalar or vector that contains the individual causal association (ICA; ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}) value(s).


A data.frame that contains the ICA (ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}), σΔT\sigma_{\Delta_{T}}, and δ\delta.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., Molenberghs, G., Buyse, M., & Burzykowski, T. (submitted). On the relationship between the causal-inference and meta-analytic paradigms for the validation of surrogate markers.

See Also

MICA.ContCont, ICA.Sample.ContCont, Single.Trial.RE.AA, plot Causal-Inference ContCont


## Not run:  #time-consuming code parts
# Generate the vector of ICA.ContCont values when rho_T0S0=rho_T1S1=.95, 
# sigma_T0T0=90, sigma_T1T1=100,sigma_ S0S0=10, sigma_S1S1=15, and  
# the grid of values {0, .2, ..., 1} is considered for the correlations
# between the counterfactuals:
SurICA <- ICA.ContCont(T0S0=.95, T1S1=.95, T0T0=90, T1T1=100, S0S0=10, S1S1=15,
T0T1=seq(0, 1, by=.2), T0S1=seq(0, 1, by=.2), T1S0=seq(0, 1, by=.2), 
S0S1=seq(0, 1, by=.2))

# Examine and plot the vector of generated ICA values:

# Obtain the positive definite matrices than can be formed as based on the 
# specified (vectors) of the correlations (these matrices are used to 
# compute the ICA values)

# Same, but specify vectors for rho_T0S0 and rho_T1S1: Sample from
# normal with mean .95 and SD=.05 (to account for uncertainty 
# in estimation) 
SurICA2 <- ICA.ContCont(T0S0=rnorm(n=10000000, mean=.95, sd=.05), 
T1S1=rnorm(n=10000000, mean=.95, sd=.05), 
T0T0=90, T1T1=100, S0S0=10, S1S1=15,
T0T1=seq(0, 1, by=.2), T0S1=seq(0, 1, by=.2), T1S0=seq(0, 1, by=.2), 
S0S1=seq(0, 1, by=.2))

# Examine results

## End(Not run)

Assess surrogacy in the causal-inference single-trial setting (Individual Causal Association, ICA) using a continuous univariate T and multiple continuous S


The function ICA.ContCont.MultS quantifies surrogacy in the single-trial causal-inference framework where T is continuous and there are multiple continuous S.


ICA.ContCont.MultS(M = 500, N, Sigma, 
G = seq(from=-1, to=1, by = .00001),
Seed=c(123), Show.Progress=FALSE)



The number of multivariate ICA values (RH2R^2_{H}) that should be sampled. Default M=500.


The sample size of the dataset.


A matrix that specifies the variance-covariance matrix between T0T_0, T1T_1, S10S_{10}, S11S_{11}, S20S_{20}, S21S_{21}, ..., Sk0S_{k0}, and Sk1S_{k1} (in this order, the T0T_0 and T1T_1 data should be in Sigma[c(1,2), c(1,2)], the S10S_{10} and S11S_{11} data should be in Sigma[c(3,4), c(3,4)], and so on). The unidentifiable covariances should be defined as NA (see example below).


A vector of the values that should be considered for the unidentified correlations. Default G=seq(-1, 1, by=.00001), i.e., values with range 1-1 to 11.


The seed that is used. Default Seed=123.


Should progress of runs be graphically shown? (i.e., 1% done..., 2% done..., etc). Mainly useful when a large number of S have to be considered (to follow progress and estimate total run time).


The multivariate ICA (RH2R^2_{H}) is not identifiable because the individual causal treatment effects on TT, S1S_1, ..., SkS_k cannot be observed. A simulation-based sensitivity analysis is therefore conducted in which the multivariate ICA (RH2R^2_{H}) is estimated across a set of plausible values for the unidentifiable correlations. To this end, consider the variance covariance matrix of the potential outcomes Σ\boldsymbol{\Sigma} (0 and 1 subscripts refer to the control and experimental treatments, respectively):

Σ=(σT0T0σT0T1σT1T1σT0S10σT1S10σS10S10σT0S11σT1S11σS10S11σS11S11σT0S20σT1S20σS10S20σS11S20σS20S20σT0S21σT1S21σS10S21σS11S21σS20S21σS21S21..................σT0Sk0σT1Sk0σS10Sk0σS11Sk0σS20Sk0σS21Sk0...σSk0Sk0σT0Sk1σT1Sk1σS10Sk1σS11Sk1σS20Sk1σS21Sk1...σSk0Sk1σSk1Sk1.)\boldsymbol{\Sigma} = \left(\begin{array}{ccccccccc} \sigma_{T_{0}T_{0}}\\ \sigma_{T_{0}T_{1}} & \sigma_{T_{1}T_{1}}\\ \sigma_{T_{0}S1_{0}} & \sigma_{T_{1}S1_{0}} & \sigma_{S1_{0}S1_{0}}\\ \sigma_{T_{0}S1_{1}} & \sigma_{T_{1}S1_{1}} & \sigma_{S1_{0}S1_{1}} & \sigma_{S1_{1}S1_{1}}\\ \sigma_{T_{0}S2_{0}} & \sigma_{T_{1}S2_{0}} & \sigma_{S1_{0}S2_{0}} & \sigma_{S1_{1}S2_{0}} & \sigma_{S2_{0}S2_{0}}\\ \sigma_{T_{0}S2_{1}} & \sigma_{T_{1}S2_{1}} & \sigma_{S1_{0}S2_{1}} & \sigma_{S1_{1}S2_{1}} & \sigma_{S2_{0}S2_{1}} & \sigma_{S2_{1}S2_{1}}\\ ... & ... & ... & ... & ... & ... & \ddots\\ \sigma_{T_{0}Sk_{0}} & \sigma_{T_{1}Sk_{0}} & \sigma_{S1_{0}Sk_{0}} & \sigma_{S1_{1}Sk_{0}} & \sigma_{S2_{0}Sk_{0}} & \sigma_{S2_{1}Sk_{0}} & ... & \sigma_{Sk_{0}Sk_{0}}\\ \sigma_{T_{0}Sk_{1}} & \sigma_{T_{1}Sk_{1}} & \sigma_{S1_{0}Sk_{1}} & \sigma_{S1_{1}Sk_{1}} & \sigma_{S2_{0}Sk_{1}} & \sigma_{S2_{1}Sk_{1}} & ... & \sigma_{Sk_{0}Sk_{1}} & \sigma_{Sk_{1}Sk_{1}}. \end{array}\right)

The ICA.ContCont.MultS function requires the user to specify a distribution GG for the unidentified correlations. Next, the identifiable correlations are fixed at their estimated values and the unidentifiable correlations are independently and randomly sampled from GG. In the function call, the unidentifiable correlations are marked by specifying NA in the Sigma matrix (see example section below). The algorithm generates a large number of 'completed' matrices, and only those that are positive definite are retained (the number of positive definite matrices that should be obtained is specified by the M= argument in the function call). Based on the identifiable variances, these positive definite correlation matrices are converted to covariance matrices Σ\boldsymbol{\Sigma} and the multiple-surrogate ICA are estimated.

An issue with this approach (i.e., substituting unidentified correlations by random and independent samples from GG) is that the probability of obtaining a positive definite matrix is very low when the dimensionality of the matrix increases. One approach to increase the efficiency of the algorithm is to build-up the correlation matrix in a gradual way. In particular, the property that a (k×k)\left(k \times k\right) matrix is positive definite if and only if all principal minors are positive (i.e., Sylvester's criterion) can be used. In other words, a (k×k)\left(k \times k\right) matrix is positive definite when the determinants of the upper-left (2×2)\left(2 \times 2\right), (3×3)\left(3 \times 3\right), ..., (k×k)\left(k \times k\right) submatrices all have a positive determinant. Thus, when a positive definite (k×k)\left(k \times k\right) matrix has to be generated, one can start with the upper-left (2×2)\left(2 \times 2\right) submatrix and randomly sample a value from the unidentified correlation (here: ρT0T0\rho_{T_0T_0}) from GG. When the determinant is positive (which will always be the case for a (2×2)\left(2 \times 2\right) matrix), the same procedure is used for the upper-left (3×3)\left(3 \times 3\right) submatrix, and so on. When a particular draw from GG for a particular submatrix does not give a positive determinant, new values are sampled for the unidentified correlations until a positive determinant is obtained. In this way, it can be guaranteed that the final (k×k)\left(k \times k\right) submatrix will be positive definite. The latter approach is used in the current function. This procedure is used to generate many positive definite matrices. Based on these matrices, ΣΔ\boldsymbol{\Sigma_{\Delta}} is generated and the multivariate ICA (RH2R^2_{H}) is computed (for details, see Van der Elst et al., 2017).


An object of class ICA.ContCont.MultS with components,


The multiple-surrogate individual causal association value(s).


The corrected multiple-surrogate individual causal association value(s).


A data.frame that contains the matrix that contains the identifiable and unidentifiable correlations (lower diagonal elements) that were used to compute (RH2R^2_{H}) in the run.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Van der Elst, W., Alonso, A. A., & Molenberghs, G. (2017). Univariate versus multivariate surrogate endpoints.

See Also

MICA.ContCont, ICA.ContCont, Single.Trial.RE.AA, plot Causal-Inference ContCont, ICA.ContCont.MultS_alt


## Not run:  #time-consuming code parts
# Specify matrix Sigma (var-cavar matrix T_0, T_1, S1_0, S1_1, ...)
# here for 1 true endpoint and 3 surrogates

s<-matrix(rep(NA, times=64),8)
s[1,1] <- 450; s[2,2] <- 413.5; s[3,3] <- 174.2; s[4,4] <- 157.5; 
s[5,5] <- 244.0; s[6,6] <- 229.99; s[7,7] <- 294.2; s[8,8] <- 302.5
s[3,1] <- 160.8; s[5,1] <- 208.5; s[7,1] <- 268.4 
s[4,2] <- 124.6; s[6,2] <- 212.3; s[8,2] <- 287.1
s[5,3] <- 160.3; s[7,3] <- 142.8 
s[6,4] <- 134.3; s[8,4] <- 130.4 
s[7,5] <- 209.3; 
s[8,6] <- 214.7 
s[upper.tri(s)] = t(s)[upper.tri(s)]

# Marix looks like (NA indicates unidentified covariances):
#            T_0    T_1  S1_0  S1_1  S2_0   S2_1  S2_0  S2_1
#            [,1]  [,2]  [,3]  [,4]  [,5]   [,6]  [,7]  [,8]
# T_0  [1,] 450.0    NA 160.8    NA 208.5     NA 268.4    NA
# T_1  [2,]    NA 413.5    NA 124.6    NA 212.30    NA 287.1
# S1_0 [3,] 160.8    NA 174.2    NA 160.3     NA 142.8    NA
# S1_1 [4,]    NA 124.6    NA 157.5    NA 134.30    NA 130.4
# S2_0 [5,] 208.5    NA 160.3    NA 244.0     NA 209.3    NA
# S2_1 [6,]    NA 212.3    NA 134.3    NA 229.99    NA 214.7
# S3_0 [7,] 268.4    NA 142.8    NA 209.3     NA 294.2    NA
# S3_1 [8,]    NA 287.1    NA 130.4    NA 214.70    NA 302.5

# Conduct analysis
ICA <- ICA.ContCont.MultS(M=100, N=200, Show.Progress = TRUE,
  Sigma=s, G = seq(from=-1, to=1, by = .00001), Seed=c(123))

# Explore results

## End(Not run)

Assess surrogacy in the causal-inference single-trial setting (Individual Causal Association, ICA) using a continuous univariate T and multiple continuous S, alternative approach


The function ICA.ContCont.MultS_alt quantifies surrogacy in the single-trial causal-inference framework where T is continuous and there are multiple continuous S. This function provides an alternative for ICA.ContCont.MultS.


ICA.ContCont.MultS_alt(M = 500, N, Sigma, 
G = seq(from=-1, to=1, by = .00001),
Seed=c(123), Model = "Delta_T ~ Delta_S1 + Delta_S2", 



The number of multivariate ICA values (RH2R^2_{H}) that should be sampled. Default M=500.


The sample size of the dataset.


A matrix that specifies the variance-covariance matrix between T0T_0, T1T_1, S10S_{10}, S11S_{11}, S20S_{20}, S21S_{21}, ..., Sk0S_{k0}, and Sk1S_{k1}. The unidentifiable covariances should be defined as NA (see example below).


A vector of the values that should be considered for the unidentified correlations. Default G=seq(-1, 1, by=.00001), i.e., values with range 1-1 to 11.


The seed that is used. Default Seed=123.


The multivariate ICA (RH2R^2_{H}) is essentially the coefficient of determination of a regression model in which ΔT\Delta T is regressed on ΔS1\Delta S_1, ΔS2\Delta S_2, ... and so on. The Model= argument specifies the regression model to be used in the analysis. For example, for 2 surrogates, Model = "Delta_T ~ Delta_S1 + Delta_S2").


Should progress of runs be graphically shown? (i.e., 1% done..., 2% done..., etc). Mainly useful when a large number of S have to be considered (to follow progress and estimate total run time).


The multivariate ICA (RH2R^2_{H}) is not identifiable because the individual causal treatment effects on TT, S1S_1, ..., SkS_k cannot be observed. A simulation-based sensitivity analysis is therefore conducted in which the multivariate ICA (RH2R^2_{H}) is estimated across a set of plausible values for the unidentifiable correlations. To this end, consider the variance covariance matrix of the potential outcomes Σ\boldsymbol{\Sigma} (0 and 1 subscripts refer to the control and experimental treatments, respectively):

Σ=(σT0T0σT0T1σT1T1σT0S10σT1S10σS10S10σT0S11σT1S11σS10S11σS11S11σT0S20σT1S20σS10S20σS11S20σS20S20σT0S21σT1S21σS10S21σS11S21σS20S21σS21S21..................σT0Sk0σT1Sk0σS10Sk0σS11Sk0σS20Sk0σS21Sk0...σSk0Sk0σT0Sk1σT1Sk1σS10Sk1σS11Sk1σS20Sk1σS21Sk1...σSk0Sk1σSk1Sk1.)\boldsymbol{\Sigma} = \left(\begin{array}{ccccccccc} \sigma_{T_{0}T_{0}}\\ \sigma_{T_{0}T_{1}} & \sigma_{T_{1}T_{1}}\\ \sigma_{T_{0}S1_{0}} & \sigma_{T_{1}S1_{0}} & \sigma_{S1_{0}S1_{0}}\\ \sigma_{T_{0}S1_{1}} & \sigma_{T_{1}S1_{1}} & \sigma_{S1_{0}S1_{1}} & \sigma_{S1_{1}S1_{1}}\\ \sigma_{T_{0}S2_{0}} & \sigma_{T_{1}S2_{0}} & \sigma_{S1_{0}S2_{0}} & \sigma_{S1_{1}S2_{0}} & \sigma_{S2_{0}S2_{0}}\\ \sigma_{T_{0}S2_{1}} & \sigma_{T_{1}S2_{1}} & \sigma_{S1_{0}S2_{1}} & \sigma_{S1_{1}S2_{1}} & \sigma_{S2_{0}S2_{1}} & \sigma_{S2_{1}S2_{1}}\\ ... & ... & ... & ... & ... & ... & \ddots\\ \sigma_{T_{0}Sk_{0}} & \sigma_{T_{1}Sk_{0}} & \sigma_{S1_{0}Sk_{0}} & \sigma_{S1_{1}Sk_{0}} & \sigma_{S2_{0}Sk_{0}} & \sigma_{S2_{1}Sk_{0}} & ... & \sigma_{Sk_{0}Sk_{0}}\\ \sigma_{T_{0}Sk_{1}} & \sigma_{T_{1}Sk_{1}} & \sigma_{S1_{0}Sk_{1}} & \sigma_{S1_{1}Sk_{1}} & \sigma_{S2_{0}Sk_{1}} & \sigma_{S2_{1}Sk_{1}} & ... & \sigma_{Sk_{0}Sk_{1}} & \sigma_{Sk_{1}Sk_{1}}. \end{array}\right)

The ICA.ContCont.MultS_alt function requires the user to specify a distribution GG for the unidentified correlations. Next, the identifiable correlations are fixed at their estimated values and the unidentifiable correlations are independently and randomly sampled from GG. In the function call, the unidentifiable correlations are marked by specifying NA in the Sigma matrix (see example section below). The algorithm generates a large number of 'completed' matrices, and only those that are positive definite are retained (the number of positive definite matrices that should be obtained is specified by the M= argument in the function call). Based on the identifiable variances, these positive definite correlation matrices are converted to covariance matrices Σ\boldsymbol{\Sigma} and the multiple-surrogate ICA are estimated.

An issue with this approach (i.e., substituting unidentified correlations by random and independent samples from GG) is that the probability of obtaining a positive definite matrix is very low when the dimensionality of the matrix increases. One approach to increase the efficiency of the algorithm is to build-up the correlation matrix in a gradual way. In particular, the property that a (k×k)\left(k \times k\right) matrix is positive definite if and only if all principal minors are positive (i.e., Sylvester's criterion) can be used. In other words, a (k×k)\left(k \times k\right) matrix is positive definite when the determinants of the upper-left (2×2)\left(2 \times 2\right), (3×3)\left(3 \times 3\right), ..., (k×k)\left(k \times k\right) submatrices all have a positive determinant. Thus, when a positive definite (k×k)\left(k \times k\right) matrix has to be generated, one can start with the upper-left (2×2)\left(2 \times 2\right) submatrix and randomly sample a value from the unidentified correlation (here: ρT0T0\rho_{T_0T_0}) from GG. When the determinant is positive (which will always be the case for a (2×2)\left(2 \times 2\right) matrix), the same procedure is used for the upper-left (3×3)\left(3 \times 3\right) submatrix, and so on. When a particular draw from GG for a particular submatrix does not give a positive determinant, new values are sampled for the unidentified correlations until a positive determinant is obtained. In this way, it can be guaranteed that the final (k×k)\left(k \times k\right) submatrix will be positive definite. The latter approach is used in the current function. This procedure is used to generate many positive definite matrices. These positive definite matrices are used to generate M datasets which contain ΔT\Delta T, ΔS1\Delta S_1, ΔS2\Delta S_2, ..., ΔSk\Delta S_k. Finally, the multivariate ICA (RH2R^2_{H}) is estimated by regressing ΔT\Delta T on ΔS1\Delta S_1, ΔS2\Delta S_2, ..., ΔSk\Delta S_k and computing the multiple coefficient of determination.


An object of class ICA.ContCont.MultS_alt with components,


The multiple-surrogate individual causal association value(s).


The corrected multiple-surrogate individual causal association value(s).


The residual errors (prediction errors) for intercept-only models of ΔT\Delta T (i.e., models that do not include ΔS1\Delta S_1, ΔS2\Delta S_2, etc as predictors).


The residual errors (prediction errors) for models where ΔT\Delta T is regressed on ΔS1\Delta S_1, ΔS2\Delta S_2, etc.


A data.frame that contains the matrix that contains the identifiable and unidentifiable correlations (lower diagonal elements) that were used to compute (RH2R^2_{H}) in the run.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Van der Elst, W., Alonso, A. A., & Molenberghs, G. (2017). Univariate versus multivariate surrogate endpoints.

See Also

MICA.ContCont, ICA.ContCont, Single.Trial.RE.AA, plot Causal-Inference ContCont


## Not run:  #time-consuming code parts
# Specify matrix Sigma (var-cavar matrix T_0, T_1, S1_0, S1_1, ...)
# here for 1 true endpoint and 3 surrogates

s<-matrix(rep(NA, times=64),8)
s[1,1] <- 450; s[2,2] <- 413.5; s[3,3] <- 174.2; s[4,4] <- 157.5; 
s[5,5] <- 244.0; s[6,6] <- 229.99; s[7,7] <- 294.2; s[8,8] <- 302.5
s[3,1] <- 160.8; s[5,1] <- 208.5; s[7,1] <- 268.4 
s[4,2] <- 124.6; s[6,2] <- 212.3; s[8,2] <- 287.1
s[5,3] <- 160.3; s[7,3] <- 142.8 
s[6,4] <- 134.3; s[8,4] <- 130.4 
s[7,5] <- 209.3; 
s[8,6] <- 214.7 
s[upper.tri(s)] = t(s)[upper.tri(s)]

# Marix looks like (NA indicates unidentified covariances):
#            T_0    T_1  S1_0  S1_1  S2_0   S2_1  S2_0  S2_1
#            [,1]  [,2]  [,3]  [,4]  [,5]   [,6]  [,7]  [,8]
# T_0  [1,] 450.0    NA 160.8    NA 208.5     NA 268.4    NA
# T_1  [2,]    NA 413.5    NA 124.6    NA 212.30    NA 287.1
# S1_0 [3,] 160.8    NA 174.2    NA 160.3     NA 142.8    NA
# S1_1 [4,]    NA 124.6    NA 157.5    NA 134.30    NA 130.4
# S2_0 [5,] 208.5    NA 160.3    NA 244.0     NA 209.3    NA
# S2_1 [6,]    NA 212.3    NA 134.3    NA 229.99    NA 214.7
# S3_0 [7,] 268.4    NA 142.8    NA 209.3     NA 294.2    NA
# S3_1 [8,]    NA 287.1    NA 130.4    NA 214.70    NA 302.5

# Conduct analysis
ICA <- ICA.ContCont.MultS_alt(M=100, N=200, Show.Progress = TRUE,
  Sigma=s, G = seq(from=-1, to=1, by = .00001), Seed=c(123), 
  Model = "Delta_T ~ Delta_S1 + Delta_S2 + Delta_S3")

# Explore results

## End(Not run)

Assess surrogacy in the causal-inference single-trial setting (Individual Causal Association, ICA) using a continuous univariate T and multiple continuous S, by simulating correlation matrices using a modified algorithm based on partial correlations


The function ICA.ContCont.MultS.MPC quantifies surragacy in the single-trial causal-inference framework in which the true endpoint (T) and multiple surrogates (S) are continuous. This function is a modification of the ICA.ContCont.MultS.PC algorithm based on partial correlations. it mitigates the effect of non-informative surrogates and effectively explores the PD space to capture the ICA range (Florez, et al. 2021).


ICA.ContCont.MultS.MPC(M=1000,N,Sigma,prob = NULL,Seed=123,
Save.Corr=F, Show.Progress=FALSE)



The number of multivariate ICA values (RH2R^2_{H}) that should be sampled. Default M=1000.


The sample size of the dataset.


A matrix that specifies the variance-covariance matrix between T0T_0, T1T_1, S10S_{10}, S11S_{11}, S20S_{20}, S21S_{21}, ..., Sk0S_{k0}, and Sk1S_{k1} (in this order, the T0T_0 and T1T_1 data should be in Sigma[c(1,2), c(1,2)], the S10S_{10} and S11S_{11} data should be in Sigma[c(3,4), c(3,4)], and so on). The unidentifiable covariances should be defined as NA (see example below).


vector of probabilities to choose the number of surrogates (r) with their non-identifiable correlations equal to zero. The default (prob=NULL) vector of probabilities is:

πr=(pr)i=1p(pi), for r=0,,p.\pi_{r} = \frac{{p \choose r}}{\sum_{i=1}^{p}{p \choose i}}, \mbox{ for }r=0,\ldots,p.

In this way, each possible combination of $r$ surrogates has the same probability of being selected.


If true, the lower diagonal elements of the correlation matrix (identifiable and unidientifiable elements) are stored. If false, these results are not saved.


The seed that is used. Default Seed=123.


Should progress of runs be graphically shown? (i.e., 1% done..., 2% done..., etc). Mainly useful when a large number of S have to be considered (to follow progress and estimate total run time).


The multivariate ICA (RH2R^2_{H}) is not identifiable because the individual causal treatment effects on TT, S1S_1, ..., SkS_k cannot be observed. A simulation-based sensitivity analysis is therefore conducted in which the multivariate ICA (RH2R^2_{H}) is estimated across a set of plausible values for the unidentifiable correlations. To this end, consider the variance covariance matrix of the potential outcomes Σ\boldsymbol{\Sigma} (0 and 1 subscripts refer to the control and experimental treatments, respectively):

Σ=(σT0T0σT0T1σT1T1σT0S10σT1S10σS10S10σT0S11σT1S11σS10S11σS11S11σT0S20σT1S20σS10S20σS11S20σS20S20σT0S21σT1S21σS10S21σS11S21σS20S21σS21S21..................σT0Sk0σT1Sk0σS10Sk0σS11Sk0σS20Sk0σS21Sk0...σSk0Sk0σT0Sk1σT1Sk1σS10Sk1σS11Sk1σS20Sk1σS21Sk1...σSk0Sk1σSk1Sk1.)\boldsymbol{\Sigma} = \left(\begin{array}{ccccccccc} \sigma_{T_{0}T_{0}}\\ \sigma_{T_{0}T_{1}} & \sigma_{T_{1}T_{1}}\\ \sigma_{T_{0}S1_{0}} & \sigma_{T_{1}S1_{0}} & \sigma_{S1_{0}S1_{0}}\\ \sigma_{T_{0}S1_{1}} & \sigma_{T_{1}S1_{1}} & \sigma_{S1_{0}S1_{1}} & \sigma_{S1_{1}S1_{1}}\\ \sigma_{T_{0}S2_{0}} & \sigma_{T_{1}S2_{0}} & \sigma_{S1_{0}S2_{0}} & \sigma_{S1_{1}S2_{0}} & \sigma_{S2_{0}S2_{0}}\\ \sigma_{T_{0}S2_{1}} & \sigma_{T_{1}S2_{1}} & \sigma_{S1_{0}S2_{1}} & \sigma_{S1_{1}S2_{1}} & \sigma_{S2_{0}S2_{1}} & \sigma_{S2_{1}S2_{1}}\\ ... & ... & ... & ... & ... & ... & \ddots\\ \sigma_{T_{0}Sk_{0}} & \sigma_{T_{1}Sk_{0}} & \sigma_{S1_{0}Sk_{0}} & \sigma_{S1_{1}Sk_{0}} & \sigma_{S2_{0}Sk_{0}} & \sigma_{S2_{1}Sk_{0}} & ... & \sigma_{Sk_{0}Sk_{0}}\\ \sigma_{T_{0}Sk_{1}} & \sigma_{T_{1}Sk_{1}} & \sigma_{S1_{0}Sk_{1}} & \sigma_{S1_{1}Sk_{1}} & \sigma_{S2_{0}Sk_{1}} & \sigma_{S2_{1}Sk_{1}} & ... & \sigma_{Sk_{0}Sk_{1}} & \sigma_{Sk_{1}Sk_{1}}. \end{array}\right)

The identifiable correlations are fixed at their estimated values and the unidentifiable correlations are independently and randomly sampled using a modification of an algorithm based on partial correlations (PC), called modified partial correlation (MPC) algorithm. In the function call, the unidentifiable correlations are marked by specifying NA in the Sigma matrix (see example section below).

The PC algorithm generate each correlation matrix progressively based on parameterization of terms of the correlations ρi,i+1\rho_{i,i+1}, for i=1,,d1i=1,\ldots,d-1, and the partial correlations ρi,ji+1,,j1\rho_{i,j|i+1,\ldots,j-1}, for ji>2j-i>2 (for details, see Joe, 2006 and Florez et al., 2018). The MPC algorithm randomly fixed some of the unidentifiable correlations to zero in order to explore the PD, which is coherent with the estimable entries of the correlation matrix, to capture the ICA range more efficiently.

Based on the identifiable variances, these correlation matrices are converted to covariance matrices Σ\boldsymbol{\Sigma} and the multiple-surrogate ICA are estimated (for details, see Van der Elst et al., 2017).

This approach to simulate the unidentifiable parameters of Σ\boldsymbol{\Sigma} is computationally more efficient than the one used in the function ICA.ContCont.MultS.


An object of class ICA.ContCont.MultS.PC with components,


The multiple-surrogate individual causal association value(s).


The corrected multiple-surrogate individual causal association value(s).


A data.frame that contains the matrix that contains the identifiable and unidentifiable correlations (lower diagonal elements) that were used to compute (RH2R^2_{H}) in the run.


Matrix indicating the surrogates of which their unidentifiable correlations are fixed to zero in each simulation.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, Geert Molenberghs & Alvaro Florez


Florez, A., Molenberghs, G., Van der Elst, W., Alonso, A. A. (2021). An efficient algorithm for causally assessing surrogacy in a multivariate setting.

Florez, A., Alonso, A. A., Molenberghs, G. & Van der Elst, W. (2020). Generating random correlation matrices with fixed values: An application to the evaluation of multivariate surrogate endpoints. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 142.

Joe, H. (2006). Generating random correlation matrices based on partial correlations. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 97(10):2177-2189.

Van der Elst, W., Alonso, A. A., & Molenberghs, G. (2017). Univariate versus multivariate surrogate endpoints.

See Also

MICA.ContCont, ICA.ContCont, Single.Trial.RE.AA, plot Causal-Inference ContCont, ICA.ContCont.MultS, ICA.ContCont.MultS_alt


## Not run:  
# Specify matrix Sigma (var-cavar matrix T_0, T_1, S1_0, S1_1, ...)
# here we have 1 true endpoint and 10 surrogates (8 of these are non-informative)

Sigma = ks::invvech(
  c(25, NA, 17.8, NA, -10.6, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 
    4, NA, -0.32, NA, -1.32, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, 16, 
    NA, -4, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 1, NA, 0.48, NA, 
    0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, 16, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, 
    NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 1, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, 
    NA, 0, 16, NA, 8, NA, 8, NA, 8, NA, 8, NA, 8, NA, 8, NA, 8, NA, 1, NA, 0.5, NA, 0.5, 
    NA, 0.5, NA, 0.5, NA, 0.5, NA, 0.5, NA, 0.5, 16, NA, 8, NA, 8, NA, 8, NA, 8, NA, 8, 
    NA, 8, NA, 1, NA, 0.5, NA, 0.5, NA, 0.5, NA, 0.5, NA, 0.5, NA, 0.5, 16, NA, 8, NA, 
    8, NA, 8, NA, 8, NA, 8, NA, 1,NA,0.5,NA,0.5,NA,0.5,NA,0.5,NA,0.5, 16, NA, 8, NA, 8, 
    NA, 8, NA, 8, NA, 1, NA, 0.5, NA, 0.5, NA, 0.5, NA, 0.5, 16, NA, 8, NA, 8, NA, 8, NA,
    1, NA, 0.5, NA, 0.5, NA, 0.5, 16, NA, 8, NA, 8, NA, 1, NA, 0.5, NA, 0.5, 16, NA, 8, NA,
    1, NA, 0.5, 16, NA, 1)) 

# Conduct analysis using the PC and MPC algorithm 
## first evaluating two surrogates
ICA.PC.2 = ICA.ContCont.MultS.PC(M = 30000, N=200, Sigma[1:6,1:6], Seed = 123) 
ICA.MPC.2 = ICA.ContCont.MultS.MPC(M = 30000, N=200, Sigma[1:6,1:6],prob=NULL, 
Seed = 123, Save.Corr=T, Show.Progress = TRUE) 

## later evaluating two surrogates
ICA.PC.10 = ICA.ContCont.MultS.PC(M = 150000, N=200, Sigma, Seed = 123) 
ICA.MPC.10 = ICA.ContCont.MultS.MPC(M = 150000, N=200, Sigma,prob=NULL, 
Seed = 123, Save.Corr=T, Show.Progress = TRUE) 

# Explore results

## as we observe, the MPC algorithm displays a wider interval of possible values for the ICA

## End(Not run)

Assess surrogacy in the causal-inference single-trial setting (Individual Causal Association, ICA) using a continuous univariate T and multiple continuous S, by simulating correlation matrices using an algorithm based on partial correlations


The function ICA.ContCont.MultS quantifies surrogacy in the single-trial causal-inference framework where T is continuous and there are multiple continuous S. This function provides an alternative for ICA.ContCont.MultS.





The number of multivariate ICA values (RH2R^2_{H}) that should be sampled. Default M=1000.


The sample size of the dataset.


A matrix that specifies the variance-covariance matrix between T0T_0, T1T_1, S10S_{10}, S11S_{11}, S20S_{20}, S21S_{21}, ..., Sk0S_{k0}, and Sk1S_{k1} (in this order, the T0T_0 and T1T_1 data should be in Sigma[c(1,2), c(1,2)], the S10S_{10} and S11S_{11} data should be in Sigma[c(3,4), c(3,4)], and so on). The unidentifiable covariances should be defined as NA (see example below).


The seed that is used. Default Seed=123.


Should progress of runs be graphically shown? (i.e., 1% done..., 2% done..., etc). Mainly useful when a large number of S have to be considered (to follow progress and estimate total run time).


The multivariate ICA (RH2R^2_{H}) is not identifiable because the individual causal treatment effects on TT, S1S_1, ..., SkS_k cannot be observed. A simulation-based sensitivity analysis is therefore conducted in which the multivariate ICA (RH2R^2_{H}) is estimated across a set of plausible values for the unidentifiable correlations. To this end, consider the variance covariance matrix of the potential outcomes Σ\boldsymbol{\Sigma} (0 and 1 subscripts refer to the control and experimental treatments, respectively):

Σ=(σT0T0σT0T1σT1T1σT0S10σT1S10σS10S10σT0S11σT1S11σS10S11σS11S11σT0S20σT1S20σS10S20σS11S20σS20S20σT0S21σT1S21σS10S21σS11S21σS20S21σS21S21..................σT0Sk0σT1Sk0σS10Sk0σS11Sk0σS20Sk0σS21Sk0...σSk0Sk0σT0Sk1σT1Sk1σS10Sk1σS11Sk1σS20Sk1σS21Sk1...σSk0Sk1σSk1Sk1.)\boldsymbol{\Sigma} = \left(\begin{array}{ccccccccc} \sigma_{T_{0}T_{0}}\\ \sigma_{T_{0}T_{1}} & \sigma_{T_{1}T_{1}}\\ \sigma_{T_{0}S1_{0}} & \sigma_{T_{1}S1_{0}} & \sigma_{S1_{0}S1_{0}}\\ \sigma_{T_{0}S1_{1}} & \sigma_{T_{1}S1_{1}} & \sigma_{S1_{0}S1_{1}} & \sigma_{S1_{1}S1_{1}}\\ \sigma_{T_{0}S2_{0}} & \sigma_{T_{1}S2_{0}} & \sigma_{S1_{0}S2_{0}} & \sigma_{S1_{1}S2_{0}} & \sigma_{S2_{0}S2_{0}}\\ \sigma_{T_{0}S2_{1}} & \sigma_{T_{1}S2_{1}} & \sigma_{S1_{0}S2_{1}} & \sigma_{S1_{1}S2_{1}} & \sigma_{S2_{0}S2_{1}} & \sigma_{S2_{1}S2_{1}}\\ ... & ... & ... & ... & ... & ... & \ddots\\ \sigma_{T_{0}Sk_{0}} & \sigma_{T_{1}Sk_{0}} & \sigma_{S1_{0}Sk_{0}} & \sigma_{S1_{1}Sk_{0}} & \sigma_{S2_{0}Sk_{0}} & \sigma_{S2_{1}Sk_{0}} & ... & \sigma_{Sk_{0}Sk_{0}}\\ \sigma_{T_{0}Sk_{1}} & \sigma_{T_{1}Sk_{1}} & \sigma_{S1_{0}Sk_{1}} & \sigma_{S1_{1}Sk_{1}} & \sigma_{S2_{0}Sk_{1}} & \sigma_{S2_{1}Sk_{1}} & ... & \sigma_{Sk_{0}Sk_{1}} & \sigma_{Sk_{1}Sk_{1}}. \end{array}\right)

The identifiable correlations are fixed at their estimated values and the unidentifiable correlations are independently and randomly sampled using an algorithm based on partial correlations (PC). In the function call, the unidentifiable correlations are marked by specifying NA in the Sigma matrix (see example section below). The PC algorithm generate each correlation matrix progressively based on parameterization of terms of the correlations ρi,i+1\rho_{i,i+1}, for i=1,,d1i=1,\ldots,d-1, and the partial correlations ρi,ji+1,,j1\rho_{i,j|i+1,\ldots,j-1}, for ji>2j-i>2 (for details, see Joe, 2006 and Florez et al., 2018). Based on the identifiable variances, these correlation matrices are converted to covariance matrices Σ\boldsymbol{\Sigma} and the multiple-surrogate ICA are estimated (for details, see Van der Elst et al., 2017).

This approach to simulate the unidentifiable parameters of Σ\boldsymbol{\Sigma} is computationally more efficient than the one used in the function ICA.ContCont.MultS.


An object of class ICA.ContCont.MultS.PC with components,


The multiple-surrogate individual causal association value(s).


The corrected multiple-surrogate individual causal association value(s).


A data.frame that contains the matrix that contains the identifiable and unidentifiable correlations (lower diagonal elements) that were used to compute (RH2R^2_{H}) in the run.


Alvaro Florez


Florez, A., Alonso, A. A., Molenberghs, G. & Van der Elst, W. (2018). Simulation of random correlation matrices with fixed values: comparison of algorithms and application on multiple surrogates assessment.

Joe, H. (2006). Generating random correlation matrices based on partial correlations. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 97(10):2177-2189.

Van der Elst, W., Alonso, A. A., & Molenberghs, G. (2017). Univariate versus multivariate surrogate endpoints.

See Also

MICA.ContCont, ICA.ContCont, Single.Trial.RE.AA, plot Causal-Inference ContCont, ICA.ContCont.MultS, ICA.ContCont.MultS_alt


## Not run:  
# Specify matrix Sigma (var-cavar matrix T_0, T_1, S1_0, S1_1, ...)
# here for 1 true endpoint and 3 surrogates

s<-matrix(rep(NA, times=64),8)
s[1,1] <- 450; s[2,2] <- 413.5; s[3,3] <- 174.2; s[4,4] <- 157.5; 
s[5,5] <- 244.0; s[6,6] <- 229.99; s[7,7] <- 294.2; s[8,8] <- 302.5
s[3,1] <- 160.8; s[5,1] <- 208.5; s[7,1] <- 268.4 
s[4,2] <- 124.6; s[6,2] <- 212.3; s[8,2] <- 287.1
s[5,3] <- 160.3; s[7,3] <- 142.8 
s[6,4] <- 134.3; s[8,4] <- 130.4 
s[7,5] <- 209.3; 
s[8,6] <- 214.7 
s[upper.tri(s)] = t(s)[upper.tri(s)]

# Marix looks like (NA indicates unidentified covariances):
#            T_0    T_1  S1_0  S1_1  S2_0   S2_1  S2_0  S2_1
#            [,1]  [,2]  [,3]  [,4]  [,5]   [,6]  [,7]  [,8]
# T_0  [1,] 450.0    NA 160.8    NA 208.5     NA 268.4    NA
# T_1  [2,]    NA 413.5    NA 124.6    NA 212.30    NA 287.1
# S1_0 [3,] 160.8    NA 174.2    NA 160.3     NA 142.8    NA
# S1_1 [4,]    NA 124.6    NA 157.5    NA 134.30    NA 130.4
# S2_0 [5,] 208.5    NA 160.3    NA 244.0     NA 209.3    NA
# S2_1 [6,]    NA 212.3    NA 134.3    NA 229.99    NA 214.7
# S3_0 [7,] 268.4    NA 142.8    NA 209.3     NA 294.2    NA
# S3_1 [8,]    NA 287.1    NA 130.4    NA 214.70    NA 302.5

# Conduct analysis
ICA <- ICA.ContCont.MultS.PC(M=1000, N=200, Show.Progress = TRUE,
Sigma=s, Seed=c(123))

# Explore results

## End(Not run)

Assess surrogacy in the causal-inference single-trial setting (Individual Causal Association, ICA) in the Continuous-continuous case using the grid-based sample approach


The function ICA.Sample.ContCont quantifies surrogacy in the single-trial causal-inference framework. It provides a faster alternative for ICA.ContCont. See Details below.


ICA.Sample.ContCont(T0S0, T1S1, T0T0=1, T1T1=1, S0S0=1, S1S1=1, T0T1=seq(-1, 1, by=.001), 
T0S1=seq(-1, 1, by=.001), T1S0=seq(-1, 1, by=.001), S0S1=seq(-1, 1, by=.001), M=50000)



A scalar or vector that specifies the correlation(s) between the surrogate and the true endpoint in the control treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}.


A scalar or vector that specifies the correlation(s) between the surrogate and the true endpoint in the experimental treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the true endpoint in the control treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default 1.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the true endpoint in the experimental treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default 1.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the surrogate endpoint in the control treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default 1.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the surrogate endpoint in the experimental treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default 1.


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T0 and T1 that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.001).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T0 and S1 that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.001).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T1 and S0 that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.001).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals S0 and S1 that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.001).


The number of runs that should be conducted. Default 50000.


Based on the causal-inference framework, it is assumed that each subject j has four counterfactuals (or potential outcomes), i.e., T0jT_{0j}, T1jT_{1j}, S0jS_{0j}, and S1jS_{1j}. Let T0jT_{0j} and T1jT_{1j} denote the counterfactuals for the true endpoint (TT) under the control (Z=0Z=0) and the experimental (Z=1Z=1) treatments of subject j, respectively. Similarly, S0jS_{0j} and S1jS_{1j} denote the corresponding counterfactuals for the surrogate endpoint (SS) under the control and experimental treatments, respectively. The individual causal effects of ZZ on TT and SS for a given subject j are then defined as ΔTj=T1jT0j\Delta_{T_{j}}=T_{1j}-T_{0j} and ΔSj=S1jS0j\Delta_{S_{j}}=S_{1j}-S_{0j}, respectively.

In the single-trial causal-inference framework, surrogacy can be quantified as the correlation between the individual causal effects of ZZ on SS and TT (for details, see Alonso et al., submitted):


where the correlations ρS0T1\rho_{S_{0}T_{1}}, ρS1T0\rho_{S_{1}T_{0}}, ρT0T1\rho_{T_{0}T_{1}}, and ρS0S1\rho_{S_{0}S_{1}} are not estimable. It is thus warranted to conduct a sensitivity analysis.

The function ICA.ContCont constructs all possible matrices that can be formed based on the specified vectors for ρS0T1\rho_{S_{0}T_{1}}, ρS1T0\rho_{S_{1}T_{0}}, ρT0T1\rho_{T_{0}T_{1}}, and ρS0S1\rho_{S_{0}S_{1}}, and retains the positive definite ones for the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}.

In contrast, the function ICA.ContCont samples random values for ρS0T1\rho_{S_{0}T_{1}}, ρS1T0\rho_{S_{1}T_{0}}, ρT0T1\rho_{T_{0}T_{1}}, and ρS0S1\rho_{S_{0}S_{1}} based on a uniform distribution with user-specified minimum and maximum values, and retains the positive definite ones for the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}.

The obtained vector of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta} values can subsequently be used to examine (i) the impact of different assumptions regarding the correlations between the counterfactuals on the results (see also plot Causal-Inference ContCont), and (ii) the extent to which proponents of the causal-inference and meta-analytic frameworks will reach the same conclusion with respect to the appropriateness of the candidate surrogate at hand.

The function ICA.Sample.ContCont also generates output that is useful to examine the plausibility of finding a good surrogate endpoint (see GoodSurr in the Value section below). For details, see Alonso et al. (submitted).


A single ρΔ\rho_{\Delta} value is obtained when all correlations in the function call are scalars.


An object of class ICA.ContCont with components,


An object of class numeric that contains the total number of matrices that can be formed as based on the user-specified correlations in the function call.


A data.frame that contains the positive definite matrices that can be formed based on the user-specified correlations. These matrices are used to compute the vector of the ρΔ\rho_{\Delta} values.


A scalar or vector that contains the individual causal association (ICA; ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}) value(s).


A data.frame that contains the ICA (ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}), σΔT\sigma_{\Delta_{T}}, and δ\delta.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., Molenberghs, G., Buyse, M., & Burzykowski, T. (submitted). On the relationship between the causal-inference and meta-analytic paradigms for the validation of surrogate markers.

See Also

MICA.ContCont, ICA.ContCont, Single.Trial.RE.AA, plot Causal-Inference ContCont


# Generate the vector of ICA values when rho_T0S0=rho_T1S1=.95, 
# sigma_T0T0=90, sigma_T1T1=100,sigma_ S0S0=10, sigma_S1S1=15, and  
# min=-1 max=1 is considered for the correlations
# between the counterfactuals:
SurICA2 <- ICA.Sample.ContCont(T0S0=.95, T1S1=.95, T0T0=90, T1T1=100, S0S0=10, 
S1S1=15, M=5000)

# Examine and plot the vector of generated ICA values:

Individual-level surrogate threshold effect for continuous normally distributed surrogate and true endpoints.


Computes the individual-level surrogate threshold effect in the causal-inference single-trial setting where both the surrogate and the true endpoint are continuous normally distributed variables. For details, see paper in the references section.


ISTE.ContCont(Mean_T1, Mean_T0, Mean_S1, Mean_S0, N, Delta_S=c(-10, 0, 10), 
zeta.PI=0.05, PI.Bound=0, PI.Lower=TRUE, Show.Prediction.Plots=TRUE, Save.Plots="No", 
T0S0, T1S1, T0T0=1, T1T1=1, S0S0=1, S1S1=1, T0T1=seq(-1, 1, by=.001), 
T0S1=seq(-1, 1, by=.001), T1S0=seq(-1, 1, by=.001),
S0S1=seq(-1, 1, by=.001), M.PosDef=500, Seed=123)



A scalar or vector that specifies the mean of the true endpoint in the experimental treatment condition (a vector is used to account for estimation uncertainty).


A scalar or vector that specifies the mean of the true endpoint in the control condition (a vector is used to account for estimation uncertainty).


A scalar or vector that specifies the mean of the surrogate endpoint in the experimental treatment condition (a vector is used to account for estimation uncertainty).


A scalar or vector that specifies the mean of the surrogate endpoint in the control condition (a vector is used to account for estimation uncertainty).


The sample size of the clinical trial.


The vector or scalar of ΔS\Delta S values for which the expected ΔT\Delta T and its prediction error has to be computed.


The alpha-level to be used in the computation of the prediction interval around E(ΔT)E(\Delta T). Default zeta.PI=0.05, i.e., the 95%95\% prediction interval.


The ISTE is defined as the value of ΔS\Delta S for which the lower (or upper) bound of the (1α)%(1-\alpha)\% prediction interval around E(ΔT)E(\Delta T) is 0. If another threshold value than 0 is desired, this can be requested by using the PI.Bound argument. For example, the argument PI.Bound=5 can be used in the function call to obtain the values of ΔS\Delta S for which the lower (or upper) bound of the (1α)%(1-\alpha)\% prediction intervals (in the different runs of the algorithm)around ΔT\Delta T equal 5.


Logical. Should a lower (PI.Lower=TRUE) or upper (PI.Lower=FALSE) prediction interval be used in the computation of ISTE? Default PI.Lower=TRUE.


Logical. Should plots that depict E(ΔT)E(\Delta T) against ΔS\Delta S (prediction function), the prediction interval, and the ISTE for the different runs of the algorithm be shown? Default Show.Prediction.Plots=TRUE.


Should the prediction plots (see previous item) be saved? If Save.Plots="No" is used (the default argument), the plots are not saved. If the plots have to be saved, replace "No" by the desired location, e.g., Save.Plots="C:/Analysis directory/" on a windows computer or Save.Plots="/Users/wim/Desktop/Analysis directory/" on macOS or Linux.


A scalar or vector that specifies the correlation(s) between the surrogate and the true endpoint in the control treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ISTE.


A scalar or vector that specifies the correlation(s) between the surrogate and the true endpoint in the experimental treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ISTE.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the true endpoint in the control treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ISTE. Default 1.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the true endpoint in the experimental treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ISTE. Default 1.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the surrogate endpoint in the control treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ISTE. Default 1.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the surrogate endpoint in the experimental treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ISTE. Default 1.


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T0 and T1 that should be considered in the computation of ISTE. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.001).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T0 and S1 that should be considered in the computation of ISTE. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.001).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T1 and S0 that should be considered in the computation of ISTE. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.001).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals S0 and S1 that should be considered in the computation of ISTE. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.001).


The number of positive definite Σ\Sigma matrices that should be identified. This will also determine the amount of ISTE values that are identified. Default M.PosDef=500.


The seed to be used in the analysis (for reproducibility). Default Seed=123.


See paper in the references section.


An object of class ICA.ContCont with components,


The vector of individual surrogate threshold effect (ISTE) values, i.e., the values of ΔS\Delta S for which the lower bound of the (1α)%(1-\alpha)\% prediction interval around ΔT\Delta T is 0 (or another threshold value, which can be requested by using the PI.Bound argument in the function call).


Same as ISTE_Low_PI, but using the upper bound of the (1α)%(1-\alpha)\% prediction interval.


The vector of mean squared error values that are obtained in the prediction of ΔT\Delta T based on ΔS\Delta S.


The vector of intercepts that are obtained in the prediction of ΔT\Delta T based on ΔS\Delta S.


The vector of slope that are obtained in the prediction of ΔT\Delta T based on ΔS\Delta S.


The vector of ΔS\Delta S values for which E(ΔT=0)E(\Delta T = 0).


The vector of variances of the prediction errors for ΔT\Delta T.


The vector/matrix of predicted values of ΔT\Delta T for the ΔS\Delta S values that were requested in the function call (argument Delta_S).


The vector/matrix of lower bound values of the (1α)%(1-\alpha)\% prediction interval around ΔT\Delta T for the ΔS\Delta S values that were requested in the function call (argument Delta_S).


The vector/matrix of upper bound values of the (1α)%(1-\alpha)\% prediction interval around ΔT\Delta T for the ΔS\Delta S values that were requested in the function call (argument Delta_S).


The vector of variances of T0 (true endpoint in the control treatment) that are used in the computation (this is a constant if the variance is fixed in the function call).


The vector of variances of T1 (true endpoint in the experimental treatment) that are used in the computations (this is a constant if the variance is fixed in the function call).


The vector of variances of S0 (surrogate endpoint in the control treatment) that are used in the computations (this is a constant if the variance is fixed in the function call).


The vector of variances of S1 (surrogate endpoint in the experimental treatment) that are used in the computations (this is a constant if the variance is fixed in the function call).


The vector of treatment effect values on the true endpoint that are used in the computations (this is a constant if the means of T0 and T1 are fixed in the function call).


The vector of treatment effect values on the surrogate endpoint that are used in the computations (this is a constant if the means of S0 and S1 are fixed in the function call).


An object of class numeric that contains the total number of matrices that can be formed as based on the user-specified correlations in the function call.


A data.frame that contains the positive definite matrices that can be formed based on the user-specified correlations. These matrices are used to compute the vector of the ISTE values.


Apart from ISTE, ICA is also computed (the individual causal association). For details, see ICA.ContCont.


The zeta.PI value specified in the function call.


The PI.Bound value specified in the function call.


The PI.Lower value specified in the function call.


The Delta_S value(s) specified in the function call.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Van der Elst, W., Alonso, A. A., and Molenberghs, G. (submitted). The individual-level surrogate threshold effect in a causal-inference setting.

See Also



# Define input for analysis using the Schizo dataset, 
# with S=BPRS and T = PANSS. 
# For each of the identifiable quantities,
# uncertainty is accounted for by specifying a uniform
# distribution with min, max values corresponding to
# the 95% confidence interval of the quantity.
T0S0 <- runif(min = 0.9524, max = 0.9659, n = 1000)
T1S1 <- runif(min = 0.9608, max = 0.9677, n = 1000)

S0S0 <- runif(min=160.811, max=204.5009, n=1000)
S1S1 <- runif(min=168.989, max = 194.219, n=1000)
T0T0 <- runif(min=484.462, max = 616.082, n=1000)
T1T1 <- runif(min=514.279, max = 591.062, n=1000)

Mean_T0 <- runif(min=-13.455, max=-9.489, n=1000)
Mean_T1 <- runif(min=-17.17, max=-14.86, n=1000)
Mean_S0 <- runif(min=-7.789, max=-5.503, n=1000)
Mean_S1 <- runif(min=-9.600, max=-8.276, n=1000)

# Do the ISTE analysis
## Not run: 
ISTE <- ISTE.ContCont(Mean_T1=Mean_T1, Mean_T0=Mean_T0, 
 Mean_S1=Mean_S1, Mean_S0=Mean_S0, N=2128, Delta_S=c(-50:50), 
 zeta.PI=0.05, PI.Bound=0, Show.Prediction.Plots=TRUE,
 Save.Plots="No", T0S0=T0S0, T1S1=T1S1, T0T0=T0T0, T1T1=T1T1, 
 S0S0=S0S0, S1S1=S1S1)

# Examine results:

# Plots of results. 
  # Plot ISTE
  # Other plots, see plot.ISTE.ContCont for details
plot(ISTE, Outcome="MSE")
plot(ISTE, Outcome="gamma0")
plot(ISTE, Outcome="gamma1")
plot(ISTE, Outcome="Exp.DeltaT")
plot(ISTE, Outcome="Exp.DeltaT.Low.PI")
plot(ISTE, Outcome="Exp.DeltaT.Up.PI")

## End(Not run)

Computes loglikelihood for a given copula model


log_likelihood_copula_model() computes the loglikelihood for a given bivariate copula model and data set while allowin for right-censoring of both outcome variables.


  return_sum = TRUE



Copula parameter


Numeric vector corresponding to first outcome variable.


Numeric vector corresponding to second outcome variable.


An integer vector. Indicates whether first variable is observed or right-censored,

  • d1[i] = 1 if u[i] corresponds to non-censored value

  • d1[i] = 0 if u[i] corresponds to right-censored value

  • d1[i] = -1 if u[i] corresponds to left-censored value


An integer vector. Indicates whether first variable is observed or right-censored,

  • d2[i] = 1 if v[i] corresponds to non-censored value

  • d2[i] = 0 if v[i] corresponds to right-censored value

  • d2[i] = -1 if v[i] corresponds to left-censored value


Copula family, one of the following:

  • "clayton"

  • "frank"

  • "gumbel"

  • "gaussian"


Distribution function for the first outcome variable.


Distribution function for the second outcome variable.


Density function for the first outcome variable.


Density function for the second outcome variable.


Return the sum of the individual loglikelihoods? If FALSE, a vector with the individual loglikelihood contributions is returned.


Loglikelihood of the bivariate copula model evaluated in the observed data.

Loglikelihood on the Copula Scale


loglik_copula_scale() computes the loglikelihood on the copula scale for possibly right-censored data.


  r = 0L,
  return_sum = TRUE



Copula parameter


A numeric vector. Corresponds to first variable on the copula scale.


A numeric vector. Corresponds to second variable on the copula scale.


An integer vector. Indicates whether first variable is observed or right-censored,

  • d1[i] = 1 if u[i] corresponds to non-censored value

  • d1[i] = 0 if u[i] corresponds to right-censored value

  • d1[i] = -1 if u[i] corresponds to left-censored value


An integer vector. Indicates whether first variable is observed or right-censored,

  • d2[i] = 1 if v[i] corresponds to non-censored value

  • d2[i] = 0 if v[i] corresponds to right-censored value

  • d2[i] = -1 if v[i] corresponds to left-censored value


Copula family, one of the following:

  • "clayton"

  • "frank"

  • "gumbel"

  • "gaussian"


rotation parameter. Should be 0L, 90L, 180L, or 270L.

The parameterization of the respective copula families can be found in the help files of the dedicated functions named copula_loglik_copula_scale().


Return the sum of the individual loglikelihoods? If FALSE, a vector with the individual loglikelihood contributions is returned.


Value of the copula loglikelihood evaluated in theta.

Reshapes a dataset from the 'long' format (i.e., multiple lines per patient) into the 'wide' format (i.e., one line per patient)


Reshapes a dataset that is in the 'long' format into the 'wide' format. The dataset should contain a single surrogate endpoint and a single true endpoint value per subject.


LongToWide(Dataset, OutcomeIndicator, IdIndicator, TreatIndicator, OutcomeValue)



A data.frame in the 'long' format that contains (at least) five columns, i.e., one that contains the subject ID, one that contains the trial ID, one that contains the endpoint indicator, one that contains the treatment indicator, and one that contains the endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the indicator that distinguishes between the surrogate and true endpoints.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the subject ID.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the treatment indicator. For the subsequent surrogacy analyses, the treatment indicator should either be coded as 11 for the experimental group and 1-1 for the control group, or as 11 for the experimental group and 00 for the control group. The 1/1-1/1 coding is recommended.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the endpoint values.


A data.frame in the 'wide' format, i.e., a data.frame that contains one line per subject. Each line contains a surrogate value, a true endpoint value, a treatment indicator, a patient ID, and a trial ID.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, and Geert Molenberghs


# Generate a dataset in the 'long' format that contains 
# S and T values for 100 patients
Outcome <- rep(x=c(0, 1), times=100)
ID <- rep(seq(1:100), each=2)
Treat <- rep(seq(c(0,1)), each=100)
Outcomes <- as.numeric(matrix(rnorm(1*200, mean=100, sd=10), 
Data <- data.frame(cbind(Outcome, ID, Treat, Outcomes))

# Reshapes the Data object 
LongToWide(Dataset=Data, OutcomeIndicator=Outcome, IdIndicator=ID, 
           TreatIndicator=Treat, OutcomeValue=Outcomes)

Fit marginal distribution


The marginal_distribution() function is a wrapper for fitdistrplus::fitdist() that fits a univariate distribution to a data vector.


marginal_distribution(x, distribution, fix.arg = NULL)



(numeric) data vector


Distributional family. One of the follwing:

  • "normal": normal distribution

  • ⁠"logistic⁠: logistic distribution as parameterized in dlogis()

  • "t": student t distribution is parameterized in dt()

  • "lognormal": lognormal distribution as parameterized in dlnorm()

  • "gamma": gamma distribution as parameterized in dgamma()

  • "weibull": weibull distribution as parameterized in dweibull()


An optional named list giving the values of fixed parameters of the named distribution or a function of data computing (fixed) parameter values and returning a named list. Parameters with fixed value are thus NOT estimated by this maximum likelihood procedure.


Object of class fitdistrplus::fitdist that represents the marginal surrogate distribution.

Produce marginal GoF plot


Produce marginal GoF plot


  return_data = FALSE,
  grid = NULL,



Estimated marginal distribution represented by a list with three elements in the following order: the estimated cdf, pdf, and inverse cdf.


Observed values. These are used for the histogram.


Name of the endpoint (used in the plot title).


Type of endpoint: "ordinal" or "continuous"


Value for the treatment indicator.


(boolean) Return the data used in the goodness-of-fit plot (without the plot itself). This is useful when the user wants to customize the plots, e.g., using ggplot2. See Details.


(numeric) vector of values for the endpoint at which the model-based density is computed.


Extra arguments passed onto plot() or hist() for an ordinal and continuous endpoint, respectively.

Return Plotting Data

If return_data is TRUE, this function will return a data frame that can be used to create customized plots. The following variables are present in the returned data frame:

  • observed: The empirical proportions (type = "ordinal"). NA for type = "continuous".

  • upper_ci, lower_ci: Upper limit of the 95% confidence interval for the empirical proportions. Defaults to NA if type = "continuous".

  • value: Value for the continuous or ordinal variable.

  • model_based: Estimated model-based density (type = "continuous") or proportions (type = "ordinal")

See Also


Marginal survival function goodness of fit


The marginal_gof_plots_scr() function plots the estimated marginal survival functions for the fitted model. This results in four plots of survival functions, one for each of S0S_0, S1S_1, T0T_0, T1T_1.


marginal_gof_plots_scr(fitted_model, grid)



Returned value from fit_model_SurvSurv(). This object essentially contains the estimated identifiable part of the joint distribution for the potential outcomes.


grid of time-points for which to compute the estimated survival functions.


#For simplicity, data is not recoded to semi-competing risks format, but is
#left in the composite event format.
data = data.frame(
ovarian_fitted =
  fit_model_SurvSurv(data = data,
                     copula_family = "clayton",
                     n_knots = 1)
grid = seq(from = 0, to = 2, length.out = 50)
Surrogate:::marginal_gof_plots_scr(ovarian_fitted, grid)

Goodness-of-fit plot for the marginal survival functions


The marginal_gof_scr_S_plot() and marginal_gof_scr_T_plot() functions plot the estimated marginal survival functions for the surrogate and true endpoints. In these plots, it is assumed that the copula model has been fitted for (T0,S~0,S~1,T1)(T_0, \tilde{S}_0, \tilde{S}_1, T_1)' where

Sk=min(Sk~,Tk)S_k = \min(\tilde{S_k}, T_k)

is the (composite) surrogate of interest. In these plots, the model-based survival functions for (T0,S0,S1,T1)(T_0, S_0, S_1, T_1)' are plotted together with the corresponding Kaplan-Meier etimates.


marginal_gof_scr_S_plot(fitted_model, grid, treated, ...)

marginal_gof_scr_T_plot(fitted_model, grid, treated, ...)



Returned value from fit_model_SurvSurv(). This object essentially contains the estimated identifiable part of the joint distribution for the potential outcomes.


Grid of time-points at which the model-based estimated regression functions, survival functions, or probabilities are evaluated.


(numeric) Treatment group. Should be 0 or 1.


Additional arguments to pass to plot().



True Endpoint

The marginal goodness-of-fit plots for the true endpoint, build by marginal_gof_scr_T_plot(), is simply a comparison of the model-based estimate of P(Tk>t)P(T_k > t) with the Kaplan-Meier (KM) estimate obtained with survival::survfit(). A pointwise 95% confidence interval for the KM estimate is also plotted.

Surrogate Endpoint

The model-based estimate of P(Sk>s)P(S_k > s) follows indirectly from the fitted copula model because the copula model has been fitted for S~k\tilde{S}_k instead of SkS_k. However, the model-based estimate still follows easily from the copula model as follows,

P(Sk>s)=P(min(S~k,Tk))=P(S~k>s,Tk>s).P(S_k > s) = P(\min(\tilde{S}_k, T_k)) = P(\tilde{S}_k > s, T_k > s).

The marginal_gof_scr_T_plot() function plots the model-based estimate for P(S~k>s,Tk>s)P(\tilde{S}_k > s, T_k > s) together with the KM estimate (see above).


# Load Ovarian data
# Recode the Ovarian data in the semi-competing risks format.
data_scr = data.frame(
  ttp = Ovarian$Pfs,
  os = Ovarian$Surv,
  treat = Ovarian$Treat,
  ttp_ind = ifelse(
    Ovarian$Pfs == Ovarian$Surv &
      Ovarian$SurvInd == 1,
  os_ind = Ovarian$SurvInd
# Fit copula model.
fitted_model = fit_model_SurvSurv(data = data_scr,
                                  copula_family = "clayton",
                                  n_knots = 1)
# Define grid for GoF plots.
grid = seq(from = 1e-3,
           to = 2.5,
           length.out = 30)
# Assess marginal goodness-of-fit in the control group.
marginal_gof_scr_S_plot(fitted_model, grid = grid, treated = 0)
marginal_gof_scr_T_plot(fitted_model, grid = grid, treated = 0)
# Assess goodness-of-fit of the association structure, i.e., the copula.
prob_dying_without_progression_plot(fitted_model, grid = grid, treated = 0)
mean_S_before_T_plot_scr(fitted_model, grid = grid, treated = 0)

Computes marginal probabilities for a dataset where the surrogate and true endpoints are binary


This function computes the marginal probabilities associated with the distribution of the potential outcomes for the true and surrogate endpoint.


MarginalProbs(Dataset=Dataset, Surr=Surr, True=True, Treat=Treat)



A data.frame that should consist of one line per patient. Each line contains (at least) a binary surrogate value, a binary true endpoint value, and a treatment indicator.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the binary surrogate endpoint values. Should be coded as 00 and 11.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the binary true endpoint values. Should be coded as 00 and 11.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the treatment indicators. The treatment indicator should be coded as 11 for the experimental group and 1-1 for the control group.



The odds ratio for SS and TT in the control group.


The odds ratio for SS and TT in the experimental group.


The frequencies for SS and TT in the control group.


The frequencies for SS and TT in the experimental group.


The estimated π11\pi_{1 \cdot 1 \cdot}


The estimated π01\pi_{0 \cdot 1 \cdot}


The estimated π10\pi_{1 \cdot 0 \cdot}


The estimated π00\pi_{0 \cdot 0 \cdot}


The estimated π11\pi_{\cdot 1 \cdot 1}


The estimated π10\pi_{\cdot 1 \cdot 0}


The estimated π01\pi_{\cdot 0 \cdot 1}


The estimated π00\pi_{\cdot 0 \cdot 0}


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs

See Also



# Open the ARMD dataset and recode Diff24 and Diff52 as 1
# when the original value is above 0, and 0 otherwise
ARMD$Diff24_Dich <- ifelse(ARMD$Diff24>0, 1, 0)
ARMD$Diff52_Dich <- ifelse(ARMD$Diff52>0, 1, 0)

# Obtain marginal probabilities and ORs
MarginalProbs(Dataset=ARMD, Surr=Diff24_Dich, True=Diff52_Dich, 

Use the maximum-entropy approach to compute ICA in the continuous-continuous sinlge-trial setting


In a surrogate evaluation setting where both SS and TT are continuous endpoints, a sensitivity-based approach where multiple 'plausible values' for ICA are retained can be used (see functions ICA.ContCont). The function MaxEntContCont identifies the estimate which has the maximuum entropy.


MaxEntContCont(x, T0T0, T1T1, S0S0, S1S1)



A fitted object of class ICA.ContCont.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the true endpoint in the control treatment condition.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the true endpoint in the experimental treatment condition.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the surrogate endpoint in the control treatment condition.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the surrogate endpoint in the experimental treatment condition.



The ICA value with maximum entropy.


The maximum entropy.


The vector of entropies corresponding to the vector of 'plausible values' for ICA.


A data.frame that contains the vector of ICA, their entropies, and the correlations between the counterfactuals.


The fitted ICA.ContCont object.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, Paul Meyvisch, & Geert Molenberghs



See Also

ICA.ContCont, MaxEntICABinBin


## Not run:  #time-consuming code parts
# Compute ICA for ARMD dataset, using the grid  
# G={-1, -.80, ..., 1} for the undidentifiable correlations

ICA <- ICA.ContCont(T0S0 = 0.769, T1S1 = 0.712, S0S0 = 188.926, 
S1S1 = 132.638, T0T0 = 264.797, T1T1 = 231.771, 
T0T1 = seq(-1, 1, by = 0.2), T0S1 = seq(-1, 1, by = 0.2), 
T1S0 = seq(-1, 1, by = 0.2), S0S1 = seq(-1, 1, by = 0.2))

# Identify the maximum entropy ICA
MaxEnt_ARMD <- MaxEntContCont(x = ICA, S0S0 = 188.926, 
S1S1 = 132.638, T0T0 = 264.797, T1T1 = 231.771)

  # Explore results using summary() and plot() functions
plot(MaxEnt_ARMD, Entropy.By.ICA = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Use the maximum-entropy approach to compute ICA in the binary-binary setting


In a surrogate evaluation setting where both SS and TT are binary endpoints, a sensitivity-based approach where multiple 'plausible values' for ICA are retained can be used (see functions ICA.BinBin, ICA.BinBin.Grid.Full, or ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample). Alternatively, the maximum entropy distribution of the vector of potential outcomes can be considered, based upon which ICA is subsequently computed. The use of the distribution that maximizes the entropy can be justified based on the fact that any other distribution would necessarily (i) assume information that we do not have, or (ii) contradict information that we do have. The function MaxEntICABinBin implements the latter approach.


MaxEntICABinBin(pi1_1_, pi1_0_, pi_1_1,
pi_1_0, pi0_1_, pi_0_1, Method="BFGS", 



A scalar that contains the estimated value for P(T=1,S=1Z=0)P(T=1,S=1|Z=0), i.e., the probability that S=T=1S=T=1 when under treatment Z=0Z=0.


A scalar that contains the estimated value for P(T=1,S=0Z=0)P(T=1,S=0|Z=0).


A scalar that contains the estimated value for P(T=1,S=1Z=1)P(T=1,S=1|Z=1).


A scalar that contains the estimated value for P(T=1,S=0Z=1)P(T=1,S=0|Z=1).


A scalar that contains the estimated value for P(T=0,S=1Z=0)P(T=0,S=1|Z=0).


A scalar that contains the estimated value for P(T=0,S=1Z=1)P(T=0,S=1|Z=1).


The maximum entropy frequency vector pp^{*} is calculated based on the optimal solution to an unconstrained dual convex programming problem (for details, see Alonso et al., 2015). Two different optimization methods can be specified, i.e., Method="BFGS" and Method="CG", which implement the quasi-Newton BFGS (Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb, and Shanno) and the conjugent gradient (CG) methods (for details on these methods, see the help files of the optim() function and the references theirin). Alternatively, the π\pi vector (obtained when the functions ICA.BinBin, ICA.BinBin.Grid.Full, or ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample are executed) that is 'closest' to the vector π\pi can be retained. Here, the 'closest' vector is defined as the vector where the sum of the squared differences between the components in the vectors π\pi and π\pi is smallest. The latter 'Minimum Difference' method can re requested by specifying the argument Method="MD" in the function call. Default Method="BFGS".


A fitted object of class ICA.BinBin, ICA.BinBin.Grid.Full, or ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample. Only required when Method="MD" is used.



The R2_H value.


The maximum entropy frequency vector pp^{*}


The entropy of pp^{*}


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., & Van der Elst, W. (2015). A maximum-entropy approach for the evluation of surrogate endpoints based on causal inference.

See Also

ICA.BinBin, ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample, ICA.BinBin.Grid.Full, plot MaxEntICA BinBin


# Sensitivity-based ICA results using ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample
ICA <- ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample(pi1_1_=0.341, pi0_1_=0.119, pi1_0_=0.254,
pi_1_1=0.686, pi_1_0=0.088, pi_0_1=0.078, Seed=1, 
Monotonicity=c("No"), M=5000)

# Maximum-entropy based ICA
MaxEnt <- MaxEntICABinBin(pi1_1_=0.341, pi0_1_=0.119, pi1_0_=0.254,
pi_1_1=0.686, pi_1_0=0.088, pi_0_1=0.078)

# Explore maximum-entropy results

# Plot results
plot(x=MaxEnt, ICA.Fit=ICA)

Use the maximum-entropy approach to compute SPF (surrogate predictive function) in the binary-binary setting


In a surrogate evaluation setting where both SS and TT are binary endpoints, a sensitivity-based approach where multiple 'plausible values' for vector π\pi (i.e., vectors π\pi that are compatible with the observable data at hand) can be used (for details, see SPF.BinBin). Alternatively, the maximum entropy distribution for vector π\pi can be considered (Alonso et al., 2015). The use of the distribution that maximizes the entropy can be justified based on the fact that any other distribution would necessarily (i) assume information that we do not have, or (ii) contradict information that we do have. The function MaxEntSPFBinBin implements the latter approach.

Based on vector π\pi, the surrogate predictive function (SPF) is computed, i.e., r(i,j)=P(ΔT=iΔS=j)r(i,j)=P(\Delta T=i|\Delta S=j). For example, r(1,1)r(-1,1) quantifies the probability that the treatment has a negative effect on the true endpoint (ΔT=1\Delta T=-1) given that it has a positive effect on the surrogate (ΔS=1\Delta S=1).


MaxEntSPFBinBin(pi1_1_, pi1_0_, pi_1_1,
pi_1_0, pi0_1_, pi_0_1, Method="BFGS", 



A scalar that contains the estimated value for P(T=1,S=1Z=0)P(T=1,S=1|Z=0), i.e., the probability that S=T=1S=T=1 when under treatment Z=0Z=0.


A scalar that contains the estimated value for P(T=1,S=0Z=0)P(T=1,S=0|Z=0).


A scalar that contains the estimated value for P(T=1,S=1Z=1)P(T=1,S=1|Z=1).


A scalar that contains the estimated value for P(T=1,S=0Z=1)P(T=1,S=0|Z=1).


A scalar that contains the estimated value for P(T=0,S=1Z=0)P(T=0,S=1|Z=0).


A scalar that contains the estimated value for P(T=0,S=1Z=1)P(T=0,S=1|Z=1).


The maximum entropy frequency vector pp^{*} is calculated based on the optimal solution to an unconstrained dual convex programming problem (for details, see Alonso et al., 2015). Two different optimization methods can be specified, i.e., Method="BFGS" and Method="CG", which implement the quasi-Newton BFGS (Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb, and Shanno) and the conjugent gradient (CG) methods (for details on these methods, see the help files of the optim() function and the references theirin). Alternatively, the π\pi vector (obtained when the functions ICA.BinBin, ICA.BinBin.Grid.Full, or ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample are executed) that is 'closest' to the vector π\pi can be retained. Here, the 'closest' vector is defined as the vector where the sum of the squared differences between the components in the vectors π\pi and π\pi is smallest. The latter 'Minimum Difference' method can re requested by specifying the argument Method="MD" in the function call. Default Method="BFGS".


A fitted object of class ICA.BinBin, ICA.BinBin.Grid.Full, or ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample. Only required when Method="MD" is used.



The maximum entropy frequency vector pp^{*}


The vector of values for r(1,1)r(1, 1), i.e., P(ΔT=1ΔS=1P(\Delta T=1|\Delta S=1).


The vector of values for r(1,1)r(-1, 1).


The vector of values for r(0,1)r(0, 1).


The vector of values for r(1,0)r(1, 0).


The vector of values for r(1,0)r(-1, 0).


The vector of values for r(0,0)r(0, 0).


The vector of values for r(1,1)r(1, -1).


The vector of values for r(1,1)r(-1, -1).


The vector of values for r(0,1)r(0, -1).


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., & Van der Elst, W. (2015). A maximum-entropy approach for the evluation of surrogate endpoints based on causal inference.

See Also

ICA.BinBin, ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample, ICA.BinBin.Grid.Full, plot MaxEntSPF BinBin


# Sensitivity-based ICA results using ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample
ICA <- ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample(pi1_1_=0.341, pi0_1_=0.119, pi1_0_=0.254,
pi_1_1=0.686, pi_1_0=0.088, pi_0_1=0.078, Seed=1, 
Monotonicity=c("No"), M=5000)

# Sensitivity-based SPF
SPFSens <- SPF.BinBin(ICA)

# Maximum-entropy based SPF
SPFMaxEnt <- MaxEntSPFBinBin(pi1_1_=0.341, pi0_1_=0.119, pi1_0_=0.254,
pi_1_1=0.686, pi_1_0=0.088, pi_0_1=0.078)

# Explore maximum-entropy results

# Plot results
plot(x=SPFMaxEnt, SPF.Fit=SPFSens)

Goodness of fit plot for the fitted copula


The mean_S_before_T_plot_scr() and prob_dying_without_progression_plot() functions build plots to assess the goodness-of-fit of the copula model fitted by fit_model_SurvSurv(). Specifically, these two functions focus on the appropriateness of the copula. Note that to assess the appropriateness of the marginal functions, two other functions are available: marginal_gof_scr_S_plot() and marginal_gof_scr_T_plot().


mean_S_before_T_plot_scr(fitted_model, plot_method = NULL, grid, treated, ...)

  plot_method = NULL,



Returned value from fit_model_SurvSurv(). This object essentially contains the estimated identifiable part of the joint distribution for the potential outcomes.


Defaults to NULL. Should not be modified.


Grid of time-points at which the model-based estimated regression functions, survival functions, or probabilities are evaluated.


(numeric) Treatment group. Should be 0 or 1.


Additional arguments to pass to plot().



Progression Before Death

If a patient progresses before death, this means that Sk<TkS_k < T_k. For these patients, we can look at the expected progression time given that the patient has died at Tk=tT_k = t:

E(SkTk=t,Sk<Tk).E(S_k | T_k = t, S_k < T_k).

The mean_S_before_T_plot_scr() function plots the model-based estimate of this regression function together with a non-parametric estimate.

This regression function can also be estimated non-parametrically by regressing SkS_k onto TkT_k in the subset of uncensored patients. This non-parametric estimate is obtained via mgcv::gam(y~s(x)) with additionally family = stats::quasi(link = "log", variance = "mu") because this tends to describe survival data better. The 95% confidence intervals are added for this non-parametric estimate; although, they should be interpreted with caution because the Poisson mean-variance relation may be wrong.

Death Before Progression

If a patient dies before progressing, this means that Sk=TkS_k = T_k. This probability can be modeled as a function of time, i.e.,

πk(t)=P(Sk=tTk=t).\pi_k(t) = P(S_k = t \, | \, T_k = t).

The prob_dying_without_progression_plot() function plots the model-based estimate of this regression function together with a non-parametric estimate.

This regression function can also be estimated non-parametrically by regressing the censoring indicator for SkS_k, δSk\delta_{S_k}, onto TkT_k in the subset of patients with uncensored TkT_k.


# Load Ovarian data
# Recode the Ovarian data in the semi-competing risks format.
data_scr = data.frame(
  ttp = Ovarian$Pfs,
  os = Ovarian$Surv,
  treat = Ovarian$Treat,
  ttp_ind = ifelse(
    Ovarian$Pfs == Ovarian$Surv &
      Ovarian$SurvInd == 1,
  os_ind = Ovarian$SurvInd
# Fit copula model.
fitted_model = fit_model_SurvSurv(data = data_scr,
                                  copula_family = "clayton",
                                  n_knots = 1)
# Define grid for GoF plots.
grid = seq(from = 1e-3,
           to = 2.5,
           length.out = 30)
# Assess marginal goodness-of-fit in the control group.
marginal_gof_scr_S_plot(fitted_model, grid = grid, treated = 0)
marginal_gof_scr_T_plot(fitted_model, grid = grid, treated = 0)
# Assess goodness-of-fit of the association structure, i.e., the copula.
prob_dying_without_progression_plot(fitted_model, grid = grid, treated = 0)
mean_S_before_T_plot_scr(fitted_model, grid = grid, treated = 0)

Compute surrogacy measures for a binary surrogate and a time-to-event true endpoint in the meta-analytic multiple-trial setting.


The function 'MetaAnalyticSurvBin()' fits the model for a binary surrogate and time-to-event true endpoint developed by Burzykowski et al. (2004) in the meta-analytic multiple-trial setting.





A data frame with the correct columns (See Data Format).


Observed time-to-event (true endpoint).


Time-to-event indicator.


Binary surrogate endpoint, coded as 1 or 2.


Treatment indicator, coded as 0 or 1.


Center indicator (equal to trial if there are no different centers). This is the unit for which specific treatment effects are estimated.


Trial indicator. This is the unit for which common baselines are to be used.


Patient indicator.


The adjustment that should be made for the trial-level surrogacy, either "unadjusted", "weighted" or "adjusted"


Returns an object of class "MetaAnalyticSurvBin" that can be used to evaluate surrogacy and contains the following elements:

  • Indiv.Surrogacy: a data frame that contains the global odds ratio and 95% confidence interval to evaluate surrogacy at the individual level.

  • Trial.R2: a data frame that contains the Rtrial2R^2_{trial} and 95% confidence interval to evaluate surrogacy at the trial level.

  • EstTreatEffects: a data frame that contains the estimated treatment effects and sample size for each trial.

  • nlm.output: output of the maximization procedure (nlm) to maximize the likelihood function.


In the model developed by Burzykowski et al. (2004), a copula-based model is used for the true endpoint and a latent continuous variable, underlying the surrogate endpoint. More specifically, the Plackett copula is used. The marginal model for the surrogate endpoint is a logistic regression model. For the true endpoint, the proportional hazard model is used. The quality of the surrogate at the individual level can be evaluated by using the copula parameter Θ\Theta, which takes the form of a global odds ratio. The quality of the surrogate at the trial level can be evaluated by considering the Rtrial2R^2_{trial} between the estimated treatment effects.

Data Format

The data frame must contains the following columns:

  • a column with the observed time-to-event (true endpoint)

  • a column with the time-to-event indicator: 1 if the event is observed, 0 otherwise

  • a column with the binary surrogate endpoint: 1 or 2

  • a column with the treatment indicator: 0 or 1

  • a column with the trial indicator

  • a column with the center indicator. If there are no different centers within each trial, the center indicator can be equal to the trial indicator

  • a column with the patient indicator


Dries De Witte


Burzykowski, T., Molenberghs, G., & Buyse, M. (2004). The validation of surrogate end points by using data from randomized clinical trials: a case-study in advanced colorectal cancer. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society, 167(1), 103-124.


## Not run: 
fit_bin <- MetaAnalyticSurvBin(data = colorectal, true = surv, trueind = SURVIND,
                               surrog = responder, trt = TREAT, center = CENTER,
                               trial = TRIAL, patientid = patientid,

## End(Not run)

Compute surrogacy measures for a categorical (ordinal) surrogate and a time-to-event true endpoint in the meta-analytic multiple-trial setting.


The function 'MetaAnalyticSurvCat()' fits the model for a categorical (ordinal) surrogate and time-to-event true endpoint developed by Burzykowski et al. (2004) in the meta-analytic multiple-trial setting.





A data frame with the correct columns (See Data Format).


Observed time-to-event (true endpoint).


Time-to-event indicator.


Ordinal surrogate endpoint, coded as 1 2 3 ... K.


Treatment indicator, coded as 0 or 1.


Center indicator (equal to trial if there are no different centers). This is the unit for which specific treatment effects are estimated.


Trial indicator. This is the unit for which common baselines are to be used.


Patient indicator.


The adjustment that should be made for the trial-level surrogacy, either "unadjusted", "weighted" or "adjusted"


Returns an object of class "MetaAnalyticSurvCat" that can be used to evaluate surrogacy and contains the following elements:

  • Indiv.Surrogacy: a data frame that contains the Global Odds and 95% confidence interval to evaluate surrogacy at the individual level.

  • Trial.R2: a data frame that contains the Rtrial2R^2_{trial} and 95% confidence interval to evaluate surrogacy at the trial level.

  • EstTreatEffects: a data frame that contains the estimated treatment effects and sample size for each trial.

  • nlm.output: output of the maximization procedure (nlm) to maximize the likelihood function.


In the model developed by Burzykowski et al. (2004), a copula-based model is used for the true endpoint and a latent continuous variable, underlying the surrogate endpoint. More specifically, the Plackett copula is used. The marginal model for the surrogate endpoint is a proportional odds model. For the true endpoint, the proportional hazards model is used. The quality of the surrogate at the individual level can be evaluated by using the copula parameter Θ\Theta, which takes the form of a global odds ratio. The quality of the surrogate at the trial level can be evaluated by considering the Rtrial2R^2_{trial} between the estimated treatment effects.

Data Format

The data frame must contains the following columns:

  • a column with the observed time-to-event (true endpoint)

  • a column with the time-to-event indicator: 1 if the event is observed, 0 otherwise

  • a column with the ordinal surrogate endpoint: 1 2 3 ... K

  • a column with the treatment indicator: 0 or 1

  • a column with the trial indicator

  • a column with the center indicator. If there are no different centers within each trial, the center indicator is equal to the trial indicator

  • a column with the patient indicator


Dries De Witte


Burzykowski, T., Molenberghs, G., & Buyse, M. (2004). The validation of surrogate end points by using data from randomized clinical trials: a case-study in advanced colorectal cancer. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society, 167(1), 103-124.


## Not run: 
fit <- MetaAnalyticSurvCat(data = colorectal4, true = truend, trueind = trueind, surrog = surrogend,
                           trt = treatn, center = center, trial = trialend, patientid = patid,

## End(Not run)

Compute surrogacy measures for a continuous (normally-distributed) surrogate and a time-to-event true endpoint in the meta-analytic multiple-trial setting.


The function 'MetaAnalyticSurvCont()' fits the model for a continuous surrogate and time-to-event true endpoint described by Alonso et al. (2016) in the meta-analytic multiple-trial setting.





A data frame with the correct columns (See Data Format).


Observed time-to-event for true endpoint.


Time-to-event indicator for the true endpoint.


Continuous surrogate endpoint.


Treatment indicator.


Center indicator (equal to trial if there are no different centers). This is the unit for which specific treatment effects are estimated.


Trial indicator. This is the unit for which common baselines are to be used.


Patient indicator.


The copula that is used, either "Clayton", "Hougaard" or "Plackett"


The adjustment that should be made for the trial-level surrogacy, either "unadjusted", "weighted" or "adjusted"


Returns an object of class "MetaAnalyticSurvCont" that can be used to evaluate surrogacy and contains the following elements:

  • Indiv.Surrogacy: a data frame that contains the measure for the individual level surrogacy and 95% confidence interval.

  • Trial.R2: a data frame that contains the Rtrial2R^2_{trial} and 95% confidence interval to evaluate surrogacy at the trial level.

  • EstTreatEffects: a data frame that contains the estimated treatment effects and sample size for each trial.

  • nlm.output: output of the maximization procedure (nlm) to maximize the likelihood.


In the model, a copula-based model is used for the true time-to-event endpoint and the surrogate continuous, normally distributed endpoint. More specifically, three copulas can be used: the Clayton copula, Hougaard copula and Plackett copula. The marginal model for the true endpoint is the proportional hazard model. The marginal model for the surrogate endpoint is the classical linear regression model. The quality of the surrogate at the individual level can be evaluated by either Kendall's τ\tau or Spearman's ρ\rho, depending on which copula function is used. The quality of the surrogate at the trial level can be evaluated by considering the Rtrial2R^2_{trial} between the estimated treatment effects.

Data Format

The data frame must contains the following columns:

  • a column with the observed time-to-event for the true endpoint

  • a column with the time-to-event indicator for the true endpoint: 1 if the event is observed, 0 otherwise

  • a column with the continuous surrogate endpoint

  • a column with the treatment indicator: 0 or 1

  • a column with the trial indicator

  • a column with the center indicator. If there are no different centers within each trial, the center indicator is equal to the trial indicator

  • a column with the patient indicator


Dries De Witte


Alonso A, Bigirumurame T, Burzykowski T, Buyse M, Molenberghs G, Muchene L, Perualila NJ, Shkedy Z, Van der Elst W, et al. (2016). Applied surrogate endpoint evaluation methods with SAS and R. CRC Press New York


## Not run: 
fit <- MetaAnalyticSurvCont(data = prostate, true = SURVTIME, trueind = SURVIND, surrog = PSA,
trt = TREAT, center = TRIAL, trial = TRIAL, patientid = PATID,
copula = "Hougaard", adjustment = "weighted")

## End(Not run)

Compute surrogacy measures for a time-to-event surrogate and a time-to-event true endpoint in the meta-analytic multiple-trial setting.


The function 'MetaAnalyticSurvSurv()' fits the model for a time-to-event surrogate and time-to-event true endpoint developed by Burzykowski et al. (2001) in the meta-analytic multiple-trial setting.





A data frame with the correct columns (See Data Format).


Observed time-to-event for true endpoint.


Time-to-event indicator for the true endpoint.


Observed time-to-event for surrogate endpoint.


Time-to-event indicator for the surrogate endpoint.


Treatment indicator.


Center indicator (equal to trial if there are no different centers). This is the unit for which specific treatment effects are estimated.


Trial indicator. This is the unit for which common baselines are to be used.


Patient indicator.


The copula that is used, either "Clayton", "Hougaard" or "Plackett"


The adjustment that should be made for the trial-level surrogacy, either "unadjusted", "weighted" or "adjusted"


Returns an object of class "MetaAnalyticSurvSurv" that can be used to evaluate surrogacy and contains the following elements:

  • Indiv.Surrogacy: a data frame that contains the measure for the individual level surrogacy and 95% confidence interval.

  • Trial.R2: a data frame that contains the Rtrial2R^2_{trial} and 95% confidence interval to evaluate surrogacy at the trial level.

  • EstTreatEffects: a data frame that contains the estimated treatment effects and sample size for each trial.

  • nlm.output: output of the maximization procedure (nlm) to maximize the likelihood.


In the model developed by Burzykowski et al. (2001), a copula-based model is used for the true time-to-event endpoint and the surrogate time-to-event endpoint. More specifically, three copulas can be used: the Clayton copula, Hougaard copula and Plackett copula. The marginal model for the true and surrogate endpoint is the proportional hazard model. The quality of the surrogate at the individual level can be evaluated by by either Kendall's τ\tau or Spearman's ρ\rho, depending on which copula function is used. The quality of the surrogate at the trial level can be evaluated by considering the Rtrial2R^2_{trial} between the estimated treatment effects.

Data Format

The data frame must contains the following columns:

  • a column with the observed time-to-event for the true endpoint

  • a column with the time-to-event indicator for the true endpoint: 1 if the event is observed, 0 otherwise

  • a column with the observed time-to-event for the surrogate endpoint

  • a column with the time-to-event indicator for the surrogate endpoint: 1 if the event is observed, 0 otherwise

  • a column with the treatment indicator: 0 or 1

  • a column with the trial indicator

  • a column with the center indicator. If there are no different centers within each trial, the center indicator is equal to the trial indicator

  • a column with the patient indicator


Dries De Witte


Burzykowski T, Molenberghs G, Buyse M, Geys H, Renard D (2001). “Validation of surrogate end points in multiple randomized clinical trials with failure time end points.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics, 50(4), 405–422


## Not run: 
fit <- MetaAnalyticSurvSurv(data=Ovarian,true=Surv,trueind=SurvInd,surrog=Pfs,surrogind=PfsInd,

## End(Not run)

Assess surrogacy in the causal-inference multiple-trial setting (Meta-analytic Individual Causal Association; MICA) in the continuous-continuous case


The function MICA.ContCont quantifies surrogacy in the multiple-trial causal-inference framework. See Details below.


MICA.ContCont(Trial.R, D.aa,, T0S0, T1S1, T0T0=1, T1T1=1, S0S0=1, S1S1=1,
T0T1=seq(-1, 1, by=.1), T0S1=seq(-1, 1, by=.1), T1S0=seq(-1, 1, by=.1),
S0S1=seq(-1, 1, by=.1))



A scalar that specifies the trial-level correlation coefficient (i.e., RtrialR_{trial}) that should be used in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}.


A scalar that specifies the between-trial variance of the treatment effects on the surrogate endpoint (i.e., daad_{aa}) that should be used in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}.

A scalar that specifies the between-trial variance of the treatment effects on the true endpoint (i.e., dbbd_{bb}) that should be used in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}.


A scalar or vector that specifies the correlation(s) between the surrogate and the true endpoint in the control treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}.


A scalar or vector that specifies the correlation(s) between the surrogate and the true endpoint in the experimental treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the true endpoint in the control treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}. Default 1.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the true endpoint in the experimental treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}. Default 1.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the surrogate endpoint in the control treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}. Default 1.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the surrogate endpoint in the experimental treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}. Default 1.


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T0 and T1 that should be considered in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.1), i.e., the values 1-1, 0.9-0.9, 0.8-0.8, ..., 11.


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T0 and S1 that should be considered in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.1).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T1 and S0 that should be considered in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.1).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals S0 and S1 that should be considered in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.1).


Based on the causal-inference framework, it is assumed that each subject j in trial i has four counterfactuals (or potential outcomes), i.e., T0ijT_{0ij}, T1ijT_{1ij}, S0ijS_{0ij}, and S1ijS_{1ij}. Let T0ijT_{0ij} and T1ijT_{1ij} denote the counterfactuals for the true endpoint (TT) under the control (Z=0Z=0) and the experimental (Z=1Z=1) treatments of subject j in trial i, respectively. Similarly, S0ijS_{0ij} and S1ijS_{1ij} denote the corresponding counterfactuals for the surrogate endpoint (SS) under the control and experimental treatments of subject j in trial i, respectively. The individual causal effects of ZZ on TT and SS for a given subject j in trial i are then defined as ΔTij=T1ijT0ij\Delta_{T_{ij}}=T_{1ij}-T_{0ij} and ΔSij=S1ijS0ij\Delta_{S_{ij}}=S_{1ij}-S_{0ij}, respectively.

In the multiple-trial causal-inference framework, surrogacy can be quantified as the correlation between the individual causal effects of ZZ on SS and TT (for details, see Alonso et al., submitted):

ρM=ρ(ΔTij,ΔSij)=dbbdaaRtrial+V(εΔTij)V(εΔSij)ρΔV(ΔTij)V(ΔSij),\rho_{M}=\rho(\Delta_{Tij},\:\Delta_{Sij})=\frac{\sqrt{d_{bb}d_{aa}}R_{trial}+\sqrt{V(\varepsilon_{\Delta Tij})V(\varepsilon_{\Delta Sij})}\rho_{\Delta}}{\sqrt{V(\Delta_{Tij})V(\Delta_{Sij})}},


V(εΔTij)=σT0T0+σT1T12σT0T0σT1T1ρT0T1,V(\varepsilon_{\Delta Tij})=\sigma_{T_{0}T_{0}}+\sigma_{T_{1}T_{1}}-2\sqrt{\sigma_{T_{0}T_{0}}\sigma_{T_{1}T_{1}}}\rho_{T_{0}T_{1}},

V(εΔSij)=σS0S0+σS1S12σS0S0σS1S1ρS0S1,V(\varepsilon_{\Delta Sij})=\sigma_{S_{0}S_{0}}+\sigma_{S_{1}S_{1}}-2\sqrt{\sigma_{S_{0}S_{0}}\sigma_{S_{1}S_{1}}}\rho_{S_{0}S_{1}},



The correlations between the counterfactuals (i.e., ρS0T1\rho_{S_{0}T_{1}}, ρS1T0\rho_{S_{1}T_{0}}, ρT0T1\rho_{T_{0}T_{1}}, and ρS0S1\rho_{S_{0}S_{1}}) are not identifiable from the data. It is thus warranted to conduct a sensitivity analysis (by considering vectors of possible values for the correlations between the counterfactuals – rather than point estimates).

When the user specifies a vector of values that should be considered for one or more of the correlations that are involved in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}, the function MICA.ContCont constructs all possible matrices that can be formed as based on the specified values, identifies the matrices that are positive definite (i.e., valid correlation matrices), and computes ρM\rho_{M} for each of these matrices. An examination of the vector of the obtained ρM\rho_{M} values allows for a straightforward examination of the impact of different assumptions regarding the correlations between the counterfactuals on the results (see also plot Causal-Inference ContCont), and the extent to which proponents of the causal-inference and meta-analytic frameworks will reach the same conclusion with respect to the appropriateness of the candidate surrogate at hand.

Notes A single ρM\rho_{M} value is obtained when all correlations in the function call are scalars.


An object of class MICA.ContCont with components,


An object of class numeric which contains the total number of matrices that can be formed as based on the user-specified correlations.


A data.frame that contains the positive definite matrices that can be formed based on the user-specified correlations. These matrices are used to compute the vector of the ρM\rho_{M} values.


A scalar or vector of the ρΔ\rho_{\Delta} values.


A scalar or vector of the ρM\rho_{M} values.


The theory that relates the causal-inference and the meta-analytic frameworks in the multiple-trial setting (as developped in Alonso et al., submitted) assumes that a reduced or semi-reduced modelling approach is used in the meta-analytic framework. Thus RtrialR_{trial}, daad_{aa} and dbbd_{bb} should be estimated based on a reduced model (i.e., using the Model=c("Reduced") argument in the functions UnifixedContCont, UnimixedContCont, BifixedContCont, or BimixedContCont) or based on a semi-reduced model (i.e., using the Model=c("SemiReduced") argument in the functions UnifixedContCont, UnimixedContCont, or BifixedContCont).


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., Molenberghs, G., Buyse, M., & Burzykowski, T. (submitted). On the relationship between the causal-inference and meta-analytic paradigms for the validation of surrogate markers.

See Also

ICA.ContCont, MICA.Sample.ContCont, plot Causal-Inference ContCont, UnifixedContCont, UnimixedContCont, BifixedContCont, BimixedContCont


## Not run:  #time-consuming code parts
# Generate the vector of MICA values when R_trial=.8, rho_T0S0=rho_T1S1=.8,
# sigma_T0T0=90, sigma_T1T1=100,sigma_ S0S0=10, sigma_S1S1=15, D.aa=5,,
# and when the grid of values {0, .2, ..., 1} is considered for the
# correlations between the counterfactuals:
SurMICA <- MICA.ContCont(Trial.R=.80, D.aa=5,, T0S0=.8, T1S1=.8,
T0T0=90, T1T1=100, S0S0=10, S1S1=15, T0T1=seq(0, 1, by=.2),
T0S1=seq(0, 1, by=.2), T1S0=seq(0, 1, by=.2), S0S1=seq(0, 1, by=.2))

# Examine and plot the vector of the generated MICA values:

# Same analysis, but now assume that D.aa=.5 and
SurMICA <- MICA.ContCont(Trial.R=.80, D.aa=.5,, T0S0=.8, T1S1=.8,
T0T0=90, T1T1=100, S0S0=10, S1S1=15, T0T1=seq(0, 1, by=.2),
T0S1=seq(0, 1, by=.2), T1S0=seq(0, 1, by=.2), S0S1=seq(0, 1, by=.2))

# Examine and plot the vector of the generated MICA values:

# Same as first analysis, but specify vectors for rho_T0S0 and rho_T1S1:
# Sample from normal with mean .8 and SD=.1 (to account for uncertainty
# in estimation)
SurMICA <- MICA.ContCont(Trial.R=.80, D.aa=5,,
T0S0=rnorm(n=10000000, mean=.8, sd=.1),
T1S1=rnorm(n=10000000, mean=.8, sd=.1),
T0T0=90, T1T1=100, S0S0=10, S1S1=15, T0T1=seq(0, 1, by=.2),
T0S1=seq(0, 1, by=.2), T1S0=seq(0, 1, by=.2), S0S1=seq(0, 1, by=.2))

## End(Not run)

Assess surrogacy in the causal-inference multiple-trial setting (Meta-analytic Individual Causal Association; MICA) in the continuous-continuous case using the grid-based sample approach


The function MICA.Sample.ContCont quantifies surrogacy in the multiple-trial causal-inference framework. It provides a faster alternative for MICA.ContCont. See Details below.


MICA.Sample.ContCont(Trial.R, D.aa,, T0S0, T1S1, T0T0=1, T1T1=1, S0S0=1, S1S1=1,
T0T1=seq(-1, 1, by=.001), T0S1=seq(-1, 1, by=.001), T1S0=seq(-1, 1, by=.001),
S0S1=seq(-1, 1, by=.001), M=50000)



A scalar that specifies the trial-level correlation coefficient (i.e., RtrialR_{trial}) that should be used in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}.


A scalar that specifies the between-trial variance of the treatment effects on the surrogate endpoint (i.e., daad_{aa}) that should be used in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}.

A scalar that specifies the between-trial variance of the treatment effects on the true endpoint (i.e., dbbd_{bb}) that should be used in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}.


A scalar or vector that specifies the correlation(s) between the surrogate and the true endpoint in the control treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}.


A scalar or vector that specifies the correlation(s) between the surrogate and the true endpoint in the experimental treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the true endpoint in the control treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}. Default 1.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the true endpoint in the experimental treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}. Default 1.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the surrogate endpoint in the control treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}. Default 1.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the surrogate endpoint in the experimental treatment condition that should be considered in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}. Default 1.


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T0 and T1 that should be considered in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.001).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T0 and S1 that should be considered in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.001).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T1 and S0 that should be considered in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.001).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals S0 and S1 that should be considered in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.001).


The number of runs that should be conducted. Default 50000.


Based on the causal-inference framework, it is assumed that each subject j in trial i has four counterfactuals (or potential outcomes), i.e., T0ijT_{0ij}, T1ijT_{1ij}, S0ijS_{0ij}, and S1ijS_{1ij}. Let T0ijT_{0ij} and T1ijT_{1ij} denote the counterfactuals for the true endpoint (TT) under the control (Z=0Z=0) and the experimental (Z=1Z=1) treatments of subject j in trial i, respectively. Similarly, S0ijS_{0ij} and S1ijS_{1ij} denote the corresponding counterfactuals for the surrogate endpoint (SS) under the control and experimental treatments of subject j in trial i, respectively. The individual causal effects of ZZ on TT and SS for a given subject j in trial i are then defined as ΔTij=T1ijT0ij\Delta_{T_{ij}}=T_{1ij}-T_{0ij} and ΔSij=S1ijS0ij\Delta_{S_{ij}}=S_{1ij}-S_{0ij}, respectively.

In the multiple-trial causal-inference framework, surrogacy can be quantified as the correlation between the individual causal effects of ZZ on SS and TT (for details, see Alonso et al., submitted):

ρM=ρ(ΔTij,ΔSij)=dbbdaaRtrial+V(εΔTij)V(εΔSij)ρΔV(ΔTij)V(ΔSij),\rho_{M}=\rho(\Delta_{Tij},\:\Delta_{Sij})=\frac{\sqrt{d_{bb}d_{aa}}R_{trial}+\sqrt{V(\varepsilon_{\Delta Tij})V(\varepsilon_{\Delta Sij})}\rho_{\Delta}}{\sqrt{V(\Delta_{Tij})V(\Delta_{Sij})}},


V(εΔTij)=σT0T0+σT1T12σT0T0σT1T1ρT0T1,V(\varepsilon_{\Delta Tij})=\sigma_{T_{0}T_{0}}+\sigma_{T_{1}T_{1}}-2\sqrt{\sigma_{T_{0}T_{0}}\sigma_{T_{1}T_{1}}}\rho_{T_{0}T_{1}},

V(εΔSij)=σS0S0+σS1S12σS0S0σS1S1ρS0S1,V(\varepsilon_{\Delta Sij})=\sigma_{S_{0}S_{0}}+\sigma_{S_{1}S_{1}}-2\sqrt{\sigma_{S_{0}S_{0}}\sigma_{S_{1}S_{1}}}\rho_{S_{0}S_{1}},



The correlations between the counterfactuals (i.e., ρS0T1\rho_{S_{0}T_{1}}, ρS1T0\rho_{S_{1}T_{0}}, ρT0T1\rho_{T_{0}T_{1}}, and ρS0S1\rho_{S_{0}S_{1}}) are not identifiable from the data. It is thus warranted to conduct a sensitivity analysis (by considering vectors of possible values for the correlations between the counterfactuals – rather than point estimates).

When the user specifies a vector of values that should be considered for one or more of the correlations that are involved in the computation of ρM\rho_{M}, the function MICA.ContCont constructs all possible matrices that can be formed as based on the specified values, and retains the positive definite ones for the computation of ρM\rho_{M}.

In contrast, the function MICA.Sample.ContCont samples random values for ρS0T1\rho_{S_{0}T_{1}}, ρS1T0\rho_{S_{1}T_{0}}, ρT0T1\rho_{T_{0}T_{1}}, and ρS0S1\rho_{S_{0}S_{1}} based on a uniform distribution with user-specified minimum and maximum values, and retains the positive definite ones for the computation of ρM\rho_{M}.

An examination of the vector of the obtained ρM\rho_{M} values allows for a straightforward examination of the impact of different assumptions regarding the correlations between the counterfactuals on the results (see also plot Causal-Inference ContCont), and the extent to which proponents of the causal-inference and meta-analytic frameworks will reach the same conclusion with respect to the appropriateness of the candidate surrogate at hand.

Notes A single ρM\rho_{M} value is obtained when all correlations in the function call are scalars.


An object of class MICA.ContCont with components,


An object of class numeric which contains the total number of matrices that can be formed as based on the user-specified correlations.


A data.frame that contains the positive definite matrices that can be formed based on the user-specified correlations. These matrices are used to compute the vector of the ρM\rho_{M} values.


A scalar or vector of the ρΔ\rho_{\Delta} values.


A scalar or vector of the ρM\rho_{M} values.


The theory that relates the causal-inference and the meta-analytic frameworks in the multiple-trial setting (as developped in Alonso et al., submitted) assumes that a reduced or semi-reduced modelling approach is used in the meta-analytic framework. Thus RtrialR_{trial}, daad_{aa} and dbbd_{bb} should be estimated based on a reduced model (i.e., using the Model=c("Reduced") argument in the functions UnifixedContCont, UnimixedContCont, BifixedContCont, or BimixedContCont) or based on a semi-reduced model (i.e., using the Model=c("SemiReduced") argument in the functions UnifixedContCont, UnimixedContCont, or BifixedContCont).


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., Molenberghs, G., Buyse, M., & Burzykowski, T. (submitted). On the relationship between the causal-inference and meta-analytic paradigms for the validation of surrogate markers.

See Also

ICA.ContCont, MICA.ContCont, plot Causal-Inference ContCont, UnifixedContCont, UnimixedContCont, BifixedContCont, BimixedContCont


## Not run:  #Time consuming (>5 sec) code part
# Generate the vector of MICA values when R_trial=.8, rho_T0S0=rho_T1S1=.8,
# sigma_T0T0=90, sigma_T1T1=100,sigma_ S0S0=10, sigma_S1S1=15, D.aa=5,,
# and when the grid of values {-1, -0.999, ..., 1} is considered for the
# correlations between the counterfactuals:
SurMICA <- MICA.Sample.ContCont(Trial.R=.80, D.aa=5,, T0S0=.8, T1S1=.8,
T0T0=90, T1T1=100, S0S0=10, S1S1=15, T0T1=seq(-1, 1, by=.001),
T0S1=seq(-1, 1, by=.001), T1S0=seq(-1, 1, by=.001),
S0S1=seq(-1, 1, by=.001), M=10000)

# Examine and plot the vector of the generated MICA values:

# Same analysis, but now assume that D.aa=.5 and
SurMICA <- MICA.Sample.ContCont(Trial.R=.80, D.aa=.5,, T0S0=.8, T1S1=.8,
T0T0=90, T1T1=100, S0S0=10, S1S1=15, T0T1=seq(-1, 1, by=.001),
T0S1=seq(-1, 1, by=.001), T1S0=seq(-1, 1, by=.001),
S0S1=seq(-1, 1, by=.001), M=10000)

# Examine and plot the vector of the generated MICA values:

## End(Not run)

Examine the plausibility of finding a good surrogate endpoint in the Continuous-continuous case


The function MinSurrContCont examines the plausibility of finding a good surrogate endpoint in the continuous-continuous setting. For details, see Alonso et al. (submitted).


MinSurrContCont(T0T0, T1T1, Delta, T0T1=seq(from=0, to=1, by=.01))



A scalar that specifies the variance of the true endpoint in the control treatment condition.


A scalar that specifies the variance of the true endpoint in the experimental treatment condition.


A scalar that specifies an upper bound for the prediction mean squared error when predicting the individual causal effect of the treatment on the true endpoint based on the individual causal effect of the treatment on the surrogate.


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T0 and T1 that should be considered in the computation of ρmin2\rho_{min}^{2}. Default seq(0, 1, by=.1), i.e., the values 00, 0.100.10, 0.200.20, ..., 11.


An object of class MinSurrContCont with components,


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T0 and T1 that were considered (i.e., ρT0T1\rho_{T_{0}T_{1}}).


A scalar or vector that contains the standard deviations of the individual causal treatment effects on the true endpoint as a function of ρT0T1\rho_{T_{0}T_{1}}.


A scalar or vector that contains the ρmin2\rho_{min}^{2} values as a function of ρT0T1\rho_{T_{0}T_{1}}.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., Molenberghs, G., Buyse, M., & Burzykowski, T. (submitted). On the relationship between the causal-inference and meta-analytic paradigms for the validation of surrogate markers.

See Also

ICA.ContCont, plot Causal-Inference ContCont, plot MinSurrContCont


# Assess the plausibility of finding a good surrogate when
# sigma_T0T0 = sigma_T1T1 = 8 and Delta = 1
## Not run: 
MinSurr <- MinSurrContCont(T0T0 = 8, T1T1 = 8, Delta = 1)
## End(Not run)

Fits (univariate) mixed-effect models to assess surrogacy in the continuous-continuous case based on the Information-Theoretic framework


The function MixedContContIT uses the information-theoretic approach (Alonso & Molenberghs, 2007) to estimate trial- and individual-level surrogacy based on mixed-effect models when both S and T are continuous endpoints. The user can specify whether a (weighted or unweighted) full, semi-reduced, or reduced model should be fitted. See the Details section below.


MixedContContIT(Dataset, Surr, True, Treat, Trial.ID, Pat.ID,
Model=c("Full"), Weighted=TRUE, Min.Trial.Size=2, Alpha=.05, ...)



A data.frame that should consist of one line per patient. Each line contains (at least) a surrogate value, a true endpoint value, a treatment indicator, a patient ID, and a trial ID.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the surrogate endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the true endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the treatment indicators. The treatment indicator should either be coded as 11 for the experimental group and 1-1 for the control group, or as 11 for the experimental group and 00 for the control group.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the trial ID to which the patient belongs.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the patient's ID.


The type of model that should be fitted, i.e., Model=c("Full"), Model=c("Reduced"), or Model=c("SemiReduced"). See the Details section below. Default Model=c("Full").


Logical. In practice it is often the case that different trials (or other clustering units) have different sample sizes. Univariate models are used to assess surrogacy in the information-theoretic approach, so it can be useful to adjust for heterogeneity in information content between the trial-specific contributions (particularly when trial-level surrogacy measures are of primary interest and when the heterogeneity in sample sizes is large). If Weighted=TRUE, weighted regression models are fitted. If Weighted=FALSE, unweighted regression analyses are conducted. See the Details section below. Default TRUE.


The minimum number of patients that a trial should contain to be included in the analysis. If the number of patients in a trial is smaller than the value specified by Min.Trial.Size, the data of the trial are excluded from the analysis. Default 22.


The α\alpha-level that is used to determine the confidence intervals around Rh2R^2_{h} and Rht2R^2_{ht}. Default 0.050.05.


Other arguments to be passed to the function lmer (of the R package lme4) that is used to fit the geralized linear mixed-effect models in the function BimixedContCont.


Individual-level surrogacy

The following generalised linear mixed-effect models are fitted:

gT(E(Tij))=μT+mTi+βZij+biZij,g_{T}(E(T_{ij}))=\mu_{T}+m_{Ti}+\beta Z_{ij}+b_{i}Z_{ij},


where ii and jj are the trial and subject indicators, gTg_{T} is an appropriate link function (i.e., an identity link when a continuous true endpoint is considered), SijS_{ij} and TijT_{ij} are the surrogate and true endpoint values of subject jj in trial ii, and ZijZ_{ij} is the treatment indicator for subject jj in trial ii. μT\mu_{T} and β\beta are a fixed intercept and a fixed treatment-effect on the true endpoint, while mTim_{Ti} and bib_{i} are the corresponding random effects. θ0\theta_{0} and θ1\theta_{1} are the fixed intercept and the fixed treatment effect on the true endpoint after accounting for the effect of the surrogate endpoint, and cTic_{Ti} and aia_i are the corresponding random effects.

The 2-2 log likelihood values of the previous models (i.e., L1L_{1} and L2L_{2}, respectively) are subsequently used to compute individual-level surrogacy (based on the so-called Variance Reduction Factor, VFR; for details, see Alonso & Molenberghs, 2007):

Rhind2=1exp(L2L1N),R^2_{hind}= 1 - exp \left(-\frac{L_{2}-L_{1}}{N} \right),

where NN is the number of trials.

Trial-level surrogacy

When a full or semi-reduced model is requested (by using the argument Model=c("Full") or Model=c("SemiReduced") in the function call), trial-level surrogacy is assessed by fitting the following mixed models:

Sij=μS+mSi+(α+ai)Zij+εSij,(1)S_{ij}=\mu_{S}+m_{Si}+(\alpha+a_{i})Z_{ij}+\varepsilon_{Sij}, (1)

Tij=μT+mTi+(β+bi)Zij+εTij,(1)T_{ij}=\mu_{T}+m_{Ti}+(\beta+b_{i})Z_{ij}+\varepsilon_{Tij}, (1)

where ii and jj are the trial and subject indicators, SijS_{ij} and TijT_{ij} are the surrogate and true endpoint values of subject jj in trial ii, ZijZ_{ij} is the treatment indicator for subject jj in trial ii, μS\mu_{S} and μT\mu_{T} are the fixed intercepts for S and T, mSim_{Si} and mTim_{Ti} are the corresponding random intercepts, α\alpha and β\beta are the fixed treatment effects on S and T, and aia_{i} and bib_{i} are the corresponding random effects. The error terms εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij} are assumed to be independent.

When a reduced model is requested by the user (by using the argument Model=c("Reduced") in the function call), the following univariate models are fitted:

Sij=μS+(α+ai)Zij+εSij,(2)S_{ij}=\mu_{S}+(\alpha+a_{i})Z_{ij}+\varepsilon_{Sij}, (2)

Tij=μT+(β+bi)Zij+εTij,(2)T_{ij}=\mu_{T}+(\beta+b_{i})Z_{ij}+\varepsilon_{Tij}, (2)

where μS\mu_{S} and μT\mu_{T} are the common intercepts for S and T. The other parameters are the same as defined above, and εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij} are again assumed to be independent.

When the user requested that a full model approach is used (by using the argument Model=c("Full") in the function call, i.e., when models (1) were fitted), the following model is subsequently fitted:

β^i=λ0+λ1μSi^+λ2αi^+εi,(3)\widehat{\beta}_{i}=\lambda_{0}+\lambda_{1}\widehat{\mu_{Si}}+\lambda_{2}\widehat{\alpha_i}+\varepsilon_{i}, (3)

where the parameter estimates for βi\beta_i, μSi\mu_{Si}, and αi\alpha_i are based on models (1) (see above). When a weighted model is requested (using the argument Weighted=TRUE in the function call), model (3) is a weighted regression model (with weights based on the number of observations in trial ii). The 2-2 log likelihood value of the (weighted or unweighted) models (3) (L1L_1) is subsequently compared to the 2-2 log likelihood value of an intercept-only model (β^i=λ3\widehat{\beta}_{i}=\lambda_{3}; L0L_0), and Rht2R^2_{ht} is computed based on the Variance Reduction Factor (VFR; for details, see Alonso & Molenberghs, 2007):

Rht2=1exp(L1L0N),R^2_{ht}= 1 - exp \left(-\frac{L_1-L_0}{N} \right),

where NN is the number of trials.

When a semi-reduced or reduced model is requested (by using the argument Model=c("SemiReduced") or Model=c("Reduced") in the function call), the following model is fitted:


where the parameter estimates for βi\beta_i and αi\alpha_i are based on models (2). The 2-2 log likelihood value of this (weighted or unweighted) model (L1L_1) is subsequently compared to the 2-2 log likelihood value of an intercept-only model (β^i=λ3\widehat{\beta}_{i}=\lambda_{3}; L0L_0), and Rht2R^2_{ht} is computed based on the reduction in the likelihood (as described above).


An object of class MixedContContIT with components,


Prior to conducting the surrogacy analysis, data of patients who have a missing value for the surrogate and/or the true endpoint are excluded. In addition, the data of trials (i) in which only one type of the treatment was administered, and (ii) in which either the surrogate or the true endpoint was a constant (i.e., all patients within a trial had the same surrogate and/or true endpoint value) are excluded. In addition, the user can specify the minimum number of patients that a trial should contain in order to include the trial in the analysis. If the number of patients in a trial is smaller than the value specified by Min.Trial.Size, the data of the trial are excluded. Data.Analyze is the dataset on which the surrogacy analysis was conducted.


A data.frame that contains the total number of patients per trial and the number of patients who were administered the control treatment and the experimental treatment in each of the trials (in Data.Analyze).


A data.frame that contains the trial-specific intercepts and treatment effects for the surrogate and the true endpoints (when a full or semi-reduced model is requested), or the trial-specific treatment effects for the surrogate and the true endpoints (when a reduced model is requested).


A data.frame that contains the trial-level surrogacy estimate and its confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the individual-level surrogacy estimate and its confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the correlations between the surrogate and the true endpoint in the control treatment group (i.e., ρT0S0\rho_{T0S0}) and in the experimental treatment group (i.e., ρT1S1\rho_{T1S1}), their standard errors and their confidence intervals.


A data.frame that contains the residuals for the surrogate and true endpoints (εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij}) that are obtained when models (1) or models (2) are fitted (see the Details section above).


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A, & Molenberghs, G. (2007). Surrogate marker evaluation from an information theory perspective. Biometrics, 63, 180-186.

See Also

FixedContContIT, plot Information-Theoretic


## Not run:  # Time consuming (>5sec) code part
# Example 1
# Based on the ARMD data:
# Assess surrogacy based on a full mixed-effect model
# in the information-theoretic framework:
Sur <- MixedContContIT(Dataset=ARMD, Surr=Diff24, True=Diff52, Treat=Treat, Trial.ID=Center,
Pat.ID=Id, Model="Full")
# Obtain a summary of the results:

# Example 2
# Conduct an analysis based on a simulated dataset with 2000 patients, 200 trials,
# and Rindiv=Rtrial=.8
# Simulate the data:
Sim.Data.MTS(N.Total=2000, N.Trial=200, R.Trial.Target=.8, R.Indiv.Target=.8,
Seed=123, Model="Full")
# Assess surrogacy based on a full mixed-effect model
# in the information-theoretic framework:
Sur2 <- MixedContContIT(Dataset=Data.Observed.MTS, Surr=Surr, True=True, Treat=Treat,
Trial.ID=Trial.ID, Pat.ID=Pat.ID, Model="Full")

# Show a summary of the results:
## End(Not run)

Goodness of fit information for survival-survival model


This function returns several goodness-of-fit measures for a model fitted by fit_model_SurvSurv(). These are primarily intended for model selection.





returned value from fit_model_SurvSurv().


The following goodness-of-fit measures are returned in a named vector:

  • tau_0 and tau_1: (latent) value for Kendall's tau in the estimated model.

  • log_lik: the maximized log-likelihood value.

  • AIC: the Aikaike information criterion of the fitted model.


a named vector containing the goodness-of-fit measures


#For simplicity, data is not recoded to semi-competing risks format, but is
#left in the composite event format.
data = data.frame(
ovarian_fitted =
    fit_model_SurvSurv(data = data,
                       copula_family = "clayton",
                       n_knots = 1)

Fits a multivariate fixed-effects model to assess surrogacy in the meta-analytic multiple-trial setting (Continuous-continuous case with multiple surrogates)


The function MufixedContCont.MultS uses the multivariate fixed-effects approach to estimate trial- and individual-level surrogacy when the data of multiple clinical trials are available and multiple surrogates are considered for a single true endpoint. The user can specify whether a (weighted or unweighted) full or reduced model should be fitted. See the Details section below.


MufixedContCont.MultS(Dataset, Endpoints=True~Surr.1+Surr.2, 
 Treat="Treat", Trial.ID="Trial.ID", Pat.ID="Pat.ID", 
 Model=c("Full"), Weighted=TRUE, Min.Trial.Size=2, Alpha=.05, 
 Number.Bootstraps=0, Seed=123)



A data.frame that should consist of one line per patient. Each line contains one or more surrogate value(s), a true endpoint value, a treatment indicator, a patient ID, and a trial ID.


An equation in the form True~Surr.1+Surr.2 that specifies the true endpoint followed by the surrogate endpoint(s).


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the treatment indicators. The treatment indicator should be coded as 11 for the experimental group and 1-1 for the control group.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the trial ID to which the patient belongs.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the patient's ID.


The type of model that should be fitted, i.e., Model=c("Full") or Model=c("Reduced"). For details, see below or Van der Elst et al. (2023). Default Model=c("Full").


Logical. If TRUE, then a weighted regression analysis is conducted at stage 2 of the two-stage approach. If FALSE, then an unweighted regression analysis is conducted at stage 2 of the two-stage approach. See the Details section below. Default TRUE.


The minimum number of patients that a trial should contain in order to be included in the analysis. If the number of patients in a trial is smaller than the value specified by Min.Trial.Size, the data of the trial are excluded from the analysis. Default 22.


The α\alpha-level that is used to determine the confidence intervals around Rtrial2R^2_{trial} and Rindiv2R^2_{indiv}. Default 0.050.05.


Lee's (Lee, 1971) approach is done by default to obtain confidence intervals around Rtrial2R^2_{trial} and Rindiv2R^2_{indiv}. Alternatively, a non-parametric bootstrap can be done. By default, Number.Bootstraps=0 and thus no bootstrap is conducted. If a bootstrap is desired, specify the number of bootstrap samples used this argument. For example, Number.Bootstraps=100 conducts a bootstrap with 100 bootstrap samples.


The seed that is used in the bootstrap. Default Seed=123.


When the full multivariate mixed-effects model is fitted to assess surrogacy in the meta-analytic framework (for details, see Van der Elst et al., 2023), computational issues often occur. In that situation, the use of simplified model-fitting strategies may be warranted (for details, see Burzykowski et al., 2005; Tibaldi et al., 2003).

The function MufixedContCont.MultS implements one such strategy, i.e., it uses a two-stage multivariate fixed-effects modelling approach to assess surrogacy. In the first stage of the analysis, a multivariate linear regression model is fitted. When a full model is requested (by using the argument Model=c("Full") in the function call), the following model is fitted:





where ZijZ_{ij} is the treatment indicator for subject jj in trial ii, μS1i\mu_{S1i}, μS2i\mu_{S2i}, ..., μSKi\mu_{SKi} and μTi\mu_{Ti} are the fixed trial-specific intercepts for S1S1, S2S2, ... SKSK and TT, and αS1i\alpha_{S1i}, αS2i\alpha_{S2i}, ..., αSKi\alpha_{SKi} and βTi\beta_{Ti} are the trial-specific treatment effects on the surrogates and the true endpoint, respectively. When a reduced model is requested (by using the argument Model=c("Reduced") in the function call), the following model is fitted:





where μS1\mu_{S1}, μS2\mu_{S2}, ..., μSK\mu_{SK} and μT\mu_{T} are the common intercepts for the surrogates and the true endpoint (i.e., it is assumed that the intercepts for the surrogates and the true endpoints are identical in all trials). The other parameters are the same as defined above.

In the above models, the error terms εS1ij\varepsilon_{S1ij}, εS2ij\varepsilon_{S2ij}, ..., εSKij\varepsilon_{SKij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij} are assumed to be mean-zero normally distributed with variance-covariance matrix Σ\bold{\Sigma}.

Next, the second stage of the analysis is conducted. When a full model is requested by the user (by using the argument Model=c("Full") in the function call), the following model is fitted:

β^Ti=λ0+λ1μ^S1i+λ2α^S1i+λ3μ^S2i+λ4α^S2i+...+λ2K1μ^SKi+λ2Kα^SKi+εi,\widehat{\beta}_{Ti}=\lambda_{0}+\lambda_{1}\widehat{\mu}_{S1i}+ \lambda_{2}\widehat{\alpha}_{S1i}+\lambda_{3}\widehat{\mu}_{S2i}+\lambda_{4}\widehat{\alpha}_{S2i}+...+ \lambda_{2K-1}\widehat{\mu}_{SKi}+\lambda_{2K}\widehat{\alpha}_{SKi}+\varepsilon_{i},

where the parameter estimates are based on the full model that was fitted in stage 1.

When a reduced model is requested by the user (by using the argument Model=c("Reduced")), the λ1μ^S1i\lambda_{1} \widehat{\mu}_{S1i}, λ3μ^S2i\lambda_{3} \widehat{\mu}_{S2i}, ... and λ2Kμ^SKi\lambda_{2K} \widehat{\mu}_{SKi} components are dropped from the above expression.

When the argument Weighted=FALSE is used in the function call, the model that is fitted in stage 2 is an unweighted linear regression model. When a weighted model is requested (using the argument Weighted=TRUE in the function call), the information that is obtained in stage 1 is weighted according to the number of patients in a trial.

The classical coefficient of determination of the fitted stage 2 model provides an estimate of Rtrial2R^2_{trial}.


An object of class MufixedContCont.MultS with components,


Prior to conducting the surrogacy analysis, data of patients who have a missing value for the surrogate and/or the true endpoint are excluded. In addition, the data of trials (i) in which only one type of the treatment was administered, and (ii) in which either the surrogate or the true endpoint was a constant are excluded. In addition, the user can specify the minimum number of patients that a trial should contain in order to include the trial in the analysis. If the number of patients in a trial is smaller than the value specified by Min.Trial.Size, the data of the trial are excluded. Data.Analyze is the dataset on which the surrogacy analysis was conducted.


A data.frame that contains the total number of patients per trial and the number of patients who were administered the control treatment and the experimental treatment in each of the trials (in Data.Analyze).


The results of stage 1 of the two-stage model fitting approach: a data.frame that contains the trial-specific intercepts and treatment effects for the surrogate(s) and the true endpoints (when a full model is requested), or the trial-specific treatment effects for the surrogates and the true endpoints (when a reduced model is requested).


A data.frame that contains the residuals for the surrogate and true endpoints that are obtained in stage 1 of the analysis (εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij}).


An object of class lm (linear model) that contains the parameter estimates of the regression model that is fitted in stage 2 of the analysis.


A data.frame that contains the trial-level coefficient of determination (Rtrial2R^2_{trial}), its standard error and confidence interval based on the approach of Lee (1971).


A data.frame that contains the trial-level coefficient of determination (Rtrial2R^2_{trial}), its standard error and confidence interval based on the non-parametric bootstrap.


A data.frame that contains the adjusted trial-level coefficient of determination (Rtrial2R^2_{trial}), its standard error and confidence interval based on the approach of Lee (1971).


A data.frame that contains the adjusted trial-level coefficient of determination (Rtrial2R^2_{trial}), its standard error and confidence interval based on the non-parametric bootstrap.


A data.frame that contains the individual-level coefficient of determination (Rindiv2R^2_{indiv}), its standard error and confidence interval based on the approach of Lee (1971).


A data.frame that contains the individual-level coefficient of determination (Rindiv2R^2_{indiv}), its standard error and confidence interval based on the non-parametric bootstrap.


The fitted Stage 1 model.


A linear model that regresses the residuals of T on the residuals of the different surrogates.


The variance-covariance matrix of the trial-specific intercept and treatment effects for the surrogates and true endpoints (when a full model is fitted, i.e., when Model=c("Full") is used in the function call), or the variance-covariance matrix of the trial-specific treatment effects for the surrogates and true endpoints (when a reduced model is fitted, i.e., when Model=c("Reduced") is used in the function call). The variance-covariance matrix D.Equiv is equivalent to the D\bold{D} matrix that would be obtained when a (full or reduced) mixed-effect approach is used; see function MumixedContCont.MultS).


Wim Van der Elst


Burzykowski, T., Molenberghs, G., & Buyse, M. (2005). The evaluation of surrogate endpoints. New York: Springer-Verlag.

Buyse, M., Molenberghs, G., Burzykowski, T., Renard, D., & Geys, H. (2000). The validation of surrogate endpoints in meta-analysis of randomized experiments. Biostatistics, 1, 49-67.

Lee, Y. S. (1971). Tables of the upper percentage points of the multiple correlation. Biometrika, 59, 175-189.

Tibaldi, F., Abrahantes, J. C., Molenberghs, G., Renard, D., Burzykowski, T., Buyse, M., Parmar, M., et al., (2003). Simplified hierarchical linear models for the evaluation of surrogate endpoints. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 73, 643-658.

Van der Elst et al. (2024). Multivariate surrogate endpoints for normally distributed continuous endpoints in the meta-analytic setting.

See Also



## Not run:  # time consuming code part

# Do a surrogacy analysis with T=Total PANSS score, S1=Negative symptoms
# and S2=Positive symptoms
# Fit a full multivariate fixed-effects model with weighting according to the  
# number of patients in stage 2 of the two stage approach to assess surrogacy:
Fit.Neg.Pos <- MufixedContCont.MultS(Dataset = PANSS, 
  Endpoints = Total ~ Neg+Pos, Model = "Full", 
  Treat = "Treat", Trial.ID = "Invest", Pat.ID = "Pat.ID")
# Obtain a summary of the results

## End(Not run)

Fits a multivariate mixed-effects model to assess surrogacy in the meta-analytic multiple-trial setting (Continuous-continuous case with multiple surrogates)


The function MumixedContCont.MultS uses the multivariate mixed-effects approach to estimate trial- and individual-level surrogacy when the data of multiple clinical trials are available and multiple surrogates are considered for a single true endpoint. See the Details section below.


MumixedContCont.MultS(Dataset, Endpoints=True~Surr.1+Surr.2, 
Treat="Treat", Trial.ID="Trial.ID", Pat.ID="Pat.ID", 
Model=c("Full"), Min.Trial.Size=2, Alpha=.05, Opt="nlminb")



A data.frame that should consist of one line per patient. Each line contains one or more surrogate value(s), a true endpoint value, a treatment indicator, a patient ID, and a trial ID.


An equation in the form True~Surr.1+Surr.2 that specifies the true endpoint followed by the surrogate endpoint(s).


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the treatment indicators. The treatment indicator should be coded as 11 for the experimental group and 1-1 for the control group.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the trial ID to which the patient belongs.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the patient's ID.


The type of model that should be fitted, i.e., Model=c("Full") or Model=c("Reduced"). For details, see below or Van der Elst et al. (2023). Default Model=c("Full").


The minimum number of patients that a trial should contain in order to be included in the analysis. If the number of patients in a trial is smaller than the value specified by Min.Trial.Size, the data of the trial are excluded from the analysis. Default 22.


The α\alpha-level that is used to determine the confidence intervals around Rtrial2R^2_{trial} and Rindiv2R^2_{indiv} (based on the approach of Lee, 1971). Default 0.050.05.


The optimizer to be used by the lme function (the fits the mixed-effects model), with options nlminb or optim. For details, see ?lmeControl. Default Opt="nlminb".


When a full model is requested (by using the argument Model=c("Full") in the function call), the following mixed-effects model is fitted:





where ZijZ_{ij} is the treatment indicator for subject jj in trial ii, μS1\mu_{S1}, μS2\mu_{S2}, ... μSK\mu_{SK} and μT\mu_{T} are the fixed intercepts for S1S1, S2S2, ... SKSK and TT, mS1im_{S1i}, mS2im_{S2i}, ... mSKim_{SKi}, and mTim_{Ti} are the corresponding random intercepts, αS1\alpha_{S1}, αS2\alpha_{S2}, ..., αSK\alpha_{SK} and βT\beta_T are the fixed treatment effects for S1S1, S2S2, ... SKSK and TT, and aS1ia_{S1i}, aS2ia_{S2i}, ... aSKia_{SKi} and bTib_{Ti} are the corresponding random treatment effects. The vector of the random effects (mS1i,mS2i,...,mSKi,mTi,aS1i,aS2i,...,aSKi,bTi)\left(m_{S1i},\:m_{S2i}, \: ... , \: m_{SKi},\: m_{Ti},\: a_{S1i},\: a_{S2i},\: ... , \: a_{SKi},\: b_{Ti}\right) is assumed to be mean-zero normally distributed with unstructured variance-covariance matrix D\mathbf{D}. Similarly, the residuals εS1ij\varepsilon_{S1ij}, εS2ij\varepsilon_{S2ij}, ... εSKij\varepsilon_{SKij}, εTij\varepsilon_{Tij} are assumed to be mean-zero normally distributed with unstructured variance-covariance matrix Σ\mathbf{\Sigma}.

When a reduced model is requested (by using the argument Model=c("Reduced") in the function call), the trial-specific intercepts for the surrogate endpoints and the true endpoint in the above model are replaced by common intercepts.

For the full model, Rtrial2R^2_{trial} and Rindiv2R^2_{indiv} are estimated based on D\mathbf{D} and Σ\mathbf{\Sigma}, respectively:

Rtrial2=RbTimS1i,mS2i,...,mSKi,aS1i,aS2i,...aSKi2=DSTTDSS1DSTDTT,R_{trial}^{2}=R^2_{b_{Ti}|m_{S1i},\: m_{S2i},\: ..., \:m_{SKi}, \: a_{S1i},\: a_{S2i}, \: ... \: a_{SKi}}= \dfrac{\boldsymbol{D}_{ST}^T \: \boldsymbol{D}^{-1}_{SS} \: \boldsymbol{D}_{ST}}{\boldsymbol{D}_{TT}},

Rindiv2=RεTijεS1ij,εS2ij,...,εSKij2=ΣSTTΣSS1ΣSTΣTT.R_{indiv}^{2}=R_{\varepsilon_{Tij}|\varepsilon_{S1ij}, \: \varepsilon_{S2ij}, \: ..., \: \varepsilon_{SKij}}^{2}= \dfrac{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}_{ST}^T \: \boldsymbol{\Sigma}^{-1}_{SS} \: \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_{ST}}{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}_{TT}}.

For the reduced model, the reduced D\mathbf{D} and Σ\mathbf{\Sigma} are used.


An object of class MumixedContCont.MultS with components,


Prior to conducting the surrogacy analysis, data of patients who have a missing value for the surrogate and/or the true endpoint are excluded. In addition, the data of trials (i) in which only one type of the treatment was administered, and (ii) in which either the surrogate or the true endpoint was a constant are excluded. In addition, the user can specify the minimum number of patients that a trial should contain in order to include the trial in the analysis. If the number of patients in a trial is smaller than the value specified by Min.Trial.Size, the data of the trial are excluded. Data.Analyze is the dataset on which the surrogacy analysis was conducted.


A data.frame that contains the total number of patients per trial and the number of patients who were administered the control treatment and the experimental treatment in each of the trials (in Data.Analyze).


A data.frame that contains the fixed intercepts and treatment effects for the true and the surrogate endpoints.


A data.frame that contains the random intercepts and treatment effects for the true and the surrogate endpoints.


A data.frame that contains the trial-level coefficient of determination (Rtrial2R^2_{trial}), its standard error and confidence interval based on the approach of Lee (1971).


A data.frame that contains the individual-level coefficient of determination (Rindiv2R^2_{indiv}), its standard error and confidence interval based on the approach of Lee (1971).


The variance-covariance matrix of the trial-specific intercepts and treatment effects for the surrogates and true endpoints (when a full model is fitted, i.e., when Model=c("Full") is used in the function call), or the variance-covariance matrix of the trial-specific treatment effects for the surrogates and true endpoints (when a reduced model is fitted, i.e., when Model=c("Reduced") is used in the function call).


The condition number of the D\mathbf{D} matrix.


The condition number of the Σ\mathbf{\Sigma} matrix.


The fitted mixed-effects model.


Wim Van der Elst


Burzykowski, T., Molenberghs, G., & Buyse, M. (2005). The evaluation of surrogate endpoints. New York: Springer-Verlag.

Buyse, M., Molenberghs, G., Burzykowski, T., Renard, D., & Geys, H. (2000). The validation of surrogate endpoints in meta-analysis of randomized experiments. Biostatistics, 1, 49-67.

Lee, Y. S. (1971). Tables of the upper percentage points of the multiple correlation. Biometrika, 59, 175-189.

Van der Elst et al. (2024). Multivariate surrogate endpoints for normally distributed continuous endpoints in the meta-analytic setting.

See Also



## Not run:  # time consuming code part

# Do a surrogacy analysis with T=Total PANSS score, 
# S1=Negative symptoms and S2=Positive symptoms
# Fit a full mixed-effects model:
Fit.Neg.Pos <- MumixedContCont.MultS(Dataset = PANSS, 
  Endpoints = Total ~ Neg+Pos, Model = "Full", 
  Treat = "Treat", Trial.ID = "Invest", Pat.ID = "Pat.ID")
# Model does not converge, as often happens with the 
# mixed-effects approach. Instead, fit a full multivariate 
# fixed-effects model with weighting according to the  
# number of patients in stage 2 of the two stage approach to assess surrogacy:
Fit.Neg.Pos <- MufixedContCont.MultS(Dataset = PANSS, 
  Endpoints = Total ~ Neg+Pos, Model = "Full", 
  Treat = "Treat", Trial.ID = "Invest", Pat.ID = "Pat.ID")
# Obtain a summary of the results

## End(Not run)

Constructor for vine copula model


Constructor for vine copula model


new_vine_copula_fit(fit_0, fit_1, endpoint_types)



list returned by fit_copula_submodel_OrdCont(), fit_copula_submodel_ContCont(), or fit_copula_submodel_OrdOrd().


list returned by fit_copula_submodel_OrdCont(), fit_copula_submodel_ContCont(), or fit_copula_submodel_OrdOrd().


Character vector with 2 elements indicating the type of endpoints. Each element is either "ordinal" or "continuous".


S3 object of the class vine_copula_fit.

See Also

print.vine_copula_fit(), plot.vine_copula_fit() #should not be used be the user

Constructor for vine copula model


Constructor for vine copula model





Estimated parameters in the control group.


Estimated parameters in the experimental group


Parametric copula family


placement of knots for Royston-Parmar model


placement of knots for Royston-Parmar model


placement of knots for Royston-Parmar model


placement of knots for Royston-Parmar model


vector of copula rotation parameters


Original data


S3 object


#should not be used be the user

Loglikelihood function for ordinal-continuous copula model


ordinal_continuous_loglik() computes the observed-data loglikelihood for a bivariate copula model with a continuous and an ordinal endpoint. The model is based on a latent variable representation of the ordinal endpoint.


  return_sum = TRUE



Parameter vector. The parameters are ordered as follows:

  • para[1:p1]: Cutpoints for the latent distribution of X corresponding to c1,,cK1c_1, \dots, c_{K - 1} (see Details).

  • para[(p1 + 1):(p1 + p2)]: Parameters for surrogate distribution, more details in ?Surrogate::cdf_fun for the specific implementations.

  • para[p1 + p2 + 1]: copula parameter


First variable (Ordinal with KK categories)


Second variable (Continuous)


Copula family, one of the following:

  • "clayton"

  • "frank"

  • "gumbel"

  • "gaussian"


List with the following five elements (in order):

  • Density function with first argument x and second argument para the parameter vector for this distribution.

  • Distribution function with first argument x and second argument para.

  • Inverse distribution function with first argument p and second argument para.

  • The number of elements in para.

  • Starting values for para.


Number of categories in X.


Return the sum of the individual loglikelihoods? If FALSE, a vector with the individual loglikelihood contributions is returned.


Vine Copula Model for Ordinal Endpoints

Following the Neyman-Rubin potential outcomes framework, we assume that each patient has four potential outcomes, two for each arm, represented by Y=(T0,S0,S1,T1)\boldsymbol{Y} = (T_0, S_0, S_1, T_1)'. Here, Yz=(Sz,Tz)\boldsymbol{Y_z} = (S_z, T_z)' are the potential surrogate and true endpoints under treatment Z=zZ = z. We will further assume that TT is ordinal and SS is continuous; consequently, the function argument X corresponds to TT and Y to SS. (The roles of SS and TT can be interchanged without loss of generality.)

We introduce latent variables to model Y\boldsymbol{Y}. Latent variables will be denoted by a tilde. For instance, if TzT_z is ordinal with KTK_T categories, then TzT_z is a function of the latent T~zN(0,1)\tilde{T}_z \sim N(0, 1) as follows:

Tz=gTz(T~z;cTz)={1 if =c0Tz<Tz~c1Tzk if ck1Tz<Tz~ckTzK if cKT1Tz<Tz~cKTTz=,T_z = g_{T_z}(\tilde{T}_z; \boldsymbol{c}^{T_z}) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{ if } -\infty = c_0^{T_z} < \tilde{T_z} \le c_1^{T_z} \\ \vdots \\ k & \text{ if } c_{k - 1}^{T_z} < \tilde{T_z} \le c_k^{T_z} \\ \vdots \\ K & \text{ if } c_{K_{T} - 1}^{T_z} < \tilde{T_z} \le c_{K_{T}}^{T_z} = \infty, \\ \end{cases}

where cTz=(c1Tz,,cKT1Tz)\boldsymbol{c}^{T_z} = (c_1^{T_z}, \cdots, c_{K_T - 1}^{T_z}). The latent counterpart of Y\boldsymbol{Y} is again denoted by a tilde; for example, Y~=(T~0,S0,S1,T~1)\tilde{\boldsymbol{Y}} = (\tilde{T}_0, S_0, S_1, \tilde{T}_1)' if TzT_z is ordinal and SzS_z is continuous.

The vector of latent potential outcome Y~\tilde{\boldsymbol{Y}} is modeled with a D-vine copula as follows:

fY~=fT~0fS0fS1fT~1cT~0,S0cS0,S1cS1,T~1cT~0,S1;S0cS0,T~1;S1cT~0,T~1;S0,S1,f_{\tilde{\boldsymbol{Y}}} = f_{\tilde{T}_0} \, f_{S_0} \, f_{S_1} \, f_{\tilde{T}_1} \cdot c_{\tilde{T}_0, S_0 } \, c_{S_0, S_1} \, c_{S_1, \tilde{T}_1} \cdot c_{\tilde{T}_0, S_1; S_0} \, c_{S_0, \tilde{T}_1; S_1} \cdot c_{\tilde{T}_0, \tilde{T}_1; S_0, S_1},

where (i) fT0f_{T_0}, fS0f_{S_0}, fS1f_{S_1}, and fT1f_{T_1} are univariate density functions, (ii) cT0,S0c_{T_0, S_0}, cS0,S1c_{S_0, S_1}, and cS1,T1c_{S_1, T_1} are unconditional bivariate copula densities, and (iii) cT0,S1;S0c_{T_0, S_1; S_0}, cS0,T1;S1c_{S_0, T_1; S_1}, and cT0,T1;S0,S1c_{T_0, T_1; S_0, S_1} are conditional bivariate copula densities (e.g., cT0,S1;S0c_{T_0, S_1; S_0} is the copula density of (T0,S1)S0(T_0, S_1)' \mid S_0. We also make the simplifying assumption for all copulas.

Observed-Data Likelihood

In practice, we only observe (S0,T0)(S_0, T_0)' or (S1,T1)(S_1, T_1)'. Hence, to estimate the (identifiable) parameters of the D-vine copula model, we need to derive the observed-data likelihood. The observed-data loglikelihood for (Sz,Tz)(S_z, T_z)' is as follows:

fYz(s,t;β)=ct1Tz+fY~z(s,x;β)dxctTz+fY~z(s,x;β)dx.f_{\boldsymbol{Y_z}}(s, t; \boldsymbol{\beta}) = \int_{c^{T_z}_{t - 1}}^{+ \infty} f_{\boldsymbol{\tilde{Y}_z}}(s, x; \boldsymbol{\beta}) \, dx - \int_{c^{T_z}_{t}}^{+ \infty} f_{\boldsymbol{\tilde{Y}_z}}(s, x; \boldsymbol{\beta}) \, dx.

The above expression is used in ordinal_continuous_loglik() to compute the loglikelihood for the observed values for Z=0Z = 0 or Z=1Z = 1. In this function, X and Y correspond to TzT_z and SzS_z if TzT_z is ordinal and SzS_z continuous. Otherwise, X and Y correspond to SzS_z and TzT_z.


(numeric) loglikelihood value evaluated in para.

Loglikelihood function for ordinal-ordinal copula model


ordinal_ordinal_loglik() computes the observed-data loglikelihood for a bivariate copula model with two ordinal endpoints. The model is based on a latent variable representation of the ordinal endpoints.


ordinal_ordinal_loglik(para, X, Y, copula_family, K_X, K_Y, return_sum = TRUE)



Parameter vector. The parameters are ordered as follows:

  • para[1:p1]: Cutpoints for the latent distribution of X corresponding to c1X,,cKX1Xc_1^X, \dots, c_{K_X - 1}^X (see Details).

  • para[(p1 + 1):(p1 + p2)]: Cutpoints for the latent distribution of Y corresponding to c1Y,,cKY1Yc_1^Y, \dots, c_{K_Y - 1}^Y (see Details).

  • para[p1 + p2 + 1]: copula parameter


First variable (Ordinal with KXK_X categories)


Second variable (Ordinal with KYK_Y categories)


Copula family, one of the following:

  • "clayton"

  • "frank"

  • "gumbel"

  • "gaussian"


Number of categories in X.


Number of categories in Y.


Return the sum of the individual loglikelihoods? If FALSE, a vector with the individual loglikelihood contributions is returned.


Vine Copula Model for Ordinal Endpoints

Following the Neyman-Rubin potential outcomes framework, we assume that each patient has four potential outcomes, two for each arm, represented by Y=(T0,S0,S1,T1)\boldsymbol{Y} = (T_0, S_0, S_1, T_1)'. Here, Yz=(Sz,Tz)\boldsymbol{Y_z} = (S_z, T_z)' are the potential surrogate and true endpoints under treatment Z=zZ = z.

The latent variable notation and D-vine copula model for Y\boldsymbol{Y} is a straightforward extension of the notation in ordinal_continuous_loglik().

Observed-Data Likelihood

In practice, we only observe (S0,T0)(S_0, T_0)' or (S1,T1)(S_1, T_1)'. Hence, to estimate the (identifiable) parameters of the D-vine copula model, we need to derive the observed-data likelihood. The observed-data loglikelihood for (Sz,Tz)(S_z, T_z)' is as follows:

fYz(s,t;β)=P(cs1Sz<S~z,ct1Tz<T~z)P(csSz<S~z,ct1Tz<T~z)P(cs1Sz<S~z,ctTz<T~z)+P(csSz<S~z,ctTz<T~z).f_{\boldsymbol{Y_z}}(s, t; \boldsymbol{\beta}) = P \left( c^{S_z}_{s - 1} < \tilde{S}_z, c^{T_z}_{t - 1} < \tilde{T}_z \right) - P \left( c^{S_z}_{s} < \tilde{S}_z, c^{T_z}_{t - 1} < \tilde{T}_z \right) - P \left( c^{S_z}_{s - 1} < \tilde{S}_z, c^{T_z}_{t} < \tilde{T}_z \right) + P \left( c^{S_z}_{s} < \tilde{S}_z, c^{T_z}_{t} < \tilde{T}_z \right).

The above expression is used in ordinal_ordinal_loglik() to compute the loglikelihood for the observed values for Z=0Z = 0 or Z=1Z = 1.


(numeric) loglikelihood value evaluated in para.

Convert Ordinal Observations to Latent Cutpoints


ordinal_to_cutpoints() converts the ordinal endpoints to the corresponding cutpoints of the underlying latent continuous variable. Let P(xk)=G(ck)P(x \le k) = G(c_k) where GG is the distribution function of the latent variable. ordinal_to_cutpoints() converts xx to ckc_k (or to ck1c_{k - 1}) if strict = TRUE.


ordinal_to_cutpoints(x, cutpoints, strict)



Integer vector with values in 1:(length(cutpoints) + 1).


The cutpoints on the latent scale corresponding to c=c(c1,,cK1)\boldsymbol{c} = c(c_1, \cdots, c_{K - 1}).


(boolean) See function description.


Numeric vector with cutpoints corresponding to the values in x.

The Ovarian dataset


This dataset combines the data that were collected in four double-blind randomized clinical trials in advanced ovarian cancer (Ovarian Cancer Meta-Analysis Project, 1991). In these trials, the objective was to examine the efficacy of cyclophosphamide plus cisplatin (CP) versus cyclophosphamide plus adriamycin plus cisplatin (CAP) to treat advanced ovarian cancer.




A data frame with 1192 observations on the following 7 variables.


The ID number of a patient.


The center in which a patient was treated.


The treatment indicator, coded as 0=CP (active control) and 1=CAP (experimental treatment).


Progression-free survival (the candidate surrogate).


Censoring indicator for progression-free survival.


Survival time (the true endpoint).


Censoring indicator for survival time.


Ovarian Cancer Meta-Analysis Project (1991). Cclophosphamide plus cisplatin plus adriamycin versus cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and cisplatin chemotherapy of ovarian carcinoma: a meta-analysis. Classic papers and current comments, 3, 237-234.



PANSS subscales and total score based on the data of five clinical trials in schizophrenia


These are the PANSS subscale and total scale scores of five clinical trial in schizophrenia. A total of 19411941 patients were treated by 126126 investiagators (psychiatrists). There were two treatment conditions (risperidone and control). Patients' schizophrenic symptoms were measured using the PANSS (Kay et al., 1988).




A data.frame with 19411941 observations on 99 variables.


The patient ID.


The treatment indicator, coded as 1-1 = active control and 11 = Risperidone.


The ID of the investigator (psychiatrist) who treated the patient.


The Negative symptoms scale score.


The Excitement scale score.


The Cognition scale score.


The Positive symptoms scale score.


The Depression scale score.


The Total PANSS score.


Kay, S.R., Opler, L.A., & Lindenmayer, J.P. (1988). Reliability and validity of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale for schizophrenics. Psychiatric Research, 23, 99-110.

Function factory for density functions


Function factory for density functions


pdf_fun(para, family)



Parameter vector.


Distributional family, one of the following:

  • "normal": normal distribution where para[1] is the mean and para[2] is the standard deviation.

  • "logistic": logistic distribution as parameterized in stats::plogis() where para[1] and para[2] correspond to location and scale, respectively.

  • "t": t distribution as parameterized in stats::pt() where para[1] and para[2] correspond to ncp and df, respectively.


A density function that has a single argument. This is the vector of values in which the density function is evaluated.

Plots the (Meta-Analytic) Individual Causal Association and related metrics when S and T are binary outcomes


This function provides a plot that displays the frequencies, percentages, cumulative percentages or densities of the individual causal association (ICA; RH2R^2_{H} or RHR_{H}), and/or the odds ratios for SS and TT (θS\theta_{S} and θT\theta_{T}).


## S3 method for class 'ICA.BinBin'
plot(x, R2_H=TRUE, R_H=FALSE, Theta_T=FALSE, 
Theta_S=FALSE, Type="Density", Labels=FALSE, Xlab.R2_H, 
Main.R2_H, Xlab.R_H, Main.R_H, Xlab.Theta_S, Main.Theta_S, Xlab.Theta_T, 
Main.Theta_T, Cex.Legend=1, Cex.Position="topright",  
col, Par=par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)), ylim, ...)



An object of class ICA.BinBin. See ICA.BinBin.


Logical. When R2_H=TRUE, a plot of the RH2R^2_{H} is provided. Default TRUE.


Logical. When R_H=TRUE, a plot of the RHR_{H} is provided. Default FALSE.


Logical. When Theta_T=TRUE, a plot of the θT\theta_{T} is provided. Default FALSE.


Logical. When Theta_S=TRUE, a plot of the θS\theta_{S} is provided. Default FALSE.


The type of plot that is produced. When Type="Freq" or Type="Percent", the Y-axis shows frequencies or percentages of RH2R^2_{H}, RHR_{H}, θT\theta_{T}, or θS\theta_{S}. When Type="CumPerc", the Y-axis shows cumulative percentages. When Type="Density", the density is shown. When the fitted object of class ICA.BinBin was obtained using a general analysis (i.e., using the Monotonicity=c("General") argument in the function call), sperate plots are provided for the different monotonicity scenarios. Default "Density".


Logical. When Labels=TRUE, the percentage of RH2R^2_{H}, RHR_{H}, θT\theta_{T}, or θS\theta_{S} values that are equal to or larger than the midpoint value of each of the bins are displayed (on top of each bin). Default FALSE.


The legend of the X-axis of the RH2R^2_{H} plot.


The title of the RH2R^2_{H} plot.


The legend of the X-axis of the RHR_{H} plot.


The title of the RHR_{H} plot.


The legend of the X-axis of the θS\theta_{S} plot.


The title of the θS\theta_{S} plot.


The legend of the X-axis of the θT\theta_{T} plot.


The title of the θT\theta_{T} plot.


The size of the legend when Type="All.Densities" is used. Default Cex.Legend=1.


The position of the legend, Cex.Position="topright" or Cex.Position="topleft". Default Cex.Position="topright".


The color of the bins. Default col <- c(8).


Graphical parameters for the plot. Default par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)).


The (min, max) values for the Y-axis



Extra graphical parameters to be passed to hist().


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., Molenberghs, G., Buyse, M., & Burzykowski, T. (submitted). A causal-inference approach for the validation of surrogate endpoints based on information theory and sensitivity analysis.

See Also



# Compute R2_H given the marginals, 
# assuming monotonicity for S and T and grids
# pi_0111=seq(0, 1, by=.001) and 
# pi_1100=seq(0, 1, by=.001)
ICA <- ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample(pi1_1_=0.261, pi1_0_=0.285, 
pi_1_1=0.637, pi_1_0=0.078, pi0_1_=0.134, pi_0_1=0.127,  
Monotonicity=c("General"), M=2500, Seed=1)
# Plot the results (density of R2_H):
plot(ICA, Type="Density", R2_H=TRUE, R_H=FALSE, 
Theta_T=FALSE, Theta_S=FALSE)

Plots the (Meta-Analytic) Individual Causal Association when S and T are continuous outcomes


This function provides a plot that displays the frequencies, percentages, or cumulative percentages of the individual causal association (ICA; ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}) and/or the meta-analytic individual causal association (MICA; ρM\rho_{M}) values. These figures are useful to examine the sensitivity of the obtained results with respect to the assumptions regarding the correlations between the counterfactuals (for details, see Alonso et al., submitted; Van der Elst et al., submitted). Optionally, it is also possible to obtain plots that are useful in the examination of the plausibility of finding a good surrogate endpoint when an object of class ICA.ContCont is considered.


## S3 method for class 'ICA.ContCont'
plot(x, Xlab.ICA, Main.ICA, Type="Percent", 
Labels=FALSE, ICA=TRUE, Good.Surr=FALSE, Main.Good.Surr, 
Par=par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)), col, ...)

## S3 method for class 'MICA.ContCont'
plot(x, ICA=TRUE, MICA=TRUE, Type="Percent", 
Labels=FALSE, Xlab.ICA, Main.ICA, Xlab.MICA, Main.MICA,
Par=par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)), col, ...)



An object of class ICA.ContCont or MICA.ContCont. See ICA.ContCont or MICA.ContCont.


Logical. When ICA=TRUE, a plot of the ICA is provided. Default TRUE.


Logical. This argument only has effect when the plot() function is applied to an object of class MICA.ContCont. When MICA=TRUE, a plot of the MICA is provided. Default TRUE.


The type of plot that is produced. When Type=Freq or Type=Percent, the Y-axis shows frequencies or percentages of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}, ρM\rho_{M}, and/or δ\delta. When Type=CumPerc, the Y-axis shows cumulative percentages of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}, ρM\rho_{M}, and/or δ\delta. Default "Percent".


Logical. When Labels=TRUE, the percentage of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}, ρM\rho_{M}, and/or δ\delta values that are equal to or larger than the midpoint value of each of the bins are displayed (on top of each bin). Default FALSE.


The legend of the X-axis of the ICA plot. Default "ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}".


The title of the ICA plot. Default "ICA".


The legend of the X-axis of the MICA plot. Default "ρM\rho_{M}".


The title of the MICA plot. Default "MICA".


Logical. When Good.Surr=TRUE, a plot of δ\delta is provided. This plot is useful in the context of examinating the plausibility of finding a good surrogate endpoint. Only applies when an object of class ICA.ContCont is considered. For details, see Alonso et al. (submitted). Default FALSE.


The title of the plot of δ\delta. Only applies when an object of class ICA.ContCont is considered. For details, see Alonso et al. (submitted).


Graphical parameters for the plot. Default par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)).


The color of the bins. Default col <- c(8).


Extra graphical parameters to be passed to hist().


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., Molenberghs, G., Buyse, M., & Burzykowski, T. (submitted). On the relationship between the causal inference and meta-analytic paradigms for the validation of surrogate markers.

Van der Elst, W., Alonso, A., & Molenberghs, G. (submitted). An exploration of the relationship between causal inference and meta-analytic measures of surrogacy.

See Also

ICA.ContCont, MICA.ContCont, plot MinSurrContCont


# Plot of ICA

# Generate the vector of ICA values when rho_T0S0=rho_T1S1=.95, and when the
# grid of values {0, .2, ..., 1} is considered for the correlations
# between the counterfactuals:
SurICA <- ICA.ContCont(T0S0=.95, T1S1=.95, T0T1=seq(0, 1, by=.2), T0S1=seq(0, 1, by=.2), 
T1S0=seq(0, 1, by=.2), S0S1=seq(0, 1, by=.2))

# Plot the results:

# Same plot but add the percentages of ICA values that are equal to or larger 
# than the midpoint values of the bins
plot(SurICA, Labels=TRUE)

# Plot of both ICA and MICA

# Generate the vector of ICA and MICA values when R_trial=.8, rho_T0S0=rho_T1S1=.8, 
# D.aa=5,, and when the grid of values {0, .2, ..., 1} is considered 
# for the correlations between the counterfactuals:
SurMICA <- MICA.ContCont(Trial.R=.80, D.aa=5,, T0S0=.8, T1S1=.8, 
T0T1=seq(0, 1, by=.2), T0S1=seq(0, 1, by=.2), T1S0=seq(0, 1, by=.2), 
S0S1=seq(0, 1, by=.2))

# Plot the vector of generated ICA and MICA values

Provides plots of trial-level surrogacy in the Information-Theoretic framework


Produces plots that provide a graphical representation of trial level surrogacy Rht2R^2_{ht} based on the Information-Theoretic approach of Alonso & Molenberghs (2007).


## S3 method for class 'FixedDiscrDiscrIT'
plot(x, Weighted=TRUE, Xlab.Trial, Ylab.Trial, Main.Trial,
	 Par=par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)), ...)



An object of class FixedDiscrDiscrIT.


Logical. This argument only has effect when the user requests a trial-level surrogacy plot (i.e., when Trial.Level=TRUE in the function call). If Weighted=TRUE, the circles that depict the trial-specific treatment effects on the true endpoint against the surrogate endpoint are proportional to the number of patients in the trial. If Weighted=FALSE, all circles have the same size. Default TRUE.


The legend of the X-axis of the plot that depicts trial-level surrogacy. Default "Treatment effect on the surrogate endpoint (αi\alpha_{i})".


The legend of the Y-axis of the plot that depicts trial-level surrogacy. Default "Treatment effect on the true endpoint (βi\beta_{i})".


The title of the plot that depicts trial-level surrogacy. Default "Trial-level surrogacy".


Graphical parameters for the plot. Default par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)).


Extra graphical parameters to be passed to plot().


Hannah M. Ensor & Christopher J. Weir


Alonso, A, & Molenberghs, G. (2007). Surrogate marker evaluation from an information theory perspective. Biometrics, 63, 180-186.

See Also



## Not run:  # Time consuming (>5sec) code part
# Simulate the data:
Sim.Data.MTS(N.Total=2000, N.Trial=100, R.Trial.Target=.8, R.Indiv.Target=.8,
             Seed=123, Model="Full")
# create a binary true and ordinal surrogate outcome

# Assess surrogacy based on a full fixed-effect model
# in the information-theoretic framework for a binary surrogate and ordinal true outcome:
SurEval <- FixedDiscrDiscrIT(Dataset=Data.Observed.MTS, Surr=Surr, True=True, Treat=Treat,
Trial.ID=Trial.ID, Setting="ordbin")

## Request trial-level surrogacy plot. In the trial-level plot,
## make the size of the circles proportional to the number of patients in a trial:
plot(SurEval, Weighted=FALSE)

## End(Not run)

Plots the Individual Causal Association in the setting where there are multiple continuous S and a continuous T


This function provides a plot that displays the frequencies, percentages, or cumulative percentages of the multivariate individual causal association (RH2R^2_{H}). These figures are useful to examine the sensitivity of the obtained results with respect to the assumptions regarding the correlations between the counterfactuals.


## S3 method for class 'ICA.ContCont.MultS'
plot(x, R2_H=FALSE, Corr.R2_H=TRUE, 
   Type="Percent", Labels=FALSE,  
   Par=par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)), col, 
   Prediction.Error.Reduction=FALSE, ...)



An object of class ICA.ContCont.MultS. See ICA.ContCont.MultS or ICA.ContCont.MultS_alt.


Should a plot of the RH2R^2_{H} be provided? Default FALSE.


Should a plot of the corrected RH2R^2_{H} be provided? Default TRUE.


The type of plot that is produced. When Type=Freq or Type=Percent, the Y-axis shows frequencies or percentages of RH2R^2_{H}. When Type=CumPerc, the Y-axis shows cumulative percentages of RH2R^2_{H}. Default "Percent".


Logical. When Labels=TRUE, the percentage of RH2R^2_{H} values that are equal to or larger than the midpoint value of each of the bins are displayed (on top of each bin). Default FALSE.


Graphical parameters for the plot. Default par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)).


The color of the bins. Default col <- c(8).


Should a plot be shown that shows the prediction error (reisdual error) in predicting DeltaDeltaT using an intercept only model, and that shows the prediction error (reisdual error) in predicting DeltaDeltaT using DeltaS1Delta S_1, DeltaS2Delta S_2, ...? Default Prediction.Error.Reduction=FALSE.


Extra graphical parameters to be passed to hist().


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Van der Elst, W., Alonso, A. A., & Molenberghs, G. (2017). Univariate versus multivariate surrogate endpoints.

See Also

ICA.ContCont, ICA.ContCont.MultS, ICA.ContCont.MultS_alt, MICA.ContCont, plot MinSurrContCont


## Not run:  #time-consuming code parts
# Specify matrix Sigma (var-cavar matrix T_0, T_1, S1_0, S1_1, ...)
# here for 1 true endpoint and 3 surrogates

s<-matrix(rep(NA, times=64),8)
s[1,1] <- 450; s[2,2] <- 413.5; s[3,3] <- 174.2; s[4,4] <- 157.5; 
s[5,5] <- 244.0; s[6,6] <- 229.99; s[7,7] <- 294.2; s[8,8] <- 302.5
s[3,1] <- 160.8; s[5,1] <- 208.5; s[7,1] <- 268.4 
s[4,2] <- 124.6; s[6,2] <- 212.3; s[8,2] <- 287.1
s[5,3] <- 160.3; s[7,3] <- 142.8 
s[6,4] <- 134.3; s[8,4] <- 130.4 
s[7,5] <- 209.3; 
s[8,6] <- 214.7 
s[upper.tri(s)] = t(s)[upper.tri(s)]

# Marix looks like:
#            T_0    T_1  S1_0  S1_1  S2_0   S2_1  S2_0  S2_1
#            [,1]  [,2]  [,3]  [,4]  [,5]   [,6]  [,7]  [,8]
# T_0  [1,] 450.0    NA 160.8    NA 208.5     NA 268.4    NA
# T_1  [2,]    NA 413.5    NA 124.6    NA 212.30    NA 287.1
# S1_0 [3,] 160.8    NA 174.2    NA 160.3     NA 142.8    NA
# S1_1 [4,]    NA 124.6    NA 157.5    NA 134.30    NA 130.4
# S2_0 [5,] 208.5    NA 160.3    NA 244.0     NA 209.3    NA
# S2_1 [6,]    NA 212.3    NA 134.3    NA 229.99    NA 214.7
# S3_0 [7,] 268.4    NA 142.8    NA 209.3     NA 294.2    NA
# S3_1 [8,]    NA 287.1    NA 130.4    NA 214.70    NA 302.5

# Conduct analysis
ICA <- ICA.ContCont.MultS(M=100, N=200, Show.Progress = TRUE,
  Sigma=s, G = seq(from=-1, to=1, by = .00001), Seed=c(123), 
  Model = "Delta_T ~ Delta_S1 + Delta_S2 + Delta_S3")

# Explore results

## End(Not run)

Provides plots of trial- and individual-level surrogacy in the Information-Theoretic framework


Produces plots that provide a graphical representation of trial- and/or individual-level surrogacy (R2_ht and R2_h) based on the Information-Theoretic approach of Alonso & Molenberghs (2007).


## S3 method for class 'FixedContContIT'
plot(x, Trial.Level=TRUE, Weighted=TRUE, Indiv.Level=TRUE,
Xlab.Indiv, Ylab.Indiv, Xlab.Trial, Ylab.Trial, Main.Trial, Main.Indiv,
Par=par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)), ...)

## S3 method for class 'MixedContContIT'
plot(x, Trial.Level=TRUE, Weighted=TRUE, Indiv.Level=TRUE,
Xlab.Indiv, Ylab.Indiv, Xlab.Trial, Ylab.Trial, Main.Trial, Main.Indiv,
Par=par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)), ...)



An object of class MixedContContIT or FixedContContIT.


Logical. If Trial.Level=TRUE, a plot of the trial-specific treatment effects on the true endpoint against the trial-specific treatment effect on the surrogate endpoints is provided (as a graphical representation of RhtR_{ht}). Default TRUE.


Logical. This argument only has effect when the user requests a trial-level surrogacy plot (i.e., when Trial.Level=TRUE in the function call). If Weighted=TRUE, the circles that depict the trial-specific treatment effects on the true endpoint against the surrogate endpoint are proportional to the number of patients in the trial. If Weighted=FALSE, all circles have the same size. Default TRUE.


Logical. If Indiv.Level=TRUE, a plot of the trial- and treatment-corrected residuals of the true and surrogate endpoints is provided. This plot provides a graphical representation of RhR_{h}. Default TRUE.


The legend of the X-axis of the plot that depicts individual-level surrogacy. Default "Residuals for the surrogate endpoint (εSij\varepsilon_{Sij})".


The legend of the Y-axis of the plot that depicts individual-level surrogacy. Default "Residuals for the true endpoint (εTij\varepsilon_{Tij})".


The legend of the X-axis of the plot that depicts trial-level surrogacy. Default "Treatment effect on the surrogate endpoint (αi\alpha_{i})".


The legend of the Y-axis of the plot that depicts trial-level surrogacy. Default "Treatment effect on the true endpoint (βi\beta_{i})".


The title of the plot that depicts individual-level surrogacy. Default "Individual-level surrogacy".


The title of the plot that depicts trial-level surrogacy. Default "Trial-level surrogacy".


Graphical parameters for the plot. Default par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)).


Extra graphical parameters to be passed to plot().


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A, & Molenberghs, G. (2007). Surrogate marker evaluation from an information theory perspective. Biometrics, 63, 180-186.

See Also

MixedContContIT, FixedContContIT


## Not run: 
## Load ARMD dataset

## Conduct a surrogacy analysis, using a weighted reduced univariate fixed effect model:
Sur <- MixedContContIT(Dataset=ARMD, Surr=Diff24, True=Diff52, Treat=Treat, Trial.ID=Center,
Pat.ID=Id, Model=c("Full"))

## Request both trial- and individual-level surrogacy plots. In the trial-level plot,
## make the size of the circles proportional to the number of patients in a trial:
plot(Sur, Trial.Level=TRUE, Weighted=TRUE, Indiv.Level=TRUE)

## Make a trial-level surrogacy plot using filled blue circles that
## are transparent (to make sure that the results of overlapping trials remain
## visible), and modify the title and the axes labels of the plot:
plot(Sur, pch=16, col=rgb(.3, .2, 1, 0.3), Indiv.Level=FALSE, Trial.Level=TRUE,
Weighted=TRUE, Main.Trial=c("Trial-level surrogacy (ARMD dataset)"),
Xlab.Trial=c("Difference in vision after 6 months (Surrogate)"),
Ylab.Trial=c("Difference in vision after 12 months (True enpoint)"))

## Add the estimated R2_ht value in the previous plot at position (X=-2.2, Y=0)
## (the previous plot should not have been closed):
R2ht <- format(round(as.numeric(Sur$R2ht[1]), 3))
text(x=-2.2, y=0, cex=1.4, labels=(bquote(paste("R"[ht]^{2}, "="~.(R2ht)))))

## Make an Individual-level surrogacy plot with red squares to depict individuals
## (rather than black circles):
plot(Sur, pch=15, col="red", Indiv.Level=TRUE, Trial.Level=FALSE)

## End(Not run)

Provides plots of trial- and individual-level surrogacy in the Information-Theoretic framework when both S and T are binary, or when S is binary and T is continuous (or vice versa)


Produces plots that provide a graphical representation of trial- and/or individual-level surrogacy (R2_ht and R2_hInd per cluster) based on the Information-Theoretic approach of Alonso & Molenberghs (2007).


## S3 method for class 'FixedBinBinIT'
plot(x, Trial.Level=TRUE, Weighted=TRUE, Indiv.Level.By.Trial=TRUE, 
Xlab.Indiv, Ylab.Indiv, Xlab.Trial, Ylab.Trial, Main.Trial, Main.Indiv, 
Par=par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)), ...)

## S3 method for class 'FixedBinContIT'
plot(x, Trial.Level=TRUE, Weighted=TRUE, Indiv.Level.By.Trial=TRUE, 
Xlab.Indiv, Ylab.Indiv, Xlab.Trial, Ylab.Trial, Main.Trial, Main.Indiv, 
Par=par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)), ...)

## S3 method for class 'FixedContBinIT'
plot(x, Trial.Level=TRUE, Weighted=TRUE, Indiv.Level.By.Trial=TRUE, 
Xlab.Indiv, Ylab.Indiv, Xlab.Trial, Ylab.Trial, Main.Trial, Main.Indiv, 
Par=par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)), ...)



An object of class FixedBinBinIT, FixedBinContIT, or FixedContBinIT.


Logical. If Trial.Level=TRUE, a plot of the trial-specific treatment effects on the true endpoint against the trial-specific treatment effect on the surrogate endpoints is provided (as a graphical representation of RhtR_{ht}). Default TRUE.


Logical. This argument only has effect when the user requests a trial-level surrogacy plot (i.e., when Trial.Level=TRUE in the function call). If Weighted=TRUE, the circles that depict the trial-specific treatment effects on the true endpoint against the surrogate endpoint are proportional to the number of patients in the trial. If Weighted=FALSE, all circles have the same size. Default TRUE.


Logical. If Indiv.Level.By.Trial=TRUE, a plot that shows the estimated Rh.ind2R^2_{h.ind} for each trial (and confidence intervals) is provided. Default TRUE.


The legend of the X-axis of the plot that depicts the estimated Rh.ind2R^2_{h.ind} per trial. Default "R[h.ind]2R[h.ind]^{2}.


The legend of the Y-axis of the plot that shows the estimated Rh.ind2R^2_{h.ind} per trial. Default "Trial".


The legend of the X-axis of the plot that depicts trial-level surrogacy. Default "Treatment effect on the surrogate endpoint (αi\alpha_{i})".


The legend of the Y-axis of the plot that depicts trial-level surrogacy. Default "Treatment effect on the true endpoint (βi\beta_{i})".


The title of the plot that depicts individual-level surrogacy. Default "Individual-level surrogacy".


The title of the plot that depicts trial-level surrogacy. Default "Trial-level surrogacy".


Graphical parameters for the plot. Default par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)).


Extra graphical parameters to be passed to plot().


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A, & Molenberghs, G. (2007). Surrogate marker evaluation from an information theory perspective. Biometrics, 63, 180-186.

See Also

FixedBinBinIT, FixedBinContIT, FixedContBinIT


## Not run:  # Time consuming (>5sec) code part
# Generate data with continuous Surr and True
Sim.Data.MTS(N.Total=5000, N.Trial=50, R.Trial.Target=.9, R.Indiv.Target=.9,
             Fixed.Effects=c(0, 0, 0, 0), D.aa=10,, Seed=1,
# Dichtomize Surr and True
Surr_Bin <- Data.Observed.MTS$Surr
Surr_Bin[Data.Observed.MTS$Surr>.5] <- 1
Surr_Bin[Data.Observed.MTS$Surr<=.5] <- 0
True_Bin <- Data.Observed.MTS$True
True_Bin[Data.Observed.MTS$True>.15] <- 1
True_Bin[Data.Observed.MTS$True<=.15] <- 0
Data.Observed.MTS$Surr <- Surr_Bin
Data.Observed.MTS$True <- True_Bin

# Assess surrogacy using info-theoretic framework
Fit <- FixedBinBinIT(Dataset = Data.Observed.MTS, Surr = Surr, 
True = True, Treat = Treat, Trial.ID = Trial.ID, 
Pat.ID = Pat.ID, Number.Bootstraps=100)

# Examine results
plot(Fit, Trial.Level = FALSE, Indiv.Level.By.Trial=TRUE)
plot(Fit, Trial.Level = TRUE, Indiv.Level.By.Trial=FALSE)

## End(Not run)

Plots the individual-level surrogate threshold effect (STE) values and related metrics


This function plots the individual-level surrogate threshold effect (STE) values and related metrics, e.g., the expected ΔT\Delta T values for a vector of ΔS\Delta S values.


## S3 method for class 'ISTE.ContCont'
plot(x, Outcome="ISTE", breaks=50, ...)



An object of class ISTE.ContCont. See ISTE.ContCont.


The outcome for which a histogram has to be produced. When Outcome="ISTE", a histogram of the ISTE is produced. When Outcome="MSE", a histogram of the MSE values (of regression models in which ΔT\Delta T is regressed on ΔS\Delta S) is given. When Outcome="gamma0", a histogram of γ[0]\gamma[0] values (of regression models in which ΔT\Delta T is regressed on ΔS\Delta S) is given. When Outcome="gamma1", a histogram of γ[1]\gamma[1] values (of regression models in which ΔT\Delta T is regressed on ΔS\Delta S) is given. When Outcome="Exp.DeltaT", a histogram of the expected ΔT\Delta T values for a vector of ΔS\Delta S values (specified in the call of the ISTE.ContCont function) values is given. When Outcome="Exp.DeltaT.Low.PI", a histogram of the lower prediction intervals of the expected ΔT\Delta T values for a vector of ΔS\Delta S values (specified in the call of the ISTE.ContCont function) values is given. When Outcome="Exp.DeltaT.Up.PI", a histogram of the upper prediction intervals of the expected ΔT\Delta T values for a vector of ΔS\Delta S values (specified in the call of the ISTE.ContCont function) values is given. Dafault Outcome="ISTE". When Outcome="Delta_S_For_Which_Delta_T_equal_0", a histogram of omegaomega is shown with E(DeltaTDeltaS>omega)>0E(Delta T | Delta S > omega)>0.


The number of breaks used in the histogram(s). Default breaks=50.


Extra graphical parameters to be passed to hist().


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Van der Elst, W., Alonso, A. A., and Molenberghs, G. (submitted). The individual-level surrogate threshold effect in a causal-inference setting.

See Also



# Define input for analysis using the Schizo dataset, 
# with S=BPRS and T = PANSS. 
# For each of the identifiable quantities,
# uncertainty is accounted for by specifying a uniform
# distribution with min, max values corresponding to
# the 95% confidence interval of the quantity.
T0S0 <- runif(min = 0.9524, max = 0.9659, n = 1000)
T1S1 <- runif(min = 0.9608, max = 0.9677, n = 1000)

S0S0 <- runif(min=160.811, max=204.5009, n=1000)
S1S1 <- runif(min=168.989, max = 194.219, n=1000)
T0T0 <- runif(min=484.462, max = 616.082, n=1000)
T1T1 <- runif(min=514.279, max = 591.062, n=1000)

Mean_T0 <- runif(min=-13.455, max=-9.489, n=1000)
Mean_T1 <- runif(min=-17.17, max=-14.86, n=1000)
Mean_S0 <- runif(min=-7.789, max=-5.503, n=1000)
Mean_S1 <- runif(min=-9.600, max=-8.276, n=1000)

# Do the ISTE analysis
## Not run: 
ISTE <- ISTE.ContCont(Mean_T1=Mean_T1, Mean_T0=Mean_T0, 
 Mean_S1=Mean_S1, Mean_S0=Mean_S0, N=2128, Delta_S=c(-50:50), 
 alpha.PI=0.05, PI.Bound=0, Show.Prediction.Plots=TRUE,
 Save.Plots="No", T0S0=T0S0, T1S1=T1S1, T0T0=T0T0, T1T1=T1T1, 
 S0S0=S0S0, S1S1=S1S1)

# Examine results:

# Plots of results. 
  # Plot main ISTE results
  # Other plots
plot(ISTE, Outcome="MSE")
plot(ISTE, Outcome="gamma0")
plot(ISTE, Outcome="gamma1")
plot(ISTE, Outcome="Exp.DeltaT")
plot(ISTE, Outcome="Exp.DeltaT.Low.PI")
plot(ISTE, Outcome="Exp.DeltaT.Up.PI")

## End(Not run)

Plots the sensitivity-based and maximum entropy based Individual Causal Association when S and T are continuous outcomes in the single-trial setting


This function provides a plot that displays the frequencies or densities of the individual causal association (ICA; rho[Delta]rho[Delta]) as identified based on the sensitivity- (using the functions ICA.ContCont) and maximum entropy-based (using the function MaxEntContCont) approaches.


## S3 method for class 'MaxEntContCont'
plot(x, Type="Freq", Xlab, col, 
Main, Entropy.By.ICA=FALSE, ...)



An object of class MaxEntContCont. See MaxEntContCont.


The type of plot that is produced. When Type="Freq", the Y-axis shows frequencies of ICA. When Type="Density", the density is shown. Default Type="Freq".


The legend of the X-axis of the plot.


The color of the bins (frequeny plot) or line (density plot). Default col <- c(8).


The title of the plot.


Plot with ICA on Y-axis and entropy on X-axis.


Other arguments to be passed to plot()


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, Paul Meyvisch, & Geert Molenberghs



See Also

ICA.ContCont, MaxEntContCont


## Not run:  #time-consuming code parts
# Compute ICA for ARMD dataset, using the grid  
# G={-1, -.80, ..., 1} for the undidentifiable correlations

ICA <- ICA.ContCont(T0S0 = 0.769, T1S1 = 0.712, S0S0 = 188.926, 
S1S1 = 132.638, T0T0 = 264.797, T1T1 = 231.771, 
T0T1 = seq(-1, 1, by = 0.2), T0S1 = seq(-1, 1, by = 0.2), 
T1S0 = seq(-1, 1, by = 0.2), S0S1 = seq(-1, 1, by = 0.2))

# Identify the maximum entropy ICA
MaxEnt_ARMD <- MaxEntContCont(x = ICA, S0S0 = 188.926, 
S1S1 = 132.638, T0T0 = 264.797, T1T1 = 231.771)

  # Explore results using summary() and plot() functions
plot(MaxEnt_ARMD, Entropy.By.ICA = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Plots the sensitivity-based and maximum entropy based Individual Causal Association when S and T are binary outcomes


This function provides a plot that displays the frequencies or densities of the individual causal association (ICA; RH2R^2_{H}) as identified based on the sensitivity- (using the functions ICA.BinBin, ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample, or ICA.BinBin.Grid.Full) and maximum entropy-based (using the function MaxEntICABinBin) approaches.


## S3 method for class 'MaxEntICA.BinBin'
plot(x, ICA.Fit, 
Type="Density", Xlab, col, Main, ...)



An object of class MaxEntICABinBin. See MaxEntICABinBin.


An object of class ICA.BinBin. See ICA.BinBin.


The type of plot that is produced. When Type="Freq", the Y-axis shows frequencies of RH2R^2_{H}. When Type="Density", the density is shown.


The legend of the X-axis of the plot.


The color of the bins (frequeny plot) or line (density plot). Default col <- c(8).


The title of the plot.


Other arguments to be passed to plot()


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., & Van der Elst, W. (2015). A maximum-entropy approach for the evluation of surrogate endpoints based on causal inference.

See Also

ICA.BinBin, MaxEntICABinBin


# Sensitivity-based ICA results using ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample
ICA <- ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample(pi1_1_=0.341, pi0_1_=0.119, pi1_0_=0.254,
pi_1_1=0.686, pi_1_0=0.088, pi_0_1=0.078, Seed=1, 
Monotonicity=c("No"), M=5000)

# Maximum-entropy based ICA
MaxEnt <- MaxEntICABinBin(pi1_1_=0.341, pi0_1_=0.119, pi1_0_=0.254,
pi_1_1=0.686, pi_1_0=0.088, pi_0_1=0.078)

# Plot results
plot(x=MaxEnt, ICA.Fit=ICA)

Plots the sensitivity-based and maximum entropy based surrogate predictive function (SPF) when S and T are binary outcomes.


Plots the sensitivity-based (Alonso et al., 2015a) and maximum entropy based (Alonso et al., 2015b) surrogate predictive function (SPF), i.e., r(i,j)=P(ΔT=iΔS=j)r(i,j)=P(\Delta T=i|\Delta S=j), in the setting where both SS and TT are binary endpoints. For example, r(1,1)r(-1,1) quantifies the probability that the treatment has a negative effect on the true endpoint (ΔT=1\Delta T=-1) given that it has a positive effect on the surrogate (ΔS=1\Delta S=1).


## S3 method for class 'MaxEntSPF.BinBin'
plot(x, SPF.Fit, Type="All.Histograms", Col="grey", ...)



A fitted object of class MaxEntSPF.BinBin. See MaxEntSPFBinBin.


A fitted object of class SPF.BinBin. See SPF.BinBin.


The type of plot that is requested. Possible choices are: Type="All.Histograms", the histograms of all 99 r(i,j)=P(ΔT=iΔS=j)r(i,j)=P(\Delta T=i|\Delta S=j) vectors arranged in a 33 by 33 grid; Type="All.Densities", plots of densities of all r(i,j)=P(ΔT=iΔS=j)r(i,j)=P(\Delta T=i|\Delta S=j) vectors. Default Type="All.Densities".


The color of the bins or lines when histograms or density plots are requested. Default "grey".


Other arguments to be passed to the plot() function.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., & Molenberghs, G. (2015a). Assessing a surrogate effect predictive value in a causal inference framework.

Alonso, A., & Van der Elst, W. (2015b). A maximum-entropy approach for the evluation of surrogate endpoints based on causal inference.

See Also



# Sensitivity-based ICA results using ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample
ICA <- ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample(pi1_1_=0.341, pi0_1_=0.119, pi1_0_=0.254,
pi_1_1=0.686, pi_1_0=0.088, pi_0_1=0.078, Seed=1, 
Monotonicity=c("No"), M=5000)

# Sensitivity-based SPF
SPFSens <- SPF.BinBin(ICA)

# Maximum-entropy based SPF
SPFMaxEnt <- MaxEntSPFBinBin(pi1_1_=0.341, pi0_1_=0.119, pi1_0_=0.254,
pi_1_1=0.686, pi_1_0=0.088, pi_0_1=0.078)

# Plot results
plot(x=SPFMaxEnt, SPF.Fit=SPFSens)

Provides plots of trial- and individual-level surrogacy in the meta-analytic framework


Produces plots that provide a graphical representation of trial- and/or individual-level surrogacy based on the meta-analytic approach of Buyse & Molenberghs (2000) in the single- and multiple-trial settings.


## S3 method for class 'BifixedContCont'
plot(x, Trial.Level=TRUE, Weighted=TRUE, 
Indiv.Level=TRUE, ICA=TRUE, Entropy.By.ICA=FALSE, Xlab.Indiv, Ylab.Indiv, 
Xlab.Trial, Ylab.Trial, Main.Trial, Main.Indiv, Par=par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), 
mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)), ...)

## S3 method for class 'BimixedContCont'
plot(x, Trial.Level=TRUE, Weighted=TRUE, 
Indiv.Level=TRUE, ICA=TRUE, Entropy.By.ICA=FALSE, Xlab.Indiv, Ylab.Indiv, 
Xlab.Trial, Ylab.Trial, Main.Trial, Main.Indiv, Par=par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), 
mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)), ...)

## S3 method for class 'UnifixedContCont'
plot(x, Trial.Level=TRUE, Weighted=TRUE, 
Indiv.Level=TRUE, ICA=TRUE, Entropy.By.ICA=FALSE, 
Xlab.Indiv, Ylab.Indiv, Xlab.Trial, Ylab.Trial, 
Main.Trial, Main.Indiv, Par=par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), 
mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)), ...)

## S3 method for class 'UnimixedContCont'
plot(x, Trial.Level=TRUE, Weighted=TRUE, 
Indiv.Level=TRUE, ICA=TRUE, Entropy.By.ICA=FALSE, 
Xlab.Indiv, Ylab.Indiv, Xlab.Trial, Ylab.Trial, 
Main.Trial, Main.Indiv, Par=par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), 
mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)), ...)



An object of class UnifixedContCont, BifixedContCont, UnimixedContCont, BimixedContCont, or Single.Trial.RE.AA.


Logical. If Trial.Level=TRUE and an object of class UnifixedContCont, BifixedContCont, UnimixedContCont, or BimixedContCont is considered, a plot of the trial-specific treatment effects on the true endpoint against the trial-specific treatment effect on the surrogate endpoints is provided (as a graphical representation of RtrialR_{trial}). If Trial.Level=TRUE and an object of class Single.Trial.RE.AA is considered, a plot of the treatment effect on the true endpoint against the treatment effect on the surrogate endpoint is provided, and a regression line that goes through the origin with slope RE is added to the plot (to depict the constant RE assumption, see Single.Trial.RE.AA for details). If Trial.Level=FALSE, this plot is not provided. Default TRUE.


Logical. This argument only has effect when the user requests a trial-level surrogacy plot (i.e., when Trial.Level=TRUE in the function call) and when an object of class UnifixedContCont, BifixedContCont, UnimixedContCont, or BimixedContCont is considered (not when an object of class Single.Trial.RE.AA is considered). If Weighted=TRUE, the circles that depict the trial-specific treatment effects on the true endpoint against the surrogate endpoint are proportional to the number of patients in the trial. If Weighted=FALSE, all circles have the same size. Default TRUE.


Logical. If Indiv.Level=TRUE, a plot of the trial- and treatment-corrected residuals of the true and surrogate endpoints is provided (when an object of class UnifixedContCont, BifixedContCont, UnimixedContCont, or BimixedContCont is considered), or a plot of the treatment-corrected residuals (when an object of class Single.Trial.RE.AA is considered). This plot provides a graphical representation of RindivR_{indiv}. If Indiv.Level=FALSE, this plot is not provided. Default TRUE.


Logical. Should a plot of the individual level causal association be shown? Default ICA=TRUE.


Logical. Should a plot that shows ICA against the entropy be shown? Default Entropy.By.ICA=FALSE.


The legend of the X-axis of the plot that depicts individual-level surrogacy. Default "Residuals for the surrogate endpoint (εSij\varepsilon_{Sij})" (without the ii subscript when an object of class Single.Trial.RE.AA is considered).


The legend of the Y-axis of the plot that depicts individual-level surrogacy. Default "Residuals for the true endpoint (εTij\varepsilon_{Tij})" (without the ii subscript when an object of class Single.Trial.RE.AA is considered).


The legend of the X-axis of the plot that depicts trial-level surrogacy. Default "Treatment effect on the surrogate endpoint (αi\alpha_{i})" (without the ii subscript when an object of class Single.Trial.RE.AA is considered).


The legend of the Y-axis of the plot that depicts trial-level surrogacy. Default "Treatment effect on the true endpoint (βi\beta_{i})" (without the ii subscript when an object of class Single.Trial.RE.AA is considered).


The title of the plot that depicts individual-level surrogacy. Default "Individual-level surrogacy" when an object of class UnifixedContCont, BifixedContCont, UnimixedContCont, or BimixedContCont is considered, and "Adjusted Association (rhoZrho_{Z}) when an object of class Single.Trial.RE.AA is considered.


The title of the plot that depicts trial-level surrogacy. Default "Trial-level surrogacy" (when an object of class UnifixedContCont, BifixedContCont, UnimixedContCont, or BimixedContCont is considered) or "Relative Effect (RE)" (when an object of class Single.Trial.RE.AA is considered).


Graphical parameters for the plot. Default par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)).


Extra graphical parameters to be passed to plot().


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Buyse, M., Molenberghs, G., Burzykowski, T., Renard, D., & Geys, H. (2000). The validation of surrogate endpoints in meta-analysis of randomized experiments. Biostatistics, 1, 49-67.

See Also

UnifixedContCont, BifixedContCont, UnifixedContCont, BimixedContCont, Single.Trial.RE.AA


## Not run:  # time consuming code part
##### Multiple-trial setting

## Load ARMD dataset

## Conduct a surrogacy analysis, using a weighted reduced univariate fixed effect model:
Sur <- UnifixedContCont(Dataset=ARMD, Surr=Diff24, True=Diff52, Treat=Treat, Trial.ID=Center, 
Pat.ID=Id, Number.Bootstraps=100, Model=c("Reduced"), Weighted=TRUE)

## Request both trial- and individual-level surrogacy plots. In the trial-level plot,
## make the size of the circles proportional to the number of patients in a trial:
plot(Sur, Trial.Level=TRUE, Weighted=TRUE, Indiv.Level=TRUE)

## Make a trial-level surrogacy plot using filled blue circles that 
## are transparent (to make sure that the results of overlapping trials remain
## visible), and modify the title and the axes labels of the plot: 
plot(Sur, pch=16, col=rgb(.3, .2, 1, 0.3), Indiv.Level=FALSE, Trial.Level=TRUE, 
Weighted=TRUE, Main.Trial=c("Trial-level surrogacy (ARMD dataset)"), 
Xlab.Trial=c("Difference in vision after 6 months (Surrogate)"),
Ylab.Trial=c("Difference in vision after 12 months (True enpoint)"))

## Add the estimated R2_trial value in the previous plot at position (X=-7, Y=11)  
## (the previous plot should not have been closed):
R2trial <- format(round(as.numeric(Sur$Trial.R2[1]), 3))
text(x=-7, y=11, cex=1.4, labels=(bquote(paste("R"[trial]^{2}, "="~.(R2trial)))))

## Make an Individual-level surrogacy plot with red squares to depict individuals
## (rather than black circles):
plot(Sur, pch=15, col="red", Indiv.Level=TRUE, Trial.Level=FALSE)

## Same plot as before, but now with smaller squares, a y-axis with range [-40; 40], 
## and the estimated R2_indiv value in the title of the plot:
R2ind <- format(round(as.numeric(Sur$Indiv.R2[1]), 3))
plot(Sur, pch=15, col="red", Indiv.Level=TRUE, Trial.Level=FALSE, cex=.5, 
ylim=c(-40, 40), Main.Indiv=bquote(paste("R"[indiv]^{2}, "="~.(R2ind))))

##### Single-trial setting

## Conduct a surrogacy analysis in the single-trial meta-analytic setting:
SurSTS <- Single.Trial.RE.AA(Dataset=ARMD, Surr=Diff24, True=Diff52, Treat=Treat, Pat.ID=Id)

# Request a plot of individual-level surrogacy and a plot that depicts the Relative effect 
# and the constant RE assumption:
plot(SurSTS, Trial.Level=TRUE, Indiv.Level=TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Graphically illustrates the theoretical plausibility of finding a good surrogate endpoint in the continuous-continuous case


This function provides a plot that displays the frequencies, percentages, or cumulative percentages of ρmin2\rho_{min}^{2} for a fixed value of δ\delta (given the observed variances of the true endpoint in the control and experimental treatment conditions and a specified grid of values for the unidentified parameter ρT0T1\rho_{T_{0}T_{1}}; see MinSurrContCont). For details, see the online appendix of Alonso et al., submitted.


## S3 method for class 'MinSurrContCont'
plot(x, main, col, Type="Percent", Labels=FALSE, 
Par=par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)), ...)



An object of class MinSurrContCont. See MinSurrContCont.


The title of the plot.


The color of the bins.


The type of plot that is produced. When Type=Freq or Type=Percent, the Y-axis shows frequencies or percentages of ρmin2\rho_{min}^{2}. When Type=CumPerc, the Y-axis shows cumulative percentages of ρmin2\rho_{min}^{2}. Default "Percent".


Logical. When Labels=TRUE, the percentage of ρmin2\rho_{min}^{2} values that are equal to or larger than the midpoint value of each of the bins are displayed (on top of each bin). Only applies when Type=Freq or Type=Percent. Default FALSE.


Graphical parameters for the plot. Default par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)).


Extra graphical parameters to be passed to hist().


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., Molenberghs, G., Buyse, M., & Burzykowski, T. (submitted). On the relationship between the causal inference and meta-analytic paradigms for the validation of surrogate markers.

See Also



# compute rho^2_min in the setting where the variances of T in the control
# and experimental treatments equal 100 and 120, delta is fixed at 50,
# and the grid G={0, .01, ..., 1} is considered for the counterfactual 
# correlation rho_T0T1:
MinSurr <- MinSurrContCont(T0T0 = 100, T1T1 = 120, Delta = 50,
T0T1 = seq(0, 1, by = 0.01))

# Plot the results (use percentages on Y-axis)
plot(MinSurr, Type="Percent")

# Same plot, but add the percentages of ICA values that are equal to or 
# larger than the midpoint values of the bins
plot(MinSurr, Labels=TRUE)

Plots the expected treatment effect on the true endpoint in a new trial (when both S and T are normally distributed continuous endpoints)


The key motivation to evaluate a surrogate endpoint is to be able to predict the treatment effect on the true endpoint TT based on the treatment effect on SS in a new trial i=0i=0. The function Pred.TrialT.ContCont allows for making such predictions. The present plot function shows the results graphically.


## S3 method for class 'PredTrialTContCont'
plot(x, Size.New.Trial=5, CI.Segment=1, ...)



A fitted object of class Pred.TrialT.ContCont, for details see Pred.TrialT.ContCont.


The expected treatment effect on TT is drawn as a black circle with size specified by Size.New.Trial. Default Size.New.Trial=5.


The confidence interval around the expected treatment effect on TT is depicted by a dashed horizontal line. By default, the width of the horizontal line of the horizontal section of the confidence interval indicator is 22 times the values specified by CI.Segment. Default CI.Segment=1CI.Segment=1.


Extra graphical parameters to be passed to plot().


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs

See Also



## Not run:  # time consuming code part
# Generate dataset
Sim.Data.MTS(N.Total=2000, N.Trial=15, R.Trial.Target=.95, 
R.Indiv.Target=.8, D.aa=10,, 
Fixed.Effects=c(1, 2, 30, 90), Seed=1)

# Evaluate surrogacy using a reduced bivariate mixed-effects model
BimixedFit <- BimixedContCont(Dataset = Data.Observed.MTS, 
Surr = Surr, True = True, Treat = Treat, Trial.ID = Trial.ID, 
Pat.ID = Pat.ID, Model="Reduced")

# Suppose that in a new trial, it was estimated alpha_0 = 30
# predict beta_0 in this trial
Pred_Beta <- Pred.TrialT.ContCont(Object = BimixedFit, 
alpha_0 = 30)

# Examine the results

# Plot the results

## End(Not run)

Plots the surrogate predictive function (SPF) in the binary-binary settinf.


Plots the surrogate predictive function (SPF), i.e., r(i,j)=P(ΔT=iΔS=j)r(i,j)=P(\Delta T=i|\Delta S=j), in the setting where both SS and TT are binary endpoints. For example, r(1,1)r(-1,1) quantifies the probability that the treatment has a negative effect on the true endpoint (ΔT=1\Delta T=-1) given that it has a positive effect on the surrogate (ΔS=1\Delta S=1).


## S3 method for class 'SPF.BinBin'
plot(x, Type="All.Histograms", Specific.Pi="r_0_0", Col="grey", 
Box.Plot.Outliers=FALSE, Legend.Pos="topleft", Legend.Cex=1, ...)



A fitted object of class SPF.BinBin. See ICA.BinBin.


The type of plot that is requested. Possible choices are: Type="All.Histograms", the histograms of all 99 r(i,j)=P(ΔT=iΔS=j)r(i,j)=P(\Delta T=i|\Delta S=j) vectors arranged in a 33 by 33 grid; Type="All.Densities", plots of densities of all r(i,j)=P(ΔT=iΔS=j)r(i,j)=P(\Delta T=i|\Delta S=j) vectors; Type="Histogram", the histogram of a particular r(i,j)=P(ΔT=iΔS=j)r(i,j)=P(\Delta T=i|\Delta S=j) vector (the Specific.Pi= argument has to be used to specify the desired r(i,j)r(i,j)); Type="Density", the density of a particular r(i,j)=P(ΔT=iΔS=j)r(i,j)=P(\Delta T=i|\Delta S=j) vector (the Specific.Pi= argument has to be used to specify the desired r(i,j)r(i,j)); Type="Box.Plot", a box plot of all r(i,j)=P(ΔT=iΔS=j)r(i,j)=P(\Delta T=i|\Delta S=j) vectors; Type="Lines.Mean", a line plot the depicts the means of all r(i,j)=P(ΔT=iΔS=j)r(i,j)=P(\Delta T=i|\Delta S=j) vectors; Type="Lines.Median", a line plot the depicts the medians of all r(i,j)=P(ΔT=iΔS=j)r(i,j)=P(\Delta T=i|\Delta S=j) vectors; Type="Lines.Mode", a line plot the depicts the modes of all r(i,j)=P(ΔT=iΔS=j)r(i,j)=P(\Delta T=i|\Delta S=j) vectors; Type="3D.Mean", a 3D bar plot the depicts the means of all r(i,j)=P(ΔT=iΔS=j)r(i,j)=P(\Delta T=i|\Delta S=j) vectors; Type="3D.Median", a 3D bar plot the depicts the medians of all r(i,j)=P(ΔT=iΔS=j)r(i,j)=P(\Delta T=i|\Delta S=j) vectors; Type="3D.Mode", a 3D bar plot the depicts the modes of all r(i,j)=P(ΔT=iΔS=j)r(i,j)=P(\Delta T=i|\Delta S=j) vectors.


When Type="Histogram" or Type="Density" , the histogram/density of a particular r(i,j)=P(ΔT=iΔS=j)r(i,j)=P(\Delta T=i|\Delta S=j) vector is shown. The Specific.Pi= argument is used to specify the desired r(i,j)r(i,j)). Default r_0_0.


The color of the bins or lines when histograms or density plots are requested. Default "grey".


Logical. Should outliers be depicted in the box plots?. Default FALSE.


Position of the legend when a type="Box.Plot", type="Lines.Mean", type="Lines.Median", or type="Lines.Mode" is requested. Default "topleft".


Size of the legend when a type="Box.Plot", type="Lines.Mean", type="Lines.Median", or type="Lines.Mode" is requested. Default 1.


Arguments to be passed to the plot, histogram, ... functions.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., & Molenberghs, G. (2015). Assessing a surrogate effect predictive value in a causal inference framework.

See Also



## Not run: 
# Generate plausible values for Pi  
ICA <- ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample(pi1_1_=0.341, pi0_1_=0.119,
pi1_0_=0.254, pi_1_1=0.686, pi_1_0=0.088, pi_0_1=0.078, Seed=1,
Monotonicity=c("General"), M=2500)
# Compute the surrogate predictive function (SPF)
SPF <- SPF.BinBin(ICA)

# Explore the results

# Examples of plots 
plot(SPF, Type="All.Histograms")
plot(SPF, Type="All.Densities")
plot(SPF, Type="Histogram", Specific.Pi="r_0_0")
plot(SPF, Type="Box.Plot", Legend.Pos="topleft", Legend.Cex=.7)
plot(SPF, Type="Lines.Mean")
plot(SPF, Type="Lines.Median")
plot(SPF, Type="3D.Mean")
plot(SPF, Type="3D.Median")
plot(SPF, Type="3D.Spinning.Mean")
plot(SPF, Type="3D.Spinning.Median")

## End(Not run)

Provides a plots of trial-level surrogacy in the information-theoretic framework based on the output of the TrialLevelIT() function


Produces a plot that provides a graphical representation of trial-level surrogacy based on the output of the TrialLevelIT() function (information-theoretic framework).


## S3 method for class 'TrialLevelIT'
plot(x, Xlab.Trial, 
Ylab.Trial, Main.Trial, Par=par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), 
mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)), ...)



An object of class TrialLevelIT.


The legend of the X-axis of the plot that depicts trial-level surrogacy. Default "Treatment effect on the surrogate endpoint (αi\alpha_{i})".


The legend of the Y-axis of the plot that depicts trial-level surrogacy. Default "Treatment effect on the true endpoint (βi\beta_{i})".


The title of the plot that depicts trial-level surrogacy. Default "Trial-level surrogacy".


Graphical parameters for the plot. Default par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)).


Extra graphical parameters to be passed to plot().


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Buyse, M., Molenberghs, G., Burzykowski, T., Renard, D., & Geys, H. (2000). The validation of surrogate endpoints in meta-analysis of randomized experiments. Biostatistics, 1, 49-67.

See Also

UnifixedContCont, BifixedContCont, UnifixedContCont, BimixedContCont, TrialLevelIT


# Generate vector treatment effects on S
set.seed(seed = 1)
Alpha.Vector <- seq(from = 5, to = 10, by=.1) + runif(min = -.5, max = .5, n = 51)

# Generate vector treatment effects on T
Beta.Vector <- (Alpha.Vector * 3) + runif(min = -5, max = 5, n = 51)

# Apply the function to estimate R^2_{h.t}
Fit <- TrialLevelIT(Alpha.Vector=Alpha.Vector,
Beta.Vector=Beta.Vector, N.Trial=50, Model="Reduced")

# Plot the results

Provides a plots of trial-level surrogacy in the meta-analytic framework based on the output of the TrialLevelMA() function


Produces a plot that provides a graphical representation of trial-level surrogacy based on the output of the TrialLevel() function (meta-analytic framework).


## S3 method for class 'TrialLevelMA'
plot(x, Weighted=TRUE, Xlab.Trial, 
Ylab.Trial, Main.Trial, Par=par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), 
mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)), ...)



An object of class TrialLevelMA.


Logical. If Weighted=TRUE, the circles that depict the trial-specific treatment effects on the true endpoint against the surrogate endpoint are proportional to the number of patients in the trial. If Weighted=FALSE, all circles have the same size. Default TRUE.


The legend of the X-axis of the plot that depicts trial-level surrogacy. Default "Treatment effect on the surrogate endpoint (αi\alpha_{i})".


The legend of the Y-axis of the plot that depicts trial-level surrogacy. Default "Treatment effect on the true endpoint (βi\beta_{i})".


The title of the plot that depicts trial-level surrogacy. Default "Trial-level surrogacy".


Graphical parameters for the plot. Default par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)).


Extra graphical parameters to be passed to plot().


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Buyse, M., Molenberghs, G., Burzykowski, T., Renard, D., & Geys, H. (2000). The validation of surrogate endpoints in meta-analysis of randomized experiments. Biostatistics, 1, 49-67.

See Also

UnifixedContCont, BifixedContCont, UnifixedContCont, BimixedContCont, TrialLevelMA


# Generate vector treatment effects on S
set.seed(seed = 1)
Alpha.Vector <- seq(from = 5, to = 10, by=.1) + runif(min = -.5, max = .5, n = 51)
# Generate vector treatment effects on T
Beta.Vector <- (Alpha.Vector * 3) + runif(min = -5, max = 5, n = 51)
# Vector of sample sizes of the trials (here, all n_i=10)
N.Vector <- rep(10, times=51)

# Apply the function to estimate R^2_{trial}
Fit <- TrialLevelMA(Alpha.Vector=Alpha.Vector,
Beta.Vector=Beta.Vector, N.Vector=N.Vector)

# Plot the results and obtain summary

Plots trial-level surrogacy in the meta-analytic framework when two survival endpoints are considered.


Produces a plot that graphically depicts trial-level surrogacy when the surrogate and true endpoints are survival endpoints.


## S3 method for class 'TwoStageSurvSurv'
plot(x, Weighted=TRUE, xlab, ylab, main,
Par=par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)), ...)



An object of class TwoStageContCont.


Logical. If Weighted=TRUE, the circles that depict the trial-specific treatment effects on the true endpoint against the surrogate endpoint are proportional to the number of patients in the trial. If Weighted=FALSE, all circles have the same size. Default TRUE.


The legend of the X-axis, default "Treatment effect on the surrogate endpoint (αi\alpha_{i})".


The legend of the Y-axis, default "Treatment effect on the true endpoint (βi\beta_{i})".


The title of the plot, default "Trial-level surrogacy".


Graphical parameters for the plot. Default par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)).


Extra graphical parameters to be passed to plot().


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs

See Also



# Open Ovarian dataset
# Conduct analysis
Results <- TwoStageSurvSurv(Dataset = Ovarian, Surr = Pfs, SurrCens = PfsInd,
True = Surv, TrueCens = SurvInd, Treat = Treat, Trial.ID = Center)
# Examine results of analysis

Plots the distribution of prediction error functions in decreasing order of appearance.


The function plot.comb27.BinBin plots each of the selected prediction functions in decreasing order in the single-trial causal-inference framework when both the surrogate and the true endpoints are binary outcomes. The distribution of frequencies at which each of the 27 possible predicton functions are selected provides additional insights regarding the association between SS (ΔS\Delta_S) and TT (ΔT\Delta_T).. See Details below.


## S3 method for class 'comb27.BinBin'



An object of class comb27.BinBin. See comb27.BinBin.


a supplementary label to the graph.


Other arguments to be passed


Each of the 27 prediction functions is coded as x/y/z with x, y and z taking values in 1,0,1{-1,0,1}. As an example, the combination 0/0/0 represents the prediction function that projects every value of ΔS\Delta_S to 0. Similarly, the combination -1/0/1 is the identity function projecting every value of ΔS\Delta_S to the same value for ΔT\Delta_T.


An object of class comb27.BinBin with components,


count variable


The vector of Monotonicity assumptions


The vector of the prediction error values.


The vector containing the codes for the each of the 27 prediction functions.


The vector of the RH2R_H^2 values.


The vector of the entropies of ΔT\Delta_T.


The vector of the entropies of ΔS\Delta_S.


The vector of the mutual information of ΔS\Delta_S and ΔT\Delta_T.


Paul Meyvisch, Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso


Alonso A, Van der Elst W, Molenberghs G, Buyse M and Burzykowski T. (2016). An information-theoretic approach for the evaluation of surrogate endpoints based on causal inference.

Alonso A, Van der Elst W and Meyvisch P (2016). Assessing a surrogate predictive value: A causal inference approach.

See Also



## Not run:  # time consuming code part
CIGTS_27 <- comb27.BinBin(pi1_1_ = 0.3412, pi1_0_ = 0.2539, pi0_1_ = 0.119, 
                       pi_1_1 = 0.6863, pi_1_0 = 0.0882, pi_0_1 = 0.0784,  
                       Seed=1,Monotonicity=c("No"), M=500000) 

## End(Not run)

Plots the distribution of RHL2R^2_{HL} either as a density or as function of π10\pi_{10} in the setting where both SS and TT are binary endpoints


The function plot.Fano.BinBin plots the distribution of RHL2R^2_{HL} which is fully identifiable for given values of π10\pi_{10}. See Details below.


## S3 method for class 'Fano.BinBin'
Cex.Legend=1,Cex.Position="top", lwd=3,linety=c(5,6,7),color=c(8,9,3),...)



An object of class Fano.BinBin. See Fano.BinBin.


The type of plot that is produced. When Type="Freq", a histogram of RHL2R^2_{HL} is produced. When Type="Density", the density of RHL2R^2_{HL} is produced. When Type="Scatter", a scatter plot of RHL2R^2_{HL} is produced as a function of π10\pi_{10}. Default Type="Scatter".


The label of the X-axis when density plots or histograms are produced.


Title of the density plot or histogram.


The label of the Y-axis when density plots or histograms are produced. Default ylab="density".


Graphical parameters for the plot. Default par(mfrow=c(1,1),oma=c(0,0,0,0),mar=c(5.1,4.1,4.1,2.1)).


The size of the legend. Default Cex.Legend=1.


The position of the legend. Default Cex.Position="top".


The line width for the density plot . Default lwd=3.


The line types corresponding to each level of fano_delta . Default linety=c(5,6,7).


The color corresponding to each level of fano_delta . Default color=c(8,9,3).


Other arguments to be passed.


Values for π10\pi_{10} have to be uniformly sampled from the interval [0,min(π1,π0)][0,\min(\pi_{1\cdot},\pi_{\cdot0})]. Any sampled value for π10\pi_{10} will fully determine the bivariate distribution of potential outcomes for the true endpoint.

The vector πkm\bold{\pi_{km}} fully determines RHL2R^2_{HL}.


An object of class Fano.BinBin with components,


The sampled values for RHL2R^2_{HL}.


The sampled values for HΔTH{\Delta T}.


The minimum value for π10\pi_{10}.


The maximum value for π10\pi_{10}.


The sampled value for π10\pi_{10}.


The specified vector of upper bounds for the prediction errors.


Indexes the sampling of pi1_pi1\_.


The sampled values for π00\pi_{00}.


The sampled values for π11\pi_{11}.


The sampled values for π01\pi_{01}.


The sampled values for π10\pi_{10}.


Paul Meyvisch, Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso


Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., & Molenberghs, G. (2014). Validation of surrogate endpoints: the binary-binary setting from a causal inference perspective.

See Also



# Conduct the analysis assuming no montonicity
# for the true endpoint, using a range of
# upper bounds for prediction errors 
FANO<-Fano.BinBin(pi1_ = 0.5951 ,  pi_1 = 0.7745, 
fano_delta=c(0.05, 0.1, 0.2), M=1000)

plot(FANO, Type="Scatter",color=c(3,4,5),Cex.Position="bottom")

Plot the individual causal association (ICA) in the causal-inference single-trial setting in the binary-continuous case.


This function is used to a plot that displays the frequencies, percentages, cumulative percentages or densities of the individual causal association (ICA) in the single-trial setting within the causal-inference framework when the surrogate endpoint is continuous (normally distributed) and the true endpoint is a binary outcome. In addition, several plots to evaluate the goodness-of-fit of the mixture model used to fit the conditional distribution of potential outcomes on the surrogate endpoint can also be provided. For details, see Alonso Abad et al. (2023).


## S3 method for class 'ICA.BinCont'
plot(x, Histogram.ICA=TRUE, Mixmean=TRUE, Mixvar=TRUE, Deviance=TRUE,
                             Type="Percent", Labels=FALSE, ...)



A fitted object of class ICA.BinCont. See ICA.BinCont or ICA.BinCont.BS.


Logical. Should a histogram of ICA be provided? Default Histogram.ICA=TRUE.


Logical. Should a plot of the calculated means of the fitted mixtures for S0S_{0} and S1S_{1} across different iterations be provided? Default Mixmean=TRUE.


Logical. Should a plot of the calculated variances of the fitted mixtures for S0S_{0} and S1S_{1} across different iterations be provided? Default Mixvar=TRUE.


Logical. Should a boxplot of the deviances for the fitted mixtures of S0S_{0} and S1S_{1} be provided? Default Deviance=TRUE.


The type of plot that is produced for the histogram of ICA. When Type="Freq" or Type="Percent", the Y-axis shows frequencies or percentages of RH2R^2_{H}. When Type="CumPerc", the Y-axis shows cumulative percentages. When Type="Density", the density is shown.


Logical. When Labels=TRUE, the percentage of RH2R^2_{H} values that are equal to or larger than the midpoint value of each of the bins are added in the histogram of ICA (on top of each bin). Default Labels=FALSE.


Extra graphical parameters to be passed to plot() or hist().


Wim Van der Elst, Fenny Ong, Ariel Alonso, and Geert Molenberghs


Alonso Abad, A., Ong, F., Stijven, F., Van der Elst, W., Molenberghs, G., Van Keilegom, I., Verbeke, G., & Callegaro, A. (2023). An information-theoretic approach for the assessment of a continuous outcome as a surrogate for a binary true endpoint based on causal inference: Application to vaccine evaluation.

See Also

ICA.BinCont, ICA.BinCont.BS


## Not run: # Time consuming code part
Fit <- ICA.BinCont.BS(Dataset = Schizo, Surr = BPRS, True = PANSS_Bin, nb = 10,
Theta.S_0=c(-10,-5,5,10,10,10,10,10), Theta.S_1=c(-10,-5,5,10,10,10,10,10),
Treat=Treat, M=50, Seed=1)


## End(Not run)

Generates a plot of the estimated treatment effects for the surrogate endpoint versus the estimated treatment effects for the true endpoint for an object fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvBin()' function.


Generates a plot of the estimated treatment effects for the surrogate endpoint versus the estimated treatment effects for the true endpoint for an object fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvBin()' function.


## S3 method for class 'MetaAnalyticSurvBin'
plot(x, ...)



An object of class 'MetaAnalyticSurvBin' fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvBin()' function.




A plot of the type ggplot


## Not run: 
fit_bin <- MetaAnalyticSurvBin(data = colorectal, true = surv, trueind = SURVIND,
                               surrog = responder, trt = TREAT, center = CENTER,
                               trial = TRIAL, patientid = patientid,

## End(Not run)

Generates a plot of the estimated treatment effects for the surrogate endpoint versus the estimated treatment effects for the true endpoint for an object fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvCat()' function.


Generates a plot of the estimated treatment effects for the surrogate endpoint versus the estimated treatment effects for the true endpoint for an object fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvCat()' function.


## S3 method for class 'MetaAnalyticSurvCat'
plot(x, ...)



An object of class 'MetaAnalyticSurvCat' fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvCat()' function.




A plot of the type ggplot


## Not run: 
fit <- MetaAnalyticSurvCat(data = colorectal4, true = truend, trueind = trueind, surrog = surrogend,
                           trt = treatn, center = center, trial = trialend, patientid = patid,

## End(Not run)

Generates a plot of the estimated treatment effects for the surrogate endpoint versus the estimated treatment effects for the true endpoint for an object fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvCont()' function.


Generates a plot of the estimated treatment effects for the surrogate endpoint versus the estimated treatment effects for the true endpoint for an object fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvCont()' function.


## S3 method for class 'MetaAnalyticSurvCont'
plot(x, ...)



An object of class 'MetaAnalyticSurvCont' fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvCont()' function.




A plot of the type ggplot


## Not run: 
fit <- MetaAnalyticSurvCont(data = prostate, true = SURVTIME, trueind = SURVIND, surrog = PSA,
trt = TREAT, center = TRIAL, trial = TRIAL, patientid = PATID,
copula = "Hougaard", adjustment = "weighted")

## End(Not run)

Generates a plot of the estimated treatment effects for the surrogate endpoint versus the estimated treatment effects for the true endpoint for an object fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvSurv()' function.


Generates a plot of the estimated treatment effects for the surrogate endpoint versus the estimated treatment effects for the true endpoint for an object fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvSurv()' function.


## S3 method for class 'MetaAnalyticSurvSurv'
plot(x, ...)



An object of class 'MetaAnalyticSurvSurv' fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvSurv()' function.




A plot of the type ggplot


## Not run: 
fit <- MetaAnalyticSurvSurv(data=Ovarian,true=Surv,trueind=SurvInd,surrog=Pfs,surrogind=PfsInd,

## End(Not run)

Plots the distribution of either PPEPPE, RPERPE or RH2R^2_{H} either as a density or as a histogram in the setting where both SS and TT are binary endpoints


The function plot.PPE.BinBin plots the distribution of PPEPPE, RPERPE or RH2R^2_{H} in the setting where both surrogate and true endpoints are binary in the single-trial causal-inference framework. See Details below.


## S3 method for class 'PPE.BinBin'
ylab="density",Cex.Legend=1,Cex.Position="bottomright", lwd=3,linety=1,color=1,
Breaks=0.05, xlimits=c(0,1), ...)



An object of class PPE.BinBin. See PPE.BinBin.


The type of plot that is produced. When Type="Freq", a histogram is produced. When Type="Density", a density is produced. Default Type="Density".


Parameter to be plotted: is either "PPE", "RPE" or "ICA"


The label of the X-axis when density plots or histograms are produced.


Title of the density plot or histogram.


The label of the Y-axis for the density plots. Default ylab="density".


The size of the legend. Default Cex.Legend=1.


The position of the legend. Default Cex.Position="bottomright".


The line width for the density plot. Default lwd=3.


The line types for the density. Default linety=1.


The color of the density or histogram. Default color=1.


The breaks for the histogram. Default Breaks=0.05.


The limits for the X-axis. Default xlimits=c(0,1).


Other arguments to be passed.


In the continuous normal setting, surroagacy can be assessed by studying the association between the individual causal effects on SS and TT (see ICA.ContCont). In that setting, the Pearson correlation is the obvious measure of association.

When SS and TT are binary endpoints, multiple alternatives exist. Alonso et al. (2016) proposed the individual causal association (ICA; RH2R_{H}^{2}), which captures the association between the individual causal effects of the treatment on SS (ΔS\Delta_S) and TT (ΔT\Delta_T) using information-theoretic principles.

The function PPE.BinBin computes RH2R_{H}^{2} using a grid-based approach where all possible combinations of the specified grids for the parameters that are allowed that are allowed to vary freely are considered. It additionally computes the minimal probability of a prediction error (PPE) and the reduction on the PPE using information that SS conveys on TT. Both measures provide complementary information over the RH2R_{H}^{2} and facilitate more straightforward clinical interpretation.


An object of class PPE.BinBin with components,


count variable


The vector of the PPE values.


The vector of the RPE values.


The vector of the PPETPPE_T values indicating the probability on a prediction error without using information on SS.


The vector of the RH2R_H^2 values.


The vector of the entropies of ΔT\Delta_T.


The vector of the entropies of ΔS\Delta_S.


The vector of the mutual information of ΔS\Delta_S and ΔT\Delta_T.


An object of class data.frame that contains the valid π\pi vectors.


Paul Meyvisch, Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, Geert Molenberghs


Alonso A, Van der Elst W, Molenberghs G, Buyse M and Burzykowski T. (2016). An information-theoretic approach for the evaluation of surrogate endpoints based on causal inference.

Meyvisch P., Alonso A.,Van der Elst W, Molenberghs G. (2018). Assessing the predictive value of a binary surrogate for a binary true endpoint, based on the minimum probability of a prediction error.

See Also



## Not run: # Time consuming part
PANSS <- PPE.BinBin(pi1_1_=0.4215, pi0_1_=0.0538, pi1_0_=0.0538,
                   pi_1_1=0.5088, pi_1_0=0.0307,pi_0_1=0.0482, 
                   Seed=1, M=2500) 

## End(Not run)

Plot the surrogate predictive function (SPF) in the causal-inference single-trial setting in the binary-continuous case.


This function is used to create several plots related to the surrogate predictive function (SPF) in the single-trial setting within the causal-inference framework when the surrogate endpoint is continuous (normally distributed) and the true endpoint is a binary outcome. For details, see Alonso et al. (2024).


## S3 method for class 'SPF.BinCont'
plot(x, Histogram.SPF=TRUE, Causal.necessity=TRUE, Best.pred=TRUE, Max.psi=TRUE, ...)



A fitted object of class SPF.BinCont. See SPF.BinCont.


Logical. Should histograms of SPF be provided? When it is requested, a matrix of histograms illustrating various combination of the SPF, i.e., the P[ΔTΔSIab]P[\Delta T | \Delta S \in I_{ab}], will be produced. Default Histogram.SPF=TRUE.


Logical. Should a histogram showing the P[ΔT=0ΔS=0]P[\Delta T = 0 | \Delta S = 0] be provided? Default Causal.necessity=TRUE.


Logical. Should a bar plot showing the frequency of ψ~ab=i\tilde{\psi}_{ab}=i for each interval (x,y)(x,y) be provided? Default Best.pred=TRUE.


Logical. Should a histogram showing the P[ΔT=ψ~ab(ΔS)]P[\Delta T = \tilde{\psi}_{ab}(\Delta S)] be provided? Default Max.psi=TRUE.


Extra graphical parameters to be passed to hist() or barplot().


Fenny Ong, Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, and Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., Ong, F., Van der Elst, W., Molenberghs, G., & Callegaro, A. (2024). Assessing a continuous surrogate predictive value for a binary true endpoint based on causal inference and information theory in vaccine trial.

See Also



## Not run: # Time consuming code part
fit.ica <- ICA.BinCont.BS(Dataset = Schizo, Surr = BPRS, True = PANSS_Bin, nb = 10,
Theta.S_0=c(-10,-5,5,10,10,10,10,10), Theta.S_1=c(-10,-5,5,10,10,10,10,10),
Treat=Treat, M=50, Seed=1)

fit.spf <- SPF.BinCont(fit.ica, a=-5, b=5)


## End(Not run)

Provides plots of trial- and individual-level surrogacy in the Information-Theoretic framework when both S and T are time-to-event endpoints


Produces plots that provide a graphical representation of trial- and/or individual-level surrogacy (R2_ht and R2_hInd per cluster) based on the Information-Theoretic approach of Alonso & Molenberghs (2007).


## S3 method for class 'SurvSurv'
plot(x, Trial.Level=TRUE, Weighted=TRUE, 
Indiv.Level.By.Trial=TRUE, Xlab.Indiv, Ylab.Indiv, Xlab.Trial, 
Ylab.Trial, Main.Trial, Main.Indiv, 
Par=par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)), ...)



An object of class FixedBinBinIT.


Logical. If Trial.Level=TRUE, a plot of the trial-specific treatment effects on the true endpoint against the trial-specific treatment effect on the surrogate endpoints is provided (as a graphical representation of RhtR_{ht}). Default TRUE.


Logical. This argument only has effect when the user requests a trial-level surrogacy plot (i.e., when Trial.Level=TRUE in the function call). If Weighted=TRUE, the circles that depict the trial-specific treatment effects on the true endpoint against the surrogate endpoint are proportional to the number of patients in the trial. If Weighted=FALSE, all circles have the same size. Default TRUE.


Logical. If Indiv.Level.By.Trial=TRUE, a plot that shows the estimated Rh.ind2R^2_{h.ind} for each trial (and confidence intervals) is provided. Default TRUE.


The legend of the X-axis of the plot that depicts the estimated Rh.ind2R^2_{h.ind} per trial. Default "R[h.ind]2R[h.ind]^{2}.


The legend of the Y-axis of the plot that shows the estimated Rh.ind2R^2_{h.ind} per trial. Default "Trial".


The legend of the X-axis of the plot that depicts trial-level surrogacy. Default "Treatment effect on the surrogate endpoint (αi\alpha_{i})".


The legend of the Y-axis of the plot that depicts trial-level surrogacy. Default "Treatment effect on the true endpoint (βi\beta_{i})".


The title of the plot that depicts individual-level surrogacy. Default "Individual-level surrogacy".


The title of the plot that depicts trial-level surrogacy. Default "Trial-level surrogacy".


Graphical parameters for the plot. Default par(oma=c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1)).


Extra graphical parameters to be passed to plot().


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A, & Molenberghs, G. (2007). Surrogate marker evaluation from an information theory perspective. Biometrics, 63, 180-186.

See Also



# Open Ovarian dataset

# Conduct analysis
Fit <- SurvSurv(Dataset = Ovarian, Surr = Pfs, SurrCens = PfsInd,
True = Surv, TrueCens = SurvInd, Treat = Treat, 
Trial.ID = Center, Alpha=.05)

# Examine results 
plot(Fit, Trial.Level = FALSE, Indiv.Level.By.Trial=TRUE)
plot(Fit, Trial.Level = TRUE, Indiv.Level.By.Trial=FALSE)

Goodness-of-fit plots for the fitted copula models


plot.vine_copula_fit() plots simple goodness-of-fit plots for the vine copula model fitted with fit_copula_ContCont(), fit_copula_OrdCont(), and fit_copula_OrdOrd().


## S3 method for class 'vine_copula_fit'
plot(x, ...)



S3 object returned by fit_copula_ContCont(), fit_copula_OrdCont(), or fit_copula_OrdOrd().


Additional parameters. Currently not implemented.

Marginal Goodness-of-Fit

Continuous Endpoints

The estimated model-based marginal density for each continuous endpoint is plotted alongside a histogram based on the observed data.

Ordinal Endpoints

The estimated model-based marginal probabilities for each ordinal endpoint is plotted alongside the empirical proportions (red). Red whiskers represent the 95% confidence intervals for the empirical proportions. These are based on the delta method with the logit transformation for the proportion.

Goodness-of-Fit of Association Structure


For each possible value for the surrogate, a plot is produced with (i) the model-based estimated conditional probabilities, P(T=tS)P(T = t | S), and (ii) the corresponding empirical conditional probabilities (red). Red whiskers represent the 95% confidence intervals for these empirical proportions. These are based on the delta method with the logit transformation for the proportion.


The model-based estimated regression function E(TS=s)E(T | S = s) is plotted alongside a semiparametric estimate using mgcv::gam(y~s(x), family = stats::quasi()) (red). Dashed lines represent pointwise 95% confidence intervals based on the semiparametric estimate. These confidence intervals are not trustworthy as they are based on a constant variance assumption.


The model-based estimated regression function E(TS=s)E(T | S = s) is plotted alongside a semiparametric estimate using mgcv::gam(y~s(x), family = stats::quasi()) (red). Dashed lines represent pointwise 95% confidence intervals based on the semiparametric estimate.

Generate 4 by 4 correlation matrices and flag the positive definite ones


Based on vectors (or scalars) for the six off-diagonal correlations of a 44 by 44 matrix, the function Pos.Def.Matrices constructs all possible matrices that can be formed by combining the specified values, computes the minimum eigenvalues for each of these matrices, and flags the positive definite ones (i.e., valid correlation matrices).


Pos.Def.Matrices(T0T1=seq(0, 1, by=.2), T0S0=seq(0, 1, by=.2), T0S1=seq(0, 1, 
by=.2), T1S0=seq(0, 1, by=.2), T1S1=seq(0, 1, by=.2), S0S1=seq(0, 1, by=.2))



A vector or scalar that specifies the correlation(s) between T0 and T1 that should be considered to construct all possible 44 by 44 matrices. Default seq(0, 1, by=.2), i.e., the values 00, 0.200.20, ..., 11.


A vector or scalar that specifies the correlation(s) between T0 and S0 that should be considered to construct all possible 44 by 44 matrices. Default seq(0, 1, by=.2).


A vector or scalar that specifies the correlation(s) between T0 and S1 that should be considered to construct all possible 44 by 44 matrices. Default seq(0, 1, by=.2).


A vector or scalar that specifies the correlation(s) between T1 and S0 that should be considered to construct all possible 44 by 44 matrices. Default seq(0, 1, by=.2).


A vector or scalar that specifies the correlation(s) between T1 and S1 that should be considered to construct all possible 44 by 44 matrices. Default seq(0, 1, by=.2).


A vector or scalar that specifies the correlation(s) between S0 and S1 that should be considered to construct all possible 44 by 44 matrices. Default seq(0, 1, by=.2).


The generated object Generated.Matrices (of class data.frame) is placed in the workspace (for easy access).


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs

See Also



## Generate all 4x4 matrices that can be formed using rho(T0,S0)=rho(T1,S1)=.5
## and the grid of values 0, .2, ..., 1 for the other off-diagonal correlations: 
Pos.Def.Matrices(T0T1=seq(0, 1, by=.2), T0S0=.5, T0S1=seq(0, 1, by=.2), 
T1S0=seq(0, 1, by=.2), T1S1=.5, S0S1=seq(0, 1, by=.2))

## Examine the first 10 rows of the the object Generated.Matrices:

## Check how many of the generated matrices are positive definite
## (counts and percentages):

## Make an object PosDef which contains the positive definite matrices:
PosDef <- Generated.Matrices[Generated.Matrices$Pos.Def.Status==1,]

## Shows the 10 first matrices that are positive definite:

Evaluate a surrogate predictive value based on the minimum probability of a prediction error in the setting where both SS and TT are binary endpoints


The function PPE.BinBin assesses a surrogate predictive value using the probability of a prediction error in the single-trial causal-inference framework when both the surrogate and the true endpoints are binary outcomes. It additionally assesses the indivdiual causal association (ICA). See Details below.


PPE.BinBin(pi1_1_, pi1_0_, pi_1_1, pi_1_0, 
pi0_1_, pi_0_1, M=10000, Seed=1)



A scalar that contains values for P(T=1,S=1Z=0)P(T=1,S=1|Z=0), i.e., the probability that S=T=1S=T=1 when under treatment Z=0Z=0.


A scalar that contains values for P(T=1,S=0Z=0)P(T=1,S=0|Z=0).


A scalar that contains values for P(T=1,S=1Z=1)P(T=1,S=1|Z=1).


A scalar that contains values for P(T=1,S=0Z=1)P(T=1,S=0|Z=1).


A scalar that contains values for P(T=0,S=1Z=0)P(T=0,S=1|Z=0).


A scalar that contains values for P(T=0,S=1Z=1)P(T=0,S=1|Z=1).


The number of valid vectors that have to be obtained. Default M=10000.


The seed to be used to generate πr\pi_r. Default Seed=1.


In the continuous normal setting, surroagacy can be assessed by studying the association between the individual causal effects on SS and TT (see ICA.ContCont). In that setting, the Pearson correlation is the obvious measure of association.

When SS and TT are binary endpoints, multiple alternatives exist. Alonso et al. (2016) proposed the individual causal association (ICA; RH2R_{H}^{2}), which captures the association between the individual causal effects of the treatment on SS (ΔS\Delta_S) and TT (ΔT\Delta_T) using information-theoretic principles.

The function PPE.BinBin computes RH2R_{H}^{2} using a grid-based approach where all possible combinations of the specified grids for the parameters that are allowed to vary freely are considered. It additionally computes the minimal probability of a prediction error (PPE) and the reduction on the PPE using information that SS conveys on TT. Both measures provide complementary information over the RH2R_{H}^{2} and facilitate more straightforward clinical interpretation. No assumption about monotonicity can be made.


An object of class PPE.BinBin with components,


count variable


The vector of the PPE values.


The vector of the RPE values.


The vector of the PPETPPE_T values indicating the probability on a prediction error without using information on SS.


The vector of the RH2R_H^2 values.


The vector of the entropies of ΔT\Delta_T.


The vector of the entropies of ΔS\Delta_S.


The vector of the mutual information of ΔS\Delta_S and ΔT\Delta_T.


Paul Meyvisch, Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, Geert Molenberghs


Alonso A, Van der Elst W, Molenberghs G, Buyse M and Burzykowski T. (2016). An information-theoretic approach for the evaluation of surrogate endpoints based on causal inference.

Meyvisch P., Alonso A.,Van der Elst W, Molenberghs G. (2018). Assessing the predictive value of a binary surrogate for a binary true endpoint, based on the minimum probability of a prediction error.

See Also



# Conduct the analysis 
## Not run:  # time consuming code part
PPE.BinBin(pi1_1_=0.4215, pi0_1_=0.0538, pi1_0_=0.0538,
           pi_1_1=0.5088, pi_1_0=0.0307,pi_0_1=0.0482, 
           Seed=1, M=10000) 

## End(Not run)

Compute the expected treatment effect on the true endpoint in a new trial (when both S and T are normally distributed continuous endpoints)


The key motivation to evaluate a surrogate endpoint is to be able to predict the treatment effect on the true endpoint TT based on the treatment effect on SS in a new trial i=0i=0. The function Pred.TrialT.ContCont allows for making such predictions based on fitted models of class BimixedContCont, BifixedContCont, UnimixedContCont and UnifixedContCont.


Pred.TrialT.ContCont(Object, mu_S0, alpha_0, alpha.CI=0.05)



A fitted object of class BimixedContCont, BifixedContCont, UnimixedContCont and UnifixedContCont. Some of the components in these fitted objects are needed to estimate E(β+b0)E(\beta + b_0) and its variance.


The intercept of a regression model in the new trial i=0i=0 where the surrogate endpoint is regressed on the true endpoint, i.e., S0j=μS0+α0Z0j+εS0jS_{0j}=\mu_{S0} + \alpha_0 Z_{0j} + \varepsilon_{S0j}, where SS is the surrogate endpoint, jj is the patient indicator, and ZZ is the treatment. This argument only needs to be specified when a full model was used to examine surroacy.


The regression weight of the treatment in the regression model specified under argument mu_S0.


The α\alpha-level to be used to determine the confidence interval around E(β+b0)E(\beta + b_0). Default alpha.CI=0.05.


The key motivation to evaluate a surrogate endpoint is to be able to predict the treatment effect on the true endpoint TT based on the treatment effect on SS in a new trial i=0i=0.

When a so-called full (fixed or mixed) bi- or univariate model was fitted in the surrogate evaluation phase (for details, see BimixedContCont, BifixedContCont, UnimixedContCont and UnifixedContCont), this prediction is made as:

E(β+b0mS0,a0)=β+(dSbdab)T(dSSDSadSadaa)1(μS0μSα0α)E(\beta + b_0 | m_{S0}, a_0) = \beta + \left(\begin{array}{c} d_{Sb}\\ d_{ab} \end{array}\right)^T \left(\begin{array}{cc} d_{SS} & D_{Sa}\\ d_{Sa} & d_{aa} \end{array}\right)^{-1} \left(\begin{array}{c} \mu_{S0} - \mu_S\\ \alpha_0 - \alpha \end{array}\right)

Var(β+b0mS0,a0)=dbb+(dSbdab)T(dSSDSadSadaa)1(dSbdab),Var(\beta + b_0 | m_{S0}, a_0) = d_{bb} + \left(\begin{array}{c} d_{Sb}\\ d_{ab} \end{array}\right)^T \left(\begin{array}{cc} d_{SS} & D_{Sa}\\ d_{Sa} & d_{aa} \end{array}\right)^{-1} \left(\begin{array}{c} d_{Sb}\\ d_{ab} \end{array}\right),

where all components are defined as in BimixedContCont. When the univariate mixed-effects models are used or the (univariate or bivariate) fixed effects models, the fitted components contained in D.Equiv are used instead of those in D.

When a reduced-model approach was used in the surrogate evaluation phase, the prediction is made as:

E(β+b0a0)=β+dabdaa+(α0α),E(\beta + b_0 | a_0) = \beta + \frac{d_{ab}}{d_{aa}} + (\alpha_0 - \alpha),

Var(β+b0a0)=dbbdab2daa,Var(\beta + b_0 | a_0) = d_{bb} - \frac{d_{ab}^2}{d_{aa}},

where all components are defined as in BimixedContCont. When the univariate mixed-effects models are used or the (univariate or bivariate) fixed effects models, the fitted components contained in D.Equiv are used instead of those in D.

A (1γ)100%(1-\gamma)100\% prediction interval for E(β+b0mS0,a0)E(\beta + b_0 | m_{S0}, a_0) can be obtained as E(β+b0mS0,a0)±z1γ/2Var(β+b0mS0,a0)E(\beta + b_0 | m_{S0}, a_0) \pm z_{1-\gamma/2} \sqrt{Var(\beta + b_0 | m_{S0}, a_0)} (and similarly for E(β+b0a0)E(\beta + b_0 | a_0)).



The predicted β0\beta_0.


The variance of the prediction.


The lower bound of the confidence interval around the expected β0\beta_0, see Details above.


The upper bound of the confidence interval around the expected β0\beta_0.


The α\alpha-level used to establish the confidence interval.


The model that was used to compute β0\beta_0.


The slope of the regression model specified in the Arguments section.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Burzykowski, T., Molenberghs, G., & Buyse, M. (2005). The evaluation of surrogate endpoints. New York: Springer-Verlag.

See Also

UnifixedContCont, BifixedContCont, UnimixedContCont


## Not run:  #time-consuming code parts
# Generate dataset
Sim.Data.MTS(N.Total=2000, N.Trial=15, R.Trial.Target=.8, 
R.Indiv.Target=.8, D.aa=10,, Fixed.Effects=c(1, 2, 30, 90), 

# Evaluate surrogacy using a reduced bivariate mixed-effects model
BimixedFit <- BimixedContCont(Dataset = Data.Observed.MTS, Surr = Surr, 
True = True, Treat = Treat, Trial.ID = Trial.ID, Pat.ID = Pat.ID, 

# Suppose that in a new trial, it was estimated alpha_0 = 30
# predict beta_0 in this trial
Pred_Beta <- Pred.TrialT.ContCont(Object = BimixedFit, 
alpha_0 = 30)

# Examine the results

# Plot the results

## End(Not run)

Evaluates surrogacy based on the Prentice criteria for continuous endpoints (single-trial setting)


The function Prentice evaluates the validity of a potential surrogate based on the Prentice criteria (Prentice, 1989) in the setting where the candidate surrogate and the true endpoint are normally distributed endpoints.

Warning The Prentice approach is included in the Surrogate package for illustrative purposes (as it was the first formal approach to assess surrogacy), but this method has some severe problems that renders its use problematic (see Details below). It is recommended to replace the Prentice approach by a more statistically-sound approach to evaluate a surrogate (e.g., the meta-analytic methods; see the functions UnifixedContCont, BifixedContCont, UnimixedContCont, BimixedContCont).


Prentice(Dataset, Surr, True, Treat, Pat.ID, Alpha=.05)



A data.frame that should consist of one line per patient. Each line contains (at least) a surrogate value, a true endpoint value, a treatment indicator, a patient ID, and a trial ID.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the surrogate values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the true endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the treatment indicators. The treatment indicator should either be coded as 11 for the experimental group and 1-1 for the control group, or as 11 for the experimental group and 00 for the control group.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the patient's ID.


The α\alpha-level that is used to examine whether the Prentice criteria are fulfilled. Default 0.050.05.


The Prentice criteria are examined by fitting the following regression models (when the surrogate and true endpoints are continuous variables):

Sj=μS+αZj+εSj,(1)S_{j}=\mu_{S}+\alpha Z_{j}+\varepsilon_{Sj}, (1)

Tj=μT+βZj+εTj,(2)T_{j}=\mu_{T}+\beta Z_{j}+\varepsilon_{Tj}, (2)

Tj=μ+γZj+εj,(3)T_{j}=\mu+\gamma Z_{j}+\varepsilon_{j}, (3)

Tj=μ~T+βSZj+γZSj+ε~Tj,(4)T_{j}=\tilde{\mu}_{T}+\beta_{S} Z_{j}+\gamma_{Z} S_{j}+\tilde{\varepsilon}_{Tj}, (4)

where the error terms of (1) and (2) have a joint zero-mean normal distribution with variance-covariance matrix

Σ=(σSSσSTσTT)\boldsymbol{\Sigma}=\left(\begin{array}{cc} \sigma_{SS}\\ \sigma_{ST} & \sigma_{TT} \end{array}\right)


and where jj is the subject indicator, SjS_{j} and TjT_{j} are the surrogate and true endpoint values of subject jj, and ZjZ_{j} is the treatment indicator for subject jj.

To be in line with the Prentice criteria, Z should have a significant effect on S in model 1 (Prentice criterion 1), Z should have a significant effect on T in model 2 (Prentice criterion 2), S should have a significant effect on T in model 3 (Prentice criterion criterion 3), and the effect of Z on T should be fully captured by S in model 4 (Prentice criterion 4).

The Prentice approach to assess surrogavy has some fundamental limitations. For example, the fourth Prentice criterion requires that the statistical test for the βS\beta_S in model 4 is non-significant. This criterion is useful to reject a poor surrogate, but it is not suitable to validate a good surrogate (i.e., a non-significant result may always be attributable to a lack of statistical power). Even when lack of power would not be an issue, the result of the statistical test to evaluate the fourth Prentice criterion cannot prove that the effect of the treatment on the true endpoint is fully captured by the surrogate.

The use of the Prentice approach to evaluate a surrogate is not recommended. Instead, consider using the single-trial meta-anlytic method (if no multiple clinical trials are available or if there is no other clustering unit in the data; see function Single.Trial.RE.AA) or the multiple-trial meta-analytic methods (see UnifixedContCont, BifixedContCont, UnimixedContCont, and BimixedContCont).



An object of class lm that contains the fitted model 1 (using the Prentice approach).


An object of class lm that contains the fitted model 2 (using the Prentice approach).


An object of class lm that contains the fitted model 3 (using the Prentice approach).


An object of class lm that contains the fitted model 4 (using the Prentice approach).


Logical. If all four Prentice criteria are fulfilled, Prentice.Passed=TRUE. If at least one criterion is not fulfilled, Prentice.Passed=FALSE.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Burzykowski, T., Molenberghs, G., & Buyse, M. (2005). The evaluation of surrogate endpoints. New York: Springer-Verlag.

Prentice, R. L. (1989). Surrogate endpoints in clinical trials: definitions and operational criteria. Statistics in Medicine, 8, 431-440.


## Load the ARMD dataset

## Evaluate the Prentice criteria in the ARMD dataset 
Prent <- Prentice(Dataset=ARMD, Surr=Diff24, True=Diff52, Treat=Treat, Pat.ID=Id)

# Summary of results

Prints all the elements of an object fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvBin()' function.


Prints all the elements of an object fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvBin()' function.


## S3 method for class 'MetaAnalyticSurvBin'
print(x, ...)



An object of class 'MetaAnalyticSurvBin' fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvBin()' function.




The surrogacy measures with their 95% confidence intervals and the estimated treament effect on the surrogate and true endpoint.


## Not run: 
fit_bin <- MetaAnalyticSurvBin(data = colorectal, true = surv, trueind = SURVIND,
                               surrog = responder, trt = TREAT, center = CENTER,
                               trial = TRIAL, patientid = patientid,

## End(Not run)

Prints all the elements of an object fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvCat()' function.


Prints all the elements of an object fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvCat()' function.


## S3 method for class 'MetaAnalyticSurvCat'
print(x, ...)



An object of class 'MetaAnalyticSurvCat' fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvCat()' function.




The surrogacy measures with their 95% confidence intervals and the estimated treatment effect on the surrogate and true endpoint.


## Not run: 
fit <- MetaAnalyticSurvCat(data = colorectal4, true = truend, trueind = trueind, surrog = surrogend,
                           trt = treatn, center = center, trial = trialend, patientid = patid,

## End(Not run)

Prints all the elements of an object fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvCont()' function.


Prints all the elements of an object fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvCont()' function.


## S3 method for class 'MetaAnalyticSurvCont'
print(x, ...)



An object of class 'MetaAnalyticSurvCont' fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvCont()' function.




The surrogacy measures with their 95% confidence intervals and the estimated treatment effect on the surrogate and true endpoint.


## Not run: 
fit <- MetaAnalyticSurvCont(data = prostate, true = SURVTIME, trueind = SURVIND, surrog = PSA,
trt = TREAT, center = TRIAL, trial = TRIAL, patientid = PATID,
copula = "Hougaard", adjustment = "weighted")

## End(Not run)

Prints all the elements of an object fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvSurv()' function.


Prints all the elements of an object fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvSurv()' function.


## S3 method for class 'MetaAnalyticSurvSurv'
print(x, ...)



An object of class 'MetaAnalyticSurvSurv' fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvSurv()' function.




The surrogacy measures with their 95% confidence intervals and the estimated treatment effect on the surrogate and true endpoint.


## Not run: 
fit <- MetaAnalyticSurvSurv(data=Ovarian,true=Surv,trueind=SurvInd,surrog=Pfs,surrogind=PfsInd,

## End(Not run)

Print summary of fitted copula model


Print summary of fitted copula model


## S3 method for class 'vine_copula_fit'
print(x, ...)



Fitted-model object returned by fit_copula_ContCont(), fit_copula_OrdCont(), or fit_copula_OrdOrd().


not used

Evaluate the individual causal association (ICA) and reduction in probability of a prediction error (RPE) in the setting where both SS and TT are binary endpoints


The function PROC.BinBin assesses the ICA and RPE in the single-trial causal-inference framework when both the surrogate and the true endpoints are binary outcomes. It additionally allows to account for sampling variability by means of bootstrap. See Details below.


PROC.BinBin(Dataset=Dataset, Surr=Surr, True=True, Treat=Treat, 
BS=FALSE, seqs=250, MC_samples=1000, Seed=1)



A data.frame that should consist of one line per patient. Each line contains (at least) a binary surrogate value, a binary true endpoint value, and a treatment indicator.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the binary surrogate endpoint values. Should be coded as 00 and 11.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the binary true endpoint values. Should be coded as 00 and 11.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the treatment indicators. The treatment indicator should be coded as 11 for the experimental group and 1-1 for the control group.


Logical. If TRUE, then Dataset will be bootstrapped to account for sampling variability. If FALSE, then no bootstrap is performed. See the Details section below. Default FALSE.


The number of copies of the dataset that are produced or alternatively the number of bootstrap datasets that are produced. Default seqs=250.


The number of Monte Carlo samples that need to be obtained per copy of the data set. Default MC_samples=1000.


The seed to be used. Default Seed=1.


In the continuous normal setting, surroagacy can be assessed by studying the association between the individual causal effects on SS and TT (see ICA.ContCont). In that setting, the Pearson correlation is the obvious measure of association.

When SS and TT are binary endpoints, multiple alternatives exist. Alonso et al. (2016) proposed the individual causal association (ICA; RH2R_{H}^{2}), which captures the association between the individual causal effects of the treatment on SS (ΔS\Delta_S) and TT (ΔT\Delta_T) using information-theoretic principles.

The function PPE.BinBin computes RH2R_{H}^{2} using a grid-based approach where all possible combinations of the specified grids for the parameters that are allowed to vary freely are considered. It additionally computes the minimal probability of a prediction error (PPE) and the reduction on the PPE using information that SS conveys on TT (RPE). Both measures provide complementary information over the RH2R_{H}^{2} and facilitate more straightforward clinical interpretation. No assumption about monotonicity can be made. The function PROC.BinBin makes direct use of the function PPE.BinBin. However, it is computationally much faster thanks to equally dividing the number of Monte Carlo samples over copies of the input data. In addition, it allows to account for sampling variability using a bootstrap procedure. Finally, the function PROC.BinBin computes the marginal probabilities directly from the input data set.


An object of class PPE.BinBin with components,


The vector of the PPE values.


The vector of the RPE values.


The vector of the PPETPPE_T values indicating the probability on a prediction error without using information on SS.


The vector of the RH2R_H^2 values.


Paul Meyvisch, Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, Geert Molenberghs


Alonso A, Van der Elst W, Molenberghs G, Buyse M and Burzykowski T. (2016). An information-theoretic approach for the evaluation of surrogate endpoints based on causal inference.

Meyvisch P., Alonso A.,Van der Elst W, Molenberghs G.. Assessing the predictive value of a binary surrogate for a binary true endpoint, based on the minimum probability of a prediction error.

See Also



# Conduct the analysis 
## Not run:  # time consuming code part
# load the CIGTS data 
CIGTS_25000<-PROC.BinBin(Dataset=CIGTS, Surr=IOP_12, True=IOP_96, 
Treat=Treat, BS=FALSE,seqs=250, MC_samples=100, Seed=1)

## End(Not run)

The prostate dataset with a continuous surrogate.


This dataset combines the data that were collected in 17 double-blind randomized clinical trials in advanced prostate cancer.




A data frame with 412 observations on the following 6 variables.


The ID number of a trial.


The treatment indicator, coded as 0=active control and 1=experimental treatment.


Prostate specific antigen (surrogate endpoint)


Survival time (the true endpoint).


Censoring indicator for survival time.


The ID number of a patient.


Alonso A, Bigirumurame T, Burzykowski T, Buyse M, Molenberghs G, Muchene L, Perualila NJ, Shkedy Z, Van der Elst W, et al. (2016). Applied surrogate endpoint evaluation methods with SAS and R. CRC Press New York



Generate random vectors with a fixed sum


This function generates an n by m array x, each of whose m columns contains n random values lying in the interval [a,b], subject to the condition that their sum be equal to s. The distribution of values is uniform in the sense that it has the conditional probability distribution of a uniform distribution over the whole n-cube, given that the sum of the x's is s. The function uses the randfixedsum algorithm, written by Roger Stafford and implemented in MatLab. For details, see


RandVec(a=0, b=1, s=1, n=9, m=1, Seed=sample(1:1000, size = 1))



The function RandVec generates an n by m matrix x. Each of the m columns contain n random values lying in the interval [a,b]. The argument a specifies the lower limit of the interval. Default 0.


The argument b specifies the upper limit of the interval. Default 1.


The argument s specifies the value to which each of the m generated columns should sum to. Default 1.


The number of requested elements per column. Default 9.


The number of requested columns. Default 1.


The seed that is used. Default sample(1:1000, size = 1).


An object of class RandVec with components,


The randomly generated vectors.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


The function is an R adaptation of a matlab program written by Roger Stafford. For details on the original Matlab algorithm, see:


# generate two vectors with 10 values ranging between 0 and 1
# where each vector sums to 1
# (uniform distribution over the whole n-cube)
Vectors <- RandVec(a=0, b=1, s=1, n=10, m=2)

Examine restrictions in πf\bold{\pi}_{f} under different montonicity assumptions for binary SS and TT


The function Restrictions.BinBin gives an overview of the restrictions in πf\bold{\pi}_{f} under different assumptions regarding montonicity when both SS and TT are binary.


Restrictions.BinBin(pi1_1_, pi1_0_, pi_1_1, pi_1_0, pi0_1_, pi_0_1)



A scalar that contains P(T=1,S=1Z=0)P(T=1,S=1|Z=0), i.e., the proability that S=T=1S=T=1 when under treatment Z=0Z=0.


A scalar that contains P(T=1,S=0Z=0)P(T=1,S=0|Z=0).


A scalar that contains P(T=1,S=1Z=1)P(T=1,S=1|Z=1).


A scalar that contains P(T=1,S=0Z=1)P(T=1,S=0|Z=1).


A scalar that contains P(T=0,S=1Z=0)P(T=0,S=1|Z=0).


A scalar that contains P(T=0,S=1Z=1)P(T=0,S=1|Z=1).


An overview of the restrictions for the freely varying parameters imposed by the data is provided


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., & Molenberghs, G. (2014). Validation of surrogate endpoints: the binary-binary setting from a causal inference perspective.

See Also



Restrictions.BinBin(pi1_1_=0.262, pi0_1_=0.135, pi1_0_=0.286, 
pi_1_1=0.637, pi_1_0=0.078, pi_0_1=0.127)

Sample Unidentifiable Copula Parameters


The sample_copula_parameters() function samples the unidentifiable copula parameters for the partly identifiable D-vine copula model, see for example fit_copula_model_BinCont() and fit_model_SurvSurv() for more information regarding the D-vine copula model.


  eq_cond_association = FALSE,
  lower = c(-1, -1, -1, -1),
  upper = c(1, 1, 1, 1)



Copula family of the other bivariate copulas. For the possible options, see loglik_copula_scale(). The elements of copula_family2 correspond to (c23,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{23}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Number of copula parameter vectors to be sampled.


(boolean) Indicates whether ρ13;2\rho_{13;2} and ρ24;3\rho_{24;3} are set equal.


(numeric) Vector of length 4 that provides the lower limit, a=(a23,a13;2,a24;3,a14;23)\boldsymbol{a} = (a_{23}, a_{13;2}, a_{24;3}, a_{14;23})'. Defaults to c(-1, -1, -1, -1). If the provided lower limit is smaller than what is allowed for a particular copula family, then the copula family's lowest possible value is used instead.


(numeric) Vector of length 4 that provides the upper limit, b=(b23,b13;2,b24;3,b14;23)\boldsymbol{b} = (b_{23}, b_{13;2}, b_{24;3}, b_{14;23})'. Defaults to c(1, 1, 1, 1).


A n_sim by 4 numeric matrix where each row corresponds to a sample for θunid\boldsymbol{\theta}_{unid}.


In the D-vine copula model in the Information-Theoretic Causal Inference (ITCI) framework, the following copulas are not identifiable: c23c_{23}, c13;2c_{13;2}, c24;3c_{24;3}, c14;23c_{14;23}. Let the corresponding copula parameters be

θunid=(θ23,θ13;2,θ24;3,θ14;23).\boldsymbol{\theta}_{unid} = (\theta_{23}, \theta_{13;2}, \theta_{24;3}, \theta_{14;23})'.

The allowable range for this parameter vector depends on the corresponding copula families. For parsimony and comparability across different copula families, the sampling procedure consists of two steps:

  1. Sample Spearman's rho parameters from a uniform distribution,

    ρunid=(ρ23,ρ13;2,ρ24;3,ρ14;23)U(a,b).\boldsymbol{\rho}_{unid} = (\rho_{23}, \rho_{13;2}, \rho_{24;3}, \rho_{14;23})' \sim U(\boldsymbol{a}, \boldsymbol{b}).

  2. Transform the sampled Spearman's rho parameters to the copula parameter scale, θunid\boldsymbol{\theta}_{unid}.

These two steps are repeated n_sim times.

Conditional Independence

In addition to range restrictions through the lower and upper arguments, we allow for so-called conditional independence assumptions. These assumptions entail that ρ13;2=0\rho_{13;2} = 0 and ρ24;3=0\rho_{24;3} = 0. Or in other words, U1U3U2U_1 \perp U_3 \, | \, U_2 and U2U4U3U_2 \perp U_4 \, | \, U_3. In the context of a surrogate evaluation trial (where (U1,U2,U3,U4)(U_1, U_2, U_3, U_4)' corresponds to the probability integral transformation of (T0,S0,S1,T1)(T_0, S_0, S_1, T_1)') this assumption could be justified by subject-matter knowledge.

Sample individual casual treatment effects from given D-vine copula model in binary continuous setting


Sample individual casual treatment effects from given D-vine copula model in binary continuous setting


  copula_family2 = copula_family1,
  q_S0 = NULL,
  q_S1 = NULL,
  q_T0 = NULL,
  q_T1 = NULL,
  marginal_sp_rho = TRUE,
  setting = "BinCont",
  composite = FALSE,
  plot_deltas = FALSE,
  restr_time = +Inf



Parameter vector for the sequence of bivariate copulas that define the D-vine copula. The elements of copula_par correspond to (c12,c23,c34,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{12}, c_{23}, c_{34}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Vector of rotation parameters for the sequence of bivariate copulas that define the D-vine copula. The elements of rotation_par correspond to (c12,c23,c34,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{12}, c_{23}, c_{34}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Copula family of c12c_{12} and c34c_{34}. For the possible options, see loglik_copula_scale(). The elements of copula_family correspond to (c12,c34)(c_{12}, c_{34}).


Copula family of the other bivariate copulas. For the possible options, see loglik_copula_scale(). The elements of copula_family2 correspond to (c23,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{23}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Number of samples to be taken from the D-vine copula.


Quantile function for the distribution of S0S_0.


Quantile function for the distribution of S1S_1.


Quantile function for the distribution of T0T_0. This should be NULL if T0T_0 is binary.


Quantile function for the distribution of T1T_1. This should be NULL if T1T_1 is binary.


(boolean) Compute the sample Spearman correlation matrix? Defaults to TRUE.


Should be one of the following two:

  • "BinCont": for when SS is continuous and TT is binary.

  • "SurvSurv": for when both SS and TT are time-to-event variables.


(boolean) If composite is TRUE, then the surrogate endpoint is a composite of both a "pure" surrogate endpoint and the true endpoint, e.g., progression-free survival is the minimum of time-to-progression and time-to-death.


Plot the sampled individual causal effects? Defaults to FALSE.


Restriction time for the potential outcomes. Defaults to +Inf which means no restriction. Otherwise, the sampled potential outcomes are replace by pmin(S0, restr_time) (and similarly for the other potential outcomes).


A list with two elements:

  • Delta_dataframe: a dataframe containing the sampled individual causal treatment effects

  • marginal_sp_rho_matrix: a matrix containing the marginal pairwise Spearman's rho parameters estimated from the sample. If marginal_sp_rho = FALSE, this matrix is not computed and NULL is returned for this element of the list.

Sample copula data from a given four-dimensional D-vine copula


sample_dvine() is a helper function that samples copula data from a given D-vine copula. See details for more information on the parameterization of the D-vine copula.


  copula_family2 = copula_family1,



Parameter vector for the sequence of bivariate copulas that define the D-vine copula. The elements of copula_par correspond to (c12,c23,c34,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{12}, c_{23}, c_{34}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Vector of rotation parameters for the sequence of bivariate copulas that define the D-vine copula. The elements of rotation_par correspond to (c12,c23,c34,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{12}, c_{23}, c_{34}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Copula family of c12c_{12} and c34c_{34}. For the possible options, see loglik_copula_scale(). The elements of copula_family correspond to (c12,c34)(c_{12}, c_{34}).


Copula family of the other bivariate copulas. For the possible options, see loglik_copula_scale(). The elements of copula_family2 correspond to (c23,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{23}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Number of samples to be taken from the D-vine copula.


A n×4n \times 4 matrix where each row corresponds to one sampled vector and the columns correspond to U1U_1, U2U_2, U3U_3, and U4U_4.

D-vine Copula

Let U=(U1,U2,U3,U4)\boldsymbol{U} = (U_1, U_2, U_3, U_4)' be a random vector with uniform margins. The corresponding distribution function is then a 4-dimensional copula. A D-vine copula as a family of kk-dimensional copulas. Indeed, a D-vine copula is a kk-dimensional copula that is constructed from a particular product of bivariate copula densities. In this function, only 4-dimensional copula densities are considered. Under the simplifying assumption, the 4-dimensional D-vine copula density is the product of the following bivariate copula densities:

  • c12c_{12}, c23c_{23}, and c34c_{34}

  • c13;2c_{13;2} and c24;3c_{24;3}

  • c14;23c_{14;23}

Data of five clinical trials in schizophrenia


These are the data of five clinical trials in schizophrenia. A total of 21282128 patients were treated by 198198 investiagators (psychiatrists). Patients' schizophrenic symptoms were measured using the PANSS, BPRS, and CGI. There were two treatment conditions (risperidone and control).




A data.frame with 21282128 observations on 99 variables.


The patient ID.


The ID of the investigator (psychiatrist) who treated the patient.


The treatment indicator, coded as 1-1 = control and 11 = Risperidone.


The change in the CGI score (= score at the start of the treatment - score at the end of the treatment).


The change in the PANSS score.


The change in the BPRS score.


The dichotomized PANSS change score, coded as 11 = a reduction of 20% or more in the PANSS score (score at the end of the treatment relative to score at the beginning of the treatment), 00 = otherwise.


The dichotomized BPRS change score, coded as 11 = a reduction of 20% or more in the BPRS score (score at the end of the treatment relative to score at the beginning of the treatment), 00 = otherwise.


The sichtomized change in the CGI score, coded as 11 = a change of more than 33 points on the original scale (score at the end of the treatment relative to score at the beginning of the treatment), 00 = otherwise.

Data of a clinical trial in Schizophrenia (with binary outcomes).


These are the data of a clinical trial in Schizophrenia (a subset of the dataset Schizo_Bin, study 11 where the patients were administered 1010 mg. of haloperidol or 88 mg. of risperidone). A total of 454454 patients were treated by 117117 investigators (psychiatrists). Patients' schizophrenia symptoms at baseline and at the end of the study (after 88 weeks) were measured using the PANSS and BPRS. The variables BPRS_Bin and PANSS_Bin are binary outcomes that indicate whether clinically meaningful change had occurred (1 = a reduction of 2020% or higher in the PANSS/BPRS scores at the last measurement compared to baseline; 0 = no such reduction; Leucht et al., 2005; Kay et al., 1988).




A data.frame with 454454 observations on 55 variables.


The patient ID.


The ID of the investigator (psychiatrist) who treated the patient.


The treatment indicator, coded as 1-1 = control treatment (10 mg. haloperidol) and 11 = experimental treatment (8 mg. risperidone).


The dichotomized change in the PANSS score (1 = a reduction of 2020% or more in the PANSS score, 0=otherwise)


The dichotomized change in the BPRS score (1 = a reduction of 2020% or more in the BPRS score, 0=otherwise)


The sichtomized change in the CGI score, coded as 11 = a change of more than 33 points on the original scale (score at the end of the treatment relative to score at the beginning of the treatment), 00 = otherwise.


Kay, S.R., Opler, L.A., & Lindenmayer, J.P. (1988). Reliability and validity of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale for schizophrenics. Psychiatric Research, 23, 99-110.

Leucht, S., et al. (2005). Clinical implications of Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale scores. The British Journal of Psychiarty, 187, 366-371.

Data of a clinical trial in schizophrenia, with binary and continuous endpoints


These are the data of a clinical trial in schizophrenia. Patients' schizophrenic symptoms were measured using the PANSS, BPRS, and CGI. There were two treatment conditions (risperidone and control).




A data.frame with 446446 observations on 99 variables.


The patient ID.


The ID of the investigator (psychiatrist) who treated the patient.


The treatment indicator, coded as 1-1 = control and 11 = Risperidone.


The change in the CGI score (= score at the start of the treatment - score at the end of the treatment).


The change in the PANSS score.


The change in the PANSS score.


The dichotomized PANSS change score, coded as 11 = a reduction of 20% or more in the PANSS score (score at the end of the treatment relative to score at the beginning of the treatment), 00 = otherwise.


The dichotomized BPRS change score, coded as 11 = a reduction of 20% or more in the BPRS score (score at the end of the treatment relative to score at the beginning of the treatment), 00 = otherwise.


The sichtomized change in the CGI score, coded as 11 = a change of more than 33 points on the original scale (score at the end of the treatment relative to score at the beginning of the treatment), 00 = otherwise.

Longitudinal PANSS data of five clinical trials in schizophrenia


These are the longitudinal PANSS data of five clinical trial in schizophrenia. A total of 21512151 patients were treated by 198198 investiagators (psychiatrists). There were two treatment conditions (risperidone and control). Patients' schizophrenic symptoms were measured using the PANSS at different time moments following start of the treatment. The variables Week1-Week8 express the change scores over time using the raw (semi-continuous) PANSS scores. The variables Week1_bin - Week8_bin are binary indicators of a 2020% or higher reduction in PANSS score versus baseline. The latter corresponds to a commonly accepted criterion for defining a clinically meaningful response (Kay et al., 1988).




A data.frame with 21512151 observations on 66 variables.


The patient ID.


The ID of the investigator (psychiatrist) who treated the patient.


The treatment indicator, coded as 1-1 = placebo and 11 = Risperidone.


The change in the PANSS score 11 week after starting the treatment (= score at the end of the treatment - score at 11 week after starting the treatment).


The change in the PANSS score 22 weeks after starting the treatment.


The change in the PANSS score 44 weeks after starting the treatment.


The change in the PANSS score 66 weeks after starting the treatment.


The change in the PANSS score 88 weeks after starting the treatment.


The dichotomized change in the PANSS score 11 week after starting the treatment (11=a 2020% or higher reduction in PANSS score versus baseline, 00=otherwise).


The dichotomized change in the PANSS score 22 weeks after starting the treatment.


The dichotomized change in the PANSS score 44 weeks after starting the treatment.


The dichotomized change in the PANSS score 66 weeks after starting the treatment.


The dichotomized change in the PANSS score 88 weeks after starting the treatment.


Kay, S.R., Opler, L.A., & Lindenmayer, J.P. (1988). Reliability and validity of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale for schizophrenics. Psychiatric Research, 23, 99-110.

Perform Sensitivity Analysis for the Individual Causal Association with a Continuous Surrogate and Binary True Endpoint


Perform Sensitivity Analysis for the Individual Causal Association with a Continuous Surrogate and Binary True Endpoint


  eq_cond_association = TRUE,
  lower = c(-1, -1, -1, -1),
  upper = c(1, 1, 1, 1),
  marg_association = TRUE,
  n_prec = 10000,
  ncores = 1



Returned value from fit_copula_model_BinCont(). This object contains the estimated identifiable part of the joint distribution for the potential outcomes.


Number of replications in the sensitivity analysis. This value should be large enough to sufficiently explore all possible values of the ICA. The minimally sufficient number depends to a large extent on which inequality assumptions are subsequently imposed (see Additional Assumptions).



  • TRUE (default): Assume that the association in (S~1,T0)S~0(\tilde{S}_1, T_0)' | \tilde{S}_0 and (S~0,T1)S~1(\tilde{S}_0, T_1)' | \tilde{S}_1 are the same.

  • FALSE: There is not specific a priori relationship between the above two associations.


(numeric) Vector of length 4 that provides the lower limit, a=(a23,a13;2,a24;3,a14;23)\boldsymbol{a} = (a_{23}, a_{13;2}, a_{24;3}, a_{14;23})'. Defaults to c(-1, -1, -1, -1). If the provided lower limit is smaller than what is allowed for a particular copula family, then the copula family's lowest possible value is used instead.


(numeric) Vector of length 4 that provides the upper limit, b=(b23,b13;2,b24;3,b14;23)\boldsymbol{b} = (b_{23}, b_{13;2}, b_{24;3}, b_{14;23})'. Defaults to c(1, 1, 1, 1).



  • TRUE: Return marginal association measures in each replication in terms of Spearman's rho. The proportion of harmed, protected, never diseased, and always diseased is also returned. See also Value.

  • FALSE (default): No additional measures are returned.


Number of Monte-Carlo samples for the numerical approximation of the ICA in each replication of the sensitivity analysis.


Number of cores used in the sensitivity analysis. The computations are computationally heavy, and this option can speed things up considerably.


A data frame is returned. Each row represents one replication in the sensitivity analysis. The returned data frame always contains the following columns:

  • R2H, sp_rho, minfo: ICA as quantified by RH2R^2_H, Spearman's rho, and Kendall's tau, respectively.

  • c12, c34: estimated copula parameters.

  • c23, c13_2, c24_3, c14_23: sampled copula parameters of the unidentifiable copulas in the D-vine copula. The parameters correspond to the parameterization of the copula_family2 copula as in the copula R-package.

  • r12, r34: Fixed rotation parameters for the two identifiable copulas.

  • r23, r13_2, r24_3, r14_23: Sampled rotation parameters of the unidentifiable copulas in the D-vine copula. These values are constant for the Gaussian copula family since that copula is invariant to rotations.

The returned data frame also contains the following columns when marg_association is TRUE:

  • sp_s0s1, sp_s0t0, sp_s0t1, sp_s1t0, sp_s1t1, sp_t0t1: Spearman's rho between the corresponding potential outcomes. Note that these associations refer to the observable potential outcomes. In contrary, the estimated association parameters from fit_copula_model_BinCont() refer to associations on a latent scale.

Information-Theoretic Causal Inference Framework

The information-theoretic causal inference (ITCI) is a general framework to evaluate surrogate endpoints in the single-trial setting (Alonso et al., 2015). In this framework, we focus on the individual causal effects, ΔS=S1S0\Delta S = S_1 - S_0 and ΔT=T1T0\Delta T = T_1 - T_0 where SzS_z and TzT_z are the potential surrogate end true endpoint under treatment Z=zZ = z.

In the ITCI framework, we say that SS is a good surrogate for TT if ΔS\Delta S conveys a substantial amount of information on ΔT\Delta T (Alonso, 2018). This amount of shared information can generally be quantified by the mutual information between ΔS\Delta S and ΔT\Delta T, denoted by I(ΔS;ΔT)I(\Delta S; \Delta T). However, the mutual information lies in [0,+][0, + \infty] which complicates the interpretation. In addition, the mutual information may not be defined in specific scenarios where absolute continuity of certain probability measures fails. Therefore, the mutual information is transformed, and possibly modified, to enable a simple interpretation in light of the definition of surrogacy. The resulting measure is termed the individual causal association (ICA). This is explained in the next sections.

While the definition of surrogacy in the ITCI framework rests on information theory, shared information is closely related to statistical association. Hence, we can also define the ICA in terms of statistical association measures, like Spearman's rho and Kendall's tau. The advantage of the latter are that they are well-known, simple and rank-based measures of association.

Quantifying Surrogacy

Alonso et al. (na) proposed to the following measure for the ICA:

RH2=I(ΔS;ΔT)H(ΔT)R^2_H = \frac{I(\Delta S; \Delta T)}{H(\Delta T)}

where H(ΔT)H(\Delta T) is the entropy of ΔT\Delta T. By token of that transformation of the mutual information, RH2R^2_H is restricted to the unit interval where 0 indicates independence, and 1 a functional relationship between ΔS\Delta S and ΔT\Delta T.

The association between ΔS\Delta S and ΔT\Delta T can also be quantified by Spearman's ρ\rho (or Kendall's τ\tau). This quantity requires appreciably less computing time than the mutual information. This quantity is therefore always returned for every replication of the sensitivity analysis.

Sensitivity Analysis

Monte Carlo Approach

Because S0S_0 and S1S_1 are never simultaneously observed in the same patient, ΔS\Delta S is not observable, and analogously for ΔT\Delta T. Consequently, the ICA is unidentifiable. This is solved by considering a (partly identifiable) model for the full vector of potential outcomes, (T0,S0,S1,T1)(T_0, S_0, S_1, T_1)'. The identifiable parameters are estimated. The unidentifiable parameters are sampled from their parameters space in each replication of a sensitivity analysis. If the number of replications (n_sim) is sufficiently large, the entire parameter space for the unidentifiable parameters will be explored/sampled. In each replication, all model parameters are "known" (either estimated or sampled). Consequently, the ICA can be computed in each replication of the sensitivity analysis.

The sensitivity analysis thus results in a set of values for the ICA. This set can be interpreted as all values for the ICA that are compatible with the observed data. However, the range of this set is often quite broad; this means there remains too much uncertainty to make judgements regarding the worth of the surrogate. To address this unwieldy uncertainty, additional assumptions can be used that restrict the parameter space of the unidentifiable parameters. This in turn reduces the uncertainty regarding the ICA.

Intervals of Ignorance and Uncertainty

The results of the sensitivity analysis can be formalized (and summarized) in intervals of ignorance and uncertainty using sensitivity_intervals_Dvine().

Additional Assumptions

There are two possible types of assumptions that restrict the parameter space of the unidentifiable parameters: (i) equality type of assumptions, and (ii) inequality type of assumptions. These are discussed in turn in the next two paragraphs.

The equality assumptions have to be incorporated into the sensitivity analysis itself. Only one type of equality assumption has been implemented; this is the conditional independence assumption:

S~0T1S~1  and  S~1T0S~0.\tilde{S}_0 \perp T_1 | \tilde{S}_1 \; \text{and} \; \tilde{S}_1 \perp T_0 | \tilde{S}_0 .

This can informally be interpreted as “what the control treatment does to the surrogate does not provide information on the true endpoint under experimental treatment if we already know what the experimental treatment does to the surrogate", and analogously when control and experimental treatment are interchanged. Note that S~z\tilde{S}_z refers to either the actual potential surrogate outcome, or a latent version. This depends on the content of fitted_model.

The inequality type of assumptions have to be imposed on the data frame that is returned by the current function; those assumptions are thus imposed after running the sensitivity analysis. If marginal_association is set to TRUE, the returned data frame contains additional unverifiable quantities that differ across replications of the sensitivity analysis: (i) the unconditional Spearman's ρ\rho for all pairs of (observable/non-latent) potential outcomes, and (ii) the proportions of the population strata as defined by Nevo and Gorfine (2022) if semi-competing risks are present. More details on the interpretation and use of these assumptions can be found in Stijven et al. (2024).


# Load Schizophrenia data set.
# Perform listwise deletion.
na =$CGI_Bin) |$PANSS)
X = Schizo_BinCont$PANSS[!na]
Y = Schizo_BinCont$CGI_Bin[!na]
Treat = Schizo_BinCont$Treat[!na]
# Ensure that the treatment variable is binary.
Treat = ifelse(Treat == 1, 1, 0)
data = data.frame(X,
# Fit copula model.
fitted_model = fit_copula_model_BinCont(data, "clayton", "normal", twostep = FALSE)
# Perform sensitivity analysis with a very low number of replications.
sens_results = sensitivity_analysis_BinCont_copula(
  lower = c(-1,-1,-1,-1),
  upper = c(1, 1, 1, 1),
  n_prec = 1e3

Perform Sensitivity Analysis for the Individual Causal Association based on a D-vine copula model


Perform Sensitivity Analysis for the Individual Causal Association based on a D-vine copula model


  eq_cond_association = TRUE,
  lower = c(-1, -1, -1, -1),
  upper = c(1, 1, 1, 1),
  degrees = c(0, 90, 180, 270),
  marg_association = TRUE,
  copula_family2 = fitted_model$copula_family[1],
  n_prec = 10000,
  ncores = 1,
  ICA_estimator = NULL



Returned value from fit_copula_OrdOrd(), fit_copula_OrdCont(), or fit_copula_ContCont(). This object contains the estimated identifiable part of the joint distribution for the potential outcomes.


Number of replications in the sensitivity analysis. This value should be large enough to sufficiently explore all possible values of the ICA. The minimally sufficient number depends to a large extent on which inequality assumptions are subsequently imposed (see Additional Assumptions).



  • TRUE (default): Assume that the association in (S~1,T0)S~0(\tilde{S}_1, T_0)' | \tilde{S}_0 and (S~0,T1)S~1(\tilde{S}_0, T_1)' | \tilde{S}_1 are the same.

  • FALSE: There is not specific a priori relationship between the above two associations.


(numeric) Vector of length 4 that provides the lower limit, a=(a23,a13;2,a24;3,a14;23)\boldsymbol{a} = (a_{23}, a_{13;2}, a_{24;3}, a_{14;23})'. Defaults to c(-1, -1, -1, -1). If the provided lower limit is smaller than what is allowed for a particular copula family, then the copula family's lowest possible value is used instead.


(numeric) Vector of length 4 that provides the upper limit, b=(b23,b13;2,b24;3,b14;23)\boldsymbol{b} = (b_{23}, b_{13;2}, b_{24;3}, b_{14;23})'. Defaults to c(1, 1, 1, 1).


(numeric) vector with copula rotation degrees. Defaults to c(0, 90, 180, 270). This argument is not used for the Gaussian and Frank copulas since they already allow for positive and negative associations.



  • TRUE: Return marginal association measures in each replication in terms of Spearman's rho. The proportion of harmed, protected, never diseased, and always diseased is also returned. See also Value.

  • FALSE (default): No additional measures are returned.


Copula family of the other bivariate copulas. For the possible options, see loglik_copula_scale(). The elements of copula_family2 correspond to (c23,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{23}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Number of Monte-Carlo samples for the numerical approximation of the ICA in each replication of the sensitivity analysis.


Number of cores used in the sensitivity analysis. The computations are computationally heavy, and this option can speed things up considerably.


Function that estimates the ICA between the first two arguments which are numeric vectors. See also compute_ICA_OrdOrd(), compute_ICA_OrdCont(), and compute_ICA_ContCont().


A data frame is returned. Each row represents one replication in the sensitivity analysis. The returned data frame always contains the following columns:

  • R2H, sp_rho: ICA as quantified by RH2R^2_H and Spearman's rho, respectively.

  • c12, c34: estimated copula parameters.

  • c23, c13_2, c24_3, c14_23: sampled copula parameters of the unidentifiable copulas in the D-vine copula. The parameters correspond to the parameterization of the copula_family2 copula as in the copula R-package.

  • r12, r34: Fixed rotation parameters for the two identifiable copulas.

  • r23, r13_2, r24_3, r14_23: Sampled rotation parameters of the unidentifiable copulas in the D-vine copula. These values are constant for the Gaussian copula family since that copula is invariant to rotations.

The returned data frame also contains the following columns when marg_association is TRUE:

  • sp_s0s1, sp_s0t0, sp_s0t1, sp_s1t0, sp_s1t1, sp_t0t1: Spearman's rho between the corresponding potential outcomes. Note that these associations refer to the observable potential outcomes. In contrast, the estimated association parameters from fit_copula_OrdOrd() and fit_copula_OrdCont refer to associations on a latent scale.

Information-Theoretic Causal Inference Framework

The information-theoretic causal inference (ITCI) is a general framework to evaluate surrogate endpoints in the single-trial setting (Alonso et al., 2015). In this framework, we focus on the individual causal effects, ΔS=S1S0\Delta S = S_1 - S_0 and ΔT=T1T0\Delta T = T_1 - T_0 where SzS_z and TzT_z are the potential surrogate end true endpoint under treatment Z=zZ = z.

In the ITCI framework, we say that SS is a good surrogate for TT if ΔS\Delta S conveys a substantial amount of information on ΔT\Delta T (Alonso, 2018). This amount of shared information can generally be quantified by the mutual information between ΔS\Delta S and ΔT\Delta T, denoted by I(ΔS;ΔT)I(\Delta S; \Delta T). However, the mutual information lies in [0,+][0, + \infty] which complicates the interpretation. In addition, the mutual information may not be defined in specific scenarios where absolute continuity of certain probability measures fails. Therefore, the mutual information is transformed, and possibly modified, to enable a simple interpretation in light of the definition of surrogacy. The resulting measure is termed the individual causal association (ICA). This is explained in the next sections.

While the definition of surrogacy in the ITCI framework rests on information theory, shared information is closely related to statistical association. Hence, we can also define the ICA in terms of statistical association measures, like Spearman's rho and Kendall's tau. The advantage of the latter are that they are well-known, simple and rank-based measures of association.

Individual Causal Association

Many association measures can operationalize the ICA. For each setting, we consider one default definition for the ICA which follows from the mutual information.


The ICA is defined as the squared informational coefficient of correlation (SICC or RH2R^2_H), which is a transformation of the mutual information to the unit interval:

Rh2=1e2I(ΔS;ΔT)R^2_h = 1 - e^{-2 \cdot I(\Delta S; \Delta T)}

where 0 indicates independence, and 1 a functional relationship between ΔS\Delta S and ΔT\Delta T. If (ΔS,ΔT)(\Delta S, \Delta T)' is bivariate normal, the ICA equals the Pearson correlation between ΔS\Delta S and ΔT\Delta T.


The ICA is defined as the following transformation of the mutual information:

RH2=I(ΔS;ΔT)H(ΔT),R^2_H = \frac{I(\Delta S; \Delta T)}{H(\Delta T)},

where I(ΔS;ΔT)I(\Delta S; \Delta T) is the mutual information and H(ΔT)H(\Delta T) the entropy.


The ICA is defined as the following transformation of the mutual information:

RH2=I(ΔS;ΔT)min{H(ΔS),H(ΔT)},R^2_H = \frac{I(\Delta S; \Delta T)}{\min \{H(\Delta S), H(\Delta T) \}},

where I(ΔS;ΔT)I(\Delta S; \Delta T) is the mutual information, and H(ΔS)H(\Delta S) and H(ΔT)H(\Delta T) the entropy of ΔS\Delta S and ΔT\Delta T, respectively.

Sensitivity Analysis

Monte Carlo Approach

Because S0S_0 and S1S_1 are never simultaneously observed in the same patient, ΔS\Delta S is not observable, and analogously for ΔT\Delta T. Consequently, the ICA is unidentifiable. This is solved by considering a (partly identifiable) model for the full vector of potential outcomes, (T0,S0,S1,T1)(T_0, S_0, S_1, T_1)'. The identifiable parameters are estimated. The unidentifiable parameters are sampled from their parameters space in each replication of a sensitivity analysis. If the number of replications (n_sim) is sufficiently large, the entire parameter space for the unidentifiable parameters will be explored/sampled. In each replication, all model parameters are "known" (either estimated or sampled). Consequently, the ICA can be computed in each replication of the sensitivity analysis.

The sensitivity analysis thus results in a set of values for the ICA. This set can be interpreted as all values for the ICA that are compatible with the observed data. However, the range of this set is often quite broad; this means there remains too much uncertainty to make judgements regarding the worth of the surrogate. To address this unwieldy uncertainty, additional assumptions can be used that restrict the parameter space of the unidentifiable parameters. This in turn reduces the uncertainty regarding the ICA.

Intervals of Ignorance and Uncertainty

The results of the sensitivity analysis can be formalized (and summarized) in intervals of ignorance and uncertainty using sensitivity_intervals_Dvine().

Additional Assumptions

There are two possible types of assumptions that restrict the parameter space of the unidentifiable parameters: (i) equality type of assumptions, and (ii) inequality type of assumptions. These are discussed in turn in the next two paragraphs.

The equality assumptions have to be incorporated into the sensitivity analysis itself. Only one type of equality assumption has been implemented; this is the conditional independence assumption:

S~0T1S~1  and  S~1T0S~0.\tilde{S}_0 \perp T_1 | \tilde{S}_1 \; \text{and} \; \tilde{S}_1 \perp T_0 | \tilde{S}_0 .

This can informally be interpreted as “what the control treatment does to the surrogate does not provide information on the true endpoint under experimental treatment if we already know what the experimental treatment does to the surrogate", and analogously when control and experimental treatment are interchanged. Note that S~z\tilde{S}_z refers to either the actual potential surrogate outcome, or a latent version. This depends on the content of fitted_model.

The inequality type of assumptions have to be imposed on the data frame that is returned by the current function; those assumptions are thus imposed after running the sensitivity analysis. If marginal_association is set to TRUE, the returned data frame contains additional unverifiable quantities that differ across replications of the sensitivity analysis: (i) the unconditional Spearman's ρ\rho for all pairs of (observable/non-latent) potential outcomes, and (ii) the proportions of the population strata as defined by Nevo and Gorfine (2022) if semi-competing risks are present. More details on the interpretation and use of these assumptions can be found in Stijven et al. (2024).


Alonso, A. (2018). An information-theoretic approach for the evaluation of surrogate endpoints. In Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., Molenberghs, G., Buyse, M., and Burzykowski, T. (2015). On the relationship between the causal-inference and meta-analytic paradigms for the validation of surrogate endpoints. Biometrics 71, 15–24.

Sensitivity analysis for individual causal association


The sensitivity_analysis_SurvSurv_copula() function performs the sensitivity analysis for the individual causal association (ICA) as described by Stijven et al. (2024).


  composite = TRUE,
  eq_cond_association = TRUE,
  lower = c(-1, -1, -1, -1),
  upper = c(1, 1, 1, 1),
  degrees = c(0, 90, 180, 270),
  marg_association = TRUE,
  copula_family2 = fitted_model$copula_family[1],
  n_prec = 5000,
  ncores = 1,
  sample_plots = NULL,
  mutinfo_estimator = NULL,
  restr_time = +Inf



Returned value from fit_model_SurvSurv(). This object contains the estimated identifiable part of the joint distribution for the potential outcomes.


(boolean) If composite is TRUE, then the surrogate endpoint is a composite of both a "pure" surrogate endpoint and the true endpoint, e.g., progression-free survival is the minimum of time-to-progression and time-to-death.


Number of replications in the sensitivity analysis. This value should be large enough to sufficiently explore all possible values of the ICA. The minimally sufficient number depends to a large extent on which inequality assumptions are subsequently imposed (see Additional Assumptions).



  • TRUE (default): Assume that the association in (S~1,T0)S~0(\tilde{S}_1, T_0)' | \tilde{S}_0 and (S~0,T1)S~1(\tilde{S}_0, T_1)' | \tilde{S}_1 are the same.

  • FALSE: There is not specific a priori relationship between the above two associations.


(numeric) Vector of length 4 that provides the lower limit, a=(a23,a13;2,a24;3,a14;23)\boldsymbol{a} = (a_{23}, a_{13;2}, a_{24;3}, a_{14;23})'. Defaults to c(-1, -1, -1, -1). If the provided lower limit is smaller than what is allowed for a particular copula family, then the copula family's lowest possible value is used instead.


(numeric) Vector of length 4 that provides the upper limit, b=(b23,b13;2,b24;3,b14;23)\boldsymbol{b} = (b_{23}, b_{13;2}, b_{24;3}, b_{14;23})'. Defaults to c(1, 1, 1, 1).


(numeric) vector with copula rotation degrees. Defaults to c(0, 90, 180, 270). This argument is not used for the Gaussian and Frank copulas since they already allow for positive and negative associations.



  • TRUE: Return marginal association measures in each replication in terms of Spearman's rho. The proportion of harmed, protected, never diseased, and always diseased is also returned. See also Value.

  • FALSE (default): No additional measures are returned.


Copula family of the other bivariate copulas. For the possible options, see loglik_copula_scale(). The elements of copula_family2 correspond to (c23,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{23}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Number of Monte-Carlo samples for the numerical approximation of the ICA in each replication of the sensitivity analysis.


Number of cores used in the sensitivity analysis. The computations are computationally heavy, and this option can speed things up considerably.


Indices for replicates in the sensitivity analysis for which the sampled individual treatment effects are plotted. Defaults to NULL: no plots are displayed.


Function that estimates the mutual information between the first two arguments which are numeric vectors. Defaults to FNN::mutinfo() with default arguments.


Restriction time for the potential outcomes. Defaults to +Inf which means no restriction. Otherwise, the sampled potential outcomes are replace by pmin(S0, restr_time) (and similarly for the other potential outcomes).


A data frame is returned. Each row represents one replication in the sensitivity analysis. The returned data frame always contains the following columns:

  • ICA, sp_rho: ICA as quantified by Rh2(ΔS,ΔT)R^2_h(\Delta S^*, \Delta T^*) and ρs(ΔS,ΔT)\rho_s(\Delta S, \Delta T).

  • c23, c13_2, c24_3, c14_23: sampled copula parameters of the unidentifiable copulas in the D-vine copula. The parameters correspond to the parameterization of the copula_family2 copula as in the copula R-package.

  • r23, r13_2, r24_3, r14_23: sampled rotation parameters of the unidentifiable copulas in the D-vine copula. These values are constant for the Gaussian copula family since that copula is invariant to rotations.

    The returned data frame also contains the following columns when get_marg_tau is TRUE:

  • sp_s0s1, sp_s0t0, sp_s0t1, sp_s1t0, sp_s1t1, sp_t0t1: Spearman's ρ\rho between the corresponding potential outcomes. Note that these associations refer to the potential time-to-composite events and/or time-to-true endpoint event. In contrary, the estimated association parameters from fit_model_SurvSurv() refer to associations between the time-to-surrogate event and time-to true endpoint event. Also note that sp_s1t1 is constant whereas sp_s0t0 is not. This is a particularity of the MC procedure to calculate both measures and thus not a bug.

  • prop_harmed, prop_protected, prop_always, prop_never: proportions of the corresponding population strata in each replication. These are defined in Nevo and Gorfine (2022).

Information-Theoretic Causal Inference Framework

The information-theoretic causal inference (ITCI) is a general framework to evaluate surrogate endpoints in the single-trial setting (Alonso et al., 2015). In this framework, we focus on the individual causal effects, ΔS=S1S0\Delta S = S_1 - S_0 and ΔT=T1T0\Delta T = T_1 - T_0 where SzS_z and TzT_z are the potential surrogate end true endpoint under treatment Z=zZ = z.

In the ITCI framework, we say that SS is a good surrogate for TT if ΔS\Delta S conveys a substantial amount of information on ΔT\Delta T (Alonso, 2018). This amount of shared information can generally be quantified by the mutual information between ΔS\Delta S and ΔT\Delta T, denoted by I(ΔS;ΔT)I(\Delta S; \Delta T). However, the mutual information lies in [0,+][0, + \infty] which complicates the interpretation. In addition, the mutual information may not be defined in specific scenarios where absolute continuity of certain probability measures fails. Therefore, the mutual information is transformed, and possibly modified, to enable a simple interpretation in light of the definition of surrogacy. The resulting measure is termed the individual causal association (ICA). This is explained in the next sections.

While the definition of surrogacy in the ITCI framework rests on information theory, shared information is closely related to statistical association. Hence, we can also define the ICA in terms of statistical association measures, like Spearman's rho and Kendall's tau. The advantage of the latter are that they are well-known, simple and rank-based measures of association.

Surrogacy in The Survival-Survival Setting

General Introduction

Stijven et al. (2024) proposed to quantify the ICA through the squared informational coefficient of correlation (SICC or RH2R^2_H), which is a transformation of the mutual information to the unit interval:

RH2=1e2I(ΔS;ΔT)R^2_H = 1 - e^{-2 \cdot I(\Delta S; \Delta T)}

where 0 indicates independence, and 1 a functional relationship between ΔS\Delta S and ΔT\Delta T. The ICA (or a modified version, see next) is returned by sensitivity_analysis_SurvSurv_copula(). Concurrently, the Spearman's correlation between ΔS\Delta S and ΔT\Delta T is also returned.

Issues with Composite Endpoints

In the survival-survival setting where the surrogate is a composite endpoint, care should be taken when defining the mutual information. Indeed, when SzS_z is progression-free survival and TzT_z is overall survival, there is a probability atom in the joint distribution of (Sz,Tz)(S_z, T_z)' because P(Sz=Tz)>0P(S_z = T_z) > 0. In other words, there are patient that die before progressing. While this probability atom is correctly taken into account in the models fitted by fit_model_SurvSurv(), this probability atom reappears when considering the distribution of (ΔS,ΔT)(\Delta S, \Delta T)' because P(ΔS=ΔT)>0P(\Delta S = \Delta T) > 0 if we are considering PFS and OS.

Because of the atom in the distribution of (ΔS,ΔT)(\Delta S, \Delta T)', the corresponding mutual information is not defined. To solve this, the mutual information is computed excluding the patients for which ΔS=ΔT\Delta S = \Delta T when composite = TRUE. The proportion of excluded patients is, among other things, returned when marginal_association = TRUE. This is the proportion of "never" patients following the classification of Nevo and Gorfine (2022). See also Additional Assumptions.

This modified version of the ICA quantifies the surrogacy of SS when "adjusted for the composite nature of SS". Indeed, we exclude patients where ΔS\Delta S perfectly predicts ΔT\Delta T *just because SS is a composite of TT (and other variables).

Other (rank-based) statistical measures of association, however, remain well-defined and are thus computed without excluding any patients.

Sensitivity Analysis

Monte Carlo Approach

Because S0S_0 and S1S_1 are never simultaneously observed in the same patient, ΔS\Delta S is not observable, and analogously for ΔT\Delta T. Consequently, the ICA is unidentifiable. This is solved by considering a (partly identifiable) model for the full vector of potential outcomes, (T0,S0,S1,T1)(T_0, S_0, S_1, T_1)'. The identifiable parameters are estimated. The unidentifiable parameters are sampled from their parameters space in each replication of a sensitivity analysis. If the number of replications (n_sim) is sufficiently large, the entire parameter space for the unidentifiable parameters will be explored/sampled. In each replication, all model parameters are "known" (either estimated or sampled). Consequently, the ICA can be computed in each replication of the sensitivity analysis.

The sensitivity analysis thus results in a set of values for the ICA. This set can be interpreted as all values for the ICA that are compatible with the observed data. However, the range of this set is often quite broad; this means there remains too much uncertainty to make judgements regarding the worth of the surrogate. To address this unwieldy uncertainty, additional assumptions can be used that restrict the parameter space of the unidentifiable parameters. This in turn reduces the uncertainty regarding the ICA.

Intervals of Ignorance and Uncertainty

The results of the sensitivity analysis can be formalized (and summarized) in intervals of ignorance and uncertainty using sensitivity_intervals_Dvine().

Additional Assumptions

There are two possible types of assumptions that restrict the parameter space of the unidentifiable parameters: (i) equality type of assumptions, and (ii) inequality type of assumptions. These are discussed in turn in the next two paragraphs.

The equality assumptions have to be incorporated into the sensitivity analysis itself. Only one type of equality assumption has been implemented; this is the conditional independence assumption:

S~0T1S~1  and  S~1T0S~0.\tilde{S}_0 \perp T_1 | \tilde{S}_1 \; \text{and} \; \tilde{S}_1 \perp T_0 | \tilde{S}_0 .

This can informally be interpreted as “what the control treatment does to the surrogate does not provide information on the true endpoint under experimental treatment if we already know what the experimental treatment does to the surrogate", and analogously when control and experimental treatment are interchanged. Note that S~z\tilde{S}_z refers to either the actual potential surrogate outcome, or a latent version. This depends on the content of fitted_model.

The inequality type of assumptions have to be imposed on the data frame that is returned by the current function; those assumptions are thus imposed after running the sensitivity analysis. If marginal_association is set to TRUE, the returned data frame contains additional unverifiable quantities that differ across replications of the sensitivity analysis: (i) the unconditional Spearman's ρ\rho for all pairs of (observable/non-latent) potential outcomes, and (ii) the proportions of the population strata as defined by Nevo and Gorfine (2022) if semi-competing risks are present. More details on the interpretation and use of these assumptions can be found in Stijven et al. (2024).


Alonso, A. (2018). An information-theoretic approach for the evaluation of surrogate endpoints. In Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., Molenberghs, G., Buyse, M., and Burzykowski, T. (2015). On the relationship between the causal-inference and meta-analytic paradigms for the validation of surrogate endpoints. Biometrics 71, 15–24.

Stijven, F., Alonso, a., Molenberghs, G., Van Der Elst, W., Van Keilegom, I. (2024). An information-theoretic approach to the evaluation of time-to-event surrogates for time-to-event true endpoints based on causal inference.

Nevo, D., & Gorfine, M. (2022). Causal inference for semi-competing risks data. Biostatistics, 23 (4), 1115-1132


# Load Ovarian data
# Recode the Ovarian data in the semi-competing risks format.
data_scr = data.frame(
  ttp = Ovarian$Pfs,
  os = Ovarian$Surv,
  treat = Ovarian$Treat,
  ttp_ind = ifelse(
    Ovarian$Pfs == Ovarian$Surv &
      Ovarian$SurvInd == 1,
  os_ind = Ovarian$SurvInd
# Fit copula model.
fitted_model = fit_model_SurvSurv(data = data_scr,
                                  copula_family = "clayton",
                                  n_knots = 1)
# Illustration with small number of replications and low precision
sens_results = sensitivity_analysis_SurvSurv_copula(fitted_model,
                  n_sim = 5,
                  n_prec = 2000,
                  copula_family2 = "clayton",
                  eq_cond_association = TRUE)
# Compute intervals of ignorance and uncertainty. Again, the number of
# bootstrap replications should be larger in practice.
sensitivity_intervals_Dvine(fitted_model, sens_results, B = 10)

Compute Sensitivity Intervals


sensitivity_intervals_Dvine() computes the estimated intervals of ignorance and uncertainty within the information-theoretic causal inference framework when the data are modeled with a D-vine copula model.


  measure = "ICA",
  B = 200,
  alpha = 0.05,
  n_prec = 5000,
  mutinfo_estimator = NULL,
  ICA_estimator = NULL,
  restr_time = +Inf,
  ncores = 1



Returned value from fit_model_SurvSurv(). This object contains the estimated identifiable part of the joint distribution for the potential outcomes.


Dataframe returned by sensitivity_analysis_SurvSurv_copula(). If additional assumptions need to be incorporated, this dataframe can first be filtered.


Compute intervals for which measure of surrogacy? Defaults to "ICA". See first column names of sens_results for other possibilities.


Number of bootstrap replications


(numeric) 1 - alpha is the level of the confidence interval


Number of Monte-Carlo samples for the numerical approximation of the ICA in each replication of the sensitivity analysis.


Function that estimates the mutual information between the first two arguments which are numeric vectors. Defaults to FNN::mutinfo() with default arguments.


Function that estimates the ICA between the first two arguments which are numeric vectors. Defaults to NULL which corresponds to using estimate_ICA_ContCont(), estimate_ICA_OrdCont(), or estimate_ICA_OrdOrd() (depending on the endpoint types). This argument is not used in the survival-survival setting.


Restriction time for the potential outcomes. Defaults to +Inf which means no restriction. Otherwise, the sampled potential outcomes are replace by pmin(S0, restr_time) (and similarly for the other potential outcomes).


Number of cores used in the sensitivity analysis. The computations are computationally heavy, and this option can speed things up considerably.


An S3 object of the class sensitivity_intervals_Dvine which can be printed.

Intervals of Ignorance and Uncertainty

Vansteelandt et al. (2006) formalized sensitivity analysis for partly identifiable parameters in the context of missing data and MNAR. These concepts can be applied to the estimation of the ICA. Indeed, the ICA is also partly identifiable because 50% if the potential outcomes are missing.

Vansteelandt et al. (2006) replace a point estimate with a interval estimate: the estimated interval of ignorance. In addition, they proposed several extension of the classic confidence interval together with appropriate definitions of coverage; these are termed intervals of uncertainty.

sensitivity_intervals_Dvine() implements the estimated interval of ignorance and the pointwise and strong intervals of uncertainty. Let νl\boldsymbol{\nu}_l and νu\boldsymbol{\nu}_u be the values for the sensitivity parameter that lead to the lowest and largest ICA, respectively, while fixing the identifiable parameter at its estimated value β^\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}. See also summary_level_bootstrap_ICA(). The following intervals are implemented:

  1. Estimated interval of ignorance. This interval is defined as [ICA(β^,νl),ICA(β^,νu)][ICA(\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}, \boldsymbol{\nu}_l), ICA(\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}, \boldsymbol{\nu}_u)].

  2. Pointiwse interval of uncertainty. Let ClC_l (and CuC_u) be the lower (and upper) limit of a one-sided 1α1 - \alpha CI for ICA(β0,νl)ICA(\boldsymbol{\beta_0}, \boldsymbol{\nu}_l) (and ICA(β0,νl)ICA(\boldsymbol{\beta_0}, \boldsymbol{\nu}_l)). This interval is then defined as [Cl,Cu][C_l, C_u] when the ignorance is much larger than the statistical imprecision.

  3. Strong interval of uncertainty. Let ClC_l (and CuC_u) be the lower (and upper) limit of a two-sided 1α1 - \alpha CI for ICA(β0,νl)ICA(\boldsymbol{\beta_0}, \boldsymbol{\nu}_l) (and ICA(β0,νl)ICA(\boldsymbol{\beta_0}, \boldsymbol{\nu}_l)). This interval is then defined as [Cl,Cu][C_l, C_u].

The CIs, which are need for the intervals of uncertainty, are based on percentile bootstrap confidence intervals, as documented in summary_level_bootstrap_ICA(). In addition, νl\boldsymbol{\nu}_l is not known. Therefore, it is estimated as

argminνΓICA(β^,ν),\arg \min_{\boldsymbol{\nu} \in \Gamma} ICA(\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}, \boldsymbol{\nu}),

and similarly for νu\boldsymbol{\nu}_u.


Vansteelandt, Stijn, et al. "Ignorance and uncertainty regions as inferential tools in a sensitivity analysis." Statistica Sinica (2006): 953-979.


# Load Ovarian data
# Recode the Ovarian data in the semi-competing risks format.
data_scr = data.frame(
  ttp = Ovarian$Pfs,
  os = Ovarian$Surv,
  treat = Ovarian$Treat,
  ttp_ind = ifelse(
    Ovarian$Pfs == Ovarian$Surv &
      Ovarian$SurvInd == 1,
  os_ind = Ovarian$SurvInd
# Fit copula model.
fitted_model = fit_model_SurvSurv(data = data_scr,
                                  copula_family = "clayton",
                                  n_knots = 1)
# Illustration with small number of replications and low precision
sens_results = sensitivity_analysis_SurvSurv_copula(fitted_model,
                  n_sim = 5,
                  n_prec = 2000,
                  copula_family2 = "clayton",
                  eq_cond_association = TRUE)
# Compute intervals of ignorance and uncertainty. Again, the number of
# bootstrap replications should be larger in practice.
sensitivity_intervals_Dvine(fitted_model, sens_results, B = 10)

Simulate a dataset that contains counterfactuals


The function Sim.Data.Counterfactuals simulates a dataset that contains four (continuous) counterfactuals (i.e., potential outcomes) and a (binary) treatment indicator. The counterfactuals T0T_0 and T1T_1 denote the true endpoints of a patient under the control and the experimental treatments, respectively, and the counterfactuals S0S_0 and S1S_1 denote the surrogate endpoints of the patient under the control and the experimental treatments, respectively. The user can specify the number of patients, the desired mean values for the counterfactuals (i.e., μc\bold{\mu}_c), and the desired correlations between the counterfactuals (i.e., the off-diagonal values in the standardized Σc\bold{\Sigma}_c matrix). For details, see the papers of Alonso et al. (submitted) and Van der Elst et al. (submitted).


mu_c=c(0, 0, 0, 0), T0S0=0, T1S1=0, T0T1=0, T0S1=0, 
T1S0=0, S0S1=0, Seed=sample(1:1000, size=1))



The total number of patients in the simulated dataset. Default 20002000.


A vector that specifies the desired means for the counterfactuals S0S_0, S1S_1, T0T_0, and T1T_1, respectively. Default c(0, 0, 0, 0).


A scalar that specifies the desired correlation between the counterfactuals T0 and S0 that should be used in the generation of the data. Default 00.


A scalar that specifies the desired correlation between the counterfactuals T1 and S1 that should be used in the generation of the data. Default 00.


A scalar that specifies the desired correlation between the counterfactuals T0 and T1 that should be used in the generation of the data. Default 00.


A scalar that specifies the desired correlation between the counterfactuals T0 and S1 that should be used in the generation of the data. Default 00.


A scalar that specifies the desired correlation between the counterfactuals T1 and S0 that should be used in the generation of the data. Default 00.


A scalar that specifies the desired correlation between the counterfactuals T0 and T1 that should be used in the generation of the data. Default 00.


A seed that is used to generate the dataset. Default sample(x=1:1000, size=1), i.e., a random number between 1 and 1000.


The generated object Data.Counterfactuals (of class data.frame) is placed in the workspace.

The specified values for T0S0, T1S1, T0T1, T0S1, T1S0, and S0S1 in the function call should form a matrix that is positive definite (i.e., they should form a valid correlation matrix). When the user specifies values that form a matrix that is not positive definite, an error message is given and the object Data.Counterfactuals is not generated. The function Pos.Def.Matrices can be used to examine beforehand whether a 44 by 44 matrix is positive definite.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., Molenberghs, G., Buyse, M., & Burzykowski, T. (submitted). On the relationship between the causal inference and meta-analytic paradigms for the validation of surrogate markers.

Van der Elst, W., Alonso, A., & Molenberghs, G. (submitted). An exploration of the relationship between causal inference and meta-analytic measures of surrogacy.

See Also

Sim.Data.MTS, Sim.Data.STS


## Generate a dataset with 2000 patients, cor(S0,T0)=cor(S1,T1)=.5, 
## cor(T0,T1)=cor(T0,S1)=cor(T1,S0)=cor(S0,S1)=0, with means 
## 5, 9, 12, and 15 for S0, S1, T0, and T1, respectively:
Sim.Data.Counterfactuals(N=2000, T0S0=.5, T1S1=.5, T0T1=0, T0S1=0, T1S0=0, S0S1=0, 
mu_c=c(5, 9, 12, 15), Seed=1)

Simulate a dataset that contains counterfactuals for binary endpoints


The function Sim.Data.CounterfactualsBinBin simulates a dataset that contains four (binary) counterfactuals (i.e., potential outcomes) and a (binary) treatment indicator. The counterfactuals T0T_0 and T1T_1 denote the true endpoints of a patient under the control and the experimental treatments, respectively, and the counterfactuals S0S_0 and S1S_1 denote the surrogate endpoints of the patient under the control and the experimental treatments, respectively. The user can specify the number of patients and the desired probabilities of the vector of potential outcomes (i.e., Yc\bold{{Y'}_c}=(T_0, T_1, S_0, S_1)).


Sim.Data.CounterfactualsBinBin(Pi_s=rep(1/16, 16), 
N.Total=2000, Seed=sample(1:1000, size=1))



The vector of probabilities of the potential outcomes, i.e., pi0000pi_{0000}, pi0100pi_{0100}, pi0010pi_{0010}, pi0001pi_{0001}, pi0101pi_{0101}, pi1000pi_{1000}, pi1010pi_{1010}, pi1001pi_{1001}, pi1110pi_{1110}, pi1101pi_{1101}, pi1011pi_{1011}, pi1111pi_{1111}, pi0110pi_{0110}, pi0011pi_{0011}, pi0111pi_{0111}, pi1100pi_{1100}. Default rep(1/16, 16).


The desired number of patients in the simulated dataset. Default 20002000.


A seed that is used to generate the dataset. Default sample(x=1:1000, size=1), i.e., a random number between 1 and 1000.


The generated object Data.STSBinBin.Counter (which contains the counterfactuals) and Data.STSBinBin.Obs (the "observable data") (of class data.frame) is placed in the workspace.


An object of class Sim.Data.CounterfactualsBinBin with components,


The generated dataset that contains the "observed" surrogate endrpoint, true endpoint, and assigned treatment.


The generated dataset that contains the counterfactuals.


The vector of probabilities of the potential outcomes, i.e., pi0000pi_{0000}, pi0100pi_{0100}, pi0010pi_{0010}, pi0001pi_{0001}, pi0101pi_{0101}, pi1000pi_{1000}, pi1010pi_{1010}, pi1001pi_{1001}, pi1110pi_{1110}, pi1101pi_{1101}, pi1011pi_{1011}, pi1111pi_{1111}, pi0110pi_{0110}, pi0011pi_{0011}, pi0111pi_{0111}, pi1100pi_{1100}.


The vector of marginal probabilities π11\pi_{1 \cdot 1 \cdot}, π01\pi_{0 \cdot 1 \cdot}, π10\pi_{1 \cdot 0 \cdot}, π00\pi_{0 \cdot 0 \cdot}, π11\pi_{\cdot 1 \cdot 1}, π10\pi_{\cdot 1 \cdot 0}, π01\pi_{\cdot 0 \cdot 1}, π00\pi_{\cdot 0 \cdot 0}.


The true RH2R_H^2 value.


The true odds ratio for TT.


The true odds ratio for SS.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


## Generate a dataset with 2000 patients, and values 1/16
## for all proabilities between the counterfactuals:

Simulates a dataset that can be used to assess surrogacy in the multiple-trial setting


The function Sim.Data.MTS simulates a dataset that contains the variables Treat, Trial.ID, Surr, True, and Pat.ID. The user can specify the number of patients and the number of trials that should be included in the simulated dataset, the desired RtrialR_{trial} and RindivR_{indiv} values, the desired variability of the trial-specific treatment effects for the surrogate and the true endpoints (i.e., daad_{aa} and dbbd_{bb}, respectively), and the desired fixed-effect parameters of the intercepts and treatment effects for the surrogate and the true endpoints.


Sim.Data.MTS(N.Total=2000, N.Trial=50, R.Trial.Target=.8, R.Indiv.Target=.8, 
Fixed.Effects=c(0, 0, 0, 0), D.aa=10,, Seed=sample(1:1000, size=1), 



The total number of patients in the simulated dataset. Default 20002000.


The number of trials. Default 5050.


The desired RtrialR_{trial} value in the sumilated dataset. Default 0.800.80


The desired RindivR_{indiv} value in the simulated dataset. Default 0.800.80.


A vector that specifies the desired fixed-effect intercept for the surrogate, fixed-effect intercept for the true endpoint, fixed treatment effect for the surrogate, and fixed treatment effect for the true endpoint, respectively. Default c(0, 0, 0, 0).


The desired variability of the trial-specific treatment effects on the surrogate endpoint. Default 1010.

The desired variability of the trial-specific treatment effects on the true endpoint. Default 1010.


The type of model that will be fitted on the data when surrogacy is assessed, i.e., a full, semireduced, or reduced model (for details, see UnifixedContCont, UnimixedContCont, BifixedContCont, BimixedContCont).


The seed that is used to generate the dataset. Default sample(x=1:1000, size=1), i.e., a random number between 1 and 1000.


The generated object Data.Observed.MTS (of class data.frame) is placed in the workspace (for easy access).

The number of patients per trial in the simulated dataset is identical in each trial, and equals the requested total number of patients divided by the requested number of trials (=N.Total/N.Trial). If this is not a whole number, a warning is given and the number of patients per trial is automatically rounded up to the nearest whole number. See Examples below.

Treatment allocation is balanced when the number of patients per trial is an odd number. If this is not the case, treatment allocation is balanced up to one patient (the remaining patient is randomly allocated to the exprimental or the control treatment groups in each of the trials).


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs

See Also

UnifixedContCont, BifixedContCont, UnimixedContCont, BimixedContCont, Sim.Data.STS


# Simulate a dataset with 2000 patients, 50 trials, Rindiv=Rtrial=.8, D.aa=10,
#, and fixed effect values 1, 2, 30, and 90:
Sim.Data.MTS(N.Total=2000, N.Trial=50, R.Trial.Target=.8, R.Indiv.Target=.8, D.aa=10,, Fixed.Effects=c(1, 2, 30, 90), Seed=1)  

# Sample output, the first 10 rows of Data.Observed.MTS:

# Note: When the following code is used to generate a dataset:
Sim.Data.MTS(N.Total=2000, N.Trial=99, R.Trial.Target=.5, R.Indiv.Target=.8, 
D.aa=10,, Fixed.Effects=c(1, 2, 30, 90), Seed=1)  

# R gives the following warning: 

# > NOTE: The number of patients per trial requested in the function call 
# > equals 20.20202 (=N.Total/N.Trial), which is not a whole number.  
# > To obtain a dataset where the number of patients per trial is balanced for 
# > all trials, the number of patients per trial was rounded to 21 to generate 
# > the dataset. Data.Observed.MTS thus contains a total of 2079 patients rather 
# > than the requested 2000 in the function call.

Simulates a dataset that can be used to assess surrogacy in the single-trial setting


The function Sim.Data.STS simulates a dataset that contains the variables Treat, Surr, True, and Pat.ID. The user can specify the total number of patients, the desired RindivR_{indiv} value (also referred to as the adjusted association (γ\gamma) in the single-trial meta-analytic setting), and the desired means of the surrogate and the true endpoints in the experimental and control treatment groups.


Sim.Data.STS(N.Total=2000, R.Indiv.Target=.8, Means=c(0, 0, 0, 0), Seed=
sample(1:1000, size=1))



The total number of patients in the simulated dataset. Default 20002000.


The desired RindivR_{indiv} (or γ\gamma) value in the simulated dataset. Default 0.800.80.


A vector that specifies the desired mean for the surrogate in the control treatment group, mean for the surrogate in the experimental treatment group, mean for the true endpoint in the control treatment group, and mean for the true endpoint in the experimental treatment group, respectively. Default c(0, 0, 0, 0).


The seed that is used to generate the dataset. Default sample(x=1:1000, size=1), i.e., a random number between 1 and 1000.


The generated object Data.Observed.STS (of class data.frame) is placed in the workspace (for easy access).


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs

See Also

Sim.Data.MTS, Single.Trial.RE.AA


# Simulate a dataset: 
Sim.Data.STS(N.Total=2000, R.Indiv.Target=.8, Means=c(1, 5, 20, 37), Seed=1)

Simulates a dataset that can be used to assess surrogacy in the single trial setting when S and T are binary endpoints


The function Sim.Data.STSBinBin simulates a dataset that contains four (binary) counterfactuals (i.e., potential outcomes) and a (binary) treatment indicator. The counterfactuals T0T_0 and T1T_1 denote the true endpoints of a patient under the control and the experimental treatments, respectively, and the counterfactuals S0S_0 and S1S_1 denote the surrogate endpoints of the patient under the control and the experimental treatments, respectively. In addition, the function provides the "observable" data based on the dataset of the counterfactuals, i.e., the SS and TT endpoints given the treatment that was allocated to a patient. The user can specify the assumption regarding monotonicity that should be made to generate the data (no monotonicity, monotonicity for SS alone, monotonicity for TT alone, or monotonicity for both SS and TT).


Sim.Data.STSBinBin(Monotonicity=c("No"), N.Total=2000, Seed)



The assumption regarding monotonicity that should be made when the data are generated, i.e., Monotonicity="No" (no monotonicity assumed), Monotonicity="True.Endp" (monotonicity assumed for the true endpoint alone), Monotonicity="Surr.Endp" (monotonicity assumed for the surrogate endpoint alone), and Monotonicity="Surr.True.Endp" (monotonicity assumed for both endpoints). Default Monotonicity="No".


The desired number of patients in the simulated dataset. Default 20002000.


A seed that is used to generate the dataset. Default sample(x=1:1000, size=1), i.e., a random number between 1 and 1000.


The generated objects Data.STSBinBin_Counterfactuals (which contains the counterfactuals) and Data.STSBinBin_Obs (which contains the observable data) of class data.frame are placed in the workspace. Other relevant output can be accessed based on the fitted object (see ValueValue below)


An object of class Sim.Data.STSBinBin with components,


The generated dataset that contains the "observed" surrogate endrpoint, true endpoint, and assigned treatment.


The generated dataset that contains the counterfactuals.


The vector of probabilities of the potential outcomes, i.e., pi0000pi_{0000}, pi0100pi_{0100}, pi0010pi_{0010}, pi0001pi_{0001}, pi0101pi_{0101}, pi1000pi_{1000}, pi1010pi_{1010}, pi1001pi_{1001}, pi1110pi_{1110}, pi1101pi_{1101}, pi1011pi_{1011}, pi1111pi_{1111}, pi0110pi_{0110}, pi0011pi_{0011}, pi0111pi_{0111}, pi1100pi_{1100}.


The vector of marginal probabilities π11\pi_{1 \cdot 1 \cdot}, π01\pi_{0 \cdot 1 \cdot}, π10\pi_{1 \cdot 0 \cdot}, π00\pi_{0 \cdot 0 \cdot}, π11\pi_{\cdot 1 \cdot 1}, π10\pi_{\cdot 1 \cdot 0}, π01\pi_{\cdot 0 \cdot 1}, π00\pi_{\cdot 0 \cdot 0}.


The true RH2R_H^2 value.


The true odds ratio for TT.


The true odds ratio for SS.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


## Generate a dataset with 2000 patients, 
## assuming no monotonicity:
Sim.Data.STSBinBin(Monotonicity=c("No"), N.Total=200)

Conducts a surrogacy analysis based on the single-trial meta-analytic framework


The function Single.Trial.RE.AA conducts a surrogacy analysis based on the single-trial meta-analytic framework of Buyse & Molenberghs (1998). See Details below.


Single.Trial.RE.AA(Dataset, Surr, True, Treat, Pat.ID, Alpha=.05, 
Number.Bootstraps=500, Seed=sample(1:1000, size=1))



A data.frame that should consist of one line per patient. Each line contains (at least) a surrogate value, a true endpoint value, a treatment indicator, and a patient ID.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the surrogate values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the true endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the treatment indicators. The treatment indicator should either be coded as 11 for the experimental group and 1-1 for the control group, or as 11 for the experimental group and 00 for the control group. The 1/1-1/1 coding is recommended.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the patient's ID.


The α\alpha-level that is used to determine the confidence intervals around Alpha (which is a parameter estimate of a model where the surrogate is regressed on the treatment indicator, see Details below), Beta, RE, and γ\gamma. Default 0.050.05.


The number of bootstrap samples that are used to obtain the bootstrapp-based confidence intervals for RE and the adjusted association (γ\gamma). Default 500500.


The seed that is used to generate the bootstrap samples. Default sample(x=1:1000, size=1), i.e., a random number between 1 and 1000.


The Relative Effect (RE) and the adjusted association (γ\gamma) are based on the following bivariate regression model (when the surrogate and the true endpoints are continuous variables):

Sj=μS+αZj+εSj,S_{j}=\mu_{S}+\alpha Z_{j}+\varepsilon_{Sj},

Tj=μT+βZj+εTj,T_{j}=\mu_{T}+\beta Z_{j}+\varepsilon_{Tj},

where the error terms have a joint zero-mean normal distribution with variance-covariance matrix:

Σ=(σSSσSTσTT),\boldsymbol{\Sigma}=\left(\begin{array}{cc} \sigma_{SS}\\ \sigma_{ST} & \sigma_{TT} \end{array}\right),

and where jj is the subject indicator, SjS_{j} and TjT_{j} are the surrogate and true endpoint values of patient jj, and ZjZ_{j} is the treatment indicator for patient jj.

The parameter estimates of the fitted regression model and the variance-covariance matrix of the residuals are used to compute RE and the adjusted association (γ\gamma), respectively:




The single-trial meta-analytic framework is hampered by a number of issues (Burzykowski et al., 2005). For example, a key motivation to validate a surrogate endpoint is to be able to predict the effect of Z on T as based on the effect of Z on S in a new clinical trial where T is not (yet) observed. The RE allows for such a prediction, but this requires the assumption that the relation between α\alpha and β\beta can be described by a linear regression model that goes through the origin. In other words, it has to be assumed that the RE remains constant across clinical trials. The constant RE assumption is unverifiable in a single-trial setting, but a way out of this problem is to combine the information of multiple clinical trials and generalize the RE concept to a multiple-trial setting (as is done in the multiple-trial meta-analytic approach, see UnifixedContCont, BifixedContCont, UnimixedContCont, and BimixedContCont).


An object of class Single.Trial.RE.AA with components,


Prior to conducting the surrogacy analysis, data of patients who have a missing value for the surrogate and/or the true endpoint are excluded. Data.Analyze is the dataset on which the surrogacy analysis was conducted.


An object of class data.frame that contains the parameter estimate for α\alpha, its standard error, and its confidence interval. Note that Alpha is not to be confused with the Alpha argument in the function call, which specifies the α\alpha-level of the confidence intervals of the parameters.


An object of class data.frame that contains the parameter estimate for β\beta, its standard error, and its confidence interval.


An object of class data.frame that contains the estimated RE, its standard error, and its confidence interval (based on the Delta method).


An object of class data.frame that contains the estimated RE, its standard error, and its confidence interval (based on Fieller's theorem).


An object of class data.frame that contains the estimated RE, its standard error, and its confidence interval (based on bootstrapping). Note that the occurence of outliers in the sample of bootstrapped RE values may lead to standard errors and/or confidence intervals that are not trustworthy. Such problems mainly occur when the parameter estimate for α\alpha is close to 0 (taking its standard error into account). To detect possible outliers, studentized deleted residuals are computed (by fitting an intercept-only model with the bootstrapped RE values as the outcome variable). Bootstrapped RE values with an absolute studentized residual larger than t(1α/2n;n2)t(1-\alpha/2n;n-2) are marked as outliers (where n = the number of bootstrapped RE values; Kutner et al., 2005). A warning is given when outliers are found, and the position of the outlier(s) in the bootstrap sample is identified. Inspection of the vector of bootstrapped RE values (see RE.Boot.Samples below) is recommended in this situation, and/or the use of the confidence intervals that are based on the Delta method or Fieller's theorem (rather than the bootstrap-based confidence interval).


An object of class data.frame that contains the adjusted association (i.e., γ\gamma), its standard error, and its confidence interval (based on the Fisher-Z transformation procedure).


An object of class data.frame that contains the adjusted association (i.e., γ\gamma), its standard error, and its confidence interval (based on a bootstrap procedure).


A vector that contains the RE values that were generated during the bootstrap procedure.


A vector that contains the adjusted association (i.e., γ\gamma) values that were generated during the bootstrap procedure.


A data.frame that contains the correlations between the surrogate and the true endpoint in the control treatment group (i.e., ρT0T1\rho_{T0T1}) and in the experimental treatment group (i.e., ρT1S1\rho_{T1S1}), their standard errors and their confidence intervals.


A data.frame that contains the residuals for the surrogate and true endpoints that are obtained when the surrogate and the true endpoint are regressed on the treatment indicator.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Burzykowski, T., Molenberghs, G., & Buyse, M. (2005). The evaluation of surrogate endpoints. New York: Springer-Verlag.

Buyse, M., & Molenberghs, G. (1998). The validation of surrogate endpoints in randomized experiments. Biometrics, 54, 1014-1029.

Buyse, M., Molenberghs, G., Burzykowski, T., Renard, D., & Geys, H. (2000). The validation of surrogate endpoints in meta-analysis of randomized experiments. Biostatistics, 1, 49-67.

Kutner, M. H., Nachtsheim, C. J., Neter, J., & Li, W. (2005). Applied linear statistical models (5th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.

See Also

UnifixedContCont, BifixedContCont, UnimixedContCont, BimixedContCont, ICA.ContCont


## Not run:  # time consuming code part
# Example 1, based on the ARMD data:

# Assess surrogacy based on the single-trial meta-analytic approach:
Sur <- Single.Trial.RE.AA(Dataset=ARMD, Surr=Diff24, True=Diff52, Treat=Treat, Pat.ID=Id)

# Obtain a summary and plot of the results

# Example 2
# Conduct an analysis based on a simulated dataset with 2000 patients 
# and Rindiv=.8
# Simulate the data:
Sim.Data.STS(N.Total=2000, R.Indiv.Target=.8, Seed=123)

# Assess surrogacy:
Sur2 <- Single.Trial.RE.AA(Dataset=Data.Observed.STS, Surr=Surr, True=True, Treat=Treat, 

# Show a summary and plots of results

## End(Not run)

Evaluate the surrogate predictive function (SPF) in the binary-binary setting (sensitivity-analysis based approach)


Computes the surrogate predictive function (SPF) based on sensitivity-analyis, i.e., r(i,j)=P(ΔT=iΔS=j)r(i,j)=P(\Delta T=i|\Delta S=j), in the setting where both SS and TT are binary endpoints. For example, r(1,1)r(-1,1) quantifies the probability that the treatment has a negative effect on the true endpoint (ΔT=1\Delta T=-1) given that it has a positive effect on the surrogate (ΔS=1\Delta S=1). All quantities of interest are derived from the vectors of 'plausible values' for π\pi (i.e., vectors π\pi that are compatible with the observable data at hand). See Details below.





A fitted object of class ICA.BinBin, ICA.BinBin.Grid.Full, or ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample.


All r(i,j)=P(ΔT=iΔS=j)r(i,j)=P(\Delta T=i|\Delta S=j) are derived from π\pi (vector of potential outcomes). Denote by Y=(T0,T1,S0,S1)\bold{Y}'=(T_0,T_1,S_0,S_1) the vector of potential outcomes. The vector Y\bold{Y} can take 16 values and the set of parameters πijpq=P(T0=i,T1=j,S0=p,S1=q)\pi_{ijpq}=P(T_0=i,T_1=j,S_0=p,S_1=q) (with i,j,p,q=0/1i,j,p,q=0/1) fully characterizes its distribution.

Based on the data and assuming SUTVA, the marginal probabilites π11\pi_{1 \cdot 1 \cdot}, π10\pi_{1 \cdot 0 \cdot}, π11\pi_{\cdot 1 \cdot 1}, π10\pi_{\cdot 1 \cdot 0}, π01\pi_{0 \cdot 1 \cdot}, and π01\pi_{\cdot 0 \cdot 1} can be computed (by hand or using the function MarginalProbs). Define the vector

b=(1,π11,π10,π11,π10,π01,π01)\bold{b}'=(1, \pi_{1 \cdot 1 \cdot}, \pi_{1 \cdot 0 \cdot}, \pi_{\cdot 1 \cdot 1}, \pi_{\cdot 1 \cdot 0}, \pi_{0 \cdot 1 \cdot}, \pi_{\cdot 0 \cdot 1})

and A\bold{A} is a contrast matrix such that the identified restrictions can be written as a system of linear equation

Aπ=b.\bold{A \pi} = \bold{b}.

The matrix A\bold{A} has rank 77 and can be partitioned as A=(ArAf)\bold{A=(A_r | A_f)}, and similarly the vector π\bold{\pi} can be partitioned as π=(πrπf)\bold{\pi^{'}=(\pi_r^{'} | \pi_f^{'})} (where ff refers to the submatrix/vector given by the 99 last columns/components of A/π\bold{A/\pi}). Using these partitions the previous system of linear equations can be rewritten as

Arπr+Afπf=b.\bold{A_r \pi_r + A_f \pi_f = b}.

The functions ICA.BinBin, ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample, and ICA.BinBin.Grid.Full contain algorithms that generate plausible distributions for Y\bold{Y} (for details, see the documentation of these functions). Based on the output of these functions, SPF.BinBin computes the surrogate predictive function.



The vector of values for r(1,1)r(1, 1), i.e., P(ΔT=1ΔS=1P(\Delta T=1|\Delta S=1).


The vector of values for r(1,1)r(-1, 1).


The vector of values for r(0,1)r(0, 1).


The vector of values for r(1,0)r(1, 0).


The vector of values for r(1,0)r(-1, 0).


The vector of values for r(0,0)r(0, 0).


The vector of values for r(1,1)r(1, -1).


The vector of values for r(1,1)r(-1, -1).


The vector of values for r(0,1)r(0, -1).


The assumption regarding monotonicity under which the result was obtained.


Wim Van der Elst, Paul Meyvisch, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., & Molenberghs, G. (2015). Assessing a surrogate effect predictive value in a causal inference framework.

See Also

ICA.BinBin, ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample, ICA.BinBin.Grid.Full, plot.SPF.BinBin


# Use ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample to obtain plausible values for pi
ICA_BINBIN_Grid_Sample <- ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample(pi1_1_=0.341, pi0_1_=0.119,
pi1_0_=0.254, pi_1_1=0.686, pi_1_0=0.088, pi_0_1=0.078, Seed=1,
Monotonicity=c("General"), M=2500)

# Obtain SPF
SPF <- SPF.BinBin(ICA_BINBIN_Grid_Sample)

# examine results

Evaluate the surrogate predictive function (SPF) in the causal-inference single-trial setting in the binary-continuous case


The function SPF.BinCont computes the surrogate predictive function (SPF), i.e., the P[ΔTΔSIab]P[\Delta T | \Delta S \in I_{ab}] in the single-trial setting within the causal-inference framework when the surrogate endpoint is continuous (normally distributed) and the true endpoint is a binary outcome. For details, see Alonso et al. (2024).


SPF.BinCont(x, a, b)



A fitted object of class ICA.BinCont.


The lower interval aa in P[ΔTΔSIab]P[\Delta T | \Delta S \in I_{ab}].


The upper interval bb in P[ΔTΔSIab]P[\Delta T | \Delta S \in I_{ab}].


An object of class SPF.BinCont with important or relevant components:


The lower interval aa in P[ΔTΔSIab]P[\Delta T | \Delta S \in I_{ab}].


The upper interval bb in P[ΔTΔSIab]P[\Delta T | \Delta S \in I_{ab}].


The vector of P[ΔT=1ΔSI(,a)]P[\Delta T = -1 | \Delta S \in I_{(-\infty,a)}].


The vector of P[ΔT=0ΔSI(,a)]P[\Delta T = 0 | \Delta S \in I_{(-\infty,a)}].


The vector of P[ΔT=1ΔSI(,a)]P[\Delta T = 1 | \Delta S \in I_{(-\infty,a)}].


The vector of P[ΔT=1ΔSI(a,b)]P[\Delta T = -1 | \Delta S \in I_{(a,b)}].


The vector of P[ΔT=0ΔSI(a,b)]P[\Delta T = 0 | \Delta S \in I_{(a,b)}].


The vector of P[ΔT=1ΔSI(a,b)]P[\Delta T = 1 | \Delta S \in I_{(a,b)}].


The vector of P[ΔT=1ΔSI(b,)]P[\Delta T = -1 | \Delta S \in I_{(b,\infty)}].


The vector of P[ΔT=0ΔSI(b,)]P[\Delta T = 0 | \Delta S \in I_{(b,\infty)}].


The vector of P[ΔT=1ΔSI(b,)]P[\Delta T = 1 | \Delta S \in I_{(b,\infty)}].


The vector of P[ΔT=0ΔS=0]P[\Delta T = 0 | \Delta S = 0].


The vector of P[ΔT=ψ~ab(ΔS)]P[\Delta T = \tilde{\psi}_{ab}(\Delta S)], where ψ~ab(ΔS)=argmaxiP[ΔT=iΔS(x,y)]\tilde{\psi}_{ab}(\Delta S)=arg max_{i}P[\Delta T=i|\Delta S \in (x,y)].


The vector of ψ~ab(ΔS)=argmaxiP[ΔT=iΔS(x,y)]\tilde{\psi}_{ab}(\Delta S)=arg max_{i}P[\Delta T=i|\Delta S \in (x,y)], where (x,y)=(,a)(x,y)=(-\infty,a).


The vector of ψ~ab(ΔS)=argmaxiP[ΔT=iΔS(x,y)]\tilde{\psi}_{ab}(\Delta S)=arg max_{i}P[\Delta T=i|\Delta S \in (x,y)], where (x,y)=(a,b)(x,y)=(a,b).


The vector of ψ~ab(ΔS)=argmaxiP[ΔT=iΔS(x,y)]\tilde{\psi}_{ab}(\Delta S)=arg max_{i}P[\Delta T=i|\Delta S \in (x,y)], where (x,y)=(b,)(x,y)=(b,\infty).


Fenny Ong, Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, and Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., Ong, F., Van der Elst, W., Molenberghs, G., & Callegaro, A. (2024). Assessing a continuous surrogate predictive value for a binary true endpoint based on causal inference and information theory in vaccine trial.

See Also

ICA.BinCont, ICA.BinCont.BS, plot.SPF.BinCont


## Not run: # Time consuming code part
fit.ica <- ICA.BinCont.BS(Dataset = Schizo, Surr = BPRS, True = PANSS_Bin, nb = 10,
Theta.S_0=c(-10,-5,5,10,10,10,10,10), Theta.S_1=c(-10,-5,5,10,10,10,10,10),
Treat=Treat, M=50, Seed=1)

fit.spf <- SPF.BinCont(fit.ica, a=-5, b=5)


## End(Not run)

Bootstrap based on the multivariate normal sampling distribution


summary_level_bootstrap_ICA() performs a parametric type of bootstrap based on the estimated multivariate normal sampling distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator for the (observable) D-vine copula model parameters.


  measure = "ICA",
  mutinfo_estimator = NULL,
  ICA_estimator = NULL,
  composite = FALSE,
  restr_time = +Inf,
  ncores = 1



Returned value from fit_copula_OrdOrd(), fit_copula_OrdCont(), or fit_copula_ContCont(). This object contains the estimated identifiable part of the joint distribution for the potential outcomes.


Parameter vector for the sequence of unidentifiable bivariate copulas that define the D-vine copula. The elements of copula_par correspond to (c23,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{23}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Copula family of the other bivariate copulas. For the possible options, see loglik_copula_scale(). The elements of copula_family2 correspond to (c23,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{23}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Vector of rotation parameters for the sequence of unidentifiable bivariate copulas that define the D-vine copula. The elements of rotation_par correspond to (c23,c13;2,c24;3,c14;23)(c_{23}, c_{13;2}, c_{24;3}, c_{14;23}).


Number of Monte Carlo samples for the computation of the mutual information.


Number of bootstrap replications


Compute intervals for which measure of surrogacy? Defaults to "ICA". See first column names of sens_results for other possibilities.


Function that estimates the mutual information between the first two arguments which are numeric vectors. Defaults to FNN::mutinfo() with default arguments in the survival-survival setting. This argument is not used for non-survival-survival settings.


Function that estimates the ICA between the first two arguments which are numeric vectors. Defaults to NULL which corresponds to using estimate_ICA_ContCont(), estimate_ICA_OrdCont(), or estimate_ICA_OrdOrd() (depending on the endpoint types). This argument is not used in the survival-survival setting.


(boolean) If composite is TRUE, then the surrogate endpoint is a composite of both a "pure" surrogate endpoint and the true endpoint, e.g., progression-free survival is the minimum of time-to-progression and time-to-death.


Seed for Monte Carlo sampling. This seed does not affect the global environment.


Restriction time for the potential outcomes. Defaults to +Inf which means no restriction. Otherwise, the sampled potential outcomes are replace by pmin(S0, restr_time) (and similarly for the other potential outcomes).


Number of cores used in the sensitivity analysis. The computations are computationally heavy, and this option can speed things up considerably.


Let β^\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}} be the estimated identifiable parameter vector, Σ^\hat{\Sigma} the corresponding estimated covariance matrix, and ν\boldsymbol{\nu} a fixed value for the sensitivity parameter. The bootstrap is then performed in the following steps

  1. Resample the identifiable parameters from the estimated sampling distribution,

    β^(b)N(β^,Σ^).\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}^{(b)} \sim N(\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}, \hat{\Sigma}).

  2. For each resampled parameter vector and the fixed sensitivty parameter, compute the ICA as ICA(β^(b),ν)ICA(\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}^{(b)}, \boldsymbol{\nu}).


(numeric) Vector of bootstrap replications for the estimated ICA.

Provides a summary of the surrogacy measures for an object fitted with the 'FederatedApproachStage2()' function.


Provides a summary of the surrogacy measures for an object fitted with the 'FederatedApproachStage2()' function.


## S3 method for class 'FederatedApproachStage2'
summary(object, ...)



An object of class 'FederatedApproachStage2' fitted with the 'FederatedApproachStage2()' function.




The surrogacy measures with their 95% confidence intervals.


## Not run: 
#As an example, the federated data analysis approach can be applied to the Schizo data set
Schizo <-  Schizo[order(Schizo$InvestId, Schizo$Id),]
#Create separate datasets for each investigator
Schizo_datasets <- list()

for (invest_id in 1:198) {
Schizo_datasets[[invest_id]] <- Schizo[Schizo$InvestId == invest_id, ]
assign(paste0("Schizo", invest_id), Schizo_datasets[[invest_id]])
#Fit the first stage model for each dataset separately
results_stage1 <- list()
invest_ids <- list()
i <- 1
for (invest_id in 1:198) {
  dataset <- Schizo_datasets[[invest_id]]

  skip_to_next <- FALSE
  tryCatch(FederatedApproachStage1(dataset, Surr=CGI, True=PANSS, Treat=Treat, Trial.ID = InvestId,
                                   Min.Treat.Size = 5, Alpha = 0.05),
                                   error = function(e) { skip_to_next <<- TRUE})
  #if the trial does not have the minimum required number, skip to the next
  if(skip_to_next) { next }

  results_stage1[[invest_id]] <- FederatedApproachStage1(dataset, Surr=CGI, True=PANSS, Treat=Treat,
                                                         Trial.ID = InvestId, Min.Treat.Size = 5,
                                                         Alpha = 0.05)
  assign(paste0("stage1_invest", invest_id), results_stage1[[invest_id]])
  invest_ids[[i]] <- invest_id #keep a list of ids with datasets with required number of patients
  i <- i+1

invest_ids <- unlist(invest_ids)

#Combine the results of the first stage models
for (invest_id in invest_ids) {
  dataset <- results_stage1[[invest_id]]$Results.Stage.1
  if (invest_id == invest_ids[1]) {
    all_results_stage1<- dataset
 } else {
    all_results_stage1 <- rbind(all_results_stage1,dataset)

all_results_stage1 #that combines the results of the first stage models

R.list <- list()
i <- 1
for (invest_id in invest_ids) {
  R <- results_stage1[[invest_id]]$R.i
  R.list[[i]] <- as.matrix(R[1:4,1:4])
  i <- i+1

R.list #list that combines all the variance-covariance matrices of the fixed effects

fit <- FederatedApproachStage2(Dataset = all_results_stage1, Intercept.S = Intercept.S,
                               alpha = alpha, Intercept.T = Intercept.T, beta = beta,
                               sigma.SS = sigma.SS, sigma.ST = sigma.ST,
                               sigma.TT = sigma.TT, Obs.per.trial = n,
                               Trial.ID = Trial.ID, R.list = R.list)

## End(Not run)

Provides a summary of the surrogacy measures for an object fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvBin()' function.


Provides a summary of the surrogacy measures for an object fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvBin()' function.


## S3 method for class 'MetaAnalyticSurvBin'
summary(object, ...)



An object of class 'MetaAnalyticSurvBin' fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvBin()' function.




The surrogacy measures with their 95% confidence intervals.


## Not run: 
fit_bin <- MetaAnalyticSurvBin(data = colorectal, true = surv, trueind = SURVIND,
                               surrog = responder, trt = TREAT, center = CENTER,
                               trial = TRIAL, patientid = patientid,

## End(Not run)

Provides a summary of the surrogacy measures for an object fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvCat()' function.


Provides a summary of the surrogacy measures for an object fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvCat()' function.


## S3 method for class 'MetaAnalyticSurvCat'
summary(object, ...)



An object of class 'MetaAnalyticSurvCat' fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvCat()' function.




The surrogacy measures with their 95% confidence intervals.


## Not run: 
fit <- MetaAnalyticSurvCat(data = colorectal4, true = truend, trueind = trueind, surrog = surrogend,
                           trt = treatn, center = center, trial = trialend, patientid = patid,

## End(Not run)

Provides a summary of the surrogacy measures for an object fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvCont()' function.


Provides a summary of the surrogacy measures for an object fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvCont()' function.


## S3 method for class 'MetaAnalyticSurvCont'
summary(object, ...)



An object of class 'MetaAnalyticSurvCont' fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvCont()' function.




The surrogacy measures with their 95% confidence intervals.


## Not run: 
fit <- MetaAnalyticSurvCont(data = prostate, true = SURVTIME, trueind = SURVIND, surrog = PSA,
trt = TREAT, center = TRIAL, trial = TRIAL, patientid = PATID,
copula = "Hougaard", adjustment = "weighted")

## End(Not run)

Provides a summary of the surrogacy measures for an object fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvSurv()' function.


Provides a summary of the surrogacy measures for an object fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvSurv()' function.


## S3 method for class 'MetaAnalyticSurvSurv'
summary(object, ...)



An object of class 'MetaAnalyticSurvSurv' fitted with the 'MetaAnalyticSurvSurv()' function.




The surrogacy measures with their 95% confidence intervals.


## Not run: 
fit <- MetaAnalyticSurvSurv(data=Ovarian,true=Surv,trueind=SurvInd,surrog=Pfs,surrogind=PfsInd,

## End(Not run)

Assess surrogacy for two survival endpoints based on information theory and a two-stage approach


The function SurvSurv implements the information-theoretic approach to estimate individual-level surrogacy (i.e., Rh.ind2R^2_{h.ind}) and the two-stage approach to estimate trial-level surrogacy (Rtrial2R^2_{trial}, Rht2R^2_{ht}) when both endpoints are time-to-event variables (Alonso & Molenberghs, 2008). See the Details section below.


SurvSurv(Dataset, Surr, SurrCens, True, TrueCens, Treat,
Trial.ID, Weighted=TRUE, Alpha=.05)



A data.frame that should consist of one line per patient. Each line contains (at least) a surrogate value and censoring indicator, a true endpoint value and censoring indicator, a treatment indicator, and a trial ID.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the surrogate endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the censoring indicator for the surrogate endpoint values (1 = event, 0 = censored).


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the true endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the censoring indicator for the true endpoint values (1 = event, 0 = censored).


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the treatment indicators.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the trial ID to which the patient belongs.


Logical. If TRUE, then a weighted regression analysis is conducted at stage 2 of the two-stage approach. If FALSE, then an unweighted regression analysis is conducted at stage 2 of the two-stage approach. See the Details section below. Default TRUE.


The α\alpha-level that is used to determine the confidence intervals around Rtrial2R^2_{trial} and RtrialR_{trial}. Default 0.050.05.


Individual-level surrogacy

Alonso & Molenbergs (2008) proposed to redefine the surrogate endpoint SS as a time-dependent covariate S(t)S(t), taking value 00 until the surrogate endpoint occurs and 11 thereafter. Furthermore, these author considered the models

λ[txij,β]=Kij(t)λ0i(t)exp(βxij),\lambda [t \mid x_{ij}, \beta] = K_{ij}(t) \lambda_{0i}(t) exp(\beta x_{ij}),

λ[txij,sij,β,ϕ]=Kij(t)λ0i(t)exp(βxij+ϕSij),\lambda [t \mid x_{ij}, s_{ij}, \beta, \phi] = K_{ij}(t) \lambda_{0i}(t) exp(\beta x_{ij} + \phi S_{ij}),

where Kij(t)K_{ij}(t) is the risk function for patient jj in trial ii, xijx_{ij} is a p-dimensional vector of (possibly) time-dependent covariates, β\beta is a p-dimensional vector of unknown coefficients, λ0i(t)\lambda_{0i}(t) is a trial-specific baseline hazard function, SijS_{ij} is a time-dependent covariate version of the surrogate endpoint, and ϕ\phi its associated effect.

The mutual information between SS and TT is estimated as I(T,S)=1nG2I(T,S)=\frac{1}{n}G^2, where nn is the number of patients and G2G^2 is the log likelihood test comparing the previous two models. Individual-level surrogacy can then be estimated as

Rh.ind2=1exp(1nG2).R^2_{h.ind} = 1 - exp \left(-\frac{1}{n}G^2 \right).

O'Quigley and Flandre (2006) pointed out that the previous estimator depends upon the censoring mechanism, even when the censoring mechanism is non-informative. For low levels of censoring this may not be an issue of much concern but for high levels it could lead to biased results. To properly cope with the censoring mechanism in time-to-event outcomes, these authors proposed to estimate the mutual information as I(T,S)=1kG2{I}(T,S)=\frac{1}{k}G^2, where kk is the total number of events experienced. Individual-level surrogacy is then estimated as

Rh.ind2=1exp(1kG2).R^2_{h.ind} = 1 - exp \left(-\frac{1}{k}G^2 \right).

Trial-level surrogacy

A two-stage approach is used to estimate trial-level surrogacy, following a procedure proposed by Buyse et al. (2011). In stage 1, the following trial-specific Cox proportional hazard models are fitted:

Sij(t)=Si0(t)exp(αiZij),S_{ij}(t)=S_{i0}(t) exp(\alpha_{i}Z_{ij}),

Tij(t)=Ti0(t)exp(βiZij),T_{ij}(t)=T_{i0}(t) exp(\beta_{i}Z_{ij}),

where Si0(t)S_{i0}(t) and Ti0(t)T_{i0}(t) are the trial-specific baseline hazard functions, ZijZ_{ij} is the treatment indicator for subject jj in trial ii, and αi\alpha_{i}, βi\beta_{i} are the trial-specific treatment effects on S and T, respectively.

Next, the second stage of the analysis is conducted:


where the parameter estimates for βi\beta_i and αi\alpha_i are based on the full model that was fitted in stage 1.

When the argument Weighted=FALSE is used in the function call, the model that is fitted in stage 2 is an unweighted linear regression model. When a weighted model is requested (using the argument Weighted=TRUE in the function call), the information that is obtained in stage 1 is weighted according to the number of patients in a trial.

The classical coefficient of determination of the fitted stage 2 model provides an estimate of Rtrial2R^2_{trial}.


An object of class SurvSurv with components,


The results of stage 1 of the two-stage model fitting approach: a data.frame that contains the trial-specific log hazard ratio estimates of the treatment effects for the surrogate and the true endpoints.


An object of class lm (linear model) that contains the parameter estimates of the regression model that is fitted in stage 2 of the analysis.

A data.frame that contains the trial-level coefficient of determination (Rht2R^2_{ht}), its standard error and confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the individual-level coefficient of determination (Rhind2R^2_{hind}), its standard error and confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the individual-level coefficient of determination using the correction proposed by O'Quigley and Flandre (2006), its standard error and confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains individual-level surrogacy estimates using the correction proposed by O'Quigley and Flandre (2006), (cluster-based estimates) and their confidence interval for each of the trials seperately.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A. A., & Molenberghs, G. (2008). Evaluating time-to-cancer recurrence as a surrogate marker for survival from an information theory perspective. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 17, 497-504.

Buyse, M., Michiels, S., Squifflet, P., Lucchesi, K. J., Hellstrand, K., Brune, M. L., Castaigne, S., Rowe, J. M. (2011). Leukemia-free survival as a surrogate end point for overall survival in the evaluation of maintenance therapy for patients with acute myeloid leukemia in complete remission. Haematologica, 96, 1106-1112.

O'Quigly, J., & Flandre, P. (2006). Quantification of the Prentice criteria for surrogate endpoints. Biometrics, 62, 297-300.

See Also



# Open Ovarian dataset

# Conduct analysis
Fit <- SurvSurv(Dataset = Ovarian, Surr = Pfs, SurrCens = PfsInd,
True = Surv, TrueCens = SurvInd, Treat = Treat, 
Trial.ID = Center)

# Examine results 

Test whether the data are compatible with monotonicity for S and/or T (binary endpoints)


For some situations, the observable marginal probabilities contain sufficient information to exclude a particular monotonicity scenario. For example, under monotonicity for SS and TT, one of the restrictions that the data impose is π0111<min(π01,π11)\pi_{0111}<min(\pi_{0 \cdot 1 \cdot}, \pi_{\cdot 1 \cdot 1}). If the latter condition does not hold in the dataset at hand, monotonicity for SS and TT can be excluded.


Test.Mono(pi1_1_, pi0_1_, pi1_0_, pi_1_1, pi_1_0, pi_0_1)



A scalar that contains P(T=1,S=1Z=0)P(T=1,S=1|Z=0).


A scalar that contains P(T=0,S=1Z=0)P(T=0,S=1|Z=0).


A scalar that contains P(T=1,S=0Z=0)P(T=1,S=0|Z=0).


A scalar that contains P(T=1,S=1Z=1)P(T=1,S=1|Z=1).


A scalar that contains P(T=1,S=0Z=1)P(T=1,S=0|Z=1).


A scalar that contains P(T=0,S=1Z=1)P(T=0,S=1|Z=1).


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, Marc Buyse, & Geert Molenberghs


Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., & Molenberghs, G. (2015). Validation of surrogate endpoints: the binary-binary setting from a causal inference perspective.


Test.Mono(pi1_1_=0.2619048, pi1_0_=0.2857143, pi_1_1=0.6372549, 
pi_1_0=0.07843137, pi0_1_=0.1349206, pi_0_1=0.127451)

Estimates trial-level surrogacy in the information-theoretic framework


The function TrialLevelIT estimates trial-level surrogacy based on the vectors of treatment effects on SS (i.e., αi\alpha_{i}), intercepts on SS (i.e., μi\mu_{i}) and TT (i.e., βi\beta_{i}) in the different trials. See the Details section below.


TrialLevelIT(Alpha.Vector, Mu_S.Vector=NULL, 
Beta.Vector, N.Trial, Model="Reduced", Alpha=.05)



The vector of treatment effects on SS in the different trials, i.e., αi\alpha_{i}.


The vector of intercepts for SS in the different trials, i.e., μSi\mu_{Si}. Only required when a full model is requested.


The vector of treatment effects on TT in the different trials, i.e., βi\beta_{i}.


The total number of available trials.


The type of model that should be fitted, i.e., Model=c("Full") or Model=c("Reduced"). See the Details section below. Default Model=c("Reduced").


The α\alpha-level that is used to determine the confidence intervals around Rtrial2R^2_{trial} and RtrialR_{trial}. Default 0.050.05.


When a full model is requested (by using the argument Model=c("Full") in the function call), trial-level surrogacy is assessed by fitting the following univariate model:

βi=λ0+λ1μSi+λ2αi+εi,(1){\beta}_{i}=\lambda_{0}+\lambda_{1}{\mu_{Si}}+\lambda_{2}{\alpha}_{i}+ \varepsilon_{i}, (1)

where βi\beta_i = the trial-specific treatment effects on TT, μSi\mu_{Si} = the trial-specific intercepts for SS, and αi\alpha_i = the trial-specific treatment effects on SS. The 2-2 log likelihood value of model (1) (L1L_1) is subsequently compared to the 2-2 log likelihood value of an intercept-only model (βi=λ3{\beta}_{i}=\lambda_{3}; L0L_0), and Rht2R^2_{ht} is computed based based on the Variance Reduction Factor (for details, see Alonso & Molenberghs, 2007):

Rht2=1exp(L1L0N),R^2_{ht}= 1 - exp \left(-\frac{L_1-L_0}{N} \right),

where NN is the number of trials.

When a reduced model is requested (by using the argument Model=c("Reduced") in the function call), the following model is fitted:


The 2-2 log likelihood value of this model (L1L_1 for the reduced model) is subsequently compared to the 2-2 log likelihood value of an intercept-only model (βi=λ3{\beta}_{i}=\lambda_{3}; L0L_0), and Rht2R^2_{ht} is computed based on the reduction in the likelihood (as described above).


An object of class TrialLevelIT with components,


The vector of treatment effects on SS in the different trials.


The vector of treatment effects on TT in the different trials.


The total number of trials.

A data.frame that contains the trial-level coefficient of determination (Rht2R^2_{ht}), its standard error and confidence interval.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Burzykowski, T., Molenberghs, G., & Buyse, M. (2005). The evaluation of surrogate endpoints. New York: Springer-Verlag.

Buyse, M., Molenberghs, G., Burzykowski, T., Renard, D., & Geys, H. (2000). The validation of surrogate endpoints in meta-analysis of randomized experiments. Biostatistics, 1, 49-67.

See Also

UnimixedContCont, UnifixedContCont, BifixedContCont, BimixedContCont, plot.TrialLevelIT


# Generate vector treatment effects on S
set.seed(seed = 1)
Alpha.Vector <- seq(from = 5, to = 10, by=.1) + runif(min = -.5, max = .5, n = 51)

# Generate vector treatment effects on T
Beta.Vector <- (Alpha.Vector * 3) + runif(min = -5, max = 5, n = 51)

# Apply the function to estimate R^2_{h.t}
Fit <- TrialLevelIT(Alpha.Vector=Alpha.Vector,
Beta.Vector=Beta.Vector, N.Trial=50, Model="Reduced")


Estimates trial-level surrogacy in the meta-analytic framework


The function TrialLevelMA estimates trial-level surrogacy based on the vectors of treatment effects on SS (i.e., αi\alpha_{i}) and TT (i.e., βi\beta_{i}) in the different trials. In particular, βi\beta_{i} is regressed on αi\alpha_{i} and the classical coefficient of determination of the fitted model provides an estimate of Rtrial2R^2_{trial}. In addition, the standard error and CI are provided.


TrialLevelMA(Alpha.Vector, Beta.Vector, 
N.Vector, Weighted=TRUE, Alpha=.05)



The vector of treatment effects on SS in the different trials, i.e., αi\alpha_{i}.


The vector of treatment effects on TT in the different trials, i.e., βi\beta_{i}.


The vector of trial sizes NiN_{i}.


Logical. If TRUE, then a weighted regression analysis is conducted. If FALSE, then an unweighted regression analysis is conducted. Default TRUE.


The α\alpha-level that is used to determine the confidence intervals around Rtrial2R^2_{trial} and RtrialR_{trial}. Default 0.050.05.


An object of class TrialLevelMA with components,


The vector of treatment effects on SS in the different trials.


The vector of treatment effects on TT in the different trials.


The vector of trial sizes NiN_{i}.


A data.frame that contains the trial-level coefficient of determination (Rtrial2R^2_{trial}), its standard error and confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the trial-level correlation coefficient (RtrialR_{trial}), its standard error and confidence interval.


The fitted stage 22 model.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Burzykowski, T., Molenberghs, G., & Buyse, M. (2005). The evaluation of surrogate endpoints. New York: Springer-Verlag.

Buyse, M., Molenberghs, G., Burzykowski, T., Renard, D., & Geys, H. (2000). The validation of surrogate endpoints in meta-analysis of randomized experiments. Biostatistics, 1, 49-67.

See Also

UnimixedContCont, UnifixedContCont, BifixedContCont, BimixedContCont, plot Meta-Analytic


# Generate vector treatment effects on S
set.seed(seed = 1)
Alpha.Vector <- seq(from = 5, to = 10, by=.1) + runif(min = -.5, max = .5, n = 51)
# Generate vector treatment effects on T
Beta.Vector <- (Alpha.Vector * 3) + runif(min = -5, max = 5, n = 51)
# Vector of sample sizes of the trials (here, all n_i=10)
N.Vector <- rep(10, times=51)

# Apply the function to estimate R^2_{trial}
Fit <- TrialLevelMA(Alpha.Vector=Alpha.Vector,
Beta.Vector=Beta.Vector, N.Vector=N.Vector)

# Plot the results and obtain summary

Assess trial-level surrogacy for two survival endpoints using a two-stage approach


The function TwoStageSurvSurv uses a two-stage approach to estimate Rtrial2R^2_{trial}. In stage 1, trial-specific Cox proportional hazard models are fitted and in stage 2 the trial-specific estimated treatment effects on TT are regressed on the trial-specific estimated treatment effects on SS (measured on the log hazard ratio scale). The user can specify whether a weighted or unweighted model should be fitted at stage 2. See the Details section below.


TwoStageSurvSurv(Dataset, Surr, SurrCens, True, TrueCens, Treat,
Trial.ID, Weighted=TRUE, Alpha=.05)



A data.frame that should consist of one line per patient. Each line contains (at least) a surrogate value and censoring indicator, a true endpoint value and censoring indicator, a treatment indicator, and a trial ID.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the surrogate endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the censoring indicator for the surrogate endpoint values (1 = event, 0 = censored).


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the true endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the censoring indicator for the true endpoint values (1 = event, 0 = censored).


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the treatment indicators.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the trial ID to which the patient belongs.


Logical. If TRUE, then a weighted regression analysis is conducted at stage 2 of the two-stage approach. If FALSE, then an unweighted regression analysis is conducted at stage 2 of the two-stage approach. See the Details section below. Default TRUE.


The α\alpha-level that is used to determine the confidence intervals around Rtrial2R^2_{trial} and RtrialR_{trial}. Default 0.050.05.


A two-stage approach is used to estimate trial-level surrogacy, following a procedure proposed by Buyse et al. (2011). In stage 1, the following trial-specific Cox proportional hazard models are fitted:

Sij(t)=Si0(t)exp(αiZij),S_{ij}(t)=S_{i0}(t) exp(\alpha_{i}Z_{ij}),

Tij(t)=Ti0(t)exp(βiZij),T_{ij}(t)=T_{i0}(t) exp(\beta_{i}Z_{ij}),

where Si0(t)S_{i0}(t) and Ti0(t)T_{i0}(t) are the trial-specific baseline hazard functions, ZijZ_{ij} is the treatment indicator for subject jj in trial ii, μSi\mu_{Si}, and αi\alpha_{i} and βi\beta_{i} are the trial-specific treatment effects on S and T, respectively.

Next, the second stage of the analysis is conducted:


where the parameter estimates for βi\beta_i, μSi\mu_{Si}, and αi\alpha_i are based on the full model that was fitted in stage 1.

When the argument Weighted=FALSE is used in the function call, the model that is fitted in stage 2 is an unweighted linear regression model. When a weighted model is requested (using the argument Weighted=TRUE in the function call), the information that is obtained in stage 1 is weighted according to the number of patients in a trial.

The classical coefficient of determination of the fitted stage 2 model provides an estimate of Rtrial2R^2_{trial}.


An object of class TwoStageSurvSurv with components,


Prior to conducting the surrogacy analysis, data of trials that do not have at least three patients per treatment arm are excluded due to estimation constraints (Burzykowski et al., 2001). Data.Analyze is the dataset on which the surrogacy analysis was conducted.


The results of stage 1 of the two-stage model fitting approach: a data.frame that contains the trial-specific log hazard ratio estimates of the treatment effects for the surrogate and the true endpoints.


An object of class lm (linear model) that contains the parameter estimates of the regression model that is fitted in stage 2 of the analysis.


A data.frame that contains the trial-level coefficient of determination (Rtrial2R^2_{trial}), its standard error and confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the trial-level correlation coefficient (RtrialR_{trial}), its standard error and confidence interval.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Burzykowski, T., Molenberghs, G., Buyse, M., Geys, H., & Renard, D. (2001). Validation of surrogate endpoints in multiple randomized clinical trials with failure-time endpoints. Applied Statistics, 50, 405-422.

Buyse, M., Michiels, S., Squifflet, P., Lucchesi, K. J., Hellstrand, K., Brune, M. L., Castaigne, S., Rowe, J. M. (2011). Leukemia-free survival as a surrogate end point for overall survival in the evaluation of maintenance therapy for patients with acute myeloid leukemia in complete remission. Haematologica, 96, 1106-1112.

See Also



# Open Ovarian dataset

# Conduct analysis
Results <- TwoStageSurvSurv(Dataset = Ovarian, Surr = Pfs, SurrCens = PfsInd, 
True = Surv, TrueCens = SurvInd, Treat = Treat, Trial.ID = Center)

# Examine results of analysis

Fit binary-continuous copula submodel with two-step estimator


The twostep_BinCont() function fits the copula (sub)model fir a continuous surrogate and binary true endpoint with a two-step estimator. In the first step, the marginal distribution parameters are estimated through maximum likelihood. In the second step, the copula parameter is estimate while holding the marginal distribution parameters fixed.


  marginal_surrogate_estimator = NULL,
  method = "BFGS"



(numeric) Continuous surrogate variable


(integer) Binary true endpoint variable (Tk{0,1}T_k \, \in \, \{0, 1\})


Copula family, one of the following:

  • "clayton"

  • "frank"

  • "gumbel"

  • "gaussian"


Marginal distribution for the surrogate. For all available options, see ?Surrogate::cdf_fun.


Not yet implemented


Optimization algorithm for maximizing the objective function. For all options, see ?maxLik::maxLik. Defaults to "BFGRS".


A list with three elements:

  • ml_fit: object of class maxLik::maxLik that contains the estimated copula model.

  • marginal_S_dist: object of class fitdistrplus::fitdist that represents the marginal surrogate distribution.

  • copula_family: string that indicates the copula family

Fit survival-survival copula submodel with two-step estimator


The twostep_SurvSurv() function fits the copula (sub)model for a time-to-event surrogate and true endpoint with a two-step estimator. In the first step, the marginal distribution parameters are estimated through maximum likelihood. In the second step, the copula parameter is estimate while holding the marginal distribution parameters fixed.


  method = "BFGS"



(numeric) Possibly right-censored time-to-surrogate event


(integer) Surrogate event indicator:

  • 1L if surrogate event ocurred.

  • 0L if censored.


(numeric) Possibly right-censored time-to-true endpoint event


(integer) True endpoint event indicator:

  • 1L if true endpoint event ocurred.

  • 0L if censored.


Copula family, one of the following:

  • "clayton"

  • "frank"

  • "gumbel"

  • "gaussian"


Number of internal knots for the Royston-Parmar survival models for S~0\tilde{S}_0, T0T_0, S~1\tilde{S}_1, and T1T_1. If length(n_knots) == 1, the same number of knots are assumed for the four marginal distributions.


Optimization algorithm for maximizing the objective function. For all options, see ?maxLik::maxLik. Defaults to "BFGS".


A list with three elements:

  • ml_fit: object of class maxLik::maxLik that contains the estimated copula model.

  • marginal_S_dist: object of class fitdistrplus::fitdist that represents the marginal surrogate distribution.

  • copula_family: string that indicates the copula family

Fits univariate fixed-effect models to assess surrogacy in the meta-analytic multiple-trial setting (continuous-continuous case)


The function UnifixedContCont uses the univariate fixed-effects approach to estimate trial- and individual-level surrogacy when the data of multiple clinical trials are available. The user can specify whether a (weighted or unweighted) full, semi-reduced, or reduced model should be fitted. See the Details section below. Further, the Individual Causal Association (ICA) is computed.


UnifixedContCont(Dataset, Surr, True, Treat, Trial.ID, Pat.ID, Model=c("Full"), 
Weighted=TRUE, Min.Trial.Size=2, Alpha=.05, Number.Bootstraps=500, 
Seed=sample(1:1000, size=1), T0T1=seq(-1, 1, by=.2), T0S1=seq(-1, 1, by=.2), 
T1S0=seq(-1, 1, by=.2), S0S1=seq(-1, 1, by=.2))



A data.frame that should consist of one line per patient. Each line contains (at least) a surrogate value, a true endpoint value, a treatment indicator, a patient ID, and a trial ID.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the surrogate endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the true endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the treatment indicators. The treatment indicator should either be coded as 11 for the experimental group and 1-1 for the control group, or as 11 for the experimental group and 00 for the control group.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the trial ID to which the patient belongs.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the patient's ID.


The type of model that should be fitted, i.e., Model=c("Full"), Model=c("Reduced"), or Model=c("SemiReduced"). See the Details section below. Default Model=c("Full").


Logical. If TRUE, then a weighted regression analysis is conducted at stage 2 of the two-stage approach. If FALSE, then an unweighted regression analysis is conducted at stage 2 of the two-stage approach. See the Details section below. Default TRUE.


The minimum number of patients that a trial should contain to be included in the analysis. If the number of patients in a trial is smaller than the value specified by Min.Trial.Size, the data of the trial are excluded from the analysis. Default 22.


The α\alpha-level that is used to determine the confidence intervals around Rtrial2R^2_{trial}, RtrialR_{trial}, Rindiv2R^2_{indiv}, and RindivR_{indiv}. Default 0.050.05.


The standard errors and confidence intervals for Rindiv2R^2_{indiv} and RindivR_{indiv} are determined as based on a bootstrap procedure. Number.Bootstraps specifies the number of bootstrap samples that are used. Default 500500.


The seed to be used in the bootstrap procedure. Default sample(1:1000,size=1)sample(1:1000, size=1).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T0 and T1 that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta} (ICA). For details, see function ICA.ContCont. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.2).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T0 and S1 that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.2).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T1 and S0 that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.2).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals S0 and S1 that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.2).


When the full bivariate mixed-effects model is fitted to assess surrogacy in the meta-analytic framework (for details, Buyse & Molenberghs, 2000), computational issues often occur. In that situation, the use of simplified model-fitting strategies may be warranted (for details, see see Burzykowski et al., 2005; Tibaldi et al., 2003).

The function UnifixedContCont implements one such strategy, i.e., it uses a two-stage univariate fixed-effects modelling approach to assess surrogacy. In the first stage of the analysis, two univariate linear regression models are fitted to the data of each of the ii trials. When a full or semi-reduced model is requested (by using the argument Model=c("Full") or Model=c("SemiReduced") in the function call), the following univariate models are fitted:



where ii and jj are the trial and subject indicators, SijS_{ij} and TijT_{ij} are the surrogate and true endpoint values of subject jj in trial ii, ZijZ_{ij} is the treatment indicator for subject jj in trial ii, μSi\mu_{Si} and μTi\mu_{Ti} are the fixed trial-specific intercepts for S and T, and αi\alpha_{i} and βi\beta_{i} are the fixed trial-specific treatment effects on S and T, respectively. The error terms εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij} are assumed to be independent.

When a reduced model is requested by the user (by using the argument Model=c("Reduced") in the function call), the following univariate models are fitted:



where μS\mu_{S} and μT\mu_{T} are the common intercepts for S and T (i.e., it is assumed that the intercepts for the surrogate and the true endpoints are identical in each of the trials). The other parameters are the same as defined above, and εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij} are again assumed to be independent.

An estimate of Rindiv2R^2_{indiv} is provided by r(εSij,εTij)2r(\varepsilon_{Sij}, \varepsilon_{Tij})^2.

Next, the second stage of the analysis is conducted. When a full model is requested (by using the argument Model=c("Full") in the function call), the following model is fitted:


where the parameter estimates for βi\beta_i, μSi\mu_{Si}, and αi\alpha_i are based on the full models that were fitted in stage 1.

When a semi-reduced or reduced model is requested (by using the argument Model=c("SemiReduced") or Model=c("Reduced") in the function call), the following model is fitted:


where the parameter estimates for βi\beta_i and αi\alpha_i are based on the semi-reduced or reduced models that were fitted in stage 1.

When the argument Weighted=FALSE is used in the function call, the model that is fitted in stage 2 is an unweighted linear regression model. When a weighted model is requested (using the argument Weighted=TRUE in the function call), the information that is obtained in stage 1 is weighted according to the number of patients in a trial.

The classical coefficient of determination of the fitted stage 2 model provides an estimate of Rtrial2R^2_{trial}.


An object of class UnifixedContCont with components,


Prior to conducting the surrogacy analysis, data of patients who have a missing value for the surrogate and/or the true endpoint are excluded. In addition, the data of trials (i) in which only one type of the treatment was administered, and (ii) in which either the surrogate or the true endpoint was a constant (i.e., all patients within a trial had the same surrogate and/or true endpoint value) are excluded. In addition, the user can specify the minimum number of patients that a trial should contain in order to include the trial in the analysis. If the number of patients in a trial is smaller than the value specified by Min.Trial.Size, the data of the trial are excluded. Data.Analyze is the dataset on which the surrogacy analysis was conducted.


A data.frame that contains the total number of patients per trial and the number of patients who were administered the control treatment and the experimental treatment in each of the trials (in Data.Analyze).


The results of stage 1 of the two-stage model fitting approach: a data.frame that contains the trial-specific intercepts and treatment effects for the surrogate and the true endpoints (when a full or semi-reduced model is requested), or the trial-specific treatment effects for the surrogate and the true endpoints (when a reduced model is requested).


A data.frame that contains the residuals for the surrogate and true endpoints that are obtained in stage 1 of the analysis (εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij}).


An object of class lm (linear model) that contains the parameter estimates of the regression model that is fitted in stage 2 of the analysis.


A data.frame that contains the trial-level coefficient of determination (Rtrial2R^2_{trial}), its standard error and confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the individual-level coefficient of determination (Rindiv2R^2_{indiv}), its standard error and confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the trial-level correlation coefficient (RtrialR_{trial}), its standard error and confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the individual-level correlation coefficient (RindivR_{indiv}), its standard error and confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the correlations between the surrogate and the true endpoint in the control treatment group (i.e., ρT0S0\rho_{T0S0}) and in the experimental treatment group (i.e., ρT1S1\rho_{T1S1}), their standard errors and their confidence intervals.


The variance-covariance matrix of the trial-specific intercept and treatment effects for the surrogate and true endpoints (when a full or semi-reduced model is fitted, i.e., when Model=c("Full") or Model=c("SemiReduced") is used in the function call), or the variance-covariance matrix of the trial-specific treatment effects for the surrogate and true endpoints (when a reduced model is fitted, i.e., when Model=c("Reduced") is used in the function call). The variance-covariance matrix D.Equiv is equivalent to the D\bold{D} matrix that would be obtained when a (full or reduced) bivariate mixed-effect approach is used; see function BimixedContCont).


A fitted object of class ICA.ContCont.


The variance of the true endpoint in the control treatment condition.


The variance of the true endpoint in the experimental treatment condition.


The variance of the surrogate endpoint in the control treatment condition.


The variance of the surrogate endpoint in the experimental treatment condition.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Burzykowski, T., Molenberghs, G., & Buyse, M. (2005). The evaluation of surrogate endpoints. New York: Springer-Verlag.

Buyse, M., Molenberghs, G., Burzykowski, T., Renard, D., & Geys, H. (2000). The validation of surrogate endpoints in meta-analysis of randomized experiments. Biostatistics, 1, 49-67.

Tibaldi, F., Abrahantes, J. C., Molenberghs, G., Renard, D., Burzykowski, T., Buyse, M., Parmar, M., et al., (2003). Simplified hierarchical linear models for the evaluation of surrogate endpoints. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 73, 643-658.

See Also

UnimixedContCont, BifixedContCont, BimixedContCont, plot Meta-Analytic


## Not run:  #Time consuming (>5 sec) code parts
# Example 1, based on the ARMD data

# Fit a full univariate fixed-effects model with weighting according to the  
# number of patients in stage 2 of the two stage approach to assess surrogacy:
Sur <- UnifixedContCont(Dataset=ARMD, Surr=Diff24, True=Diff52, Treat=Treat, Trial.ID=Center, 
Pat.ID=Id, Model="Full", Weighted=TRUE)

# Obtain a summary and plot of the results

# Example 2
# Conduct an analysis based on a simulated dataset with 2000 patients, 100 trials, 
# and Rindiv=Rtrial=.8
# Simulate the data:
Sim.Data.MTS(N.Total=2000, N.Trial=100, R.Trial.Target=.8, R.Indiv.Target=.8,
Seed=123, Model="Reduced")

# Fit a reduced univariate fixed-effects model without weighting to assess
# surrogacy:
Sur2 <- UnifixedContCont(Dataset=Data.Observed.MTS, Surr=Surr, True=True, Treat=Treat, 
Trial.ID=Trial.ID, Pat.ID=Pat.ID, Model="Reduced", Weighted=FALSE)

# Show a summary and plots of results:
plot(Sur2, Weighted=FALSE)
## End(Not run)

Fits univariate mixed-effect models to assess surrogacy in the meta-analytic multiple-trial setting (continuous-continuous case)


The function UnimixedContCont uses the univariate mixed-effects approach to estimate trial- and individual-level surrogacy when the data of multiple clinical trials are available. The user can specify whether a (weighted or unweighted) full, semi-reduced, or reduced model should be fitted. See the Details section below. Further, the Individual Causal Association (ICA) is computed.


UnimixedContCont(Dataset, Surr, True, Treat, Trial.ID, Pat.ID, Model=c("Full"), 
Weighted=TRUE, Min.Trial.Size=2, Alpha=.05, Number.Bootstraps=500,
Seed=sample(1:1000, size=1), T0T1=seq(-1, 1, by=.2), T0S1=seq(-1, 1, by=.2), 
T1S0=seq(-1, 1, by=.2), S0S1=seq(-1, 1, by=.2), ...)



A data.frame that should consist of one line per patient. Each line contains (at least) a surrogate value, a true endpoint value, a treatment indicator, a patient ID, and a trial ID.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the surrogate endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the true endpoint values.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the treatment indicators. The treatment indicator should either be coded as 11 for the experimental group and 1-1 for the control group, or as 11 for the experimental group and 00 for the control group.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the trial ID to which the patient belongs.


The name of the variable in Dataset that contains the patient's ID.


The type of model that should be fitted, i.e., Model=c("Full"), Model=c("Reduced"), or Model=c("SemiReduced"). See the Details section below. Default Model=c("Full").


Logical. If TRUE, then a weighted regression analysis is conducted at stage 2 of the two-stage approach. If FALSE, then an unweighted regression analysis is conducted at stage 2 of the two-stage approach. See the Details section below. Default TRUE.


The minimum number of patients that a trial should contain to be included in the analysis. If the number of patients in a trial is smaller than the value specified by Min.Trial.Size, the data of the trial are excluded from the analysis. Default 22.


The α\alpha-level that is used to determine the confidence intervals around Rtrial2R^2_{trial}, RtrialR_{trial}, Rindiv2R^2_{indiv}, and RindivR_{indiv}. Default 0.050.05.


The confidence intervals for Rindiv2R^2_{indiv} and RindivR_{indiv} are determined as based on a bootstrap procedure. Number.Bootstraps specifies the number of bootstrap samples that are to be used. Default 500500.


The seed to be used in the bootstrap procedure. Default sample(1:1000,size=1)sample(1:1000, size=1).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T0 and T1 that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta} (ICA). For details, see function ICA.ContCont. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.2).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T0 and S1 that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.2).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals T1 and S0 that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.2).


A scalar or vector that contains the correlation(s) between the counterfactuals S0 and S1 that should be considered in the computation of ρΔ\rho_{\Delta}. Default seq(-1, 1, by=.2).


Other arguments to be passed to the function lmer (of the R package lme4) that is used to fit the geralized linear mixed-effect models in the function BimixedContCont.


When the full bivariate mixed-effects model is fitted to assess surrogacy in the meta-analytic framework (for details, Buyse & Molenberghs, 2000), computational issues often occur. In that situation, the use of simplified model-fitting strategies may be warranted (for details, see Burzykowski et al., 2005; Tibaldi et al., 2003).

The function UnimixedContCont implements one such strategy, i.e., it uses a two-stage univariate mixed-effects modelling approach to assess surrogacy. In the first stage of the analysis, two univariate mixed-effects models are fitted to the data. When a full or semi-reduced model is requested (by using the argument Model=c("Full") or Model=c("SemiReduced") in the function call), the following univariate models are fitted:



where ii and jj are the trial and subject indicators, SijS_{ij} and TijT_{ij} are the surrogate and true endpoint values of subject jj in trial ii, ZijZ_{ij} is the treatment indicator for subject jj in trial ii, μS\mu_{S} and μT\mu_{T} are the fixed intercepts for S and T, mSim_{Si} and mTim_{Ti} are the corresponding random intercepts, α\alpha and β\beta are the fixed treatment effects for S and T, and aia_{i} and bib_{i} are the corresponding random treatment effects, respectively. The error terms εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij} are assumed to be independent.

When a reduced model is requested (by using the argument Model=c("Reduced") in the function call), the following two univariate models are fitted:



where μS\mu_{S} and μT\mu_{T} are the common intercepts for S and T (i.e., it is assumed that the intercepts for the surrogate and the true endpoints are identical in each of the trials). The other parameters are the same as defined above, and εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij} are again assumed to be independent.

An estimate of Rindiv2R^2_{indiv} is computed as r(εSij,εTij)2r(\varepsilon_{Sij}, \varepsilon_{Tij})^2.

Next, the second stage of the analysis is conducted. When a full model is requested by the user (by using the argument Model=c("Full") in the function call), the following model is fitted:


where the parameter estimates for βi\beta_i, μSi\mu_{Si}, and αi\alpha_i are based on the models that were fitted in stage 1, i.e., βi=β+bi\beta_{i}=\beta+b_{i}, μSi=μS+mSi\mu_{Si}=\mu_{S}+m_{Si}, and αi=α+ai\alpha_{i}=\alpha+a_{i}.

When a reduced or semi-reduced model is requested by the user (by using the arguments Model=c("SemiReduced") or Model=c("Reduced") in the function call), the following model is fitted:


where the parameters are the same as defined above.

When the argument Weighted=FALSE is used in the function call, the model that is fitted in stage 2 is an unweighted linear regression model. When a weighted model is requested (using the argument Weighted=TRUE in the function call), the information that is obtained in stage 1 is weighted according to the number of patients in a trial.

The classical coefficient of determination of the fitted stage 2 model provides an estimate of Rtrial2R^2_{trial}.


An object of class UnimixedContCont with components,


Prior to conducting the surrogacy analysis, data of patients who have a missing value for the surrogate and/or the true endpoint are excluded. In addition, the data of trials (i) in which only one type of the treatment was administered, and (ii) in which either the surrogate or the true endpoint was a constant (i.e., all patients within a trial had the same surrogate and/or true endpoint value) are excluded. In addition, the user can specify the minimum number of patients that a trial should contain in order to include the trial in the analysis. If the number of patients in a trial is smaller than the value specified by Min.Trial.Size, the data of the trial are excluded. Data.Analyze is the dataset on which the surrogacy analysis was conducted.


A data.frame that contains the total number of patients per trial and the number of patients who were administered the control treatment and the experimental treatment in each of the trials (in Data.Analyze).


The results of stage 1 of the two-stage model fitting approach: a data.frame that contains the trial-specific intercepts and treatment effects for the surrogate and the true endpoints (when a full or semi-reduced model is requested), or the trial-specific treatment effects for the surrogate and the true endpoints (when a reduced model is requested).


A data.frame that contains the residuals for the surrogate and true endpoints that are obtained in stage 1 of the analysis (εSij\varepsilon_{Sij} and εTij\varepsilon_{Tij}).


A data.frame that contains the fixed intercept and treatment effects for S and T (i.e., μS\mu_{S}, μT\mu_{T}, α\alpha, and β\beta) when a full, semi-reduced, or reduced model is fitted in stage 1.


A data.frame that contains the random intercept and treatment effects for S and T (i.e., mSim_{Si}, mTim_{Ti}, aia_{i} and bib_{i}) when a full or semi-reduced model is fitted in stage 1, or that contains the random treatment effects for S and T (i.e., aia_{i}, and bib_{i}) when a reduced model is fitted in stage 1.


An object of class lm (linear model) that contains the parameter estimates of the regression model that is fitted in stage 2 of the analysis.


A data.frame that contains the trial-level coefficient of determination (Rtrial2R^2_{trial}), its standard error and confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the individual-level coefficient of determination (Rindiv2R^2_{indiv}), its standard error and confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the trial-level correlation coefficient (RtrialR_{trial}), its standard error and confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the individual-level correlation coefficient (RindivR_{indiv}), its standard error and confidence interval.


A data.frame that contains the correlations between the surrogate and the true endpoint in the control treatment group (i.e., ρT0S0\rho_{T0S0}) and in the experimental treatment group (i.e., ρT1S1\rho_{T1S1}), their standard errors and their confidence intervals.


The variance-covariance matrix of the trial-specific intercept and treatment effects for the surrogate and true endpoints (when a full or semi-reduced model is fitted, i.e., when Model=c("Full") or Model=c("SemiReduced") is used in the function call), or the variance-covariance matrix of the trial-specific treatment effects for the surrogate and true endpoints (when a reduced model is fitted, i.e., when Model=c("Reduced") is used in the function call). The variance-covariance matrix D.Equiv is equivalent to the D\bold{D} matrix that would be obtained when a (full or reduced) bivariate mixed-effects approach is used; see function BimixedContCont).


A fitted object of class ICA.ContCont.


The variance of the true endpoint in the control treatment condition.


The variance of the true endpoint in the experimental treatment condition.


The variance of the surrogate endpoint in the control treatment condition.


The variance of the surrogate endpoint in the experimental treatment condition.


Wim Van der Elst, Ariel Alonso, & Geert Molenberghs


Burzykowski, T., Molenberghs, G., & Buyse, M. (2005). The evaluation of surrogate endpoints. New York: Springer-Verlag.

Buyse, M., Molenberghs, G., Burzykowski, T., Renard, D., & Geys, H. (2000). The validation of surrogate endpoints in meta-analysis of randomized experiments. Biostatistics, 1, 49-67.

Tibaldi, F., Abrahantes, J. C., Molenberghs, G., Renard, D., Burzykowski, T., Buyse, M., Parmar, M., et al., (2003). Simplified hierarchical linear models for the evaluation of surrogate endpoints. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 73, 643-658.

See Also

UnifixedContCont, BifixedContCont, BimixedContCont, plot Meta-Analytic


## Not run:  #Time consuming code part
# Conduct an analysis based on a simulated dataset with 2000 patients, 100 trials, 
# and Rindiv=Rtrial=.8
# Simulate the data:
Sim.Data.MTS(N.Total=2000, N.Trial=100, R.Trial.Target=.8, R.Indiv.Target=.8,
Seed=123, Model="Reduced")

# Fit a reduced univariate mixed-effects model without weighting to assess surrogacy:
Sur <- UnimixedContCont(Dataset=Data.Observed.MTS, Surr=Surr, True=True, Treat=Treat, 
Trial.ID=Trial.ID, Pat.ID=Pat.ID, Model="Reduced", Weighted=FALSE)

# Show a summary and plots of the results:
plot(Sur, Weighted=FALSE)
## End(Not run)